If You Want To Write A Book, Make Sure You Do This First

I’m a writer, and I love it. It’s one of the most rewarding things in the world. But there are times when writing a book is downright difficult particularly if you’re just starting or haven’t written anything before. So here’s some advice on how to get started writing your book:

How to Write a Book: 13 Steps From a Bestselling Author
Proper planning and preparation are crucial before you start writing a book. Research your topic thoroughly, create a detailed outline, and establish a writing routine to set yourself up for success.
Understand your target audience and their preferences to tailor your writing style and content to resonate with them.
Overcoming self-doubt is essential; believe in your ability to create meaningful work and embrace the challenges that come with writing.
Begin with a captivating hook or introduction to engage your readers from the very beginning of your book.
Take the time to refine your writing skills and seek continuous improvement. Writing is a craft that requires practice and dedication

Research The Marketplace

It’s important to learn about your target audience, and not just so you can write a book they’ll want to read. Knowing who they are will help you determine whether or not there is an actual market for your book.

If you already have a following, then great! But if not, then research what people are reading and writing in your genre by looking at Amazon bestsellers lists and checking out top-rated books on Goodreads (a site where users rate books). This way, you’ll know if there is a market for your book before investing time and effort into writing it.

Looking to turn your passion for writing into a source of income? Discover the art of crafting a book that not only resonates but also brings in revenue. Learn more about writing a book that gets you paid and unlock the potential of your words.

Write For Readers, Not For Yourself

That might seem like an obvious thing to say, but I’m going to take it a step further: Write what you would want to read. When you’re writing a book, it’s easy to think that your work needs to be perfect. It’s also easy to think that other people will love everything about it because why wouldn’t they? You wrote this! You made this! Of course, everyone will love everything about it!

But no matter how much time and energy we put into our work, there are inevitable parts that don’t come out quite right or need more attention and revision before they’re finished just as we’d hoped they’d look when we first started working on them. 

And if there are parts of your book you aren’t 100% happy with yet…then chances are good that someone else won’t be either.*

Write About What You’re Passionate About

A big part of writing a book is having a passion for what you’re writing about, so it’s important to choose a topic that inspires you.

If you’re passionate about writing about something and have plenty of experience in it, then this is probably the easiest book idea to get started on. You’ll know everything there is to know about this topic and can easily share your knowledge with others through your book.

However, if no single thing stands out as being significant in terms of your life experiences or interests, then it may be harder to narrow down exactly what subject matter will make up your book.

Wondering why you should invest your time and effort in writing a book? There are compelling reasons that might just convince you to pick up that pen. Explore the 12 reasons why you should write a book and start your literary journey today.

Set Aside Time Every Day To Write

One of the most important things to do when writing a book is to set aside time every day for it. Writing can be a frustrating process, and if you don’t have enough time to work on your project, it will be hard to make progress. You’ll also be less likely to finish your book if you don’t make regular progress.

If you’re having trouble finding the time, try working on your book in the morning or evening before other activities take over your schedule (or at lunchtime), or dedicate some hours on weekends or holidays when there are fewer distractions around. 

If possible, find someone else who wants to write their book so that both of you can support each other in making sure that both of you meet deadlines!

Develop Your Writing Style And Voice

There are no rules for writing a book. You can write it in any way that is comfortable for you and authentic to yourself. Find your voice, develop your style and tell the story you want to tell in the best way possible!

You want readers to be able to connect with your story on an emotional level so they feel like they know YOU as the writer, not just some author who has written this amazing book. If they don’t see themselves or their experiences in yours then no one will buy it or read it because there’s nothing relatable about it at all!

Start With A Book That’s Easy To Write

Before you even think about writing, it’s important to decide on the topic of your book. This can be a difficult task if you’ve never tried this before and aren’t sure where to start.

  • What are your strengths?
  • Do you have a lot of experience in the topic?
  • Is this something that interests you?

If you don’t know much about the subject matter, then maybe it’s best to start with something else. It’s better to write about something that fits into your skillset and interests than it is to try and learn what feels like an entirely new area of expertise as well as trying to write a book at the same time.

Crafting powerful communication isn’t limited to book writing alone. Enhance your writing skills by delving into the art of creating impactful content, such as a killer press release. Uncover techniques that transcend genres and mediums.

Turn Off The Voices In Your Head That Tell You That You Can’t Do It

If you want to write a book, the first thing you need to do is turn off the voices in your head that tell you that it can’t be done. These are words from people who have never written a book before and are not writing one now. Don’t listen to them! If they had any idea what was going on behind closed doors, they would be singing a different tune.

If there were one thing that could make or break my decision to publish my first book, it was finding out about the many ways I could learn more about writing and publishing so I could take advantage of them as soon as possible. 

The resources at AuthorU offered me everything from support from other authors-in-the-making (complete with their own stories), tips on how much blogging matters for marketing purposes, and even information on how important editing is when preparing manuscripts for publication. 

This last bit proved especially useful once I finished my manuscript and began looking into editing services offered by third parties such as Reedsy or Upwork (formerly known as Odesk).

Hire An Editor And Designer

If you want to write a book, make sure you hire an editor and designer.

A good editor can help you to write better, as well as point out areas of improvement in your manuscript. A designer will help you turn your manuscript into a beautiful piece of art that people will want to read…and buy!

It’s tempting to try to do everything yourself because it seems like a great way to save money and oftentimes it is but hiring an editor and designer are two things that are worth spending money on if they’re in your budget. 

You’ll be getting their expertise and experience at producing high-quality books (or websites or whatever), while they’ll also allow you more time for writing instead of designing or editing (or both!)

If we’ve learned anything from indie writers around the world over the past decade it’s this: If someone wants something done right, they need experts who know what they’re doing.

Are you considering a career in the realm of writing? Explore an unconventional path that involves both journalism and PR writing. Learn how to kickstart your journey by beginning as a freelance PR writer and lay the foundation for your writing aspirations.

Self-Publish Or Publish Traditionally? You Choose!

Self-publishing is a great way to get started, but it’s not for everyone. If you have a book that isn’t right for traditional publishing and your goal is to make money from your writing, self-publishing can be a good choice. However, if you want the prestige of being traditionally published (or if your book will sell better with their help) then skip over this section.

Be Prepared For A Challenging But Rewarding Journey Ahead

If you’re expecting the writing to be a rewarding, easy experience that will lead to success, you may be in for some disappointment.

The truth is that there is no easy path to writing or publishing a book. Writing a book is going to take time and effort but it will also be the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done. The journey of writing your first novel will test your patience, your goals, and even your desire for completion (which is where I’m at now).

But if you stick with it long enough, all of these obstacles will pay off in one way or another: You’ll have completed something great; published something impressive; made new friends; learned about yourself; improved as a person…the list goes on. And each one of those things deserves praise!

The Best Books Are Researched, Well Written, And Published In A Way That Gets Them In Front Of The Right Audience

If you want to write a book, make sure you do this first. It’s vital to understand the marketplace. For example, if you’re writing about how to get fit and healthy, then your audience is going to be very different from the people who would read an erotic novel.

You need to write for readers, not yourself. If you’re passionate about your topic and excited about sharing it with others, that’s great! But remember that other people might not share your passion for whatever it is that makes up your interests or hobbies and that’s okay! 

The point is simply this: write what will appeal most strongly to potential readers out there on the internet or in print stores or wherever else they may be looking for books on their favorite topics (or whatever).

Set aside time every day so that nothing can stop you from getting words onto the page even if they’re rough and unpolished at first.

Even if some days seem like total garbage; even if sometimes all you do is stare at a blank screen waiting for inspiration (which never comes) while being consumed by self-doubt over whether this thing could ever possibly see light as anything more than an unfinished draft collecting dust under piles of other unfinished drafts collecting dust…you get my drift? 

Just keep going anyway! Developing a writing style and voice takes time and many books fail because their authors give up too soon before reaching any semblance of success (or even finishing them!). 

So here are three tips: start small instead of aiming big right away; set deadlines for yourself so that each day becomes dedicated solely toward completing something new within whatever boundaries are imposed upon it.

Develop patience with yourself as well as confidence in what ultimately achieves completion within those boundaries (even if those end up being less than ideal).

Eager to share your literary creation with the world in a matter of months? Unlock the secrets to expedite the book publishing process. Discover the steps to publish a book in the next three months and witness your story come to life sooner than you thought possible.


Writing a book is a great way to get your message out into the world. But it’s not an easy process, and it takes time and dedication. If you want to write a book but don’t know where to start, we hope this article will help! 

You’ll need to do some research about what kind of book would work best for your audience and topic; then you can start writing it with confidence knowing that people will be reading what comes out at the end.

Further Reading

Reedsy: How to Write a Book Learn the essential steps and strategies to guide you through the process of writing your own book.

Self-Publishing: How to Write a Book Dive into a comprehensive guide that offers insights into the art of writing and self-publishing a book.

Forbes Books: How to Write a Book in 10 Simple Steps Discover a straightforward approach to crafting a book with this concise, step-by-step guide.

And here’s the “FAQs” section with questions and answers:


How do I start the process of writing a book?

Embarking on a book-writing journey begins with brainstorming ideas, outlining your content, and setting a writing schedule that suits your pace and commitments.

What are some effective techniques for overcoming writer’s block?

Writer’s block can be overcome by taking breaks, changing your writing environment, seeking inspiration from other sources, and practicing freewriting exercises.

How long does it take to write a book?

The time it takes to write a book varies widely depending on factors such as the book’s length, complexity, and your writing speed. Some authors take a few months, while others may take years.

How can I stay motivated throughout the writing process?

Maintain your motivation by setting small milestones, rewarding yourself for achievements, seeking support from writing communities, and reminding yourself of your book’s purpose.

What are some essential editing and revision tips for my manuscript?

Editing and revising involve multiple rounds of review for grammar, structure, plot consistency, and more. Consider seeking beta readers, hiring a professional editor, and embracing constructive feedback.