How To Write The Perfect YouTube Video Script (Guide)

Video is one of the most powerful tools for content marketing. It’s a medium that people love and it’s easy to get started with. 

You can create videos using your smartphone or webcam, but if you want to create engaging and effective videos that generate results, then you need to write an awesome script first.

How To Write A Script For YouTube Videos – The Right Way
1. Understand the fundamentals of video scriptwriting to create engaging content.
2. Craft a script that keeps your audience hooked from start to finish.
3. Use a clear and concise language to convey your message effectively.
4. Include a compelling call-to-action to encourage viewer engagement.
5. Revise and refine your script to ensure it aligns with your video’s goals.

1 – Write In Outline Form

Outline form is the best way to write any script.

  • Outline form is easier to follow and easier to write.
  • Outline form is easier to read, which makes sense because you’re reading what you just wrote! And if someone else has an outline in front of them, they can follow along too (especially when it comes time for a television or radio interview).
  • Outline form works better for your memory: 
  • You’ll be able to remember what you wrote much better when writing in outline form than if you were just writing paragraphs from one topic sentence up until the end of the first paragraph (or even worse, from one sentence all the way through). 
  • In other words: When we start out dictating our thoughts without doing anything more than putting them down verbatim on paper or screen.
  • Which we cannot do without making errors we will find ourselves lost very quickly due to missing details that would have been easily remembered had they been included in an outline format early on.” – Lonnie Brown

If you want to write video scripts that actually get viewed, it’s essential to understand the fundamentals. Our comprehensive guide on video script writing 101 provides valuable insights and tips to make your videos stand out from the crowd.

2 – Focus On Your Delivery

The most important factor in delivering a great video script is your delivery. The tone and volume of your voice, the speed at which you speak, and the way you use pauses, hand gestures, and facial expressions are all crucial to creating an engaging experience for the viewer. 

If you’re not confident in your ability to deliver these aspects of performance then consider hiring an experienced voice actor or actress for some extra help.

Here are some tips on how delivery can be improved:

Speak clearly – If someone has trouble understanding what you are saying then they won’t be able to listen or watch with interest or focus. 

You want them to enjoy exactly what it is that makes up this content so work hard at making sure everything else about it is crystal clear as well as being just right for its intended audience (and purpose).

Use a pleasant tone – Whether spoken loudly enough or softly enough depending on context; whether fast-paced or slow; whether with enthusiasm in mind.

All these things must be considered carefully when crafting any piece of communication because they will impact greatly upon how content receives by those who consume it too!

3 – Know The Purpose Of The Video

When planning your script, it’s important to consider what you are trying to accomplish in the video. What is the purpose? 

Are you trying to inform potential customers about a new product/service, or are you looking to educate them on how to use your platform? Are you trying to explain an issue that people have been experiencing with a product or service, and need help from viewers?

Even if you’re just aiming for entertainment value (which can still be valuable), knowing the purpose of your video will help guide the flow of what information is presented, as well as how it is presented.

Earning $15k per month by writing video scripts is a dream for many. Discover how to turn this dream into reality with our step-by-step guide on making 15k per month from video script writing. Unlock your earning potential and excel in the world of video scriptwriting.

4 – Keep The Story Going

The next step is to write the script, but how do you do that?

The best way to get started is to start writing. Go ahead and write whatever comes into your head about what you want to say in your video. Don’t worry about whether it’s good or not, just get it out there without stopping. 

Once you’ve done this, take some time away from it and look over what you’ve written later on when you have a fresh mind. 

If there are any parts of your script that don’t make sense or don’t flow well together, edit them as needed until they read smoothly like a story with each sentence leading directly into the next one. 

The goal here isn’t just making sure every word has an apostrophe in front of it; no one wants their viewers to get stuck on stupid grammar mistakes while watching something important like an educational video!

You should also think about leaving out unnecessary details so that nothing distracts from getting across whatever message is most important for viewers.

(e.g., if lots are going on behind-the-scenes at work then maybe mention briefly how tough things can be sometimes but then move on to talking about how technology helps make those tasks easier). In other words: keep them engaged!

5 – Find Ways To Keep It Snappy

There’s no need to go overboard on the word count when writing your script. While it’s important to consider the length of each video, you don’t want to make things too daunting for yourself by trying to write an epic novel that would take viewers days to get through. 

The best way around this problem is by keeping your sentences short and sharp, your words simple and easy-to-understand, and your paragraphs brief but poignant (if possible).

This will ensure that viewers can easily process what you’re saying, without having their minds wander over large chunks of text or paragraphs full of unnecessary fluff. 

This also means not going overboard with adjectives or adverbs in order not to distract from what matters: delivering information quickly while still being clear about what you’re trying to convey!

One way that I’ve found helpful when writing scripts is making sure they’re no longer than five minutes long — or less if possible! Keeping videos shorter ensures that viewers aren’t overwhelmed by content at one time which may cause them

Want to improve your video scriptwriting skills and get more social proof for your work? Learn how to write better video scripts that earn links and credibility with our expert tips in this detailed guide on writing better video scripts and gaining social proof.

6 – Use Transition Words And Phrases

Transition words and phrases help the reader follow your train of thought. They also keep the reader engaged because they help them understand the flow of your story.

When it comes to writing a script, there are plenty of ways you can use transition words and phrases to keep your viewers interested in what you have to say. 

Transition words like “however” and “but” give context to one idea before moving on to another one. This helps make sure that both ideas in a sentence stay connected:

“I love dogs.”

  • However, when I was young I was afraid of them.”

7 – Include Cues For Visuals, Music, Or Sound Effects

You can also use music to convey a mood or emotion. You might want to use an upbeat song to get your audience excited and feeling motivated, or you might want to use a slower, more somber song to make them feel sad or reflective.

Music is also great for setting the tone of your video. If you’re making an educational video about how to bake cookies and you want it to be light-hearted, using upbeat music will help your viewer understand the message. 

If on the other hand you are making a serious documentary about global warming and want people’s attention focused on what they are watching, then slow classical music would be appropriate.

Finally, music is great at helping viewers understand the message of your video by conveying what they should feel while watching it (e.g., happy/sad; peaceful/excited).

8 – Consider Adding A Call-To-Action Or Something For Viewers To Do Next

A call-to-action (CTA) is a statement that encourages the audience to take a specific action. For example, you could say “subscribe” or “buy now!” in your video script. 

This is one of the most important things to include in your YouTube video script because it tells viewers what they should do next, which makes it easier for them to engage with the content.

There are many different types of CTAs messaging that urge people to buy something, subscribe, learn more about an offer, share on social media or visit another website are just some examples of CTA statements you could use in your YouTube video script. 

It’s important that whatever CTA statement you choose to be specific and actionable so that people know exactly what they’re supposed to do when they finish watching.

9 – Optimize Your Script For SEO

You want your video to be found by people searching for a keyword or phrase that is related to the content of your video. 

That’s why it’s important to optimize your script with keywords and phrases that are relevant to what you’re talking about in the video, which will help YouTube know what kind of videos they should show people who are searching for similar content.

The easiest way to do this is by using those keywords and phrases in places where they matter most: at the top of the first paragraph, at least once; first sentence, at least once; first word, at least once; and so on. 

This way when someone searches for something related to what you’re saying in your video, it will come up right away as one of their top results – as long as no one else has used those exact words before!

Crafting video scripts that don’t make your audience think twice can lead to higher engagement. Discover the art of writing plain English video scripts in our insightful guide on creating video scripts that don’t make your audience think. Keep your message clear and concise for better results.

10 – Never Forget About Branding

Once you’ve completed a video script, the next step is to make sure that it includes your brand. This is the most important aspect of any video script: without a strong focus on branding, people will forget who you are and why they should care about what you have to say.

Brand connection happens when viewers feel like they know who created the video, but more importantly when viewers feel like they can connect with that person/company. 

It makes them feel like there’s a real person behind every message and if customers can relate to that person or company as an individual rather than just some corporate entity trying to sell something, then they’re more likely to trust them and buy from them in the future.

11 – Think About Who You’re Speaking To And Where They Are In Their Journey So You Can Be Relatable And Genuine

When writing the script for your video, think about who you are talking to. You should use language that is familiar to them. If you want a sophisticated audience, use a more sophisticated tone of voice and vocabulary. 

If you want an audience from another country or culture, use their local dialects and colloquialisms as well as words that might not be common in English but mean the same thing.

12 – Number Each Point You Make

Let’s say you’re making a video about how to tie a scarf. So, step one is “Begin with the loop,” step two is “Tighten,” and so on. You’ll be able to keep track of your thoughts better if you number each point. 

That way, when it comes time for editing and you’re staring at a sea of words in Final Draft, all those numbers will help guide you through what needs to stay and what needs to go.

13 – Keep The Language Simple And Easy To Understand By Grade-Schoolers

It’s also important to use language that is simple, easy to understand, and easy to pronounce. This is especially true if you have a lot of foreign viewers (like me!). The best way to do this is by avoiding jargon or anything that your audience won’t understand. 

You should also avoid using words that are difficult for the average person to spell or pronounce you don’t want them getting lost halfway through your video!

Finally, make sure you use words that are familiar to your niche. If people don’t know what a word means they will be confused and not understand what you’re talking about.

14 – Write Conversationally As If You’re Having It With A Friend. And Don’t Use Jargon

Writing conversationally will help you connect with your audience, especially if they are not native English speakers or are just learning English. You want to make sure that the reader can understand what you’re saying and that it’s in a way that feels natural.

Don’t use jargon!

15 – Consider Using Your Target’s Words By Using Language They Often Use While Talking About Their Pain Points

It’s important to use the language your target audience uses.

If you want to create content that resonates with your target audience, then you must use the same words and phrases they use when talking about their pain points. 

For example, if you are working in the healthcare market and trying to attract a 25-35 year old female demographic.

Then it would be important for you to include words like “stress” or “anxiety” in your script because these are common issues that young women will be familiar with. 

If you are writing a script for an older male audience who works in construction or law enforcement, then it may be more appropriate for them not only to identify themselves as someone who is stressed but also to describe themselves as being “frustrated by…

Dreaming of creating YouTube videos that go viral? Our guide on tips for creating viral YouTube videos covers the essential strategies and techniques to increase your chances of achieving viral success. Unleash your video’s potential today!

16 – Don’t Ever Say “Um,” “Ah,” Or “Like”

You don’t want to sound like a robot or mumble your words, but you don’t want to say “um” and “ah” every few seconds either. 

The best way to avoid this is by planning ahead of time what points you want to make and how they’ll be structured. Do some research on the subject at hand and write down bullet points that can easily be incorporated into your narration.

This will help eliminate any filler words, which makes for a much more professional-sounding video script!


This post was written to help you write the perfect YouTube video script. The information here is meant to give you a starting point, but it’s up to you how far from the model you want to stray!

So go forth and do some research on your own. The more information that is out there about something, the easier it is for us humans to understand (and remember). 

Finally, don’t forget to have fun writing this script! It’s an awesome opportunity that most people never get: being able to share their thoughts with such a huge audience.

Further Reading

The Ultimate Guide to Writing YouTube Video Scripts: Enhance your video scriptwriting skills with this comprehensive guide from VidIQ, covering everything from structuring your script to engaging your audience effectively.

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write a YouTube Video Script: Vmaker provides a detailed step-by-step guide to help you craft compelling YouTube video scripts that keep viewers hooked from start to finish.

How to Write a YouTube Video Script: A Step-by-Step Guide: Tasty Edits offers valuable insights and practical tips on creating engaging YouTube video scripts that resonate with your target audience.


What are the key elements of an effective YouTube video script?

An effective YouTube video script should include a compelling introduction, a clear message, a call-to-action, and a strong conclusion.

How long should a YouTube video script be?

The ideal length of a YouTube video script depends on your content and audience. Generally, aim for concise scripts that keep viewers engaged throughout.

How do I structure a YouTube video script?

A well-structured YouTube video script typically follows a logical sequence, starting with an attention-grabbing hook, followed by the main content, and concluding with a memorable ending.

Should I memorize the entire script before filming?

While memorizing your script can make delivery smoother, it’s also essential to maintain a natural tone and be flexible during recording.

How can I make my YouTube video script more engaging?

Incorporate storytelling, visuals, and humor into your script to make it more engaging and captivating for your audience.