Tips For Writing Great Youtube Video Scripts (My Experience)

When writing a script for a YouTube video, you have to be aware of the format you’re working with and the type of content you’re creating. 

You may think that it’s easy enough to just write what you want and be done with it, but there are many elements that go into this process from planning out your introduction and conclusion to laying out each section of your script. 

To help make sure that everything reads smoothly and isn’t too boring or uninteresting for viewers’ ears, here are some tips on how to write great scripts:

Write The Best Scripts For Your YouTube Videos
1. Crafting compelling video scripts is essential for YouTube success.
2. Incorporate storytelling techniques to engage your audience.
3. Use a clear and concise script structure for better communication.
4. Maintain authenticity and let your brand’s voice shine through.
5. Practice and revise your scripts to improve their impact.

Create A Video Distinct To Your Personal Brand

A key element in crafting a script that is unique to your brand is creating a video that’s different from other videos in your niche. You must differentiate yourself from the competition by creating content that sets you apart.

When it comes to making sure your video has an exclusive look and feel, one of the best ways to achieve this is by using custom animations. Animation can help add visual interest and make it easier for viewers to follow along with what you’re saying on screen.

For example, let’s say you’re selling web design services; instead of using stock graphics or stock footage throughout the whole video (which would be very typical), try animating elements.

So they show up only when needed like at points where a client might ask questions about your service offerings or pricing structure.”

Writing a compelling video script is crucial for engaging your audience. Learn the basics of video script writing in our guide on Video Script Writing 101 and discover how to create scripts that truly captivate viewers.

Tell A Compelling Story

You should use a narrative structure or story arc. This is a pattern that has been used in storytelling since the beginning of time, and it works because people are wired to recognize it. 

The narrative structure provides a satisfying experience for your viewers and helps them understand what to expect from your video.

Here’s how the traditional three-act story arc looks:

Act 1 – A problem (rising action) is introduced in the first part of your script; this could be an “inciting incident,” like a murder or car accident; or something more subtle like when someone introduces an idea for some new product/service or starts working on their project.

Act 2 – You get into the middle part of your script where there are some ups and downs (complications). Maybe one character seems suspicious at this point but then another character comes clean about him/herself after some other stuff happens? 

Maybe someone gets hurt during work activities? Maybe there’s some kind of conflict between characters that forces them apart from each other temporarily (but not permanently)? Put anything that makes things more dramatic here! 

These kinds of things will happen regardless so don’t worry about whether they’re convenient or not–just make sure they’re realistic.

Because people want realism when watching videos online most often these days anyway unless it’s comedy sketches made specifically with satire written into them by writers who know exactly how much exaggeration goes into making jokes on purpose these days anyway oops sorry got sidetracked again…

Start With A Strong Introduction

A strong introduction sets the tone for your video and makes it memorable, in a good way. It’s also important to include information about what you’ll be talking about in your video — this is called “context clues.” 

This will help viewers understand some of the terms or ideas that you’ll use later on in your script.

When writing an introduction, consider these tips:

Keep it short and sweet. Your introduction should only be two sentences long (at most). The goal is to make viewers interested enough to keep watching. If this isn’t done well enough, then people will lose interest before they even get into the actual content of your video!

Make sure it makes sense logically and grammatically. 

You want people reading along with ease as well as understanding what’s going on within those first few minutes so there’s no confusion later down the road when they’ve already invested themselves emotionally into watching because they’re curious about what happens next…

Crafting a video script that resonates with your audience can lead to increased links and social proof. Check out our tips for writing better video scripts to leverage the power of well-crafted scripts for your YouTube channel.

Write Compelling Headlines And Titles

Good titles and headlines are critical to attracting viewers. Use these tips to make them pop:

Make your title keyword-rich. You can’t control what search engines will rank you, but you can use keywords that are relevant to your topic in the title of your video or article. 

This is especially effective if you’re trying to rank highly for a specific term because it has low competition or is new on the market.

Ensure that all of your headlines are written in active voice (as opposed to passive). Active voice makes it easier for readers to understand the point of your content.

So they’ll be more likely to stay engaged with what they’re reading and share it with friends who could benefit from it as well.

Use short sentences throughout the body copy as well as within headlines themselves; long sentences may give off an air of pretension that’s not appropriate for informal communications like blogs and social media posts where brevity is key! Don’t forget: shorter means better here!

Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant To The Title And Theme Of The Video

One of the most common mistakes people make when writing scripts for YouTube videos is not making sure their content is relevant to the title and theme of the video.

If you’re like me, you may have been guilty of this at one time or another. We write a script that’s supposed to be about “How to Avoid Throwing Out Food Waste”, for example, but then we realize halfway through writing it that we’ve written something more like “A Guide To Organizing Your Shelves”. 

The result? Confusion from viewers who watch your video expecting one thing and getting something completely different (or worse: no engagement whatsoever).

To avoid this problem: make sure your content is interesting, relevant, and engaging; make sure it’s useful, practical, and actionable; make sure it’s clear, concise, and well-written.

Want your YouTube videos to go viral? Follow these tips for creating viral YouTube videos and learn how to create content that captivates viewers and sparks sharing across social media platforms.

The Script Should Be About 120 Words For Every Minute Of Video

This is a good technique for any kind of content, not just YouTube videos. For example, a 120-word script would be about the right length for a blog post that was 500 words long.

You can use word counting software like Hemingway App to check how many words are in your script and make sure you don’t have too many or too few.

For example, if you write out a script with more than 120 words per minute of video (which is the recommended rate), then it’s likely that people won’t read through the whole thing before they get bored and leave the page. 

This means they won’t see all of your important points! On the other hand, if your script has less than 120 words per minute (or whatever count works best for you), then some viewers might get impatient before they’ve seen what’s important in your video.

Practice Speaking Aloud Before Shooting

Practicing your lines is not only a great way to make sure you know what you’re saying and can say it without stumbling over yourself, but it also helps keep the flow of your script natural. It’s better than having a bunch of scripted lines that sound unnatural or forced when spoken aloud.

To practice, you can try:

Saying your lines to a friend or family member (if they don’t mind). Or doing an improv scene with someone who has agreed to be in it with you. 

The goal here isn’t necessarily perfection it’s allowing yourself time and space for experimentation so that when the camera rolls, everything feels natural.

Speaking into any available microphone (even if it doesn’t record) while filming yourself on camera (or just looking at yourself in a mirror). Again, this isn’t about being perfect; it’s about making sure that whatever words come out of your mouth feel right and sound right too!

Finally, filming yourself in front of an audience may seem scary at first but this kind of practice will help break down any nerves or shyness around speaking publicly which is essential if you want people to watch!

Looking to turn your passion for writing into a lucrative career? Explore the world of video script writing and discover how you can make $15k per month writing video scripts. Unlock the potential of your creativity and skills while crafting compelling stories for captivating videos.

Split Up Your Script Into Chunks That Are Easy To Memorize And Speak

To make your video script easy to memorize and speak, you should chunk it into sections that are no more than one minute long.

This will help you organize your thoughts and give each section a clear purpose. Then, when you’re recording the video, you can simply read from top to bottom without worrying about forgetting what comes next.

Eliminate unnecessary introductory phrases such as “today I’m talking about” or “I want to talk about.”

You should avoid using filler words like “um” or “like” in your script. Instead, pause and take a breath to give yourself time to think. Use a variety of sentence lengths when writing your script. This helps keep things interesting and easier to follow while you’re reading it aloud on camera.

Split up your script into chunks that are easy to memorize and speak. Eliminate unnecessary introductory phrases such as “today I’m talking about” or “I want to talk about.” 

Use attention-grabbing visuals like titles, lower thirds, text templates, intros, graphics cards (like this one), etc…

Use Attention-Grabbing Visuals Like Titles, Lower Thirds, Text Templates, Intros, Outros, And Transitions

Use attention-grabbing visuals like titles, lower thirds, text templates, intros, outros, and transitions.

When you’re writing a script for a YouTube video, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that your audience may not be able to read it as clearly as they would if you were reading aloud or writing on paper. 

Basically: viewers are watching your video with the sound turned off (or at least down very low).

Visuals can help with this problem by making sure that no matter how much they turn down their speakers or mute them together, they will still know what you want them to know about your script. 

This way they’ll be able to follow along better while reading silently instead of staring blankly at words floating across their screen like subtitles in an old silent film!

Don’t Use Filler Words Like ‘um’ Or ‘like.’ Instead, Pause And Take A Breath To Give Yourself Time To Think

When you say “um,” it’s like the train coming to a screeching halt in the middle of your speech. It is jarring. And that’s not what you want your viewers to experience when they’re watching your video.

Instead, pause and take a breath to give yourself time to think. When you’re talking, people will tend to fill in those gaps with filler words (like “um”) themselves you don’t need to do that for them!

Instead of saying “um,” try substituting one of these alternatives:

  • Pause for a second or two
  • Say “let me think about this” or “I have an idea”
  • Repeat what was just said by someone else

Use A Variety Of Sentence Lengths When Writing Your Script. This Helps Keep Things Interesting And Easier To Follow While You’re Reading It Aloud On Camera

Short sentences are easier to digest, so they’re great for giving the most important information first. Longer sentences make you sound more intelligent, so they can be used in places where you want to add some detail or context.

If you aspire to become a video script writer, take a look at our expert advice on how to become a video script writer. Learn from experienced professionals and start your journey toward crafting compelling scripts that engage audiences.

If You Can’t Find The Right Word, Find A Way To Describe What You Mean Using Multiple Words Or Using Synonyms To Explain Yourself Further

For example: “You have the option of choosing from many different types of coffee mugs.”

Instead of saying: “You have the option of choosing from many different types of coffee mugs.”

Try saying: “You can choose from several kinds of coffee mugs.”

Choose one voice tone for the length of the video unless you’re changing characters or inflecting emotion in speech (e.g., sarcasm, excitement). Stick with this tone until you’ve reached the end of your script.

Voice tone is how you speak. It can be calm or exciting, sarcastic or flat. Voice tone can also be used to convey emotion and character.

So it’s important to choose one for your script and stick with it until you’ve reached the end of your script unless you’re using voice tone to prove a point (e.g., sarcasm).


Writing great YouTube scripts is an art, but if you follow the tips outlined in this blog post, you’ll be well on your way to creating compelling videos that are sure to engage viewers. 

Remember that it’s important to keep things simple when writing your script so that they’re easy for someone else (like an editor) to understand later on in the process as well. When all is said and done, remember that practice makes perfect!

Further Reading

How to Write a YouTube Video Script: A Step-by-Step Guide: Learn a detailed, step-by-step approach to crafting effective YouTube video scripts for engaging content.

Video Scripts: How to Write Persuasive Scripts for Your Marketing Videos: Discover valuable tips and techniques for writing persuasive scripts that drive results in your marketing videos.

How to Write YouTube Video Scripts: A Comprehensive Guide: Get insights into writing compelling YouTube video scripts that keep viewers watching and boost your channel’s performance.


How do I structure a YouTube video script effectively?

A well-structured YouTube video script starts with a captivating hook, followed by a clear introduction, engaging content, and a strong call-to-action at the end.

What are some tips for keeping viewers engaged throughout the video?

To keep viewers engaged, use storytelling techniques, include visuals and graphics, vary the pace and tone, and ask questions or create interactive moments.

How long should a YouTube video script be?

The ideal length of a YouTube video script depends on the content and audience. Generally, aim for concise scripts that get your message across without unnecessary fluff.

Should I memorize the script or use a teleprompter?

It’s recommended to practice your script to sound natural, but avoid memorizing it word for word. Using a teleprompter can help you maintain a smooth delivery.

How can I ensure my video script aligns with my brand’s voice?

To ensure your video script matches your brand’s voice, focus on using language and tone consistent with your brand’s personality and values. Conduct a brand voice analysis if needed.