How To Write A Press Release Anyone Can Read

Writing a press release isn’t easy. You have to make sure it’s short, concise, and that it easily communicates the most important information about your company or organization. But how do you do this? How can you write something that anyone can read? Let me tell you: by following these simple steps!

How to Write a Press Release (Free Template) – YouTube
1. Craft a compelling headline that grabs attention.
2. Structure your press release with key information: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
3. Keep the lead paragraph concise and engaging to entice readers to continue.
4. Include relevant quotes and statistics to add credibility and depth.
5. Make the press release newsworthy by focusing on unique angles and timely topics.
6. Incorporate multimedia elements like images and videos to enhance the story.
7. Proofread meticulously to eliminate errors and maintain professionalism.
8. Include contact information for media inquiries and follow-ups.
9. Consider distribution methods to ensure your press release reaches the right audience.
10. Craft a compelling boilerplate that provides a concise overview of your company.

Keep It Short

This is the most important part of your press release. You want to keep it as brief, yet detailed, as possible without leaving anything out that might be relevant to your story or product. 

If you’re writing about a music festival in Seattle, don’t write an entire paragraph about how beautiful the city is and what people should expect from their visit when only one sentence will do (e.g., “Seattle summers are perfect for outdoor festivals like this one!”).

Crafting press releases that get published involves a delicate blend of art and science. To maximize the impact of your announcements, delve into the details of The Science of Crafting Press Releases That Get Published, and gain insights into the techniques that captivate media attention.

Use The Right Template

You can use The New York Times’ template, or you can use this one. It doesn’t matter which one you choose as long as it has been tested and proven to work.

But remember: the right template is not enough! You also need to know how to craft a press release that’s easy for anyone even non-journalists to read.

Your goal is simple: make it so that even someone who doesn’t care about your company will want to read your press release over breakfast cereal or while waiting in line at Starbucks. So let’s get into some basics on how you can do just that!

Don’t Makeup Words

  • Don’t makeup words.
  • Avoid jargon and acronyms.
  • Use plain language, not industry-specific jargon that only those in your industry can understand. If you have to use an acronym, include a definition of it at the beginning of your press release so everyone can understand what it means.

Use short sentences and paragraphs when possible: they’re easier to read than long ones! Short sentences also keep readers engaged because each sentence builds on the next one, creating a sense of flow that’s easy for anyone to follow along with (as opposed to longer paragraphs where each sentence stands alone).

Avoid using the same word more than once in any given sentence or paragraph it will interrupt the flow of reading for those newbies who might be unfamiliar with what you’re talking about.

Make sure active verbs are used wherever possible (e.g., “we launched” instead of “the product was launched”). Active voice makes writing much more compelling since it emphasizes what matters the action itself rather than who did it or why someone should care about its effects! 

Also remember that present tense works better than past tense because whereas past tense generalizes events into timelessness (“our company has been successful”), present tense sets events into motion right now (“our company continues success”).

Break It Up Into Paragraphs

Paragraphs are good for keeping the reader on track. When you’re writing a press release, it’s important to make it easy for journalists to follow along.

A paragraph should be used when you want to start a new topic, or explain something in greater detail. It should also be used when you’re going over a list of items (such as some of the benefits or features of your product), or when giving quotes from other people.

Transitioning your writing skills into a powerful lead generation tool is a strategic move. Discover how to make this transformation with 14 Tips for Converting Your Writing into a Source of Lead Generation, and unlock the potential of your content for business growth.

Write A Headline That Has Meaning And Piques Curiosity To Open Your Press Release

Your headline should be the most compelling part of your press release. It’s what will make readers open it, read it, and share it. A good headline has three things: meaning, pique, and promise.

The first thing is meaning. You want to use a word that helps readers understand what they are going to read in the body of the press release. For example, if you’re announcing an event or product launch, then use “event” or “launch” in your headline to make it clear what people will find when they read further into the document.

The second thing is to pique and intrigue them with something that makes them curious enough to keep reading (a question mark works well here). If there is no pique then why would anyone bother reading more?

Avoid Jargon, Acronyms, And Abbreviations

A press release is not the place to impress people with your knowledge of industry-specific terminology. It’s also not the place to employ common abbreviations like CEO (chief executive officer), CFO (chief financial officer), or HR (human resources).

If you think that a term is essential for understanding what you’re writing about, use it in context but explain its meaning first for example: “We are pleased to announce that our new products have been introduced into the market.” If you can’t avoid using jargon or an abbreviation, expand on it in plain language so readers understand what you mean by it.

Your goal when writing a press release is not just to communicate important information but also to keep readers engaged enough that they’ll want to read more about what’s being announced. 

This means using language that appeals to as many people as possible not just those with advanced degrees in business management or technical fields such as engineering or science; instead, aim for simplicity and clarity throughout your writing style so anyone can understand what you’re saying without getting lost along the way!

Write One Version In Plain Language, The Other In Industry Specific Language

It’s a good idea to write one version in plain language, the other in industry-specific language.

The plain language version should be short, and written for the general public and/or media. The jargon-heavy version should be used internally with your team and potential investors.

Writing effective press releases is essential for small businesses to gain visibility. Learn how to structure and present your information accurately by exploring Press Releases for Small Business: Writing Them Correctly, and enhance your communication strategy.

Use A Human Tone In Your Writing

The first thing you can do is use a more conversational tone. This won’t work for every press release, but if it applies to you, here are some tips:

  • Use the word “you” instead of “your customers” or “the readers.”
  • Use the word “we” when talking about your company or brand. It makes the reader feel like they are part of your team.
  • Use the word “us” when referring to any point in time where it was both your company and theirs working together (i.e., we made this happen).
  • The word impactful doesn’t just mean powerful – it also means “to make an impression on,” which is something that every press release should strive for!

Always State Things Clearly, Simply, And Honestly

The best press releases are simple and clear. They’re direct, without being overly wordy or long-winded. They have a single purpose: to inform your audience about something relevant to them and that’s it! 

A good rule of thumb is to answer these three questions for yourself before you write a press release: What is the news? Why should people care about this? Why should they listen to me? If you can’t answer these questions quickly and efficiently, go back to the drawing board until your message becomes clearer.

Keep The Focus Of Your Press Release On Your Audience Not Yourself Or Your Company

Your press release should be written with the audience in mind. If you’re sending a press release about an event for your company, it’s important to know who the audience is so that you can communicate with them effectively.

  • Who is your audience?
  • What are their interests?
  • Who are the stakeholders? What are their roles/responsibilities within your company/organization?
  • What are the benefits of this information to them and/or other people involved in this process (e.g., media relations)?

Capturing the media’s attention with your press release requires strategic finesse. Dive into 15 Secrets to Writing a Press Release That the Media Can’t Avoid to discover tactics that ensure your news stands out and garners the coverage it deserves.

Press Releases Should Be Written With Your Audience In Mind From The Start

Before you start writing, think about your audience. Who are they? What are their interests, and how can you appeal to them?

The most important thing to remember is that the best press releases are written with your audience in mind from the start.

This means that every word should be carefully selected so as not to confuse or bore them with the information they don’t care about. It also means focusing on what’s important to them—not just what’s important to you or your company.

Integrating press releases into your PR campaign can yield remarkable results. Understand the impact of this approach by reading Why Press Releases Are the Best Way to Grow Your PR Campaign, and learn how to effectively leverage this powerful tool to boost your brand’s visibility and reputation.


Press releases should be written with your audience in mind from the start. You must keep your focus on them, not yourself or your company. Make sure your press release is clear, simple, and honest so that it can reach its intended audience without confusion or misunderstanding. 

By following these seven tips for writing a press release anyone can understand, you will have an easier time getting coverage for whatever newsworthy event may arise in your life from opening up a new store location to announcing new products and services.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your understanding of writing effective press releases:

HubSpot Marketing: Explore a comprehensive Press Release Template from HubSpot’s marketing experts, offering insights into crafting compelling press releases for different purposes.

CoSchedule Blog: Learn how to create impactful press releases with practical examples and templates by reading How to Write Press Releases: Examples & Templates on the CoSchedule blog.

Shopify Blog: Discover tips and strategies on crafting attention-grabbing press releases with guidance from the How to Write a Press Release article on the Shopify blog.


How do I structure a press release effectively?

A press release should follow a standardized structure, including a headline, dateline, lead paragraph, body content, boilerplate, and contact information.

What are some key elements that a press release should include?

A press release should include essential information such as who, what, when, where, why, and how. It should also be concise and engaging to capture the reader’s attention.

How can I make my press release newsworthy?

To make your press release newsworthy, focus on presenting a unique angle, timely information, and relevance to your target audience or current events.

What is the purpose of the boilerplate in a press release?

The boilerplate is a brief section at the end of a press release that provides background information about the company, its mission, and key offerings. It serves as a quick overview for journalists and readers.

How do I distribute my press release after writing it?

After writing a press release, consider using distribution services, emailing it to relevant media contacts, sharing it on social media, and publishing it on your website’s press page to ensure maximum visibility.