I’m going to teach you how to write a book in 14 days, from start to finish. I know what it’s like to want to write a book and not know where to begin, or how long it will take me.
I want this post to be something that you can use as a map for your journey. There are no shortcuts when it comes to writing a book; however, there are strategies and tactics that will help guide you through the process.
First things first: if you’re thinking about writing your book but have no idea where to start or how long it will take, I’ve got good news! You can do this! There are even ways that make it easier than ever before! What follows is my best advice from years of experience as an author myself (and also from running a publishing company)…
1. Why Should You Write A Book In 14 days?
Writing a book, especially in 14 days, is not as hard as you think. It may be the easiest thing you’ve ever done. And once it’s done there will be no one who can tell you otherwise.
You’ll learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible and become more confident about what your purpose is and where it lies. You’ll have a lot of fun along the way too!
You’ll also make money from your book if that’s what you want from this adventure or just do it for fun to share with friends and family. Either way, there are plenty of benefits to writing a book in 14 days:
Takeaways |
1. Writing a book in a short timeframe is possible with focused effort and effective planning. |
2. Break down the writing process into manageable tasks and set daily word count goals. |
3. Developing a clear outline before you start writing helps maintain a structured flow. |
4. Avoid perfectionism during the initial draft; focus on getting your ideas down. |
5. Editing and revising are essential to refine your book’s content and improve its quality. |
6. Utilize time management techniques to balance writing with other commitments. |
7. Seeking feedback from beta readers or writing peers can provide valuable insights. |
8. Formatting and cover design play a role in presenting your book professionally. |
9. Self-publishing platforms offer a direct route to getting your book into readers’ hands. |
10. Promote your book through online platforms, social media, and networking for wider reach. |
2. The Plan Of Attack
Now that you have a basic idea of the kind of book you want to write and who your audience is, it’s time to start making a plan.
You need to decide how many words per day/week/month you can realistically write and for how long. As mentioned earlier, some people write every day for several hours; others doodle in notebooks on their lunch breaks; others write 20 minutes before bedtime each night.
Some people work out of coffee shops or at home with their spouse at their side; others like nothing better than the peace of a local library. There’s no right or wrong way here to find what works best for you!
Once you’ve figured out how much writing time works for you (I suggest giving yourself at least 30 days), divide this number by 14 days and make note of this total word count goal on your calendar. That gives us:
Are you ready to embark on your journey of writing a book in just 14 days? Our guide on How to Write a Book in 14 Days: Start to Finish will provide you with the step-by-step process to achieve this remarkable feat.
3. Get All Your Ideas Out Of Your Head And Onto Paper (Or Screen) In One Sitting
My third piece of advice is to write down ALL your ideas in one sitting. You may have heard that the best way to come up with great story ideas is by writing them down, and that’s true! But how does this work?
Well, when you sit down and write about something for an extended period without stopping, it allows your brain to think more freely as it works through a problem or idea. In other words: WRITE NOW AND THINK LATER!
I know what you’re thinking this can be difficult if I have so many different ideas running through my head at once! That’s why I recommend writing them all out in one notebook over one day (or even one sitting).
If you do this step correctly, then when you go back later on and review what was written down earlier on in the day/week/month…you might notice some themes or connections between ideas that weren’t previously apparent and those connections often lead directly into great book plots!
4. The Next Step Is To Put All That List Of Ideas Into The 5 Different Parts Of Your Book
Now that you have your ideas, it is time to put them into the 5 parts of your book. The five main parts are:
Introduction, Body (chapters), Conclusion, Bibliography, and Index.
The Introduction sets up the tone for what is going to happen in the body of your book by telling a story or giving some background information on why this topic is important. The Body has an introduction for each chapter (if necessary), then a conclusion for each chapter (if necessary), and finally an appendix if there ever was one.
Crafting a compelling novel requires a solid approach. Learn how to bring your story to life using the Snowflake Method, a creative technique that breaks down your novel-writing process into manageable steps.
5. Now You Have A Book Outline The Hard Part Is Over!
You’ve made it through the most difficult part of the process. You have a plan, you know where your story is going and now you can finally start writing!
This is the time when most people give up on their dream because they think it’s too hard or too time-consuming. But now that you have an outline, all that hard work has paid off and you can move forward quickly with confidence knowing that there are no surprises in store for your characters!
Now go back to step #1 and start writing!
6. Your Title Page, Copyright Page & Dedication Page Can Be Planned And Written Right Now!
Now that you’ve got the meat of your book in place, you can plan and write your title page, copyright page, and dedication page.
Title Page
The Title Page is one of the first pages of your novel to be read by a potential reader. It should contain as much information about your book as possible without giving away too much about the story itself. It should also include any awards or top-selling status information that might be relevant (this may depend on genre).
To make it easy on yourself, create a template for this section so you can fill in all this data quickly and easily before adding any other details like graphics or fonts later on when they need styling specifically for that section.
7. How To Write An Introduction (That Will Get You, Readers!)
The introduction is the first thing that readers see. It’s what catches their attention and makes them want to keep reading!
The best way to write an introduction is to focus on three things: grabbing your reader’s attention, summarizing your book and its value, and making it stand out from other books in the marketplace.
If you can do those three things, then you’re in good shape!
Looking for strategies to make your book stand out in the market? Explore the 11 Ways to Write a Book That Sells to discover valuable insights and techniques that can help you create a book that captivates readers and drives sales.
8. How To Write A Chapter In Just 30 Minutes Flat?
So, now you know what to write and how to organize your book. The next thing you need to do is write it. You’re going to have a lot of questions about this step:
What do I write first?
How much time should each section take?
Am I allowed to wonder what writing my book is going to look like once it’s done?
The answer is simple: Write the chapter in 30 minutes flat. That’s all it takes! You’ll be surprised at how fast you can create something amazing when you set a timer for yourself and stick with it no matter what happens with procrastination or perfectionism (or any other type of self-doubt).
It also helps if your chapters are short so try not more than 10 pages per chapter at most and make sure they’re focused on actionable steps that get results quickly rather than endless rambling content that no one ever reads anyway (unless they just want something else in their life).
9. How To ‘write’ A Chapter When You Have No Idea What To Say?
This tip alone is worth ten times the price of this entire article
If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, try this:
Write a summary of the chapter as if it were written by someone else.
Write a summary of the chapter as if it were written by someone else telling their story to you, in the first person (I did this).
Write a summary of the chapter as if it were written by someone else telling their story to you, in the second person (You did this).
Write a summary of the chapter as if it were written by someone else telling their story to you, in the third person (They did this).
10. How To Make The Words ‘flow’ Easier When Writing?
To make the words flow easier to write, use a thesaurus. You can find synonyms or related words in your target language. This will help you expand your vocabulary and make it so that every sentence has a different word from the previous sentence.
While most people think of using a thesaurus for finding synonyms, it can also be used for finding words with similar meanings or even just different ways to say something familiar (e.g., “break” vs “crack”). You could say “break down” instead of “destroy” or “deflate” instead of “debase; degrade.”
Building a strong author brand is crucial for connecting with your audience and leaving a lasting impact. Our guide on The Fine Art of Creating an Author Brand will walk you through the essential steps to establish an authentic and memorable author identity.
11. How To Write An Easy Conclusion For Your Book?
Your conclusion should be an easy-to-follow summary of the main points of your book. It should also leave the reader wanting to know more, so if you’re planning on writing more books in this series, including a teaser for what might happen next.
Try not to be too wordy or overly complicated with your conclusion. You want it to be simple and easy to read while still being thorough and thought-provoking!
12. Writing Resources For When You Get Stuck!
This is the part where we get to talk about what you should write about. You may be thinking that this is a waste of time because there’s no way that I’m going to tell you exactly what your next book should be about. And that’s true! There is no one way to write a book.
You can write about anything and everything and still end up with an amazing story, just like I did with my first book. But if you want some inspiration, here are some ideas:
Write about something that excites or inspires you.
Write about something that happened in your life and how it changed who you are today.
Write about something meaningful in your life right now (or was important at one point).
13. How To Edit And Proofread Faster Than Ever Before?
There are several ways you can do this. Use a checklist to make sure you have covered all the bases and that nothing has slipped through the cracks.
The second pair of eyes – Have someone else read your book, preferably someone who is not invested in it. They will be able to give you a different perspective on it and will be able to find mistakes that you missed in editing because you know how the story should flow rather than how it flows.
Grammar checker-You can either use Grammarly or Hemingway Editor depending on which tool works better for your writing style and preferences. Both tools provide accurate feedback about which sentences need fixing, but Grammarly is more focused on grammar while Hemingway focuses on readability and sentence structure (i.e., passive versus active voice).
Spell checker–This comes built into Word (PC) and Pages (Mac), so no need to download anything extra if you’re using those programs! Just go under “tools” then click “spelling & grammar…” for help with spelling errors or capitalization mistakes like “I am happy today!” vs “I am Happy Today!”
Writing a book is just the beginning; ensuring it reaches readers is equally important. Dive into our resource on How to Write a Book, Sell It on Amazon to explore effective strategies for promoting and selling your book on one of the world’s largest online marketplaces.
Once you have your outline, the actual writing of your book is much easier. You can edit as you go, or if you prefer a more structured approach then write each chapter separately before moving on to the next one.
The important thing is to get started and keep going! Don’t worry too much about perfectionism right now – that comes later when editing and rewriting are complete (and those steps will be covered in another article).
Further Reading
How to Write a Whole Book in Two Weeks Short Description: Discover techniques and insights for completing an entire book within a two-week timeframe, from initial concept to final draft.
How to Write a Book: A Comprehensive Guide Short Description: Dive into a comprehensive guide that walks you through the step-by-step process of writing a book, from structuring your content to getting published.
Tips and Strategies for Writing Your Book Short Description: Explore practical tips and effective strategies for successfully writing and self-publishing your own book, covering everything from idea generation to marketing.
How do I manage to write a book in just two weeks?
Writing a book in two weeks requires careful planning, time management, and focused dedication. Break down your writing process into manageable chunks, create a detailed outline, and set daily word count goals to make steady progress.
What are some essential steps in writing a book?
Writing a book involves several key steps, including idea generation, outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Each stage contributes to the overall quality of your book.
How can I stay motivated and avoid writer’s block while writing a book?
To stay motivated and overcome writer’s block, establish a consistent writing routine, set realistic goals, take breaks when needed, and seek inspiration from various sources like books, articles, or conversations.
Is self-publishing a viable option for new authors?
Yes, self-publishing offers a viable route for new authors to get their work out into the world. It provides creative control, quicker publishing timelines, and the opportunity to establish a direct connection with readers.
How can I effectively market and promote my self-published book?
Marketing a self-published book involves creating a strong online presence through social media, author websites, and engaging with your target audience. Consider running promotional campaigns, offering giveaways, and seeking reviews to boost visibility.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.