How To Secure A Fashion Job without any Experience

These days it is super hard to get a job in fashion and the competition is fierce. It’s not just about being creative, or having a strong sense of style; you also have to be able to prove your worth as an employee. 

Though there’s no surefire way to get hired, here are some tips and tricks you can try out for yourself at home (or in school) to beef up that resume. I’ve also added links next to each piece of advice so you can find more information on how, when and where you can do these things!

1. Consider internships to gain hands-on experience.
2. Build a strong portfolio showcasing your creativity.
3. Attend fashion events and network with industry insiders.
4. Seek mentorship from experienced professionals.
5. Stay updated on current fashion industry trends.

1. Start A Fashion Blog Or Website

You’re going to need a way of demonstrating that you know what you’re talking about, and there isn’t better evidence than your own voice or writing style. 

If you don’t have any experience in the industry, start a blog where you can share your thoughts on fashion with other passionate people who are interested in the same things as you are. 

It doesn’t have to be elaborate; even just putting up some posts on Tumblr or WordPress is great! Just keep writing and making sure that it’s interesting content (and not just plain text!) by sharing your personal experiences and opinions. 

You’ll want to make sure this is easy for readers too so try having some nice typography (think of fonts like Helvetica) along with images from around the web (be sure they’re public domain). 

It will save time from having someone else design everything for your site too! Plus if someone decides they like what they see, maybe even hire them 🙂

Building a successful freelance career and working from your phone is a dream for many. Learn how to achieve this lifestyle in our article on How I Work From My Phone And How You Can Too. Embrace the freedom and flexibility of freelancing!

2. Fashion School

The best way to learn how to be a fashion designer is through school. Many schools offer degrees in fashion design but you should choose one based on its reputation and where it’s located, as well as what it teaches students about the industry. 

After finishing your degree, find an internship at a fashion house or magazine (or both). 

If possible, try to get your foot in the door with an entry-level position that has nothing to do with designing clothes this will allow you time to learn about how everything works without having any pressure from above or below.

Once you have some experience under your belt, ask around for openings within your company and apply for them when they become available. 

The more seniority you have in the field of fashion design, the better chance there is that higher-ups won’t question why they should give someone with a little experience more responsibilities than someone else who has proven themselves capable over time.”

3. Internships!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, this section is for you. We’ll give you the tools and tips that can help secure a fashion job without any experience whatsoever!

Internships are a great way to get your foot in the door. If you don’t have any work experience but want an entry-level position at a fashion house, then interning for them is the next best thing. 

Like getting hired on as an assistant after working with another company as part of their team, interns can often transition into higher positions within their host organizations once they’ve shown their worth. 

This also allows them more time than just one day or even one week to prove themselves before being considered full-time employees. 

Internships are also a great way to gain experience in areas such as marketing strategies and promotion planning (especially if they’re unpaid). 

While it may seem odd at first glance because these roles require no salary whatsoever, there are still many benefits associated with taking part in them: You’ll learn valuable skills that will help build up your resume later on; 

Build connections within different companies so they’ll remember who they met when looking back over applicants’ resumes; 

Make connections between all parties involved (i.e., designers → managers → interns) which could lead to something bigger down the line like freelance work or even permanent employment options at some point down the road.

Finally, internships allow students/graduates from all over the world access to important resources like networking opportunities through alumni associations like the Fashion Institute Of Technology Alumni Foundation (FITAF). 

At FITAF alone there are over 2200 members globally including CEOs from multinational companies such as Ralph Lauren Corporation And Tommy Hilfiger USA Inc.; top executives from organizations like Abercrombie & Fitch Co.; owners/founders like Oscar de la Renta Inc., 

Marc Jacobs International LLC dba Marc Jacobs Company LLC And Andrew Rosen Enterprises Ltd.; board directors such as Louis Vuitton Mo

Hiring a freelance PR or brand manager can be a game-changer for your fashion career. Before making a decision, ask the right questions with insights from our guide on 13 Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Freelance PR or Brand Manager.

4. Read The Trades (W Magazine, Women’s Wear Daily, And More)

Reading the trades is a great way to stay in the know about what’s happening in the top fashion magazines. Consult these resources every week and you’ll be able to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the industry.

W Magazine: This monthly magazine covers fashion news from around the world and has been doing so since 1974. It offers news, interviews with designers, photo spreads, and more.

Women’s Wear Daily: The most read publication in its field (and also one of my personal favorites). 

WWD includes information on luxury brands as well as an international network of reporters who cover a variety of stories including trade shows, retail openings, new collections and more!

Fashionista: An online publication that provides an insider look into trends across all areas–from fashion shows to beauty products–that are shaping the style landscape right now! 

They even have their podcast called “The Fashionista Podcast,” which features conversations between editors about topics such as style icons past & present or how social media plays into today’s fashion landscape.”

5. Learn Photoshop & Illustrator

Learning Photoshop and Illustrator are two of the most important skills for designers. If you want to break into fashion, you need to become proficient in these programs. Here’s why:

  • You’ll be able to create your designs from scratch without needing anyone else’s help
  • You can use these programs to edit existing designs (like logos and photos)

6. Get Into Styling

The styling industry is competitive, and it can be difficult to find work without experience. However, if you have the fashion sense and an eye for detail, it’s possible to get your foot in the door.

If you’re looking into styling as a career path and want to learn more about this job from someone who’s been there, I highly recommend watching my video with Jennie Runk (she’s one of our favorite people at Glamour). 

In it, she shares her experience getting into styling and advises on how anyone can get started.

If you’re considering transitioning from a full-time job to freelance in the engineering field, it’s essential to have a plan. Check out our story on How I Became Freelance in My Engineering Field for valuable tips and insights.

7. Work Retail

If you’re looking to get into the industry, retail can be a great way to build up some experience. Whether you want to work in a department store or an independent boutique, both offer valuable opportunities that can help launch your career.

For example:

Learn how to make a customer feel like a million bucks. Every person has different needs and wants when it comes to clothing and accessories and if you’re going to work with people, then knowing how their mindsets work is crucial! 

Getting familiar with these mindsets will help ensure they find what they’re looking for while also keeping them coming back again and again. Interact with people. 

One of the most important skills in fashion is selling and if this doesn’t come naturally to you (or at least seem natural), then retail is probably not the best place for beginners. Sell products well! Selling is one thing, but selling well? 

That’s another story altogether but it’s something all successful salespeople must master if they want their careers in fashion to go anywhere fast. 

Make customers feel special by treating them like royalty when advising on different styles or items available on sale today only if they purchase now before time runs out at 9 am sharp tomorrow morning because there may not be any left by noon time today due! 

And don’t forget about after-sale service options such as cleaning services provided by local dry cleaners near Cumberland Forest Park Treehouse Community Center where I live right now…

8. Work In Styling/Pr Agencies

A style or public relations (PR) agency is a company that handles your image and the way you are perceived by others. PR agencies help clients manage their reputations, which can range from helping individuals to building brands online. 

They also handle publicity for celebrities, designers, and brands (including yours). If your job is to help other people get noticed in the fashion industry to advance their careers or turn them into household names, then this might be the right choice for you!

The NFT industry offers exciting opportunities for freelance writers. If you’re curious about exploring this niche, our guide on How to Become a Freelance Writer in the NFT Industry will provide you with essential information and steps to get started.

Benefits Of Working At A Styling Agency?

The main benefit of working at a styling agency is that it will give you access to high-end designer pieces before they hit stores or even magazines. 

This means less waiting time spent standing outside Bergdorf Goodman just hoping someone will give away their handbag while they’re walking down Madison Avenue so that you can buy yourself one helluva deal on Amazon! 

The second advantage comes from being surrounded by people who know what they’re doing when it comes to fashion. 

Whether it’s someone who works within another field like marketing but wants some extra exposure; or perhaps someone who has been successful within their line but needs help growing beyond their capacity? 

Either way, these two groups are perfect examples where having access early could mean getting ahead both professionally AND financially since they’ll likely want something unique.

9. Freelance Write For Fashion Blogs & Websites

When you’re starting with your first fashion job, it can be hard to know where to start. One route is to freelance. Freelance writing is a great way to build up your portfolio and gain experience without having to worry about the responsibilities that come with being an employee.

Freelance writing for fashion blogs or websites has several benefits:

  • You’re writing about something you enjoy which will make the process more enjoyable for you.
  • Freelance work requires fewer hours than working at a physical job (although it does depend on how many clients/projects you have going at once).
  • This type of work can lead to full-time employment down the line.

10. Work At A Fashion Magazine (Or Publication) – As An Assistant, Photographer, Or Even As A Receptionist!

Working in a fashion magazine or publication can be a great way to get experience.

  • Assistants are often just starting and need someone to help them, so if you are looking for a place to start this might be the perfect place!
  • Photographers can volunteer their time shooting some events or shoots. This will give them experience and will allow them to build relationships with the staff at the magazines/publications they shoot for.
  • If you are someone who has great people skills, receptionist jobs are also another good option for getting your foot in the door.

11. Go To Fashion Events (Take Pictures And Write About Them

As you attend events, take pictures and write about what you saw. The more you attend, the better your content will be. Make sure to pass out your resume to others who could be hiring at the event. 

Remember, social media is huge in this industry! Use it to network with people in your area as well as find jobs that may not have been advertised online yet. 

There are many websites like Model Mayhem (for models) or Fashion Network (for fashion designers) where you can create profiles and connect with other professionals in the industry through them.

12. Job Shadow A Day In The Life Of Someone Who Has Your Dream Job

Job shadowing is a great way to get a feel for the job you want to do. It can help you learn about the job, the industry, and even the company. You can also learn about the culture, people, and work environment.

Job shadowing is when you follow someone around on a typical day of their life at work to learn how they do things and see if it’s something that would be right for you. 

Most companies are happy to accommodate this request because they’re always looking for new talent and since their business depends on attracting good workers, they’ll put up with some time-wasting if it means bringing someone new onboard!

The best way to look at job shadowing is like dating: If your partner has been working at McDonald’s since he was 16. 

Then maybe he won’t be as impressed by your prestigious law degree from Harvard as much as he would be if he knew about all those years at Duke University where he got his master’s degree in sociology before heading off into academia full-time (or whatever).

13. Go To College Career Center And Network With The Alumni

If you’re an undergraduate student, there may be some internship positions available through the career center! College career centers are great places to find information about internships and jobs. 

The best thing is that they can connect you with alumni who work in fashion and give advice on how to get your foot in the door. These alumni could also help you get hired by sponsoring your internship or even hiring you once they see how talented and hardworking you are.

You can also attend fashion shows, events, and conferences that happen on campus. These events will allow students from all over the world to meet people from different industries who would love to offer advice for their next career move!

Generation Z has unique aspirations and goals for their careers. If you want to understand what this group of freelancers is looking for, read our article on What Freelancers from Generation Z Want from Their Career to gain insights into their preferences and expectations.

14. Does Your School Have A Fashion Dept? Join It! 

Does your school have a Fashion dept? Join it! Get involved in all the shows and events they put on as this will make you only MORE valuable to future employers if you have experience working on fashion shows!

This is one of THE most important steps in securing yourself a job: create an amazing resume! 

You want to highlight your experience and skills, but also be sure to give any projects or tasks that you completed at home or for school that may not seem relevant at first glance (like those knitting classes). 

Remember that the best way to sell yourself is with confidence, so be honest about what makes YOU unique and why someone should hire YOU instead of anyone else out there trying to do exactly what they do too!


You can create a professional website to showcase your work and let people know that you’re serious about fashion. Don’t have much experience? Show off your design ideas, your sketches, or even just pictures of outfits you like on Instagram. 

You can also make time for volunteering which will build up some experience in the field and teach you valuable skills that you can use when applying for jobs later on. 

If there is a store or company nearby that sells clothes similar to the ones you want to design then they may be willing to hire someone with no experience so make sure they know who are!

Further Reading

Indeed – How to Get Into the Fashion Industry With No Experience: Learn tips and strategies to break into the fashion industry without any prior experience.

FashionUnited – How to Work in Fashion With No Experience: Discover the steps and resources to start a career in the fashion industry from scratch.

Glam Observer – How to Land a Job in Fashion With Zero Experience: Find practical advice on securing a job in the competitive world of fashion, even if you have no prior experience.


How can I break into the fashion industry without any experience?

To break into the fashion industry without any experience, consider internships, networking, and building a strong portfolio showcasing your creativity and skills.

What are some tips for starting a career in fashion with no prior background?

Tips for starting a career in fashion without any prior background include attending fashion events, seeking mentorship, and staying updated on industry trends.

Are there any online courses or educational resources for beginners in the fashion industry?

Yes, there are various online courses and educational platforms that offer fashion-related courses for beginners to gain industry knowledge and skills.

How important is networking in getting a fashion job without experience?

Networking is crucial in the fashion industry as it helps you connect with professionals, discover opportunities, and get insights into the industry.

What are some alternative paths to enter the fashion industry if I lack formal qualifications?

Alternative paths to enter the fashion industry include freelance work, starting your own fashion blog, or working in related fields like retail or marketing.

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