How To Become Freelance Transcriptionist

If you are a good listener, have excellent grammar and proofreading skills, and have the knack for learning new things fast, becoming a freelancer transcriber can be an excellent career choice. 

As a transcriptionist, you get to work remotely at your own pace, enjoy flexible working hours and earn more than what a regular full-time job pays. If you’re considering this career path, here’s how to become freelance transcriptionist:

1. Gain transcription skills through training or practice.
2. Build a portfolio of transcription work to showcase your abilities.
3. Create a professional online presence to attract clients.
4. Seek out job opportunities on freelancing platforms or transcription companies.
5. Stay updated on industry best practices and continuously improve your skills.

Look For Online Jobs In Transcription

There are many different ways to find transcription jobs. The most common way is to find them on Upwork and Fiverr, but you can also look for work on transcription websites like Transcribe Anywhere or in transcription forums. 

These are all great places to start your search for freelance jobs, but if you want more options, try looking at job boards that specialize in transcription work, like Transcribe. 

Finally, there are also some communities where professionals in the field can post their resumes and portfolios for potential employers to view we recommend checking out our community here!

Are you passionate about transcription? Learn how to turn your passion into a rewarding freelance career by following our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance transcriptionist. Start your journey today!

Learn What Transcription Is

Transcription is a specialized skill, and it’s not always easy to learn. It requires you to listen closely, understand what you’ve heard, and then write it down. Since this is such an important part of transcription work, you’ll want to make sure that your employers trust your ability.

To become a freelance transcriptionist or transcriber, first, learn what transcription is all about. 

Transcription isn’t writing out word-for-word transcriptions of speech or dictation; instead, it’s a representation of spoken words in written form (which may differ from the original recording).

Practice Your Listening Skills

When it comes to transcribing audio, listening is the most important skill. When you’re working from an audio file, your first step is going to be listening carefully and making sure you catch every word not only what was said but also how it was said.

The next thing you’ll need to do is practice hearing different types of audio. 

If your job will involve transcribing podcasts or voice memos regularly, try recording yourself speaking into a microphone and playing back what you’ve recorded (you can even record yourself reading aloud from a book). 

This will help you get used to different accents as well as levels of volume and quality that may come with different kinds of equipment or recording environments (like being inside or outside).

While practicing transcription at home might seem tedious at first, keep in mind that the more time spent listening closely and getting used to these types of sounds before starting work will mean fewer errors later on!

Consider Working In A Brick-And-Mortar Office As A Transcriber Before Trying Freelancing

If you want to be a freelance transcriptionist, your first step should be working in an office setting. In addition to the job experience itself, this can help you decide if this is really what you want to do and give you a sense of some basic standards and expectations.

It’s not just a matter of learning how to type fast enough or having good spelling skills; 

Many nuances come into play over time for example, when transcribing medical records, it’s important to know which terms are abbreviations for something else (e.g., “LFT” stands for “liver function test”).

You will also learn about common problems that arise in transcription work: For example, sometimes speakers use different accents or have regional differences in their pronunciation; these may mean that one person speaks differently than another person with the same name!

Do you enjoy the excitement of the gambling industry? Discover how you can leverage your writing skills to become a freelance writer in the gambling industry. Our detailed guide on how to become a freelance writer in the gambling industry will show you the way!

Get Yourself Acquainted With The Tools Of The Trade (Transcription Software, A Good Computer, And Other Hardware)

Transcription software: Transcribing is a highly specialized field, and there are many different types of tools you can use to do it. I recommend choosing one that has a built-in audio player; this makes it easy to hear words as they’re being read aloud. 

Also, make sure the software can handle multiple formats (i.e., MP3s, WAVs) because some clients will send files in one format while others might send something else entirely. 

If possible, check out some demos before committing to your choice this will help determine whether or not the process is intuitive and easy for you to navigate through.

Audio editing software: Once you’ve got everything set up with transcription software and any other necessary hardware components, it’s time to record your voice! 

This part is more difficult than just typing words into an application window because there are many different ways this could go wrong (you don’t want breathy whispering!). Follow these tips:

Try using headphones instead of speakers so that only what comes out of those headphones gets recorded otherwise your microphone picks up any ambient noise happening around you (like TV sounds from another room). 

If possible, place yourself in front of whiteboard markers so that any notes written on them show up enough for transcription purposes without having someone erase them first; 

Otherwise, write directly onto paper towels instead since these usually leave less residue behind than standard whiteboards do when used over time (and are easier for cleanup). 

Lastly but most importantly: speak slowly enough so as not  to crowd out important information like dates or timestamps–these need to be included along with other relevant details such as names/places mentioned within documents etcetera just like any other

Take A Notetaking Course

If you want to become a freelance transcriptionist, you’ll need to know how to take notes. The best way to learn is by taking notetaking courses at your local community college or online. 

While there are many different types of notetaking classes, most will teach you how to take good notes for each of the following purposes:

  • Taking good notes for record-keeping and reporting (for example, if you were an accountant)
  • Taking good notes to help someone learn something (for example, if you were teaching someone how to do their job)
  • Take good notes to write down important information that may be needed later on (for example, if it was an interview with someone who had done something they weren’t supposed to)

Take Typing And Proofreading Courses

To become a freelance transcriptionist, you will need to be able to type quickly and accurately. You can take online courses to improve your typing speed and accuracy. 

In addition to this, it is also beneficial to take proofreading courses so that you can spot mistakes in the documents that you are transcribing.

Proofreading is more important than typing when it comes to working as a freelance transcriptionist. 

Because most employers want their files completed within 48 hours and if there are mistakes in them then this could lead to problems with the client’s reputation or even legal issues for yourself as a freelancer!

Ready to kickstart your freelance career? Check out our list of the top 10 freelance skills to charge more and elevate your earning potential. Enhance your skills and take your freelancing journey to new heights!

Get Familiar With The Transcription Market

Before you start looking for work, you must be familiar with the transcription market. 

The market is competitive and growing. It’s also changing daily due to factors like new technology, increased awareness about accessibility needs, and more customers who have different preferences when it comes to how they want their content transcribed.

Transcription is a global industry based on supply and demand; there are many people out there who need transcripts to communicate effectively with other people. 

Since it can be difficult or impossible for some people (for example those without hearing or vision) to access information via audio recordings. 

Transcriptionists make this accessibility possible by converting audio files into written text documents that can be read by anyone without any specialized equipment required! 

As long as you have access to an internet connection & computer/laptop etc…you’ll be able to get started right away!

Learn About Transcription Companies That Hire Freelance Transcribers

Many transcription companies list the qualifications they expect from their freelancers. If you can meet these requirements and show the company that you are good at what you do, this may be an opportunity for you to get started as a freelance transcriber.


Look for companies that have a good reputation in the field of transcription services. A few of them may not be reputable but others will be worth looking into since they pay well and offer great benefits to their employees.


Find out what kind of skills and experience transcription companies want from their transcribers before applying for any position with them so that your application stands out from those who don’t meet those criteria (and get rejected). 

If there isn’t anything specific listed about required qualifications on their website then just ask directly by sending them an email or calling them up (be sure not to call during office hours though try doing this at night or early morning when there won’t be anyone manning phones!). 

You’ll probably need some formality when contacting these companies because many businesses like being treated as professionals rather than individuals who want something done right now!

Put Together An Attractive Portfolio (As Applicable To Your Niche)

Put together an attractive portfolio (as applicable to your niche). You can do this with or without the help of a designer, but it’s important to make sure that your portfolio is well-organized and easy on the eyes. 

Include samples of your work, a cover letter highlighting why you’re interested in being considered for transcription gigs, and finally a resume. 

If you have other certificates or qualifications that are relevant to the field, include them as well. Don’t forget to list any languages you speak fluently!

Want to earn more as a freelancer? Explore our guide on freelancing skills that will help you earn more to discover valuable insights and strategies for increasing your income. Level up your freelancing game today!

Learn Your Industry Jargon Through Research

Learning the industry jargon is crucial to becoming a freelance transcriptionist. To do that, you can use the internet to research your industry and find out what phrases are commonly used by people in the field. 

You can also read books, magazines, and journal articles related to your profession and learn new words that way. You could attend industry conferences and seminars to get more information on the terminology you need to know (and network with other professionals).

You could ask your clients for advice or tips on how they handle specific situations as well as testimonials of what they think makes them successful in their careers. 

You could also ask colleagues who have been working in this field longer than you have about their experiences so far (whether good or bad). 

Finally, if possible, try asking past clients directly about some of these issues because most of us are very open about sharing our opinions if asked politely!

Improve Your Grammar And Punctuation Skills

You can learn to use commas, semicolons, and periods in this course. It also teaches you how to use quotation marks. 

You can also pick up some grammar tips here as well as how to use apostrophes when quoting someone’s words. There are also lessons on dashes and hyphens that will help you develop a better understanding of punctuation.

Apostrophe usage is an important skill for transcriptionists because they are used frequently in the medical field and other industries where the transcriptionist works. 

The same goes for quotation marks; learning how to properly punctuate them will help ensure that your work is readable and accurate!

Ellipses are another valuable resource available through TranscribeMe – just like apostrophes or dashes, ellipses have many uses depending upon the context of their usage within sentences or paragraphs. 

For example: “What’s next?” asked John excitedly.” would be appropriate if he wanted an answer from someone else but if instead, he said “What’s next?” then this would not make sense because there was no question mark following his question! 

These types of scenarios require careful attention during proofreading so that everything flows smoothly between one another.

Interested in the transcription field but don’t know where to start? Our article on where to start in the transcription field provides essential guidance and resources to begin your career on the right path. Get started in transcription today!


I hope these steps have helped you learn more about what it takes to become a successful transcriptionist. If you are serious about starting your career in this field, then the next step is to get trained. 

You will need some basic computer skills like using Word processors and email, but many courses teach you how to type quickly (if not already) with accuracy so that can help as well.

Even though most jobs require experience, they don’t always require expertise. There are companies out there looking for people who won’t have work-at-home opportunities or those who just need some extra money on the side during these trying times. 

It doesn’t matter which route you choose; if it’s transcribing from recordings online or doing data entry on documents as long as there’s an opportunity for growth within the company where one has potential advancemepotentialals then why not take advantage of this chance?

Further Reading

How Do You Become a Freelance Transcriptionist: Explore this comprehensive guide to learn the steps and requirements for becoming a freelance transcriptionist.

Freelance Transcriptionists: What They Do and How to Become One: Dive into the world of freelance transcriptionists and discover what they do, as well as the essential steps to join their ranks.

Rev Freelance Transcription: Check out Rev’s platform for freelance transcriptionists, offering opportunities and resources for those interested in this field.


How can I get started as a freelance transcriptionist?

To get started as a freelance transcriptionist, you can follow these steps:

  • Research and familiarize yourself with the transcription industry.
  • Acquire the necessary transcription skills through training or practice.
  • Build a portfolio of transcription work to showcase your abilities.
  • Create a professional online presence, such as a website or online profiles.
  • Seek out transcription job opportunities through freelance platforms or transcription companies.

What equipment and software do I need as a freelance transcriptionist?

As a freelance transcriptionist, you will typically need the following equipment and software:

  • A reliable computer or laptop with sufficient processing power and memory.
  • High-quality headphones or speakers for accurate audio playback.
  • Transcription software or tools to assist with playback control and text editing.
  • Internet access for communication, research, and file transfer purposes.

How do I find clients as a freelance transcriptionist?

To find clients as a freelance transcriptionist, consider the following strategies:

  • Create profiles on freelancing platforms and job boards dedicated to transcription work.
  • Network with other professionals in related fields, such as content creators, podcasters, or video producers.
  • Join transcription communities and forums to connect with potential clients or receive referrals.
  • Market your services through your website or social media platforms.
  • Reach out directly to transcription companies or agencies that may require freelance transcriptionists.

What are the typical rates for freelance transcription work?

Freelance transcription rates can vary based on factors such as language, industry specialization, turnaround time, and complexity of the audio. Rates are typically quoted per audio minute or per hour of audio. It’s important to research prevailing market rates and set your prices accordingly, considering your expertise and the value you provide to clients.

How can I improve my transcription skills as a freelance transcriptionist?

To improve your transcription skills as a freelance transcriptionist, consider these tips:

  • Practice regularly by transcribing different types of audio, including challenging content.
  • Familiarize yourself with industry-specific terminology and jargon.
  • Stay updated on best practices for accurate and efficient transcription.
  • Seek feedback from clients or experienced transcriptionists to identify areas for improvement.
  • Take advantage of online resources, courses, or workshops that offer transcription training and skill development.

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