How To Make Time Fly When You’re A Freelancer

As a freelancer, I know that time flies when you’re caught up in your work. But it also stands still when you’re not. And it can be hard to tell how significant those slow periods are.

After all, if you don’t have a boss looking over your shoulder, is it really a problem that an hour has passed since you started watching Game of Thrones on Netflix? 

It might not seem like an issue at the time, but these distractions add up after a few days and leave us feeling unmotivated and unproductive. Here’s how to make sure that doesn’t happen to you:

How I Time Track My Hours As A Freelancer – YouTube
Prioritize tasks and set clear goals.
Use time management techniques and tools.
Avoid multitasking and focus on one task at a time.
Take regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout.
Set boundaries and create a dedicated workspace.
Delegate or outsource tasks when possible.
Stay organized with effective scheduling and to-do lists.
Minimize distractions and create a productive work environment.
Continuously improve productivity and efficiency through self-reflection and adjustments.
Embrace flexibility and find a routine that works for you.

Start By Setting A Timer

Start by setting a timer. If you’re like me and tend to get distracted easily, then having a timer will help you focus on working for the amount of time that you want to work.

Start with an amount of time that you think is reasonable for you, but not so short that it feels like torture. 

Then set your timer for the same amount of time (i.e., if I plan on writing 1 hour per day, I might start with 30 minutes). That way when my brain starts wandering, I’ll know exactly how long until we’re done!

When it comes to freelancing, learning how to manage your time effectively is crucial. Explore our article on 13 Tips for Freelancing That Are Like Sleeping Pills to discover valuable strategies that can help you make the most of your working hours.

Maintain A Routine

The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out what kind of routine works for you. If you’re someone who enjoys getting up at 6 AM every day and working until noon, then that’s great! If your body tells you it needs more sleep or a later wake-up time, listen to it. 

It might be that working from home means you can work whenever it feels right so long as they get done. No matter what your style is, though, there are some universal truths about routines:

  • They help keep your freelance life organized
  • They can keep things from falling through the cracks (like when an invoice goes unpaid)
  • They give structure to how much time is spent on each task

Block Out Major Sections Of Time For Deeper Work

If you’re a freelancer, you have to work in blocks of time. You can’t just do 10 minutes here and there while you watch TV or read emails. Your time has to be devoted exclusively to working on your project.

You should set aside specific days for deep work (or “deep focus”) when you spend hours purely focused on the task at hand without distractions or multitasking. 

Creative work is almost always better done this way you’ll get more done in an hour than when spread over several hours in bits and pieces. 

If possible, try to block off two or three uninterrupted hours at a time for deep focus sessions; otherwise, plan for shorter windows throughout each day instead of trying for longer chunks of time every once in a while.

Here are some other things that deserve dedicated blocks: research (reading books), writing (for example copywriting), planning/thinking/brainstorming sessions, learning new skills and techniques from online courses & podcasts, etc

Balancing freelancing with the responsibilities of motherhood can be challenging. Gain inspiration and insights from our firsthand account in What I Learned from Freelancing While on Maternity Leave, where we share valuable tips and experiences to help you navigate this unique journey.

Work On Things That Are Aligned With Your Passion

The key to working past your burnout is finding work that aligns with your passion. In other words, do things you are passionate about. Don’t do things just for money. 

Don’t do things just because you think you should be doing them or will be successful at them (this doesn’t mean don’t take on challenging projects). And don’t do what seems like it would make you happy it’s not always going to fit in with who you are and what makes you tick!

The point is that if it doesn’t feel good at the moment, it won’t get any better over time. Find ways to connect with the joy of creating something beautiful or interesting; 

This helps us move forward into new territory and push beyond our usual limits of comfort outside our normal routine behavior patterns (which can lead down the road toward burnout).

Work From Anywhere But Your Desk

You can be a freelancer and work from anywhere. You don’t even have to have a desk!

If you’re not already working from home, here are some ways you can make time fly when you’re at your desk:

Work from your couch. Why sit in a chair when there’s so much space on the couch? You’ll get more done while watching Netflix or scrolling through social media than if you were sitting upright on an office chair.

Use the computer at your local library instead of at home if it helps with focus it’s quiet and no one will interrupt your flow!

Collaborate with coworkers who live in different cities by using video-chat software like Zoom or Skype; this way, it feels like they’re right there next to you! You can even try virtual reality headsets for added effect (and fun)!

Are you ready to take your freelance business to the next level? Our comprehensive guide on How to Turn Your Freelance Business into a Career provides actionable insights and tips to help you achieve long-term success in the freelancing world.

Adopt The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method that encourages you to work in short bursts of 25 minutes, followed by a short break. You can use this technique to help yourself stay focused on your work and get through tasks faster. 

For example, set the timer for 25 minutes and then focus on one task for the entire period. When you’re done with that task, take a five-minute break before starting another one!

There are several ways to implement the Pomodoro method:

  • Use software or an online timer
  • Download an app for your phone or tablet
  • Keep a kitchen timer nearby

Create A List Of Tasks To Make Yourself Feel More Productive

If you’re a freelancer, there are times when work can seem to pile up. If you don’t have an organized system for how to prioritize and manage your tasks, it can be hard to know what project to focus on next. 

To make sure that everything gets done and that you stay motivated throughout the day, keep track of your progress by creating a list of tasks.

Feedback is invaluable for freelance writers looking to grow and improve their craft. Discover the importance of feedback and gain valuable insights in our in-depth post, 21 Reasons Why Feedback Is Important to a Freelance Writer, along with a sample email request to gather feedback effectively.

Make Sure That The Tasks Are Within Your Skill Set. If They Aren’t, Delegate Them Or Hire Someone Else Who Can Do It Better Than You To Free Up Time For More Important Projects

Prioritize the list as well if there are things on your plate that need immediate attention or will take longer than others do them first before moving on to other items later down the line! This way everything gets done sooner rather than later!

Set Clear Goals And Make Sure You’re Doing Work That’s Meaningful To You

Set clear goals. If you’re working on a freelance project, you need to be able to see it through from start to finish. Having a clear vision and understanding of what needs to get done will help keep you motivated and focused on the task at hand.

Be sure that your work is meaningful for yourself. This can be more difficult than it seems, especially if your job is something like accounting or writing code (rather than designing websites or making videos). 

Find ways to use your skills in creative ways; don’t just do boring work because it pays well!

Don’t be afraid to change your goals if they aren’t working out for you. You’ll know when something isn’t fun anymore and when it’s time for a change!

The future of work is evolving, and freelancing is playing a significant role in this transformation. Dive into our thought-provoking article, Freelancing: The Future of Work, to explore the trends, opportunities, and challenges that lie ahead in the freelancing industry.


We hope these tips have helped help you get the most out of your work day. They’ve certainly helped us, and we’re excited to see how they help others. 

We know that being a freelancer can be tough and that everyone has their obstacles, but if you focus on the things that matter most to you and keep your goals in mind, it can make all the difference.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on time management and freelancing that you may find helpful:

Time Management Tips: Boost Your Productivity and Efficiency: Discover practical tips and strategies to enhance your time management skills, allowing you to maximize productivity and achieve better work-life balance.

10 Time Management Strategies for Freelancers to Save 10+ Hours Weekly: Learn effective time management techniques specifically tailored for freelancers, enabling you to reclaim more time in your week and increase your overall productivity.

How to Take Vacation as a Freelancer: Explore strategies and best practices for managing vacations and downtime as a freelancer, ensuring you can recharge and enjoy time off while maintaining your business.


Here are some frequently asked questions about freelancing and time management:

How can I improve my time management skills as a freelancer?

Effective time management as a freelancer can be achieved by setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, utilizing productivity techniques such as Pomodoro Technique, and employing time tracking tools.

What are some common time management challenges faced by freelancers?

Freelancers often struggle with procrastination, difficulty in setting boundaries between work and personal life, managing multiple projects simultaneously, and dealing with interruptions and distractions.

Are there any recommended time management tools for freelancers?

Yes, there are several time management tools that can help freelancers stay organized and improve productivity. Some popular ones include Toggl, Asana, Todoist, RescueTime, and Evernote.

How can freelancers balance their work and personal life?

Finding a balance between work and personal life as a freelancer requires setting boundaries, scheduling dedicated time for personal activities, practicing self-care, and effectively managing workload and deadlines.

Is it possible to achieve work-life balance as a freelancer?

Yes, work-life balance is attainable as a freelancer, but it requires conscious effort and effective time management. By setting priorities, maintaining boundaries, and practicing self-care, freelancers can achieve a healthy balance between work and personal life.

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