How To Land Your Dream Job As Administrator

I’m sure that, like me, most people want to land a dream job: one that’s challenging and rewarding, but also flexible enough that you can pursue your other interests. I’ve had the pleasure of doing just that and am now working as an administrator at a small trade association in Washington DC. 

I love my job because it gives me lots of opportunities to grow professionally and meet interesting people from all over the world. If you’re looking for your own dream job, read on!

How to Land Your Dream Job [Step-By-Step Tactics]
Highlight your administrative skills and experience in your resume.
Demonstrate your ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize effectively.
Showcase your problem-solving and decision-making abilities.
Emphasize your communication and interpersonal skills.
Stay updated on the latest administrative tools and technologies.
Network with professionals in the industry to expand your opportunities.
Prepare for interviews by researching the organization and practicing common interview questions.
Show enthusiasm and passion for the administrative role during the hiring process.
Continuously seek professional development opportunities to enhance your skills.

Emphasize Your Skills

There are many ways to emphasize your skills so that a potential employer will see them as an asset to their business.

Be honest about your skills. The best way to make sure you have the necessary skills is by being honest about what you know and what you don’t know, and then looking for ways in which you can improve those areas. 

For example, if there’s something that scares or intimidates me but I know it will help me succeed in my career (such as public speaking), then I’ll work on improving my presentation skills through professional development courses and workshops at conferences. 

If there’s something that I feel confident in (such as creating spreadsheets), I’ll focus on building upon those strengths through continuing education courses or adding new skills like using PowerPoint presentations or even learning how to use social media platforms like LinkedIn.*

Be specific about your skills. It may sound obvious when we say this—but it’s important! Don’t just write down “administration” without any further explanation; share what kinds of administrative tasks were included under this broad heading: 

Being organized; keeping all information confidential; working with multiple people across different departments within an organization; managing schedules; answering phones for customer service inquiries; delegating tasks appropriately based on each team member’s strengths/weaknesses, 

This list could go on forever but hopefully, now it makes sense why being specific here would be helpful not only when writing down this section but also during interviews later down the line.

Also, consider whether there are certain programs from previous jobs where certain skill sets were needed more than others? (For example: If working with spreadsheets was part of regular responsibilities then maybe list Microsoft Excel rather than OpenOffice Calc).

When it comes to attracting top talent, the right job title can make all the difference. Learn how to create a job title that stands out and captures the attention of top candidates in our comprehensive guide on writing a job title that attracts top talent.

Possess Excellent Communication Skills

As an administrator, it’s important to have excellent communication skills. You’ll be working with all types of people and need to be able to communicate clearly and concisely in a variety of situations.

  • In-person: You’ll need to be clear about your expectations for your team members as well as for yourself. If you’re not clear about what you want from them or why they should follow your directions, then they won’t know either!
  • On the phone: The same goes for phone calls; if there are any questions that come up during a conversation, make sure everyone can understand each other and is on the same page before hanging up.
  • In writing: Whether it’s emails or memos sent through work email accounts or post-it notes left in front of colleagues’ doors (and yes this still happens), make sure that whatever information you send out is easy enough for anyone who reads it to understand where they’re supposed to go next.
  • Respectfully: This means being polite when speaking with coworkers/superiors whether in person or over email/phone/texts etcetera–but also having respect when responding back after receiving messages from them too! It sounds like something simple yet so many people forget this part when communicating with others throughout their day..

Be Tech-Savvy

The ability to use technology is a must. You should be able to use email, computers, and tablets with ease. 

A smartphone too. With that said, don’t be afraid of asking for help if you are struggling with something. Many companies have computer labs available where employees can go for training as well as sit in front of a computer and practice their skills before applying them on the job.

Be Flexible

Be flexible. Be flexible with your schedule, be flexible with your workspace, be flexible with your work location and time, be flexible with the attire in which you wear for work, and be flexible about what tasks you will do and when they will get done.

Be flexible about the environment that you are working in: Are there other people around? Do you have any equipment or tools available to you?

Work Well Under Pressure

A key skill in the workplace is being able to work well under pressure. Being able to handle stress and meet a deadline is also key.

The ability to work well under pressure is important, as it shows that you can handle stressful situations and challenges. If you’re interviewing for a job where your main responsibilities include helping others with their jobs and meeting deadlines, this will be a great asset for you!

You should also show them how well you handle teamwork. A good way to do this would be through group projects like group assignments or group presentations within a school, or even if there’s no official project at hand but rather just working together toward a common goal (perhaps when paired up with other employees).

Are you aspiring to become an Administrative Officer? Discover the essential steps and strategies to land your dream job in our detailed guide on how to land your dream job as an Administrative Officer.

Be Well Organized

Having a well-organized life is a key trait of successful administrators. Your work will be more efficient and productive, you’ll be able to focus on the big picture, and you’ll feel less stressed and that’s just in the office! When you’re not at work, being organized helps keep your personal life running smoothly as well. Organized people are happier people!

Organizing your time isn’t rocket science (or even time management). Just get started by saying “No” to distractions like social media or television shows that suck up hours of your day but don’t really make any difference in life outcomes.  

Instead, put those hours toward whatever makes a difference for you: exercise, reading books (or blog posts), family time anything that brings joy into your world and gets results!

It also helps to keep things tidy around the house; clear off surfaces so there’s room for everything right where it belongs instead of hidden away at all times in drawers or cabinets where they can quickly become lost or forgotten about entirely.

 And when we say “tidy up” here we mean clean out junk drawers too you know those ones full only with bits of paper scraps and random scribbles which probably don’t actually have any real value meaningfully stored there anyway? Yeah…those ones need cleaning out regularly too; nobody wants extra clutter lying around their home office space either!

Be Team Oriented

Now that you’ve learned how to become a good leader and manager, it’s time for the last step: team building. You may not have control over what kind of people work on your team, but it’s important that you’re still able to get things done with them.

It’s easy to be a manager when everyone else is doing their job well! To be successful in this role, though, you’ll need to be able to lead even under difficult circumstances.

If someone isn’t pulling their weight or making trouble for others on the team…you’ll need to know how to handle them. It doesn’t mean being mean; it just means keeping everyone focused and productive so they can do their best work together!

If you’re aiming to reach new heights in your career as an Administrative Manager, our comprehensive guide on landing your dream job as an Administrative Manager will provide you with valuable insights and tips to make it happen.

Have Reference Letters Ready

It’s very important to have at least three reference letters ready and available before you start applying for jobs. These letters should come from people who can speak to your personal and professional skills, as well as your character. 

Try asking friends or family who are in a similar field or position as you, or even professors from college if they know of any agencies that might be hiring in the area. If not, try looking into some online forums where professionals gather to discuss their work or search for community service organizations that may need administrative help.

Be Patient With People Who Need Extra Time to Complete Tasks

As an administrator, you will constantly be working with people who need extra time to complete tasks. This could be because they are learning and need more guidance, or because they are not familiar with the task itself.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important that you be patient with these individuals and give them adequate time to complete their tasks.

Take Notes and Write Everything Down

If you want to land your dream job as an administrator, the first step is to start taking notes during meetings. This is especially important for those who are still in school and need to impress their professors or graders. 

Taking notes will help you remember what has been talked about, who said what, and when they said it. It will also help you recall important information that might come in handy when it comes time to write an essay or prepare for an exam.

If you cannot attend a meeting in person, make sure that you have access to all relevant materials so that they can be referred back easily while writing down notes. You should take a few minutes out of every day after work (or whenever possible) and write down everything from what happened at work that day as well as some personal details about yourself such as hobbies or interests outside work hours

Consider The Benefits Of Working For A Large Or Small Company

You’ll need to figure out which kind of company is right for you. Some of the advantages of working for a smaller company include:

  • Flexibility in your schedule, as well as the ability to work from home or from a coffee shop if you need it
  • Less bureaucracy and more opportunities to get involved with projects that interest you
  • More chances to learn about different aspects of the industry

The benefits for larger companies include:

Make a List of Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses.

How do you improve your weaknesses?

How do you use your strengths to your advantage?

How do you use your weaknesses to your advantage?

Think about the work that you’ve done in previous jobs or volunteer positions. What did you like, and what didn’t you like? If possible, ask others who worked with or around when making this list if they can provide feedback on how they saw those traits manifest themselves during those times.

Think about how each strength might be applicable to a job (and vice versa). For example, if teamwork is an important part of the role that interests me, I could note that I enjoy working with others on projects and assignments because this gives me an opportunity for team-building 

within my position as well as outside of work hours through social gatherings with coworkers or other forms of leisure activities outside our normal business environment such as watching sports together at one’s home.

Aspiring to take on a leadership role in administration? Our guide on landing your dream job as an Administrative Director offers a roadmap to success, equipping you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in this position.

Build Relationships, Not Just a Network

The relationships you have with your professional contacts are just as important—if not more so than the technical skills you bring to the table. When you haven’t been in the workforce for a while, it can be difficult to build those relationships. However, there are several steps you can take to get started:

Put yourself out there! Don’t hide behind your computer screen and send emails only when absolutely necessary; talk face-to-face with people when given the opportunity (or even when not given one).

Keep track of everyone who helps you along the way (even if it’s just for a minute). Send them an email thanking them for their help or even just saying hello every once in a while so they know that their advice has stuck with you. It’ll mean more than they think!

If anyone compliments something about your work ethic or personality, let them know how much it means to hear from them! This is also an excellent opportunity to ask how else they might recommend getting ahead in this industry—and maybe even build some new connections along the way!

If you want your dream job always work hard to improve yourself 

The most important thing to remember when you are working toward your goal is that it’s never too late to start. You can always improve yourself so don’t wait until everything else is perfect before you start working on yourself!

The following are some ways you can measure your progress:

Set a goal and write down the steps needed to achieve it. Then, check-in with yourself regularly to make sure that things are moving along as planned.

Try new things around work (or outside work if possible). Taking on new responsibilities will help push your horizons and show off areas where you excel. 

For example, if you’ve recently been given more responsibility as an administrator, consider taking some time off from administration duties so that other people can see what they’re missing out on when they don’t have someone like you around doing all those tasks for them!

Ask for feedback from friends who know about their jobs well enough–what do they think makes their job great? Do any of these things apply at all?

Are you considering a career as an Analyst? Learn about the key steps and strategies to land your dream job as an Analyst in our comprehensive guide on how to land your dream job as an Analyst, and embark on a rewarding professional journey.


I hope this article has helped you understand how to land your dream job as an administrator. It’s important to remember that only you can determine how far you want to go and what you will do to get there. I know this is not easy, but it is possible!

Further Reading

5 Tips for Landing Your Dream Job: Discover valuable tips and insights to enhance your chances of landing your dream job.

6 Steps to Your Dream Job: Learn about the six essential steps you can take to turn your dream job into a reality.

How to Land Your Dream Job: Explore a comprehensive guide with practical advice and techniques for successfully landing your dream job.

Feel free to explore these additional resources to further expand your knowledge and improve your job search strategies.

And here’s the FAQs section in markdown language:


How can I improve my chances of landing my dream job?

Research the job market, tailor your resume and cover letter to fit the job requirements, network with professionals in your field, and practice for interviews.

What skills are most sought after by employers in dream job candidates?

Employers often value a combination of technical skills, soft skills, and specific industry knowledge. It’s important to stay updated on the latest trends and acquire relevant skills in your desired field.

How can I make my resume stand out to potential employers?

Focus on showcasing your accomplishments, highlighting relevant experiences, and using a clean and professional resume format. Customizing your resume for each job application can also make it more impactful.

Should I include a cover letter when applying for my dream job?

Yes, a well-crafted cover letter allows you to express your interest in the position and demonstrate how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements. It’s an opportunity to make a strong impression on the hiring manager.

How important is networking in landing a dream job?

Networking can significantly enhance your chances of finding your dream job. Building professional relationships, attending industry events, and utilizing online networking platforms can open doors to new opportunities and valuable connections.