How To Get Hired & Succeed As a Technical Writer

Technical writing is a field that encompasses a wide range of topics and projects. You could write software manuals, help people get started with the technology they’ve purchased, or even create web pages. 

Whether you’re looking for a full-time job in tech writing or just pursuing freelance opportunities on the side, there are some things you should know about getting hired and succeeding as a technical writer. This blog post will cover those topics, plus give you some tips for honing your skills as a writer who specializes in this industry.

How to get started as a Technical Writer – YouTube
– Master the art of crafting clear and concise documentation.
– Develop a deep understanding of technical concepts.
– Showcase your writing skills through a well-organized portfolio.
– Collaborate effectively with subject matter experts.
– Adapt to various writing styles and formats.
– Stay updated with industry trends and tools.
– Highlight your problem-solving abilities.
– Continuous learning is key to long-term success.

Have A Talent For “Brilliant Simplicity”

Being able to take complicated concepts and explain them in a way that is easy to understand, while also making them sound simple, is one of the best traits you can have as a technical writer. 

It’s called “brilliant simplicity,” according to Ron Rushing, and it means taking complex ideas and explaining to them so that even someone with no prior knowledge of the subject can understand them.

A good technical writer should be able to do this easily because they will often be working on projects where there are already experts who know all about the topic at hand; they just need someone who can help make their work more accessible.

Building a successful career as a technical writer requires mastering the art of communication and documentation. Learn from the experiences of those who have succeeded with the advice provided in 10 Secrets to Succeed as a Real Estate Writer.

Keep The Manual Simple

The first thing you need to do is keep your manual simple. Simplicity is key in technical writing, and it’s the best way to ensure that readers can grasp the information you’re giving them. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean your work should be simplistic you still want to use complex language when necessary but don’t try and pack too much into a single sentence or paragraph. More than anything else, keeping things short and sweet will help ensure that people understand what you’re talking about no matter how many times they read through the manual.

You also want to make sure that every word counts: one of the best ways to accomplish this goal is by writing short sentences (less than 20 words), using simple words (fewer than 5 syllables), and making liberal use of bullet points whenever possible. 

If there’s an easy way for someone who reads instructions regularly (like a mechanic) then there should always be an easy way for anyone else who needs them as well; not only does this keep things straightforward but it also makes them more readable!

This applies not just in terms of content but also structure: if there are six steps involved then break up each step into four parts so each part gets its section instead; if something takes less time than expected then write “optional” next to it so people know whether or not they need more info here before continuing on their journey through whatever project needs doing next.”

Write To Your Audience

Sometimes, this is the most important step in writing technical documents. You need to know who you’re writing for and then tailor your language and style accordingly. 

That means using words that are easy for them to understand, avoiding jargon and acronyms if possible, and using simple terms rather than fancy ones (which may or may not be understood by some users). 

For example, instead of writing “the data is transmitted through a fiber optic cable,” write “the information is sent via fiber optic cable.”

To help with this task, it’s often helpful to create profiles of your different audiences: their education level; where they live; what languages they speak; their gender; age group; etc. 

This will help you understand their backgrounds better so you can choose which words and phrases best fit those audiences’ needs when communicating with them about a product or service that includes technical details such as these relating to how content will be displayed online (or published in print).

Embarking on a journey to become a technical writer is an exciting endeavor. Discover how to lay the foundation for a fulfilling technical writing career by reading How to Build a Technical Writing Career You Can Enjoy.

Know Your Subject

If you’re a technical writer, it’s crucial to know your subject inside and out. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing about how to assemble an IKEA wardrobe or the latest innovations in voice recognition software you need to spend time researching the topic and becoming familiar with its nuances.

The best way to do this is to learn about the people for whom you are writing as well as what they need. For example, if your audience is made up of publishers who are looking for books on data science and machine learning. 

then it’s helpful if you’ve read several relevant books yourself so that when discussing these topics while interviewing them over Skype or Google Hangouts video chat sessions later down the line (more on those later).

There won’t be any awkward moments where everyone pauses awkwardly while waiting for someone else’s turn at speaking again because no one knows what anyone else should say next due mostly because everyone involved doesn’t know much about each other yet; 

Instead, everyone will feel more comfortable sharing ideas freely because each person feels confident enough having done their homework beforehand which means less time wasted discussing things that don’t matter (at least not yet).

Learn The Information Architecture

Information architecture (IA) is the process of organizing information into a useful structure and designing that structure so that it’s easy to find and use. It’s one of the most important skills you can have as a technical writer because it involves how we create and organize content for our readers.

The key to mastering IA is understanding how people think about their world how they categorize things, where they place them about each other, why these categories matter to them, and so on, and then using this knowledge in your writing: 

Organizing topics in ways that make sense to your audience; providing helpful links from one topic or section to another; avoiding jargon when possible; etcetera. If there’s one thing I wish I had learned earlier about being a technical writer, it would be how important IA is!

Take Notes As You Go

As you read through the material, take notes in any way that works for you. The best method is one that allows you to be highly organized and efficient. Some options:

Use a notebook or notepad. This keeps all your information together, so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for later on (and it doesn’t clog up your computer).

Use a computer with a word processing app (like Microsoft Word) or note-taking app (like Evernote), and type everything as it comes up, saving time by not having to write down everything by hand and retype it later on. 

Doing so will also let others access the document at any time without having to figure out how they can open the file, which could save even more time if someone else needs help with something related but isn’t aware of how things work yet!

If all else fails, just jot down notes as best possible using whatever tools are available at hand like pens/pencils/highlighters etcetera. It’s important just to get them all written down somewhere so we don’t forget anything important once we start working our way through this project together next week!

Curious about the day-to-day life of a technical writer? Gain insight into the profession and its nuances by exploring What It’s Like to Be a Technical Writer.

Embrace Online Publishing

There are many ways to get your work seen and to get feedback, paid or not. You can submit your material directly to an editor or publisher at a local newspaper, magazine, or website. You can also post your content online in many places like LinkedIn Pulse, Medium, and Blogger.

These are just some of the ways you can publish your work online:

  • Submit it directly to an editor at a local newspaper, magazine, or website
  • Post it on LinkedIn Pulse (LinkedIn’s blog platform)
  • Post it on Medium (a blogging platform with millions of readers worldwide)
  • Use Blogger (Google’s free blogging platform for anyone who has a Gmail account)

Be Thorough

To write with thoroughness, you must first do your research. This means reading up on the topic and making sure that you understand the topic completely, as well as the audience’s needs. You should also read other relevant writing on this topic, such as white papers or blog posts.

You’ll also want to make sure that you understand the goals of the writing itself and how it will be used in context. If someone else is going to be editing your work and giving feedback, let them know about this before submitting anything so they can consider their comments accordingly.

Be Helpful & Courteous To Your Audience

Make sure that you’re writing for people who want to read what you’re writing. If your audience doesn’t care about the content, they won’t finish reading it and if they don’t finish reading it, then why should anyone hire or pay you?

You should also be friendly and courteous when explaining concepts in technical writing. This goes hand-in-hand with keeping things simple: the more helpful and clear your explanations are, the less condescending they’ll sound (even if no one accuses you of being condescending). 

Don’t make assumptions about your readers’ intelligence; treat them as intelligent adults who deserve respect even if they don’t know everything yet.

Finally, keep an eye on grammar usage the best tech writers are those who use proper grammar and spelling at all times because these skills help convey professionalism and attention to detail when presenting information in written form.

Starting a career in real estate writing requires determination and strategic steps. Learn about one writer’s journey in How I Got My Real Estate Writing Career Off the Ground and find inspiration for your own path.

Make Technical Writing Part Of Your Job Description

To succeed as a technical writer, you need to be able to write about anything.

This is because it’s not enough for you to find information about the topic you’re writing about and then put it into writing. You also need to be able to present that information in such a way that people who don’t know much about the topic will understand it when they read what you’ve written.

Example: If I were hired as a technical writer for an automobile manufacturer, I would have plenty of car-related documentation at my disposal: how-to guides on changing tires or checking oil levels; instructions on which parts must be replaced after certain periods; statistics on fuel efficiency by model year; etc.

But if all I did was take those existing documents and rewrite them with different words then I wouldn’t be meeting expectations for what’s expected from someone working in my job role (which would likely entail coming up with new content).

Use Clear, Plain English/American

When you’re writing technical documentation, it’s important to use plain language and avoid jargon. You might have heard the adage “To know how to write, you must first learn how to speak.” 

The same applies here: if there’s a word or expression that only people who work in your industry would understand, then it’s not worth using it. Jargon can be confusing for readers who aren’t familiar with your field and make them lose interest in reading further (or even worse, assume something incorrectly).

If the reader needs an explanation of what an acronym means like when using “HTML” instead of “HyperText Markup Language” then provide one at the beginning or end of your document so they can skip over it when they don’t need it anymore. 

Using contractions like “can’t” instead of “cannot” or “we’re” versus “we are” will also help keep things simple and easy to understand by making sure there aren’t any unnecessary long sentences and passive voice sentences being used throughout

Don’t Try To Impress Readers With An Air Of Superiority Or Fancy Vocabulary

You may be tempted to use fancy words and phrases in your technical writing because you think they sound more professional or educated. But, if you’re aiming for clarity and efficiency, you should avoid using unnecessary, confusing jargon. 

Keep in mind that the best writers are concise: they don’t use fancy vocabulary just to show off; they use it only when it enhances their meaning.

They also take care not to make overly complex sentences (that is, compound or complex sentences). Readers will appreciate this because it helps them understand what you’re trying to say without getting lost in complicated syntax.

It’s easier said than done especially since some of us were taught at an early age that bigger words mean smarter people but try not to fall into these traps when writing technical documentation!

If You’re Looking For Technical Writing Telecommuting Jobs, You’ll Need To Be Able To Market Yourself Effectively And Show Off Your Skillset

If you’re looking for technical writing telecommuting jobs, you’ll need to be able to market yourself effectively and show off your skillset. 

A technical writer is someone who writes content for various types of media, such as websites and software manuals. Technical writers are expected to possess a broad knowledge of both the subject matter they write about and the tools used in their field (such as markup languages).

Additionally, they must possess strong communication skills so that they can effectively convey information in a way that is easy for their audience to understand in this case, other professionals or end users who may not have been trained on the topic themselves. In short: there’s no room for jargon!

Effective writing involves avoiding common pitfalls that can hinder your message. Discover the most prevalent errors and how to avoid them in The 16 Most Common Mistakes Real Estate Writers Make, which provides valuable insights for aspiring writers.


If you’re looking for a telecommuting job as a technical writer, what can we say? You’ve got the skills and the passion for the job. Now it’s time to get out there and show everyone what you can do!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore if you’re interested in further developing your career as a technical writer:

Technical Writer HQ – How to Become a Technical Writer Short Description: Dive into a comprehensive guide on the steps and skills needed to embark on a successful journey as a technical writer.

Builtin – Career Guide: Technical Writer Short Description: Explore insights into the role of a technical writer, including key responsibilities and strategies to excel in the field.

Indeed Career Advice – How to Become a Technical Writer Short Description: Discover tips and advice for aspiring technical writers, from building relevant skills to finding job opportunities.


How can I start a career as a technical writer?

Starting a career as a technical writer involves building strong writing and communication skills, familiarizing yourself with technical concepts, and seeking out relevant education or training programs.

What are the key responsibilities of a technical writer?

Technical writers are responsible for creating clear and concise documentation that explains complex technical information in a way that is easily understandable for a target audience.

Do I need a technical background to become a technical writer?

While a technical background can be beneficial, it’s not always a strict requirement. Technical writers often work closely with subject matter experts to gather information and translate it into user-friendly content.

How do I showcase my technical writing skills to potential employers?

You can showcase your technical writing skills by building a portfolio of your work, including sample documentation and writing samples. Online platforms, such as personal websites or LinkedIn, can also be used to demonstrate your expertise.

What industries typically hire technical writers?

Technical writers are in demand across a wide range of industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more. Almost any field that requires clear communication of technical information may have opportunities for technical writers.