Upwork is a great place to find freelance jobs, especially if you’re new to freelancing. As with any freelancing platform, however, good feedback from clients is essential for building your reputation and making sure that your profile remains visible in the search results. Here’s how to get 5-star client feedback on Upwork:
Takeaways |
Request feedback from clients after completing a project. |
Aim to deliver high-quality work that exceeds client expectations. |
Maintain clear and prompt communication with clients throughout the project. |
Provide exceptional customer service and address any concerns promptly. |
Learn from less than 5-star reviews and use them as opportunities for growth. |
Showcase positive client feedback on your Upwork profile. |
Respond professionally and courteously to client reviews. |
Use feedback to continuously improve your skills and client satisfaction. |
Build a strong reputation by consistently earning 5-star reviews. |
Cultivate long-term relationships with clients by providing a positive experience. |
Start With A Personalized Cover Letter
The first thing you have to do is write a personalized cover letter. This can be tricky, as the client may not have given you their name in the job description or they may not have used their real name in the profile.
If this is the case, I recommend going into your client’s profile and copying down any information that could help you find them on social media or elsewhere online (e.g., Twitter handle, personal website).
If they’re not on social media, search Google for their business site or blog posts written by them. In either case, if you find anything that helps identify who they are even if it’s just an email address use it in your email signature block for future correspondence with this particular client; this makes it easier for them to recognize when messages come from you versus other freelancers who might apply for jobs on Upwork after yours has closed out!
Building a successful freelancing career requires utilizing the right strategies on Upwork. Learn the best ways to use Upwork and make the most out of this popular freelancing platform.
Submit An Offer With A Realistic Price
This is one of the most important elements and can make or break your job if you’re not careful. If you are new to Upwork, this can be particularly challenging because there are many different types of contracts and clients tend to ask for higher rates than what would be offered by an experienced provider. So how do you set your rates?
We recommend starting low and gradually increasing them over time as you build up expertise in specific areas no matter what type of work you do! Remember: It’s better to start with lower prices than lose clients because they don’t think that the quality matches their expectations!
We know this may sound counterintuitive but stick firmly to your price point when submitting proposals for clients who want something outside of that range (even if it seems low). This could include situations where clients ask for free revisions or extra hours at no charge after initially agreeing upon a project fee structure upfront.”
Deliver Something Extra (That Takes Little Effort)
Your clients are people, and as such you want to treat them like humans. It’s easy to forget this when you’re working with a client who is paying you for your time. No matter how much they pay, remember that these are real people who have feelings, opinions, and emotions just like everyone else in the world.
It can be difficult sometimes to make sure that you’re treating your client well because it doesn’t seem like it would take very much time or effort on your part but it does! And by doing so, not only will they appreciate your efforts but also feel more inclined to give positive feedback on Upwork (and other sites) about their experience with you as an employee or contractor.
So how do you make sure that every interaction with a client is positive? By going above and beyond what’s expected of them:
Proactively Check-In Every Week
This is one of the easiest ways to get client feedback.
When a client is happy, it’s important to let them know. It shows them that you care about their work and that you want to make sure they had a great experience working with you. And when clients are happy, they tend to tell others about their experience as well!
A simple way to do this is by sending them a short email every week or so asking if there is anything else that could be done to make their life easier or better give them peace of mind while they’re away from the office. You might ask how things are going so far (or how something specific has been helpful), ask if they need any documents written up in addition to what was included in the scope of work agreed upon initially, etc…
I like using project management software like Asana because it makes tracking tasks easy but also allows me to track what’s going on at all times without getting buried behind emails and meetings like some other systems out there right now – which gives me more time outside those activities so I can focus completely on my clients needs rather than spending time doing paperwork 🙂
Your Upwork profile is your first impression on potential clients. Discover effective tips on how to make your Upwork profile stand out and attract more opportunities by checking out our guide on creating an impressive Upwork profile.
Ask If The Client Has Any Questions
This is one of the easiest ways to get 5-star client feedback. This is because, by asking a client if they have any questions about the work you’ve done for them, you are showing that you care about their business and that this isn’t just another transaction.
By asking questions and listening carefully to their answers, you can learn more about what’s important to your client (and how they view their project). This knowledge will help inform future projects with them and it also allows them to clear up any misunderstandings. After all, clients don’t want their contractors thinking they don’t care!
It may sound obvious: Asking questions shows interest in someone else’s success; however, it’s easy for us as freelancers or entrepreneurs to forget that our clients want us on board because of our expertise.
If we communicate our curiosity (or passion) for what matters most within a business model early on in our relationship with them and demonstrate how interested we are in learning more about this topic from their perspective it creates trust between both parties involved during each interaction afterword too
Take A Genuine Interest In Your Clients’ Businesses
If you’ve done the work to earn five stars, it’s time to give your clients the recognition they deserve. You can show them that you truly care about their business by taking a genuine interest in it. Ask questions and get to know them as people, not just as an Upwork client. Make suggestions for how you could help them grow their business even more!
If you want your clients to keep coming back for more great work from you (and who doesn’t?), make sure they’re happy with their last job before moving on to another project. By taking this step, not only will you be able to provide better service in the future but also earn even more five-star reviews!
Help Your Client Look Good
Showcasing your client’s business in the best possible light is a great way to make them look good and create positive feedback for yourself. This can be done by giving them honest feedback, but also by making sure that you are always on top of any touchy issues that may arise during your work together.
One thing we should all do is check-in after every task to ensure that there aren’t any rough patches or misunderstandings that could take away from our reputation as successful business owners.
You’re not just doing this for yourself you’re also helping out the freelancer community at large! After all, if more clients have positive experiences with Upwork freelancers and give good reviews, there will be more work opportunities available for other Upwork professionals like yourself!
Have Realistic Expectations And Be Okay With Them
You should be realistic about how much money you want to make on Upwork. You might be tempted to go into a bidding war for jobs that pay more than your average rate, but this will only drive up your costs and distract you from focusing on providing the best possible service.
It’s okay if a client loses interest in working with you after they’ve already placed an order. Don’t get upset when it happens; remember that every job is different and every client has different needs and expectations of freelancers. If one person doesn’t work out, there will inevitably be others waiting in line who are more interested in your skillset than the last one was!
It’s also okay if clients don’t respond right away (or ever). It can take time for clients to decide whether or not they want someone for their project especially if it’s something complex like developing software or designing an app interface so don’t worry if things seem slow at first! Remember: there are always new opportunities coming up on Upwork!
Looking to land more projects on Upwork? Find out the secret ingredient that can significantly increase your chances. Check out our guide on landing more Upwork projects and unlock the key to success.
Learn to Negotiate When Working With Multiple Clients
Negotiation is an important part of hiring freelancers. It not only helps you find the right people for your business but also ensures the quality of their work.
Once you’ve hired a few people, it can be tough to find time to give them feedback on how well they’re doing and how they can improve. Most clients will be happy with whatever work gets done, as long as it meets their needs and deadlines are met even if there are some issues along the way with communication or accuracy. \
That’s why you need to be able to negotiate for more than just one project: You need good communication skills so that when problems arise (they always do), both parties can come up with new solutions together instead of just letting things go until something breaks down completely!
Communication And Time Management
Upwork clients love a great communicator. If you can’t manage your time effectively, don’t try to convey this to your client.
They will be frustrated when they have to wait for a response from you and will automatically assume that you are an unprofessional person who does not know how to manage their time. The best way to avoid this situation is by communicating with your client at the right time, not at the wrong time.
By being professional and using the right communication style throughout all of your interactions with them (not just in emails), they’ll know that they’ve hired someone responsible who takes their role seriously and is committed to doing good work for them.
Maintain Consistent Quality Work
When you work on a project, you want to make sure that the client is happy with the final product. The last thing you want to do is deliver something that’s not up to their quality standards or doesn’t match what they were expecting. This will only lead them to leave negative feedback and make future projects harder for you in the future.
So how can you maintain quality over time? Here are three tips:
Be consistent; Don’t take shortcuts when it comes to your work or expect clients should settle for less than what they paid for because of time constraints or budget limits. Always remember that top-notch client service means doing everything possible within reason so all parties involved get exactly what they expected from working with each other (including yourself).
You may have heard this before but it bears repeating: don’t compromise on quality just because it costs more money than originally planned out by yourself or the client during the negotiation stage before starting work together!
Explain; everyone on your team must understand why quality matters and what it means for them that way they’ll be more likely to pay attention when something goes wrong or needs improvement!
Be proactive; It’s always better to prevent problems from happening than it is to try and fix them after they occur so make sure that everyone knows where they can go if they have any questions or concerns about anything related to quality.
Have A Portfolio Of Work And Good Reviews
The importance of having a portfolio of work and good reviews from previous clients cannot be overstated. When you are bidding on jobs on Upwork, your potential client will look at your profile and see if you have any experience doing the kind of job he is hiring for. If you don’t have a strong portfolio in his niche, then it’s likely he will not hire you because he won’t trust that you can do quality work in his industry.
The second thing they will look at is your reviews from previous clients. This gives them confidence that previous clients found value in the services provided by yourself or your company and were happy with what was delivered to them!
Listen To Your Clients
You have to listen to your clients. As a freelancer, you may have heard that you should never complain about the client and always be thankful for their business. While this is true, it’s also important to understand why they’re complaining or bringing up certain issues with your work and how you can help them in the future.
If they are being unreasonable or demanding, then, by all means, let them know that this isn’t acceptable behavior and that if they continue, there will be consequences (i.e., not working with them anymore). But if there are legitimate concerns about how their project turned out, these issues must be addressed so that everyone feels satisfied with the outcome of their collaboration together
Send Status Updates To Your Clients Regularly, So They Know What Is Going On
Both you and your client need to keep each other updated about the progress of the project. A good way to do this is through weekly status reports that let them know how much time you’ve spent working on their project, what tasks have been completed and which ones remain.
These updates should be sent out via email at least once a week; if there are more updates than one can fit into an email message, consider sending a shorter message that summarizes only the most important information (such as “I just finished writing the first draft and attached it below.”)
When sending these emails, make sure that all versions of them are properly formatted the sender should look professional-looking (preferably using the Upwork brand colors) and have an informative subject line (e.g., “Weekly Status Update” or “Weekend Project Update”).
The content itself should be concise but comprehensive: include any major milestones reached during this period while also listing anything else noteworthy that happened during last week’s work hours
For instance, If a co-worker was sick during Monday morning meetings but then returned feeling better by Tuesday evening after speaking with her doctor; or if there were unforeseen external factors such as traffic jams caused by construction projects blocking roads leading into downtown Manhattan before the rush hour when everyone tries rush hour traffic jams caused by construction blocking roads leading into downtown Manhattan before rush hour
Writing a great proposal is crucial for winning projects on Upwork. Learn effective techniques and strategies with our comprehensive guide on writing a great proposal and improve your chances of securing freelance gigs.
Make Sure You Both Understand The Requirements
You understand the requirements, but do you make sure your client understands them?. There are two things to consider in this step: how well you understand the requirements and whether or not the client has a clear understanding of what they’re asking for.
As a freelancer, it’s easy to get caught up in the details of a project and forget that your clients don’t always know what they’re talking about. If you ask them questions like “what do you mean by X?” or “can you explain why we need Y?”, then they’ll be more likely to give helpful feedback on their experience with you as an employee.
It’s also important that they know exactly what they’re asking for because if they don’t have any idea what goes into completing an assignment (or even getting started), then there won’t be any way for them to give accurate feedback later on!
Use Upwork’s Time Tracker And Ensure That You Work When You Are Supposed To
You can use Upwork’s time tracker to ensure that you are working when you are supposed to be working.
Go to “My Work” and select “Projects.”
Select the project for which you want to use the time tracker and click on “Time Tracking” in the left navigation bar under “General Settings.”
Under “Client Time Logging,” click on Start at any time during a day or week when you start working on a client project so it will automatically log your hours from then until now (or until an end date if specified), including breaks or lunches if they occur within that timeframe and don’t extend beyond midnight local time (in other words, if they go past midnight local time while logged into Upwork).
Once logged in again after starting work, click Stop Time Logging at any point where work has ended for the day or week (unless there is more work coming up after this point). This will stop recording your hours spent on that particular job so far today or weeklong period; however, these hours remain visible as long as they were not exceeded by another set of logged-in hours later on during said period–so keep an eye out for potential double-logging!
Getting Great Client Feedback On Upwork Requires Excellent Communication And Time Management Skills
Good communication skills are essential to ensure that you deliver projects on time. You must be able to understand the requirements of your clients as well as their expectations and be able to explain clearly how you will achieve those results with your work.
Good time management skills are also needed so that you can deliver projects under deadlines set by clients. In addition, it’s important to respond promptly when clients contact you through Upwork or any other social media platform where you have an account (like Facebook).
If a client has a question about something, answering quickly shows that they matter, which makes them more likely to give positive feedback for their experience working with you. Understand how each client works before starting any project – some may prefer communicating via chat app like Slack rather than email so make sure there is no confusion about this during discussions leading up to the hire date 🙂
As a freelance writer on Upwork, earning better ratings can lead to more opportunities and success. Discover 9 actionable tips to improve your ratings by checking out our guide on earning better ratings on Upwork.
Final Thoughts
Working remotely can be a fantastic way to get started in freelancing. It’s also the best way to earn money while you learn new skills. If you’re like me and want to make the most of your skills and experience while building up your client portfolio, remote work is a great option.
If you’re ready to work from home, look no further than Upwork! You’ll find hundreds of jobs available on the platform and that number only increases as more businesses become aware of its existence as a viable hiring tool for their employees or contractors. There’s no time like now for starting this style of employment; it’s here to stay!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources for further reading on getting 5-star reviews on Upwork:
Entrepreneur – How to Get 5-Star Reviews on Upwork: This article provides valuable insights and tips on how to secure excellent reviews and ratings from clients on Upwork.
Revelo Blog – Upwork Reviews: Tips to Get 5-Star Ratings: Explore this blog post to learn practical strategies and advice for obtaining 5-star reviews on Upwork, enhancing your freelance reputation.
Morgan Overholt – How to Get 5-Star Reviews on Upwork: Morgan Overholt shares her personal experiences and proven techniques for achieving outstanding reviews on Upwork, helping you excel in your freelancing career.
People Also Ask
What Is Upwork?
Upwork is a platform for finding, hiring, and managing remote workers. It’s all about matching you with the right person for your project at the right price. (That means no more worrying about finding someone who can do it all.)
How Do I Get Clients On Upwork?
You’ll start by creating a profile that showcases your skills and experience as they relate to your industry. Then, once approved by our team of moderators, it’s time to start searching through job postings from companies looking for freelancers like you!
Once you find one that matches what you’re looking for and make sure they’ve hired successfully before it’s time to take action: submit a proposal outlining why they should hire YOU! And don’t forget: You can always message them directly if something isn’t clear or if there’s anything else important about being an awesome contractor on Upwork that we left out (like hourly rates).
How Does Upwork Work?
Upwork is a freelancing marketplace where businesses and independent professionals connect. If you’re a client, you can search through our tens of thousands of talented freelancers in design, web development, and writing services or post a job listing if you need something custom.
If you’re an independent contractor (or “freelancer”), use the site to bid on projects that interest you. Once hired, your tasks will be sent to your Upwork account – everything from quality feedback with clients to project management tools that keep everyone on track.*
How Do I Know If A Freelancer Is Good?
If you want to know if a freelancer is good, check their reviews on Upwork. The reviews give you an idea of how other clients feel about working with them and will help you decide whether or not they’re worth hiring.
Are There Any Tips For Getting Great Client Feedback?
Yes! Here’s one tip: make sure your client knows what they’re paying for before they start working with you so that there aren’t any surprises later on down the road (e.g., “I thought this was going to be a 20-minute small project but now it’s taking longer than expected…”).
This will make them feel more comfortable trusting your expertise and completing their task(s) without worrying about wasting time or money because everything has been clearly explained from day one!

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.