How To Become A Freelance Writer

Becoming a freelance writer means having the freedom to work when, where and how you want. 

It’s an attractive option for many people, but it isn’t always easy especially if you have no experience or just don’t know where to start. 

The good news is that anyone can become a freelance writer and earn some extra cash in their spare time. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

How to Become an Online Freelance Writer in 2022 – YouTube
Build a strong writing portfolio to showcase your skills.
Network with other writers and potential clients.
Utilize online platforms like Upwork and Freelancer to find opportunities.
Develop essential skills such as research, time management, and communication.
Set your freelance writing rates based on experience and market standards.
Effectively manage your business using project management tools.
Prioritize communication with clients for a smooth workflow.

Decide On Your Niche

Your niche should be something you are passionate about and qualified to write about something that people want to read about. 

For example, if you love animals, but have no experience working with them or keeping them as pets, that is not the right niche for you. 

You can still write about animals but try to focus on a topic where your skills and knowledge will help others such as studying animal behavior or how to care for exotic pets (like snakes).

When deciding on what subject matter to write about it’s important not just because it will help define how much money you’ll make. 

But. also because it helps guide other decisions like what titles mean most when promoting yourself through social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter.

Getting valuable feedback is crucial for freelancers on Upwork. Learn how to ensure you’re receiving the best input from clients with our comprehensive guide on getting the best client feedback on Upwork. Constructive feedback can help you improve and grow in your freelancing career.

Define Your Goals

It’s important to define your goals before you start writing. It’s impossible to hit a target if you don’t have one, and there are so many options that it can be overwhelming. 

You’ll want to know where you’re going and how far away from that place you are at any given moment.

Including friends and family in the process is not advisable. 

Though they may mean well, their advice won’t always be helpful for your specific situation and it could hurt more than help if they discourage or pressure you into doing something that doesn’t align with your vision. 

As an example: some people like working as freelancers while others prefer full-time employment; neither way is “better” or “worse,” but only one might be right for each person depending on their goals.

To get started on setting realistic goals for yourself, consider these questions: What do I want my life to look like in three months? Six months? A year? Three years? Five years?

When I think about these things now (or when I will think about them), what does success look like? What does failure look like? 

If either of those scenarios came about, would this mean my life was over as we know it today, or would there be a way forward from here if things didn’t work out perfectly according to plan tomorrow morning when everything starts anew again according to next week? 

Thursday’s calendar days btw deadline assignments due dates etc., etc., etc…

Create A Website

Before you can start looking for freelance writing jobs, you need a website. 

It’s not enough just to have a blog or social media accounts; your website is the place where potential clients will go when they are looking for someone with your skill set. 

A good blog will help them get to know you better, but it doesn’t give them the full picture of what it would be like to work with you.

Your website should be easy for visitors to find on Google and other search engines so that anyone searching for someone who can write about their subject matter will come across your website first (or at least in the top results). 

The design of this site should also look professional and well-designed no one wants to work with someone who doesn’t put any effort into their brand! 

You’ll want this site updated regularly as well; if something changes or new information comes out about a topic that interests you, make sure those changes are reflected on your site as soon as possible so people searching through archives don’t see outdated information.”

A compelling freelance proposal can make all the difference in landing your dream projects. Discover the secrets to crafting a winning proposal that hooks clients and keeps them coming back for more in our article on creating a freelance proposal that gets your clients addicted.

Build An Email List

Building an email list is important for several reasons. 

First, you’ll be able to keep in touch with readers on a regular regularly and can use it to gather information about those who are interested in your work and the topics you write about. 

Third, if you ever decide to create a product or start charging for your writing services, having an email list will help make this transition easy for both you and your customers.

Many freelancers build their lists by offering free content (like ebooks) in exchange for an email address, or they simply ask people to sign up when they subscribe to one of their newsletters or blogs. 

You can even set up a simple web form where people can enter their info after reading one of your articles online and then send them a reminder once they submit it!

It may seem daunting at first because there’s no magic formula that guarantees success but here are some ideas:

Write Great Samples

Freelance writing is a competitive field, and this means you have to be extremely good at your craft. If you are looking for work as a freelance writer, the best way to get started is through samples.

Writing samples are like mini portfolios of your best work that can help potential clients see what you can do for them and understand your style. 

When it comes time for them to decide whether or not they want to hire you as a freelancer, they will want to see proof of everything we’ve discussed in this section: 

That you’re an expert on some topic (or topics), that you have unique knowledge or insight into something relevant in their industry or area of interest, and most importantly that writing well comes naturally when talking about subjects close to heart!

Pitch Post Ideas

To become a freelance writer, you need to get your writing out there. You can:

Pitch post ideas to editors at magazines and websites (this is the most common way). 

This requires some research into what they want, but after you’ve done the research, it’s usually pretty easy to adapt something that already exists into a pitch for them.

Pitch articles or posts directly to clients. Generally speaking, clients don’t have time for pitches because they’re too busy actually running their business so if this works for you, great! 

But keep in mind that many of these clients will want to see samples before agreeing on an ongoing relationship with you.

Ask friends if they’d like help with their blog or website or even just general writing tasks like letters or marketing copy. 

This can be a good way of getting used to working with different types of people from different walks of life and it also gives people more incentive than money alone does!

Freelancing has revolutionized the way we work, offering unparalleled opportunities for independence and creativity. Explore the impact freelancing has had on the workforce in our thought-provoking piece, What Freelancing Has Done to Work, and gain insights into the changing landscape of modern employment.

Network With Other Writers And Editors

Networking with other writers and editors is an important part of the freelance writing process. It’s a good way to find clients, get advice on your work, and build relationships with professionals in your industry.

To network with other writers:

Attend conferences or events related to freelancing. You can attend local meetups or search online for events near you.

Events are great places to learn about opportunities available in your area, make connections with potential employers and get feedback on your portfolio (the collection of past projects that shows off your writing skills).

Join a professional organization dedicated to freelance writers. 

Groups like Freelance Writers’ Guild offer networking opportunities as well as articles about how to break into the field and tips for staying successful once you’re there. 

You might also consider joining LinkedIn groups dedicated solely to freelancers; these forums tend ​to be more active than ones designated specifically toward other fields such as marketing

Because they’re focused specifically around content creation rather than broader topics like sales or advertising strategy.”

Keep Learning About The Craft Of Writing

Take classes. When you’re just getting started, it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to learning about the craft of writing. 

Taking a class at a local community college or university is an excellent way to begin your education and meet other writers with similar interests.

Read books on the subject. Whether you are reading print books or eBooks, reading about writing will help you improve your work and it won’t cost much money! 

You can find a list of recommended titles by searching “How To Become A Freelance Writer” online or through Amazon’s “Readers Also Bought…” recommendations.

Read blogs related to freelance writing careers (like this one). These sites often include helpful tips on how they got started and what they learned along the way and they might even offer free advice!

Know Your Worth

One of the first things you should do when you decide to freelance is to understand your worth. 

This will help you negotiate better terms with potential clients, and avoid low-paying jobs that could harm your reputation as a writer in the field.

Once you’ve determined what rate to charge per word, make sure that this isn’t too high or too low for the industry at large. 

To find out, research other writers’ rates by searching Google or by checking on sites like Upwork or Fiverr (a lot of people post their rates there). 

Make sure that your rate falls within the range where others are charging for similar types of work.

Embrace your freelance career and maximize your potential with these valuable tips on making the most of your freelance career. From time management to networking, our tips will help you navigate the challenges and excel in the freelancing world.

Set A Schedule For Yourself And Stick To It

The most disciplined writers write every day, even if they only have 20 minutes to spare. 

If you’re not disciplined enough to do this, you’ll have trouble becoming successful at freelancing. 

Be honest with yourself about how much time you can commit each day and make sure your schedule reflects that reality.

Being able to prioritize and focus on the task at hand is important because when things get busy, there are going to be distractions everywhere you look: emails will flood in from clients and editors; 

Friends may want your advice or help with their projects; other household chores may need doing (even though they should probably wait until after work); the phone could ring with an important call…the list goes on!

If something happens during working hours that take away from your productivity like getting stuck in traffic due to road construction don’t beat yourself up over it or start thinking about what else could go wrong today; 

Instead, just focus on getting through this particular challenge so that tomorrow starts fresh again!

Create Systems For Managing Your Workflow And Life Outside Of Writing

Set up a schedule. Whether you’re just starting as a writer or have been at it for years, setting up a schedule is key to keeping yourself on track and meeting your deadlines. 

Part of this involves creating a system that works for you and sticking to it!

Create systems for managing your workflow and life outside of writing. Writing isn’t all there is in the world, so make sure that you’re always doing something else when not working on your project(s). 

If possible, try not to let any aspect of your life fall through the cracks; if anything seems like it could be causing distractions or disruptions, fix it now before moving forward as quickly as possible with multiple projects at once.

Find support from others who can help keep you accountable if necessary whether online communities or loved ones who know what’s going on in your life (or both).

Find A Support System That Works For You

You’re likely to have a lot of questions, and you need someone to help answer them. A good support system can be just what you need as a freelance writer. 

They’ll offer encouragement and advice when you need it most, and they can help keep you accountable for your goals as well.

Your support system will vary depending on how much time and effort you want to put into finding one. 

You could find someone who lives nearby or someone halfway across the world; 

the only requirement is that this person shares at least some of your interests so that they are willing to listen when needed; 

Provide feedback whenever possible (even if it isn’t always positive), and be there when things get tough (because we all know that writing isn’t always easy).

Freelance writing is hard work but it can be done, with good organization and self-discipline

Freelance Writing Is Hard Work

You need to be self-disciplined, organized,+ and motivated.

You’ll need to find a support system and know your worth.

You’ll need to manage your workflow effectively so you can write as much as possible without burning out.

Are you considering a career in freelance writing or copywriting? Wondering if it’s the right fit for you? Check out our in-depth article on the pros and cons of freelance writing and copywriting jobs to make an informed decision about your future career path.


Well done! You’ve made it to the end of the list. I hope this gives you a short but sweet guide on how to become a freelance writer.

Further Reading

Indeed Career Advice: How to Become a Freelance Writer: Explore valuable insights and tips from Indeed on how to kickstart your journey as a freelance writer.

MasterClass: How to Become a Freelance Writer: Delve into the world of freelance writing with expert guidance and learn from industry professionals at MasterClass.

SmartBlogger: How to Become a Freelance Writer: Enhance your freelance writing career with SmartBlogger’s comprehensive guide filled with practical advice and resources.


How do I get started as a freelance writer?

To start as a freelance writer, begin by building a portfolio showcasing your writing skills and expertise. You can create a personal blog or contribute guest posts to gain exposure and experience.

How can I find freelance writing opportunities?

You can find freelance writing opportunities by networking with other writers, joining online platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, or reaching out to potential clients directly through cold pitching.

What are the essential skills for a freelance writer?

As a freelance writer, essential skills include strong writing abilities, research skills, time management, communication, and the ability to adapt writing styles for different clients and niches.

How do I set freelance writing rates?

Setting freelance writing rates can be based on factors like your experience, the complexity of the project, word count, and industry standards. Research market rates and consider your value and expertise when determining your pricing.

How do I manage my freelance writing business effectively?

To manage your freelance writing business effectively, use project management tools to keep track of deadlines and assignments. Additionally, prioritize communication with clients to ensure clarity and a smooth workflow.

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