If you’re looking to start a career in copywriting, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’ll teach you everything you need to know about becoming a freelance writer.
When we talk about freelancing, there are many different types of jobs that fall under this umbrella term. Freelancers are all self-employed (meaning they don’t have a full-time job with one company), but not all people who work on their own are freelancers in that sense.
Some people do contract or part-time work for an employer while others form partnerships or even companies with friends or family members all these things count as freelancing because they involve working independently from an office rather than under someone else’s direction for at least some portion of their workday.
Takeaways |
1. Master the art of persuasive writing. |
2. Understand the psychology of consumer behavior. |
3. Choose a niche to specialize in for expertise. |
4. Build a strong online portfolio showcasing skills. |
5. Network with potential clients and industry peers. |
6. Consistently deliver high-quality, value-driven content. |
7. Continuously improve and adapt to market trends. |
8. Seek well-paying opportunities in high-demand niches. |
9. Utilize social media to showcase your expertise. |
10. Aim for consistent growth and client referrals. |
1. Write 5 Pieces Of Copy Every Day
The first step to becoming a great copywriter is to write.
Write every day, and write more than you think that you should. This will help you get comfortable with writing and allow you to practice your craft without the pressure of having to perform well. I recommend that you write five pieces of copy per day (500 words each), which adds up to 3000 words per week (not including weekends).
If you’re a complete beginner, then make sure that your content is easy for yourself as well as others. People should read something easy than it is for them not even try at all because they don’t know where or how they’d start!
Earning six figures as a copywriter is an achievable goal with the right strategies and dedication. If you’re looking to break into the world of copywriting and boost your income, our guide on How to Become a Copywriter: Earn Six Figures in the Next 12 Months can provide you with valuable insights and actionable tips.
2. Never Consider Yourself As A “Writer”
If you’re going to become a successful copywriter, you have to be able to handle rejection. Rejection is a part of the game. But if you think about it, rejection is just feedback. It tells you how your message can be more effective in communicating with your audience.
If someone rejects your offer or doesn’t respond to it, don’t get discouraged by that; instead, learn from it! You are not entitled to people to buy whatever it is that you offer them and there’s no reason why they should do so because after all, they are not obligated or forced by law or government regulation (unless maybe they’re employees).
They’re doing this voluntarily and as such have every right in rejecting whatever it is that you’ve got for sale!
So when someone rejects your offer don’t take offense but rather understand why did this happen? How could have I made my product/service more attractive to my target market so that people will want what I am offering more than anything else out there? Instead of being frustrated by failure try getting better at what matters most: writing compelling copy!
3. Learn The Art Of Positive Self-Talk
To become a successful copywriter and earn six figures within the next 12 months, you need to learn how to change your self-talk for the better.
You can do this by repeating positive affirmations about yourself 10 times a day. These might be things like “I’m a great person” or “I am capable of accomplishing anything I want.” When you repeat these phrases over and over again, they will eventually begin to take root in your subconscious mind.
And once that happens, it’s only a matter of time before you start believing them! Try it out for yourself right now: tell yourself that there is no such thing as gravity (or any other scientific fact) and see what happens…
Crafting compelling and persuasive content is a crucial skill for any writer. Discover effective techniques and principles in our article about How to Write Copy that Sells Anything & Everything and learn how to create copy that resonates with your audience and drives action.
4. Become A Daily Blog Reader
As a copywriter, you’ll be writing words for other people. But before you can do that, you need to learn how to write in the first place. This means reading.
Lots of reading. Find blogs that interest you and read them every day the more niche-oriented the topic, the better! You’ll want to follow as many writers as possible so that they can help guide your style and bring new ideas into your writing process.
Another great thing about this is that it forces you out of your comfort zone and into new spaces where learning happens naturally like when I’m working on my blog or other content marketing pieces for clients!
The last thing I want is for someone else’s work to come up with something better than mine (or at least just as good). It’s also an opportunity for me not only to learn from others’ mistakes but also from their successes too!
5. Commit To Writing Only 500 Words Every Day, For The Next 12 Months
This is a good starting point for any writer, but it’s especially important, to begin with, the basics.
When you commit to writing only 500 words every day (for the next 12 months) and then go at it like there’s no tomorrow, you’ll be surprised at how quickly your skills grow. You’ll discover new ways of structuring sentences, using metaphors and similes, building character profiles, and even discovering effective narrative structures!
It may seem like an insurmountable task at first (or even second), but trust me: after several months of practicing your craft daily you will see progress! And once that progress starts happening it becomes addictive!
6. Learn How To Sell, Not Just How To Write
A great copywriter knows how to sell. You may be thinking, “I just want to write!” Well, you need to learn how to sell if you want your work to be worth anything. Selling is not easy – but it’s the only way that people will value your writing and pay you for it.
The best way to learn how to sell is by reading the work of others who are good at it, studying their sales pages carefully, and closely observing what works and what doesn’t. Then try writing some sales pages yourself – even if they’re terrible at first! Use A/B testing software like Optimizely or Unbounce (or whatever else floats your boat).
Test different headlines, write different calls-to-action, etc., then test them again until one stick! You’ll know which one worked because visitors will start flocking in like ducks from a pond on a sunny day…
If you’re aiming to improve your creative writing skills, consider learning from unexpected sources like graphic novels. Explore the connection between creative writing and graphic novels in our post titled Tips from My Favorite Graphic Novels That Will Make Your Creative Writing Better, and find out how visual storytelling can enhance your writing abilities.
7. Read The Work Of Copywriters Who Inspire You
As a copywriter, your job is to write so well that readers can’t put your words down. That’s a tall order! Your success will largely depend on your ability to communicate with readers, so it’s important to read as much great writing as possible.
Reading other people’s work will not only help you improve as a writer but also give you new ideas for how to approach projects and find inspiration for new content.
There are many places where you can find examples of great writing: books, magazines, online articles, etc., but one of my favorite ways is by attending conferences where top writers share their expertise in person (this was one thing I did while building up my freelance business).
8. Give Yourself A Year To Become Successful At This New Skill You’re Learning
You’re probably not going to be able to make six figures right away, and that’s okay! It takes time to learn how to become successful at anything.
A good rule of thumb is that if you can do something in your spare time as a hobby or side gig, it will probably take a few months of practice before you can get paid for it. If it takes longer than that, then perhaps consider finding another skill that will provide more immediate results (but also keep the copywriting one in mind).
The world of copywriting is vast and dynamic, with endless opportunities for those who master the craft. Dive into the significance of copywriting and its impact on various industries through our article on Why Copywriting Matters and Why You Should Learn to Do It, and discover why honing your copywriting skills can lead to valuable career prospects.
9. Pick One Target Market And Focus On Writing Copy For Them Only
The next step is to pick one niche market and focus your copywriting efforts on that one group of people. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many copywriters we see who try to write for everyone – from women’s fashion shoppers to IT professionals.
When you’re first starting, it’s best to hone in on a specific type of person or business so that you can get to know them before branching out into other sectors.
Why is this important? Well, if your focus is too broad, then you’ll never know enough about any single client or audience member to create truly compelling copy that they’ll love reading.
You also run the risk of being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of research required for each new sector you enter; if there are 1 million businesses out there (maybe even more) then how can one person possibly keep up with every single industry?! The answer is simple: don’t try!
Instead, focus on just one niche at first so that all of your attention goes into learning everything possible about those specific customers before moving on to another target market
11. Get Clear On Why You Want To Do This What Is Your Motivation?
The last step is to get clear on why you want to do this. What’s the motivation?
Motivation is the key to success and it can change over time. It might be that you have a passion for writing, but if you don’t know why you have a passion for writing, then getting paid for it won’t make much of a difference in your life.
Or perhaps there is some other reason that motivates you – maybe something happened in your life where writing was important and now through copywriting, you can pay it forward by helping others achieve their goals.
Whatever your motivation may be, make sure it stays strong throughout becoming a full-time copywriter so that when things get tough or slow down (and believe me they will), keeping going will still feel worthwhile to YOU!
12. Find Copywriting Mentors
This step is crucial, as it will help you learn the skills necessary to succeed in your new career path. You’ll be able to learn from their successes, failures, and mistakes and avoid making those same errors on your path to success.
If you’re just starting with no experience at all, I recommend that you find someone good at what you want to be good at (in this case: copywriting). If they have been successful in their career then they will likely have great advice for where you should start and how best to get started on the right foot.
They may even suggest some of the resources mentioned above (like The Brain Audit) which can save a lot of time!
If they haven’t been successful yet but are willing enough then ask them what advice would be helpful since they have zero track record or experience themselves; there could still be some useful insights here as well!
Building a support network and finding like-minded individuals in the writing community can be instrumental in your writing journey. If you’re aspiring to become a successful copywriter, explore our guide on How to Break into Copywriting to gain insights on creating meaningful connections and accessing resources that can propel your career forward.
13. Learn To Write Long-Form Sales Letters
To be able to get clients fast, you need to learn how to write a sales letter. This is a crucial skill that every copywriter needs.
A good sales letter should be at least 2,000 words long and will sell your product on its merit without the need for an additional marketing plan or funnel. You can also use it as an effective lead generation tool for your business.
This means you’ll have to learn how to write compelling copy that converts into leads (or sales) by itself!
14. Write Daily
On top of the specific bullet points I’ve covered, here are some general tips for improving your writing speed and productivity.
Write every day. Even if you’re not making much progress with the first couple of days, keep going. You’ll find that once it gains momentum, writing becomes easier and easier.
Write at least 500 words per day (2 pages). If you can’t write an essay in class or at home in front of the TV with your family around, then try writing during lunchtime or after work when no one is looking over your shoulder judging you for spending too much time on something so frivolous as “writing.” Or better yet: go somewhere where there’s no internet connection (e.g., a cafe).
Take breaks between paragraphs whenever possible it keeps the creative juices flowing! And remember: A good writer isn’t deterred by bad ideas; they just throw them away!
15. Learn The 20 Primary Emotional Triggers In Advertising
When you’re learning to copywriting, it’s important to understand the 20 primary emotional triggers that cause people to buy. These are the most common emotions that people feel in response to advertising (and by extension, products):
Urgency: This is the feeling that you need to do something right away. It’s usually tied into a sense of urgency or crisis (like needing a new car before winter hits).
Love/Sexuality: This typically works better with products than with services. It can also be used when talking about your company brand as well as your products or services.
Safety/Security: This one is pretty much self-explanatory it’s about making sure the customer feels secure when they’re buying from you.
Anger/Resentment: You don’t want customers who are angry or resentful; however, using these emotions in your copy can be very effective for getting attention and increasing conversions if done right!
Curiosity/Curiosity killed the cat…but satisfaction brought her back! This one should be used sparingly because it doesn’t appeal directly to purchasing decisions it appeals more toward satisfying curiosity than anything else; however, if used correctly then this can be very effective at increasing sales conversions!
16. Do It Differently
If you want to create a unique brand, product, or marketing campaign, then don’t just do what other people are doing. Don’t copy what you’ve done before, don’t copy what you know, and don’t copy anything else either.
You need to be aware of the trends in your industry so that you can see which ones are working but then take those trends and twist them around in some way so they become original and yours alone!
17. The Fast Route Is Not Always The Right One
There are two ways you can go about your copywriting journey. You can take the fast route, which is something a lot of people do. They learn everything they need to know in a few months and then start making money right away.
Or, you can take the slow route the one that allows you to build a foundation for success that will last for years and help you earn six figures sooner than later.
If you have big dreams, don’t let anyone tell you that it’s impossible or pointless to start from scratch today; just because other people got there first doesn’t mean it has to be done their way too!
18. Build A Network By Being Yourself
To grow your network, don’t be afraid to ask people for help. If you have a question, ask it! Don’t worry about whether or not someone will be annoyed with the fact that you asked them something. It doesn’t matter if they are busy or not just reach out and connect with them anyway because every connection is valuable.
Don’t hesitate to ask for referrals either. Referrals are one of the best ways to build relationships with other professionals in your industry and beyond who can refer clients or projects to you down the road.
Take advantage of every opportunity that comes up during networking events (or even after work) by asking people if they know anyone else who could benefit from working with you as a copywriter or freelance writer (and vice versa).
Above all else though, always remember this: never be afraid to ask questions! Asking questions shows humility, curiosity, honesty, and sincerity all qualities that impress others when done right
19. Don’t Get Discouraged By Rejection
It’s easy to get discouraged by rejection. So, don’t take it personally. It doesn’t mean you are a bad person or that your idea is wrong, it just means that an editor or client didn’t think your work was right for them at that time.
Don’t expect to get it right the first time no one does! And if they say they do, they’re lying to themselves and/or trying to make you feel better about things not working out as well as they could have (they want to make sure you don’t give up).
And even when you do get something right on the first try, there’s always room for improvement! That’s how we grow as professionals: through trial and error.
If someone says “no”, don’t let them stop you from trying again with a different company/editor/client who might be more interested in what you have to offer than someone else did last week… because maybe next week will be different too!
19. Try It Out For Yourself
Learning is the best way to get started. Try it out for yourself and learn from others. You can start small, but make sure you get feedback from others as well.
Start with a blog or article that describes your goal in detail and explains how you plan to make money doing what you love (copywriting). Be consistent and persistent in your efforts, but stay open-minded if new ideas come up along the way!
If you’re looking to start a new career in copywriting, this blog post is for you. I’ve outlined the steps I took to enter this field and get paid six figures in under 12 months.
The first step is very important: research and learns about how copywriting works! When we’re starting in an industry, it’s easy to jump right into it without doing any research.
But if you want to succeed at anything, especially something as competitive as writing for clients or landing gigs with them (which could potentially mean more money), then make sure you’ve done some background work first so that when they call asking “how much do writers get paid?” You won’t have any trouble answering them confidently!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of becoming a successful copywriter and earning a substantial income:
Jacob McMillen: How to Become a Copywriter A comprehensive guide offering insights into the steps, skills, and strategies to embark on a successful copywriting career.
Medium: How to Become a Copywriter and Earn Six Figures in the Next 12 Months Discover practical advice on achieving six-figure earnings as a copywriter within a year and the tactics to make it happen.
Mighty Freelancer: How to Become a Six-Figure Freelance Writer Explore the path to becoming a highly successful freelance writer, including tips for reaching six-figure income milestones.
Here are some frequently asked questions about becoming a copywriter and achieving financial success:
How do I become a copywriter?
Becoming a copywriter involves developing strong writing skills, understanding marketing principles, and crafting persuasive content that resonates with the target audience.
Can I earn six figures as a copywriter?
Yes, it’s possible to earn six figures as a copywriter by consistently delivering high-quality work, building a strong client base, and specializing in high-demand niches.
What skills do I need to succeed as a copywriter?
Copywriters need excellent writing skills, creativity, the ability to understand consumer psychology, and a knack for crafting compelling and persuasive messages.
How can I find well-paying copywriting clients?
To find well-paying clients, consider building a professional portfolio, networking with potential clients, utilizing freelance platforms, and showcasing your expertise through content marketing.
What industries can I specialize in as a copywriter?
Copywriters can specialize in various industries such as digital marketing, e-commerce, health and wellness, technology, finance, and more, depending on their interests and expertise.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.