Ways To Improve Your Copywriting Without Spending Any Money On Killer Words

If you’ve been following Copywriter Tip of the Week, you know that I’m a big fan of copywriting. Whether it’s writing copy for an ad or writing a blog post, the art of persuasion is something that can have a huge impact on your business and sales. 

One way to improve your copy is by making sure that it has everything needed for your audience to decide to buy (or subscribe).

How To Use Power Words To Become A Better Copywriter
1. Utilize storytelling techniques to captivate readers.
2. Craft engaging headlines that spark curiosity.
3. Focus on addressing your audience’s pain points.
4. Use vivid imagery to create a visual impact.
5. Experiment with different writing styles.
6. Incorporate social proof to build trust.
7. Maintain a conversational tone for relatability.
8. Understand your target audience’s needs and desires.
9. Create a sense of urgency to prompt action.
10. Practice regularly to refine your copywriting skills.

Intrigue With A Question

Intrigue with a question. The best way to get someone’s attention is to ask them something that they can’t answer. This will make them curious, and it will also compel them to continue reading the piece to find out the answer.

Make it relevant to your target audience. You should always try to tailor your copy around a specific demographic: what are their interests? What do they respond well to? If you can figure this out and incorporate it into your copywriting, then you’ll have an easier time connecting with those people on an emotional level.

Use a question as bait for the reader’s curiosity then provide the answer later on in the piece (or link back). This is another good way of engaging readers online because they’re essentially following along without even realizing it sort of like being hooked by fishing line!

Mastering the art of legal writing involves more than just words. Our comprehensive guide to copyediting for lawyers delves into the intricacies of refining your legal documents to convey precision and professionalism.

Keep It Simple & Stupid

Keep it simple and stupid is an acronym that can be used as a baseline for your copywriting. This means:

Keep the language simple.

Use short words, sentences, and paragraphs.

Don’t use complex punctuation or advanced grammar.

The KISS principle is great because it helps you start a conversation with your prospect by keeping things simple and easy to understand. 

It also helps you keep the conversation going by creating a sense of ease between you and your prospect, who will feel at ease when reading about something they understand or can relate to easily because of its simplicity. 

The last thing this principle does is to close any deal between you and your prospect by keeping things light so that both parties feel comfortable at all times when closing deals together (and not wanting each other’s throats).

Include A Free Gift

Some of the best content on the web is indeed free, but you can make your content even better by giving your readers something extra. You can do this by including a gift with your product or service. By adding value to your product, you’ll build trust with potential customers and get them excited about what they’re buying.

The key thing here is to give away something related to your product. If you’re selling an ebook about how to write killer copy for blogs, then give away an ebook that helps people learn how to write killer copy for blogs (or whatever). 

The gift doesn’t have to be directly related or even use it just needs to be something valuable enough that readers will want it enough so as not to feel like they’re wasting their time reading through all those emails from salesmen every day!

If possible, also make sure that it’s easy for customers who buy from you later on down the road when they need more help making money online – maybe give out free access codes? Or create some kind of meetup group where members can get together once a month? Whatever works best within reason!

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Use Your Name Often

Using the writer’s name helps create a sense of familiarity and trust. When people see my name on the page, they know that I’ve done the research and can be trusted to give them good advice. You should use your name in the headline, body copy, call-to-action (CTA), testimonials, case studies, and the about us section everywhere!

Use A Countdown To Build Urgency

“If you’re going to use a countdown, why not make it count?”

You can use this tool in three different ways:

Build Urgency – If a reader feels like they have a limited time to act on an offer or deal, they will be more likely to take action right away. (Remember how effective the “limited time offer” is in infomercials?) The same principle applies here. 

You can build urgency by creating a sense of scarcity and urgency in your copywriting by using a countdown timer or some other sort of visual aid that draws attention to how much time is left before something will no longer be available or before something happens (like the timer on the microwave). 

For example: “Get my book now and get access to these bonus chapters for only $0! This special offer ends at midnight tonight!”

Build Trust – Countdowns also help build trust because they show that what you are offering is valuable enough for people to act quickly if they want it at all (and not just swindled into buying something). 

This communicates confidence on your part about what you are selling without being overbearing about it it’s simply stating facts from which potential customers can draw their conclusions about whether or not this product/service deserves their attention.

Take Away A Benefit Or Feature If They Don’t Respond

Let’s get one thing straight: if you don’t have time to take a class, read a book, or do research, that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your copywriting. There are plenty of ways to do just that without spending any money on killer words.

Breathing life into your writing with anecdotes can captivate readers. Explore the art of storytelling in our guide on writing an anecdote that engages and resonates.

Ways To Improve Your Copywriting Without Spending Any Money On Killer Words

Make an offer that is too good to resist when the customer responds in a certain amount of time (i.e., they get double the value). This can be done in two ways by either adding an expiration date after which the offer expires or offering an additional bonus if they respond within a certain timeframe (i.e., free shipping and handling). 

Another way is by using countdown timers which build urgency into their decision-making process. It’s important though not to make it seem like such an amazing deal that it doesn’t seem real or makes them question why they should even trust what you’re selling them! 

You want them attracted enough so they’ll buy but not so much so as where there seems no need for further consideration because everything about what you’re selling sounds perfect already.”

Add Some Pizzazz With Emoticons

Emoticons are a great way to add some fun to your copy, and they’re incredibly easy to use. They’re also super effective at helping you express your feelings in a way that will connect with your audience. For example, if someone is feeling sad, they can use an emoticon of a frowny face to show that they feel down about something. 

Or if someone is having a bad day and doesn’t want anyone else to know about it, they can use an emoticon of sunglasses so that their readers won’t see their eyes squinting or eyebrows furrowed as a result of their troubles.

You Can Even Use Them Just For The Sake Of Adding Personality! For Example

This one’s my personal favorite because I always think it looks like me smiling when I’m happy (and sometimes when I’m not). If used correctly with other characters it could be the perfect way for you to express how much fun you’re having while reading this article!

Tell Them What You’re Not Going To Do

You can’t say everything about your product, but you can tell them what you won’t do.

People like knowing what a company won’t do because it builds trust and helps them know what to expect from your brand.

If someone hears that “we don’t over-promise or under-deliver” they’re more likely to believe that your product is the real deal. And if they know that “we don’t use aggressive sales tactics” then they’ll feel safe buying from you because they know there will be no hard sell involved in making the purchase decision.

Make An Offer Then Add A Twist

You can also make a great offer and then add a twist. If they don’t respond by this date, they will miss out on the discount. This way, you are giving them an incentive to act right now instead of waiting for more information or for more time to pass. However, don’t discount too much or you will lose money!

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Piggy Back On Animal Instincts

There’s a reason why people read books and watch movies. It’s because we all want to learn about the human condition to figure out what it means to be human, and how to be a better version of ourselves. We’re always looking for stories that can teach us something and help us grow.

So Why Not Use Your Copywriting As A Chance To Tell Those Stories?

Think about it: one of the biggest trends in marketing right now is storytelling, and rightfully so. As humans, we’re wired with an innate desire (or at least predisposition) to connect with others through storytelling. 

According to neuroscientist Dr. David Eagleman: “Stories are vehicles for amalgamating information into our brains in ways that make them easier for us [to] understand.” 

And if you think about it from an evolutionary perspective, this makes perfect sense; our ancestors needed these skills for them not only to survive but thrive on their journey through life by successfully passing down valuable knowledge from generation to generation.”

Use Numbers & Statistics To Validate Claims

Numbers and statistics are an easy way to add credibility to your copy. Did you know that more than half of people who search for “accountant” on Google click on the first result? Also, did you know that five out of ten dentists recommend using toothpaste with fluoride?

Using numbers and statistics in your copy can help generate trust and increase conversions. They’re also an effective way of making things interesting when there isn’t much else going on in a piece of content, but if used correctly they can also make your points more memorable. You can even use them as headlines!

Testimonials Are The Best Form Of Proof

By now, you’ve probably heard about the power of testimonials for your business. Testimonials are a great way to build trust with your audience because people like hearing from other people more than they like reading dry studies and reports. 

Testimonials also help validate claims you make in your sales copy, like how long-lasting or effective a product is or how much money it can save them (or their company). And finally, testimonials serve as proof that you have a product that works which is what most buyers want!

Creating product names that resonate with customers can make or break a business. Discover the strategies behind impactful naming in our guide on formulating product names that truly stand out.

Tell Them How Much They’re Going To Love It

You can tell your readers that they’re going to love a product by using some sort of number. You could say, “You’ll save $500!” or “Your results will be more than double what you expect!”

And don’t forget about the people who are selling their services they need to use copywriting too! The best way for them to make sure people know how much they’ll benefit from working with them is by using numbers: If a client spends $175 on an hour-long session, being able to say that she saved $180 would probably convince her that it was worth paying for.

That said, while these methods are effective at getting sales (and making money), they’re not necessarily good at helping the buyer feel comfortable buying from you in the first place which is why I always recommend starting with something like “Hi my name’s Sarah and I’m here today because…”

Beware Of Discounting For Too Long Or Too Often It Will Kill Your Profit Margins

You might think that discounting your products for too long or too often is the way to make more sales. But there’s a flip side to this coin. 

You can’t discount your product so much that it becomes a giveaway and compete with free content, which is what many people do on their blogs. If you’re selling something at less than market value because of a sale, then no one will buy it at full price again because they’ll say “Why would I pay more?”

If you have any sort of service-based business (like most businesses today), then realize that even if someone pays the full price now, chances are good they will come back later (if they’re happy) and pay again when they need something else from you. 

This means that if someone pays full price once, but goes elsewhere for cheaper services every other time thereafter you’re still making less money than before!


In the end, you want to make sure that your customers feel like they’re getting a good deal from you. That’s not just about your prices and discounts, either it’s about how much value they’ll get out of their purchase, and how much work went into making sure their experience was as pleasant as possible. 

When you put yourself in the shoes of another person and consider what makes them tick, it’s easy to see why certain techniques will be more effective than others. Now go out there and start writing some killer copy!

Further Reading

Expand your copywriting knowledge with these valuable resources:

10 Killer Copywriting Tips: Discover powerful strategies to enhance your copywriting skills and create impactful content that resonates with your audience.

Effective Copywriting Techniques: Explore advanced copywriting techniques to craft compelling messages and drive engagement for your business.

Improving Your Copywriting Skills: Learn actionable steps to elevate your copywriting abilities and produce persuasive content that converts.


Got questions about copywriting? We’ve got answers!

How can I improve my copywriting skills?

Improving your copywriting skills involves consistent practice, studying successful copy, and experimenting with different styles. Remember that honing your skills takes time, so keep learning and adapting.

What are some essential copywriting techniques?

Effective copywriting techniques include crafting attention-grabbing headlines, using persuasive language, creating a sense of urgency, and understanding your target audience’s needs and emotions.

How do I make my copy more persuasive?

To make your copy more persuasive, focus on addressing the pain points of your audience, providing clear benefits, using social proof, and employing compelling storytelling techniques.

What’s the key to writing engaging copy?

Engaging copy is rooted in understanding your audience’s desires and challenges. By tailoring your message to resonate with them, utilizing vivid imagery, and maintaining a conversational tone, you can capture and maintain their attention.

How do I measure the success of my copywriting efforts?

Measuring copywriting success involves tracking key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, engagement levels, and customer feedback. Regularly analyze these metrics to gauge the impact of your copy and make necessary adjustments.