I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember, but I’m also lucky to have found my passion at an early age. When I was only ten years old, my mother asked me what career path I wanted to take in life.
Without hesitation, I said: “I want to be a writer!” The dream took some time to manifest itself, but now here we are many years and many stories later and it’s time for me to share what I’ve learned along the way with aspiring writers everywhere.
Key Takeaways |
1. Embrace the writing process step by step. |
2. Choose a compelling topic that resonates with you. |
3. Develop a writing routine for consistent progress. |
4. Explore different writing techniques and methods. |
5. Understand the importance of editing and revision. |
6. Research the publishing options available to you. |
7. Build an author platform to connect with readers. |
8. Learn from established authors and their experiences. |
9. Overcome challenges with determination and perseverance. |
10. Keep refining your skills and continue learning. |
Why Being A Writer Is Not For Everyone
Being a writer is not for everyone. It’s hard work, and it takes a lot of time and effort to be successful at it. If you want to give up before you start because the first step seems too difficult, then perhaps being a writer will not be right for you.
However, if you are willing to put in the effort, do your research and keep moving forward even when things aren’t going well, then this could be your dream job!
Building a strong foundation for your writing journey is essential. Our comprehensive Book Writing Guides: Tools for Writing and Publishing a Book can provide you with the necessary insights and resources to craft your story effectively.
Know What It Takes To Become A Writer
Becoming a writer is not as easy as it may seem. You have to learn what it takes to become a writer, and know the process of becoming one. You also need to know what you want to write about and how to get your book published.
If you are interested in writing books, consider these tips:
Know how long it takes to write a story or book. It takes time for your manuscript to find an agent or publisher who will accept it, so plan accordingly!
Think of all that goes into writing a book before starting on one do research; figure out what type of writer you’ll be (genre fiction/nonfiction/memoirs); create an outline, plot points, etc.; set goals for yourself; know how many words per day (page count) will be required each month until completion.
Knowledge is power when writing anything!
Crafting a compelling novel requires a strategic approach. Discover how to weave your ideas into a captivating narrative with the Snowflake Method, a technique that can help you build your novel step by step.
Start Small But Think Big
Start small but think big. This is one of the most important pieces of advice I can give you.
Think about it this way: if you’re just starting, the chances are that your writing skills aren’t where they need to be. As much as possible, focus on getting better at writing before trying to write anything more than a short story even if it’s only 500 words long (which is fine).
I’ve written several books myself and I know how tempting it is to start writing something longer when we feel like we’ve got some good material going on. But trust me when I say that until your skills improve dramatically from where they are now, any attempts at making something longer will end up being painful for both yourself and anyone who reads what you’ve written.
With this in mind, don’t start with big dreams! Think small! Write what interests you whether or not it’ll ever turn into something bigger than just an idea and then move forward from there with each new piece of work until eventually, everything comes together into one complete project (or several projects).
Keep Reading And Never Stop
Reading is an essential part of being a writer. The more you read, the better you understand how other authors are putting their words together and what kind of stories they’re telling.
Reading books that are similar to yours can help you develop your voice by seeing what works and what doesn’t work in another author’s writing. Reading books that are different from your writing can help broaden your horizons and show you new ways to tell a story or even encourage you to change course altogether!
Try reading both genres (fiction/non-fiction) as well as different types (romance, thriller). If there’s something you don’t like reading at all, don’t let it discourage or stop your process – just keep going!
Write Every Day
You should write every day, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. If you can, write in a journal or a notebook. By doing this, you will be able to see your progress over time and learn from your mistakes.
If writing on paper isn’t your thing and you prefer typing up something on your phone or computer, then do that instead! You could also write on a blog or book (or diary) but make sure that what you are writing is quality content before sharing it with the world!
Choosing the right topic for your first book is a crucial decision. Dive into our guide on How to Decide What to Write About in Your First Book to uncover strategies that will help you find your creative direction.
Read Your Work Aloud
Reading aloud is a great way to get a feel for the rhythm of your writing. It also helps you see if there are any mistakes in grammar or spelling, as well as find out if the words are being used correctly. Reading aloud will help you know if the tone of your work matches what you’re trying to convey if it doesn’t, then you can make adjustments accordingly.
Reading aloud also gives you an idea of how interesting your book will be when read by others and whether or not it’s boring to them!
Don’t Be Afraid Of A Little Criticism
This may sound counterintuitive, but if you’re going to become a book writer, criticism is important. While it can be painful to hear that your work is not good enough or needs improvement, this kind of honest assessment will help you grow as a writer.
If no one ever told you that your writing wasn’t very good and didn’t give you the right tools to improve it, how would you know what was wrong with it?
Learn From Others’ Mistakes
You can learn a lot from others’ mistakes. But don’t rely on their failures alone. Make sure you learn from your own mistakes as well, because nobody knows more about your particular set of skills and knowledge than you do.
Make the most out of opportunities to see other people’s mistakes firsthand by taking advantage of every opportunity that comes your way to observe other writers’ processes in action.
Find The Perfect Writing Time For You
Finding the perfect time to write can be hard, but it is crucial. The best time to write depends on your personality and lifestyle.
You may want to start by thinking about what type of writer you are: morning person or night owl? Busy with kids or at home? Here are some tips for finding the most optimal writing schedule for you:
Find a time when you’re not distracted. If you’re easily distracted by social media or other people, try setting up an “office” outside of your home (or in another room) where no one will bother you while working. This might also help with procrastination if there’s nothing else around but your laptop!
Find a time when you aren’t too tired/excited/anxious/etc. Most importantly though, remember that just because someone else writes on X schedule doesn’t mean it’ll work for YOU! Your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day find what works well within those fluctuations and stick with it!
Ready to start your writing journey? Learn how to jump in headfirst with confidence through our resource on How to Start Writing a Book in the Next 48 Hours. Embrace the process and kickstart your book today.
Take Time Off When You Need It
This is a very important rule. You can’t be the best at anything if you don’t take breaks from doing it, and writing is no different. Taking time off gives your mind a chance to wander, something that’s necessary for creativity and inspiration in the first place.
It also gives your body a chance to recharge, so that when you get back into writing again, you’re refreshed and ready to go (rather than exhausted).
- Don’t become a workaholic.
It’s easy for writers to fall into this trap we love what we do too much! But being able to separate yourself from work can help prevent burnout or writer’s block later on down the line by allowing your mind space away from the project at hand so that new ideas can form in an undisturbed environment free of constant thinking about characters’ names.
Plot twists or dialogue exchanges between two giggling children on an inner-city bus ride home after school gets canceled due to snowfall (yes…that happened recently).
Create Your Own Happy Space
Do you have a happy place? A space where you can go and be yourself with no interruptions, where nothing bad is going on, and everything is as it should be.
I think most of us do. We all have a corner somewhere in our home that we retreat to when we need to relax or enjoy ourselves. It’s the place we go when we want some time alone or some peace. It might be the couch, or it could be your bed, but it has your mark on it something that makes it yours alone (like your favorite pillow).
The only problem with this space is that if someone else were to walk into it they would wonder why there was so much clutter in what appears to be an otherwise cozy little corner of the house. Your happy place might look like this:
a pile of laundry on the floor next to an overflowing laundry basket;
a stack of books next to an overflowing bookcase;
a bag from last week’s grocery store trip still sitting near the door because you haven’t gotten around yet today or maybe this week to putting away groceries from last weekend’s trip.
Don’t Give Up Because You’re Afraid To Fail
It’s OK to fail.
I’m not saying that you should be throwing yourself at the mercy of failure, but if you follow these steps and still don’t get the results you want, it’s not a bad thing. Every time I write a book, I find new ways that I can improve my writing.
Every time I write another book after that one (even if it’s just a short story), I learn something new about storytelling and how to tell a better story than before. And every time someone reads one of my books, they give me feedback on what they like or dislike about it and that helps me grow as a writer as well!
So don’t get discouraged when things don’t work out exactly as planned—instead, think of each failed attempt as another step toward success!
Avoiding common pitfalls is crucial for your book’s success. Explore our article on 10 Poisonous Mistakes That Will Kill Your Book Before It Begins to learn about potential roadblocks and how to overcome them on your path to becoming a successful writer.
Write Something You Love And Never Give Up On Your Dreams
Writing what you love is important because it’s likely to be successful, it’s more likely to be read and it’s more likely to be published.
When choosing your book topic, you need to make sure that there is a demand for the subject. If there aren’t many people interested in the topic then they won’t buy your book. To make sure that your book will sell well and have enough demand, make sure that you research how many other books are already available on similar subjects.
We hope you’ve found this guide useful and are inspired to start your writing career! Writing is a great way to express yourself, share ideas with others, and make money doing something you love. It’s not easy though so don’t give up if things don’t go smoothly at first. With determination and persistence, you can be successful as a writer.
Further Reading
Expand your knowledge on becoming a successful author with these additional resources:
Become an Author: A Step-by-Step Guide Learn the essential steps to embark on your author journey, from idea generation to publishing your work.
How to Become an Author: A Comprehensive Guide Discover insights and tips on how to transition into an author career, including honing your writing skills and navigating the publishing industry.
Turning Your Passion for Writing into Authorship Get inspired by Jerry Jenkins’ guide on how to become an author, covering topics like writing habits, book marketing, and overcoming challenges.
How can I start my journey to become an author?
Starting your journey as an author involves honing your writing skills, finding your unique voice, and consistently practicing writing.
What steps should I follow to get published?
To get published, you should begin by crafting a compelling manuscript, researching publishing options (traditional or self-publishing), and networking within the industry.
How important is building an author platform?
Building an author platform is essential for connecting with your target audience, promoting your work, and establishing your credibility as an author.
What are some effective writing habits I should adopt?
Adopting effective writing habits, such as setting a consistent writing schedule, setting achievable goals, and embracing revisions, can greatly enhance your productivity and quality as an author.
How do I handle writer’s block?
Writer’s block is a common challenge. Overcome it by trying different writing prompts, taking breaks, and focusing on the process rather than the outcome. Remember, even the most successful authors face creative hurdles.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.