How I Learned SEO Writing & How You Can, Too

Search engine optimization (SEO) writing is an art form, and it can be daunting for novice writers. But with the right tools and techniques, you can learn to write SEO content that gets noticed by search engines and readers alike! 

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to write effective SEO content like the pros do from keyword research and keyword density analysis all the way through meta descriptions and page titles. Read on if you want to learn not just what makes a good piece of SEO writing but also why it matters so much to Google:

Complete SEO Course for Beginners – YouTube
1. Discover the personal journey of learning SEO writing.
2. Gain insights into effective SEO writing strategies.
3. Learn actionable tips for improving your writing skills.
4. Understand the process of becoming an SEO writer.
5. Apply practical advice to enhance your content’s SEO.

1. Study Your Keyword

Keyword research is the starting point for good SEO writing, and there are several tools at your disposal to help you find the right keywords. Google Keyword Planner is one of them, but there are plenty of other options as well SEMRush, Keyword Tool, etc.

Once you’ve found some relevant terms that have a decent search volume and low competition (the number of advertisers trying to rank in front of yours), it’s time to write! You’ll want to use those keywords naturally in your articles so they can be recognized by search engines and increase visibility.

Building a successful career as a writer takes dedication and a strategic approach. Check out our guide on becoming an SEO writer on the side to learn how to balance your writing skills with SEO expertise.

2. Research Other, Similar Articles

Now, it’s time to start gathering the information you’ll need by researching other articles. The best way to do this is by using Google’s search tools, which will help you find relevant articles and give you some ideas on what words and phrases to use in your article.

Use “Related Searches” to find similar articles: In the upper-right of any search result page on Google, click “Searches Related To [Subject]” or similar phrasing (for example, “Searches Related To SEO Writing & How You Can Learn”). 

You should see a list of other articles that relate to your subject area but may not be as specific as yours will be (for example, an entire book about SEO writing). This can help spark some inspiration for keywords and topics that don’t appear directly related yet might work together well enough for people searching online!

3. Figure Out Your Audience

Once you know your audience, it’s time to figure out what they want. What are they searching for? Do they need help doing something? Are they looking to be entertained? 

Are they just trying to find some information on a topic that interests them? Knowing what keywords people use when searching for your content will help you write better content and rank higher in search engines.

Your competition is also important. You can use this information to see what kind of writing style works best for the type of audience that reads their content and makes sure that yours is different enough from theirs so as not to confuse readers who may come across both sites when looking for answers on a specific subject matter. 

For example, if one website has a very dry tone while another has an upbeat voice full of personality, these differences should reflect in the way each writes about their topic(s) 

Since it’s likely there will be some overlap between those who read both sites frequently enough that there will be instances where someone searches using terms found only at one site instead of both and then never realizes his mistake!

Writing like an SEO wizard involves mastering various techniques. Our comprehensive guide to writing like an SEO wizard can help you understand the key strategies to create content that ranks high on search engines.

4. Choose A Niche Topic You’re Passionate About

The fourth and final step to understanding SEO writing is choosing a niche topic you’re passionate about. Choosing a niche topic is important for two reasons: 1) if you don’t enjoy writing about it, it won’t be fun or interesting; 2) if your readers don’t enjoy reading about it, they won’t make it through your content.

I recommend choosing a niche topic that you can write about for a long time perhaps even years. This will allow you to build up authority on the subject so that even when Google updates its algorithm (and it will), people will still trust you more than other writers outside of your industry.

5. Learn The Basics Of On-Page SEO

The first step to optimizing your content for on-page SEO is knowing what keywords to use in different places. To begin with, you should include your main keyword(s) in the title and subheadings of the article. You can also put them in your URL, image alt text, meta description, and meta title.

Keep it natural though! Don’t go overboard with stuffing in keywords or you’ll run the risk of spamming search engines and appearing unprofessional. 

In addition to this, if multiple words are needed for a specific keyword phrase (like “SEO writing” instead of just “SEO”), then don’t worry about putting each one in every possible place just find ways to work them into what makes sense within the sentence structure itself.

6. Craft A Compelling Headline And Title Tag

Once you have a clear idea of your topic and its scope, it’s time to craft the headline. Depending on the nature of your content and audience, this is one of the most challenging parts of writing SEO-friendly content. Here are some tips:

Keep it short: A good rule of thumb is 25 words or less. If you can’t say what your article is about in that few words, think about how much more depth there could be in your piece!

Make sure it works well with keywords/phrases used by search engines as well as humans: Your goal here should be both high rankings and clickthroughs from users who are interested in reading what you wrote. This means crafting headlines that will get people excited about reading what you wrote (and ideally sharing with their friends).

Starting your journey as a writer in the digital age requires some insider tips. Discover 11 essential search engine optimization tips for beginners that can help you navigate the world of SEO writing effectively.

7. Write A Meta Description That’s Helpful For Users And Google Bots

Once you’ve written a meta description, it’s time to make sure it’s up to Google’s standards. That means writing a meta description that is both helpful for users and search engine bots.

Keep your meta descriptions short: Short and sweet is best when it comes to writing a good meta description. You don’t want to give away too much about the content of your page, but rather just tease them enough so they want to click through. 

If your site has several pages that are relevant for the same keyword (such as an eCommerce store), include all those URLs in one meta description instead of repeating them everywhere else on the page, as this will dilute their effectiveness with Google bots and increase bounce rates on other pages.

Include keywords: The more specific you can be with your keywords, the better! They must appear naturally within context because if they’re not if they sound forced or unnatural then Google will know immediately and penalize you accordingly (more on penalties later). 

This means keeping track of which terms people search for most frequently when looking for something similar to what you offer; these should be at least included once somewhere within each piece of content (and preferably multiple times!).

8. Optimize Your Post’s Headings (H1, H2, H3, Etc.) For Your Keyword(S)

Headings are important for SEO. They play a role in the way Google sees your page and determines its relevance to a search query when someone searches for that term.

Headings should be relevant to the context of your content (not just for SEO). For example, if you write about SEO writing, then it makes sense to have an H1 tag called “SEO Writing.” 

If you write about how to write more in general, then it makes sense not to use that keyword as an H1 tag because readers would have no idea what it means unless they followed all of their links back up through their site (which is unlikely).

Headings should be used in an order that makes sense concerning their purpose: To make content scannable by breaking it into digestible chunks; 

To make content readable by guiding readers through key points without overwhelming them with too much information at once (or without making them lose interest altogether); And finally, so you can optimize these elements together so that they work better together than apart.”

9. Use Internal Links To Link To Other Articles On Your Website That Are Relevant To Your SEO Content Piece

Internal links are the bread and butter of website navigation. They help users get from one page to another, but they also help Google crawl your website and link it together, which is great for SEO.

But using internal links goes beyond just adding them as a matter of course. You should use them to create an interconnected web of resources that users can follow all over your site this shows Google that you have a lot of relevant content related to this post, which will help you rank higher in search results. 

So if you’re writing an article on “how to make the perfect cupcake” (which I know sounds weird but stay with me), another piece on “the best frosting recipe ever” could be included in the same post by saying something like “check out these tips for frosting your cupcakes!” 

You might even want to include a few sentences about how any reader who wants more information about baking should check out other articles on baking from this same website (and then link back).

Another benefit? Internal linking creates opportunities for readers who might not be ready for what you offer right now but would be interested in learning more at some point down the road and if they do find their way back later, then good news: there will already be some good stuff waiting for them!

Crafting SEO-friendly content within a tight timeframe is an art. Learn how to create compelling articles quickly with our guide on writing an SEO-friendly article in under 48 hours, and enhance your productivity as a writer.

10. Use External Links To Link To Credible Third-Party Sources To Support Your Claims 

Linking to external sources is another way you can boost your SEO. External links are great for giving more information on your topic, as well as building relationships with other websites and brands.

They can also help you build trust with your readers by showing them that you’re not just making stuff up but relying on outside sources that are trusted in their respective areas. 

You might think it would make sense to link to a lot of sites where there aren’t any or very few readers, but this doesn’t help the search engines determine whether they should rank your article higher than those pages (what’s known as “link equity”), so don’t do it!

11. Create An Outline With The Key Points You Plan On Covering In Order Of Importance (This Is Where You Can Use Your LSI Keywords)

Your outline is the foundation for your writing. It’s important to make sure your outline has all the key points you plan on covering in order of importance (this is where you can use your LSI keywords).

Once the outline is complete, it’s time to start writing!

12. Add Images Throughout Your Article That Help Compliment The Text

Images are important, but not just any image will do. You want to use images that are relevant to the topic, text, and keywords you’re writing about. You want your article to be visually appealing and engaging for readers; however, it’s also important that you use images in a way that makes sense for both the search engine and human readers.

Here are some tips:

Make sure each image is relevant to what you’re writing about by using LSI keywords in the file name (for example “dog breed types” or “banana_cookie”). Your images should be related from top-to-bottom within the overall picture too not just crammed into any old slot where they look awkward!

Use captions that describe what each picture represents. This helps users who don’t know what a certain icon means or why we included it in our piece of content at all (which would mean we haven’t done our job well enough). 

It also helps Google understand how useful these pictures might be when returning results via their algorithms so they can rank them higher on SERPs or display them more prominently if appropriate as part of their visual storytelling format which aims at delivering valuable information visually rather than only textually.”

Becoming a natural content writer involves honing your skills and adapting to new techniques. Explore our tips on becoming a more natural content writer to infuse authenticity and relatability into your writing style.


For me, a big part of learning SEO was learning how to write. I still have a long way to go, but I think that if you follow these guidelines and keep on learning over time it will help you along the way as well!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to expand your knowledge on SEO writing:

Blogging for SEO: A Comprehensive Guide Learn how to optimize your blog posts for search engines and attract organic traffic with effective SEO techniques.

Improving Writing Skills Through SEO Learning Discover how understanding SEO can enhance your writing skills and create content that resonates with both readers and search engines.

Crash Course: How to Become an SEO Content Writer Dive into a crash course on becoming an SEO content writer, including tips and insights to succeed in the field.


How can SEO knowledge benefit my writing?

Understanding SEO principles can help you create content that ranks higher on search engines, reaching a wider audience and increasing your online visibility.

What are some essential skills for an SEO content writer?

An SEO content writer should possess strong writing skills, keyword research expertise, an understanding of on-page and off-page optimization, and the ability to create engaging and valuable content.

How can SEO techniques improve the readability of my content?

SEO techniques, such as using subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs, can enhance the readability of your content, making it more appealing to both readers and search engines.

How can I balance between writing for readers and optimizing for search engines?

Striking a balance between user-friendly content and SEO optimization involves seamlessly integrating relevant keywords, providing valuable information, and ensuring a smooth reading experience.

What role does keyword research play in SEO content writing?

Keyword research helps identify the terms and phrases your target audience uses to search for information. Integrating these keywords into your content can improve its relevance and visibility on search engine results pages.