A well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in whether or not your resume gets read, let alone accepted by an employer. It’s easy to write a generic cover letter that doesn’t show any originality or personality and makes it appear as if you didn’t put thought into applying for the job.
These generic letters rarely secure interviews; they just get thrown in the trash because they don’t give any insight into who you are as an individual or why you want this particular position at this particular company.
On the other hand, if you take some time to prepare a tailored letter that addresses specific requirements listed in the job description (and possibly even provides additional reasons why you would be good for this role) then you’ll increase your chances of being selected as one of many applicants who apply for jobs online every day.
Takeaways |
A well-written cover letter can help job seekers stand out and demonstrate their value to potential employers. |
While some employers may not require a cover letter, it’s always a good idea to include one to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the job. |
A cover letter should be concise and to the point, generally no more than one page in length. |
Your cover letter should include an introduction, a brief overview of your skills and experience, and a conclusion that summarizes why you are the best fit for the job. |
Cover letters can be a valuable tool for job seekers, but it’s important to tailor them to the specific job and company you are applying to. |
Use Your Cover Letter To Highlight Your Qualifications
A cover letter is a great way to highlight your qualifications and explain why you are a good fit for the job. It also allows you to show your enthusiasm for the position and demonstrates why you want to work there.
When writing a cover letter, you must address all of the key points mentioned in this article. If possible, look at some examples of real letters online or in books before writing your own so that you can see what works best when it comes time to write yours!
A cover letter is your chance to showcase your personality and convince the hiring manager that you are the best fit for the job. Check out our guide on how a cover letter can help you get your desired job to learn how to make your cover letter stand out.
Be Succinct
A cover letter, by definition, is a page of correspondence that accompanies your resume. In other words, it’s an opportunity to write a pitch for yourself: Why would you be the best person for this job?
The best cover letters are short and sweet. They don’t ramble; they get right to the point. If you’re applying for a job as an accountant (or any other position), no one wants to read about how much you love accounting or how many years of experience you have they just want to know why you’re qualified for this particular role.
Your cover letter should include only information that has relevance to the job in question. Don’t waste time by including personal details or references to things that aren’t related at all if there’s something relevant that doesn’t belong in the body of your letter
But might be useful later on (such as an anecdote about a time when one of your greatest strengths was particularly helpful), consider including it in an addendum at the bottom instead so as not to take up space unnecessarily.
Use The Job Description Word For Word
The job description is the most important part of your cover letter. It will tell you what the employer is looking for and give you a good idea of how to write your cover letter. If it’s not clear what they want, ask them!
If the job description mentions specific skills or experience that are required for the position, use these words in your cover letter. If there are no specific skills mentioned in the ad, do not mention them unless they are essential for performing the duties of this position (for example: “experience with Microsoft Word”).
An effective cover letter can demonstrate your value to potential employers and increase your chances of getting the job. Our guide on how job applicants can use a cover letter to show their potential offers tips on crafting a compelling cover letter that highlights your skills and experience.
Address All The Key Concerns Of The Job, From The Position And Company To Salary And Benefits
Address all the key concerns of the job, from the position and company to salary and benefits.
Be specific. Mentioning your relevant experience and skills is important, but if you can’t quantify them, then don’t include them at all. For example, saying that you have “extensive experience in sales” is less impressive than saying that you “increased sales by 15 percent in your last role.”
Highlight why you pursued this career path in particular: Is it because of personal interest? A family member who has worked there? A friend who recommended it?
Include The Contact Person’s Name, Phone Number, And Title In Your Letter
As you go through the application process, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that employers are going to want to know who they are hiring.
For example, if you include their name, phone number, and title in your letter, they will be able to help you with any questions that may arise throughout the job hunt. Moreover, they can provide information such as the application deadline or where to send your resume
It is also important for applicants to remember that some companies may require candidates to apply via email while others may prefer that they mail their cover letters instead of sending them digitally so it is crucial for applicants not only to include their contact information but also make sure it’s current so there aren’t any mix-ups later on down the road
Mention Your Relevant Experience And Skills
In your cover letter, you should briefly mention any relevant experience, skills, and certifications that would make you a good candidate for the position. This can include:
- Relevant education (including degrees)
- Relevant training (including certifications)
- Relevant hobbies that complement the job description
- Any awards or accolades you’ve received in previous jobs
Did you know that a well-written cover letter can significantly improve your chances of getting a job? Our article on how an effective cover letter can affect an applicant’s chances of getting a job explains why cover letters matter and how to make yours stand out.
Highlight Why You Pursued This Career Path In Particular
The first paragraph of your cover letter should explain why you chose this career path and why you are interested in the company.
If possible, also explain why you are interested in this particular position: what drew your attention to it?
Why do they want a role like this filled? It may be because they’re currently short-staffed or they want a new perspective on an existing problem within their organization. Or maybe something else happened that led them there!
Either way, it should be clear when reading through the job description for their open position that hiring someone who has just graduated from college is exactly what they need right now.
Talk About What You Can Do For The Employer As Well As What They Can Do For You
Talk about what you can do for the employer as well as what they can do for you. You may not be interviewing with a Fortune 500 company, but this is still a business relationship and it’s important to consider both sides of it.
The employer wants to know how your skills and experience will help them grow their company, so make sure that comes across in your letter.
Show them how you can help their company in the future by highlighting any examples of past projects or resumes where you were able to achieve results for previous employers. This shows that not only are you capable of doing great work now but also building on these skills to do even better work in the future!
Remember that when hiring managers are evaluating candidates they consider whether someone would fit well into the culture of their workplace or team environment before anything else (even if they tell themselves otherwise).
A good cover letter will show off examples where applicants have worked well together recently not just alone with no support structure around them and explain why those experiences would translate well into success here at Company X!
A cover letter can make or break your chances of getting a job. Our article on why cover letter is important provides valuable insights into the importance of a well-written cover letter and how it can differentiate you from other applicants.
Emphasize How Your Desired Role Would Complement That Of Your Current Or Previous Employers
When you’re applying for jobs, it’s important to emphasize how your desired role would complement that of your current or previous employers.
For example, if you’ve been working as a bartender but want to move into the restaurant business, show how your years of experience in customer service make you an ideal candidate for the position.
You can also mention how your background and interests would make you a good fit for the job description: “I am interested in this position because it seems like a great way for me to broaden my skill set.”
Address Other Skills, Interests, Or Areas Of Interest Or Expertise That Could Be Relevant To The Employer’s Company Culture Or Goals
If you have any other skills, interests, or areas of interest or expertise that could be relevant to the employer’s company culture or goals, it’s good to mention them in your cover letter. This is especially true if you’re applying for a job outside your field of study.
Here are some examples:
My hobbies include playing basketball and volleyball which have taught me teamwork skills and how to work under pressure.
I am an avid reader who often spends my free time reading books on art history and philosophy.
Tell The Employer Why You Are Interested In A Job There, Not Just Listing Bullet Points Of Things You Can Do
Tell the employer why you are interested in a job there, not just list bullet points of things you can do.
Don’t say anything bad about your current employer. This is a red flag and makes it seem like you’re desperate to leave them.
Don’t list all the reasons why this job is better than other jobs you’ve applied for. The person reading your letter will likely have no idea what those other jobs were, so all they’ll see is that “you’re just looking for something better.” This is not going to make them think highly of your candidacy!
If There Are Specific Performance Requirements Or Duties That Relate Specifically To A Position, Be Sure To Mention Them In The Letter As Well
If there are specific performance requirements or duties that relate specifically to a position, be sure to mention them in the letter as well.
Let’s say you are applying for a customer service representative position and your resume states that you have worked in an office setting for several years. In this case, it would be important for your cover letter to go into detail about how you handle difficult customers and/or situations.
For example: “I have experience working with difficult clients because I have had to deal with many angry customers during my time working at ABC Corporation.”
This helps show that even though you may not have had any direct experience with the company itself, you still possess skills related specifically to their needs which they can use while hiring someone new!
Your cover letter is your first chance to make a great impression on potential employers. Our article on how a cover letter should look like offers tips and guidelines for formatting and structuring your cover letter to make it professional, polished, and attention-grabbing.
Your Cover Letter Should Be Prepared Before You Approach An Employer Seeking Employment
Before you approach an employer seeking employment, you need to have a cover letter prepared. You need to have a cover letter prepared before you approach an employer seeking employment.
Just as important as how your resume looks are the way your job application presents itself. Your cover letter is often your first chance to make a great impression on employers and can help set you apart from other applicants in some cases (more on this later).
It’s also important because it offers another opportunity for personalization you get to talk about yourself again!
In conclusion, a well-written cover letter is an important part of any job application. It can help you stand out from the crowd and make it easier to get an interview. For more information on this topic, check out our free ebook on how to write a winning cover letter!
Further Reading
Why Cover Letters Are Important – This article explains the importance of cover letters and how they can help job seekers stand out.
Do Employers Care About Cover Letters? – This article discusses whether or not employers value cover letters and provides insights into how to make your cover letter effective.
Are Cover Letters Necessary? – This article explores whether or not cover letters are necessary and offers tips on when and how to use them effectively.
Q: What is the purpose of a cover letter?
A: A cover letter is a document that accompanies your resume and introduces you to potential employers. Its purpose is to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and to showcase your skills and experience.
Q: Are cover letters necessary for every job application?
A: It depends on the employer’s requirements. Some job postings may specifically request a cover letter, while others may not. It’s always a good idea to include a cover letter, even if it’s not required, to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the job.
Q: What should I include in my cover letter?
A: Your cover letter should include an introduction, a brief overview of your skills and experience, and a conclusion that summarizes why you are the best fit for the job. Be sure to tailor your cover letter to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your relevant skills and experience.
Q: How long should a cover letter be?
A: A cover letter should be concise and to the point. Generally, it should be no more than one page in length.
Q: Can a well-written cover letter help me stand out from other applicants?
A: Yes! A well-written cover letter can help you showcase your personality, demonstrate your value to potential employers, and set you apart from other applicants.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.