Most of my friends enjoy Facebook to a certain extent. They post photos of food or vacations, celebrate birthdays with their family members, and watch videos on YouTube or TED Talks. But I’m different. I use Facebook every day in my personal life and have been doing so since it was first launched in the early 2000s.
I’ve found that while many people might use the site occasionally, they don’t really understand how to get the most out of it: what works best for them personally, which features are worth using when posting status updates on their profile page, etc
Key Takeaways |
Prioritize real-life interactions over excessive Facebook use. |
Set specific time limits for daily Facebook usage to prevent addiction. |
Unfollow or mute accounts that contribute to negative emotions or excessive scrolling. |
Use Facebook’s notification settings to control alerts and reduce distractions. |
Regularly assess and curate your friends list to maintain meaningful connections. |
Limit engagement in online debates and focus on positive and constructive interactions. |
Explore Facebook’s productivity features, like groups for networking and learning. |
Take breaks from social media to foster a healthier relationship with technology. |
Use privacy settings to control who can see your content and protect your personal information. |
Seek professional help if you find it difficult to control your Facebook usage. |
When You Don’t Post, Facebook Likes To Remind You
If you’re the type who likes to go days, weeks, or even months without posting on Facebook (or if you’re just not a big fan of keeping up with Facebook in general), chances are that you’ve gotten an annoying notification from Facebook telling you that it’s time for another status update.
You can disable these notifications by going into your profile settings and choosing “Notifications” from the left-hand menu. From there, simply uncheck any boxes that say “Tell me when someone posts” and/or “Tell me when I have new friend requests.” These options will help prevent those pesky reminders from popping up constantly in your newsfeed.
Running successful Facebook Ads requires careful planning and execution. To avoid common pitfalls and make the most of your campaigns, check out our article on avoiding 29 Facebook Ads mistakes.
Be Mindful Of The People Who Do Read Your Wall
As a Facebook addict, you may want to be mindful of the people who do read your wall. For example, while you may be okay with sharing your thoughts on politics or religion with all of your friends, this might not be true for everyone. You certainly don’t want to offend anyone or cause drama by posting something inappropriate.
Also remember that some people are on Facebook all the time so even if it seems like no one is reading what you write at first glance, they might still see it eventually (especially if it’s a more controversial post).
Limit The Number Of Photos Per Post
It can be easy to upload multiple photos in a post, but it’s better not to. You’ll have more of an opportunity to tell a story and make your post more engaging when you limit the number of photos per post.
Also, don’t upload more than one video or two links per post. This will keep things from getting too cluttered and make it easier for people to see what’s most important about the content you’re sharing with them.
Lastly, don’t upload more than three status updates or four mentions per day (or whatever amount makes sense for your own usage). This will also help you stay focused on what matters most in each day’s posts as well as give others who might be following along with their own Facebook accounts room for growth within their social media presence over time!
Be More Concise When You Share Updates
In the past, you may have been taught that it was acceptable to share long, rambling posts on Facebook. But this is no longer the case. You need to be more concise when you post updates; less is definitely more.
If you’re not sure how to do this, here are some tips:
- Use bullet points rather than paragraphs. Bullet points make it easier for people who skim posts or don’t read every single word of a post in its entirety and as we all know (or at least should know), most people don’t read every word of our statuses anyway.
- Keep sentences short and sweet (no more than 15 words). If your sentence can’t be shortened without losing its meaning or changing its tone/voice/etc., then it’s too long!
Learning from real-world examples can provide invaluable insights for your Facebook Ads strategy. Explore our collection of 27 Facebook Ads case studies to gain practical knowledge from successful campaigns.
“Like” And Comment On Your Friends’ Posts
It’s not just a good way to stay connected with your friends, it’s also a surefire way of getting them to do the same for you! If you like and comment on their posts often, they’ll be more likely to return the favor.
It’s easy: go through their photos and leave a brief “nice pic!” comment here or there. Or share one of their articles on Facebook or Twitter (if it has an interesting headline). A few minutes here and there can make all the difference in keeping those friendships alive.
Keep Your Page Active With News Feed Updates
Here’s the question: how do you keep your Facebook page active? It’s a bit of a trick question because there is no one way to do it. If you want people to see your posts on Facebook, then it’s important that they are interesting and relevant.
The only way to get them interested in anything is by giving them variety. Variety in posts, variety in images, text, links, etc., all of these things will help keep your audience captivated and wanting more. This also means that if there’s someone who might potentially see what you have to say or show them – they will be able to find a lot more than just one thing on their news feed!
Lead With A Status Update Rather Than With A Reaction Or Question
When you’re trying to reach out to someone and make them feel special, start your message by writing a status update. It feels like a more personal way of reaching out than tagging them in a photo or posting an emoji reaction on their page.
This is especially useful if you want to show that you’re thinking of someone in particular without seeming too forward (if they’re not yet friends on Facebook). For example: “Thinking of my old friend Pat today! Hope all is well.”
The person will be able to see this message immediately after opening Facebook, which helps them know that you are thinking about them as soon as they open their app and also helps set up an easy topic for conversation later on when you do talk through Messenger or another platform.
Post In The Evening, Not During Prime Time Light-Blocker Hours
People are less likely to be on Facebook in the morning and afternoon. They’re likely to be sleeping or heading into work, which means they won’t see your posts until after they get home from work (and you might have already left for a day of drinking).
This can make it tough for you to break through your competition, especially if you post at 11 AM on a Tuesday when everyone else is posting at around 2 PM that same day. Instead, try posting during off-hours like from 5 PM – 7 PM EST when there are fewer posts being made and more people are online and able to see what you’re sharing!
Mastering Facebook Ads is essential for business growth. Discover a comprehensive resource in our ultimate guide to Facebook Ads for businesses and unlock the potential of targeted advertising.
Share Links To Interesting Articles Rather Than Personal Items
Although I don’t know if you’re an avid Facebook user, if you’ve got a personal account and use it to post regularly, I’d suggest putting some thought into sharing links to interesting articles rather than posting a photo of your lunch.
There are two reasons for this:
- First off, the content you share should be relevant to your audience. By sharing articles that have no relation to what your followers care about, they’ll lose interest pretty quickly.
- Secondly, shared links will help boost your SEO rankings, which can be an effective way to attract new customers online.
Engage With Others’ Posts By Commenting, Not Liking, Or Sharing
I know this seems counterintuitive at first, but hear me out! While it’s true that these actions will help you get more likes, retweets, and shares for your content and pages in the long run (and I definitely recommend doing them), there are many benefits to commenting on a post as well.
When you comment on someone’s post, you can add to the conversation they’ve started by giving your own perspective or making a point that they might not have considered. You can also start a conversation with someone who commented on your own post;
by responding directly to their comment instead of just like it, it’ll be easier for them to see what other people are saying about what you wrote.
Finally and perhaps most importantly you can add value to the discussion by adding an interesting point or insight into things that others may not have thought about before!
Use Links To Highlight Website Names Rather Than Photos
Links in Facebook posts are a great way to spread information and connect people. They’re also more professional than images, which tend to get lost in the news feed.
Use links to highlight website names rather than photos of people or places. This way, your content is more helpful for your followers; they can click the link and quickly access all the information you’ve shared without having to hunt it down on their own timelines or other social media sites (like Instagram).
And when you do use an image with a link rather than just posting as text alone on Facebook, make sure there’s enough room around it so that readers can still see what they need while reading through their feeds at speed!
Enhance your Facebook experience with lesser-known tips and tricks. Explore our insights on undiscovered Facebook tips that can transform your social media strategy.
Sharing Too Much Information Can Make People Feel Like They Are Being Ignored Or Worse
I don’t think many of us realize how much we share about ourselves on Facebook. When I was growing up, my parents would tell me not to give out too much information about myself on the internet because it could be dangerous.
And while I can see the logic in that, I never really understood why they were so concerned. Now that I’m older and wiser (and hopefully a little less gullible), I’ve come to realize that sharing too much personal information can make people feel like they are being ignored or worse!
There’s no denying that social media has become an important part of our lives as human beings. But if you’re going to use social media regularly, then it’s important to remember: It’s important not just what you say but how you say it.
Learning from mistakes is a key aspect of growth in marketing. Delve into our analysis of the biggest mistakes in Facebook marketing to refine your approach and achieve better results.
I have found that Facebook can be a great way to keep in touch with friends and family and reconnect with old acquaintances. It’s also a good place for me to share information about my personal or professional life and find out what other people are up to.
For example, recently I found an article on how Facebook is bad for your health. However, there is no need
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources that provide insights into overcoming Facebook addiction:
Defeat a Facebook Addiction: Discover practical steps and strategies to overcome your addiction to Facebook and regain control of your time and focus.
Understanding Facebook Addiction: Learn about the signs, symptoms, and potential impact of Facebook addiction on your mental health and overall well-being.
How I Beat My Facebook Addiction: Get a personal perspective on breaking free from a Facebook addiction and find inspiration to implement positive changes in your digital habits.
What is Facebook addiction?
Facebook addiction refers to an excessive and compulsive use of the social media platform Facebook, leading to negative effects on one’s daily life, relationships, and well-being.
How can I tell if I’m addicted to Facebook?
Signs of Facebook addiction may include spending excessive time on the platform, neglecting responsibilities, feeling anxious when unable to access Facebook, and a decline in face-to-face interactions.
What are some strategies to overcome Facebook addiction?
To overcome Facebook addiction, you can set limits on your usage, engage in offline activities, practice mindfulness, seek social support, and consider professional help if needed.
Is Facebook addiction harmful to my mental health?
Yes, prolonged Facebook addiction can have negative effects on mental health, leading to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression, and a distorted sense of self-worth due to comparisons with others.
Can I use social media in a healthy way?
Yes, by practicing mindful and balanced social media usage, you can maintain a healthy relationship with platforms like Facebook. Setting boundaries, focusing on meaningful interactions, and prioritizing real-life experiences can contribute to a healthier digital lifestyle.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.