So you want to be a freelance designer. Some might say that’s a calling, while others might claim it’s a curse. One thing’s for sure, though: It’s not for everyone. Here are some signs that you’ve got what it takes to make it as a freelance designer, or that maybe you should take your talents elsewhere:
Takeaways |
1. Freelance success requires a unique blend of creativity and business acumen. |
2. Communication skills are paramount for establishing strong client relationships. |
3. Adaptability and continuous learning are essential in the ever-evolving design landscape. |
4. Time management and organization are key to balancing multiple projects effectively. |
5. Building a personal brand and online presence can help attract clients and opportunities. |
How Do You Define Success?
This is a tough question to answer because it’s different for every person. The definition of success changes over time and is largely a personal one. Success doesn’t necessarily mean making a lot of money; if you’re doing what you love, then you are successful!
To me, being successful means achieving my goals. I have always been interested in design, so my goals have revolved around accomplishing my dreams within this field by working with clients and agencies who understand what it takes to produce quality work.
If you’re feeling lost about how to bring a freelance designer on board, our guide on how to hire a freelance designer when you have limited knowledge can steer you in the right direction. Understanding the hiring process can lead to successful collaborations that elevate your projects.
What Type Of Work Do You Most Enjoy Doing?
I’ve found that the type of work you enjoy doing is often a good indicator of what kind of freelance career will be right for you. What do you like to do? What motivates and fulfills you?
If your answer is “I love working with clients, but the actual design part is the worst,” then it’s probably time to consider taking your business in another direction. If your answer is “I love designing things, but I hate managing my time,” then maybe freelancing isn’t right for you either (yet).
From there, think about what gives you satisfaction when it comes to design projects: Is it something tangible like making money or getting positive feedback from clients? Or is it more intangible such as having free time at home where nobody tells you what to do or where every day feels different from one another?
Are You Willing To Work Longer Hours, At Least During The Beginning Phase?
If you’re not willing to work longer hours, then it’s probably not the right time for you to become a freelance designer.
It may seem like a huge leap of faith to quit your day job and go out on your own—but it can be hugely rewarding if you’re willing to put in the work. There is no way around it: there will be long days where you’ll be working 12 or more hours while doing everything from marketing yourself as a brand new freelancer, networking with potential clients and partners, researching new ideas and techniques (and ultimately improving your work), writing proposals for potential clients, etc.
The good news? You’ll likely find yourself doing much more than just designing you’ll also get into the business side of things which means that every aspect of running your own business gets easier over time as well as gives direction on how best to handle situations/issues that arise during design projects
Embarking on a journey in freelance design? Our comprehensive guide, A Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Research, offers insights into the world of research, helping you make informed decisions that resonate with your audience and drive your creative work forward.
Are You Able To Manage Your Time Effectively And Meet Deadlines?
You don’t want to miss a deadline. Your clients pay you for your services, so it’s not only important to meet the deadline but also to deliver high-quality work promptly. This means that you need to focus on managing your time effectively and efficiently.
To be able to do this, you should know how to schedule and manage your tasks in such a way that they get done on time or even earlier than expected. This is where scheduling comes into play you have to know how much time you can spend on each task based on its difficulty level and priority level.
For example, if there are more urgent tasks that need immediate attention (such as an urgent email from one of your clients), then these will take precedence over less urgent ones like replying with feedback from another client who has asked for some minor changes in their design project before sending it through for approval by their boss who happens t
Do You Have A Consistent, Clear Process For Getting Client Feedback?
This is a topic that’s near and dear to my heart. I’ve found that some designers are afraid of receiving feedback from clients, even though it can be the most valuable thing you get from your work.
As a designer, you must have a clear process for getting client feedback (and managing it). This helps ensure that you’re staying on track with your project and not wasting time with clients who aren’t ready to work with your services.
Get clear on what kind of feedback you want from clients before any projects begin. You might ask them if they’d like weekly check-ins or monthly updates or maybe they only need an update when something major happens or when they’re ready to start paying again! Letting them know how often you’ll be communicating helps everyone stay on task and makes everyone feel comfortable working together efficiently without driving themselves crazy trying to keep tabs on everything at once.
How Do You Go About Determining Your Rates?
Okay, so now you know how to determine what kind of design work you want to do and the quality of work that your clients want. But how exactly do you go about determining your rates?
It’s important to remember that each person has value in the market. You need to make sure that if someone was paying for your services, they would feel like they got a good return on investment (ROI).
This means charging as much as possible while still providing quality design work. To do this, it helps to look at other designers in our industry and see how much they charge per hour or project depending on what type of services they offer. We can also take into account certain factors such as the cost of living when deciding how much we should charge for our services.
Crafting eye-catching visuals for a restaurant? Discover valuable tips and techniques in our article on how to design a leaflet for a restaurant. This resource provides essential guidance to create compelling designs that entice customers and leave a lasting impression.
Are You Prepared To Wait For Payment From Clients?
Most designers are familiar with the concept of waiting for payment from clients. Some are flexible and can wait a few months (or even years), while some cannot afford to wait at all. If you’re in the latter category, then the freelance design is probably not the right career path for you.
If your client doesn’t pay within 30 days of billing, you’ll have to contact them and ask them politely if they could please make arrangements to pay as soon as possible because otherwise, it will negatively impact your ability to continue working on projects with them or anyone else who might hire you down the line.
Do You Have The Right Skills?
It’s no secret that being a great designer is about more than just having good taste and an eye for aesthetics. You’ll need to be able to design, code, write, and market your services if you want to succeed as a freelance designer. If you’re thinking “that’s too much,” I’m with you on this one: it is!
But if we’re going to talk about what makes someone great at their job (and especially as a freelancer), we should probably start with understanding what it takes to succeed in general first.
One of the biggest challenges faced by freelancers is managing their time effectively so that they can meet their deadlines while still keeping up with their personal life. This part of being self-employed can be stressful and overwhelming at times but ultimately comes down to planning as best as possible so there aren’t any unpleasant surprises when it comes down our doorsteps later in life!
Are You Organised Enough?
It’s no secret that as a freelancer, you have to be organized. You are the boss of your business and everything depends on your ability to stay on top of things.
You need to keep track of your time, finances, projects, and clients. This is easier said than done though; especially if the only thing keeping you organized is a planner or spreadsheet with some bullet points in it.
Is Your Mindset Right?
Your mindset is the most important thing when it comes to being a successful freelancer. The truth is that you need to be self-motivated, self-disciplined, and self-aware as well as confident in your ability to work on your projects.
Many people are not cut out for freelance design because they don’t have the right mindset or they simply aren’t willing to work hard enough. If you’re interested in designing full time then you need to be committed 100% of the time.
Balancing a full-time job while pursuing a freelance graphic design career? Our guide on how to become a successful freelance graphic designer while working full-time offers valuable strategies and insights to help you manage your journey toward professional success without sacrificing your current employment.
Are You Passionate Enough?
Are you passionate enough?
If you’re not, then it’s time for some soul-searching. When we talk about passion, what exactly do we mean? Let’s break down the different kinds of passion and see where your passion lies:
Passion for your work; If you love what you do, then it won’t feel like work at all! Whether that means designing websites or making jewelry or anything in between, if this is something that just inspires and excites you, then you’ll probably have no problem working long hours on projects because they’re so fun to do.
Passion for the industry/field as a whole; can also make life easier when it comes to getting motivated and keeping focused on improving yourself. If there are conferences and events related to your field that are coming up soon (or even ongoing!).
Try attending them whenever possible; they will give both inspiration as well as networking opportunities which can lead directly to more business opportunities later down the road and even better yet: maybe even some free samples! Yay!
The best thing that any designer can do when it comes time for a client to pay up is to communicate clearly about their payment policy ahead of time so there aren’t any surprises later on when it’s time for them to cough up some dough and that goes both ways.
If a client asks about how long until he/she gets paid by his/her current company (or whomever), then don’t hide behind technicalities such as “Well..” instead be honest and straightforward about what kinds of delays may occur due solely based upon how difficult it would be for him/her get paid quickly!
What Type Of Clients Do You Want To Work With?
Before you open up your shop, it’s important to consider the type of clients you want to work with. Do they value your work and will pay what it is worth? Are they willing to understand the design process and work with you? Are they willing to pay your rates on time?
These are all questions that need answering before launching a freelance business. If the answer is no, then maybe this isn’t right for you right now. However if you can say yes with confidence, then get ready because things are about to get real!
Do You Have A Network Of People Who Can Refer Colleagues To You On An Ongoing Basis?
There are several ways to get clients that we didn’t mention in the previous section. While it’s important to have some kind of plan for how you will find work, it’s also important not to stress out about it. If you have an idea of who your ideal clients might be and what type of projects they hire freelancers for, then you can use that information as a jumping-off point.
Here are some great places where you can start:
LinkedIn is an amazing tool for finding potential clients. Research people who fit the bill even if they don’t currently have any job postings and send them a message letting them know what types of projects they should bring your way if they need someone like you! Just keep in mind that this isn’t an instant fix; rather than trying every connection at once, aim for one or two “warm introductions” per week until business picks up again.
You may already have past clients who would love to work with you again (and refer others). Be sure to stay in touch with former employers and colleagues by sending emails or texts from time to time. It’s also worth reaching out via social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter. You never know when someone might need help with their branding campaign!
Friends and family members often come through with referrals when asked nicely. Be sure not only include yourself on these lists but also anyone else who might be able to help out: neighbors, co-workers etcetera… even if they aren’t designers themselves.”
Determining If Freelance Design Is Right For You
Before you decide to pursue freelance design, take some time to think about what it is that you want out of life. Have a clear idea of what you’re working towards and be prepared for the challenges that come with being self-employed.
Get organized: I’m not talking about organizing your desk space or making sure all your tools are lined up in their proper place I mean getting organized on the inside. If there’s anything that will help make sure you have a successful freelance career, it’s staying on top of your goals and keeping track of your progress toward achieving them.
It helps me stay motivated if I know exactly how many hours I’ve worked on a project or how many sales I’ve made so far (and if my bank balance reflects those figures).
Curious about the SEO benefits of freelance email marketing? Dive into our article on why freelance email marketing is great for SEO to explore how effective email campaigns can not only engage your audience but also enhance your website’s search engine visibility, driving more organic traffic to your content.
Final Thoughts
So, do you have what it takes? If so, go for it! Start working on those business cards and your portfolio website. If not, don’t be discouraged. There are plenty of other ways to get your foot in the door at a design firm or agency, and there’s nothing wrong with working your way up through a more traditional environment.
Even if you someday decide to become a full-time freelancer, it’s important to remember that developing these skills takes time. However you choose to pursue your career in design, we hope these tips were helpful!
Further Reading
How to Become a Graphic Design Freelancer: Explore tips and strategies to kickstart your journey into the world of freelance graphic design with insights from industry professionals.
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Successful Freelance Designer?: Learn about the key traits and skills needed to thrive as a freelance designer and discover how you can position yourself for success.
How to Become a Freelance Graphic Designer: Delve into the step-by-step process of becoming a freelance graphic designer, including building your portfolio, finding clients, and managing your business.
People Also Ask
How Do I Get Started As A Freelance Designer?
There are many ways to start your own business, but we recommend that you get help from others who have done it before. This can be in the form of an ebook, a course, or even just talking with someone who’s been there before.
What Does A Freelance Designer Do?
A freelance designer is someone who works on their own and creates designs for clients. They can be hired to create logos or make websites. Sometimes they work in teams, but they are usually not full-time employees of any company.
How much do freelance designers get paid? It depends on the type of work they are doing and how many projects they have going on at once. In general, though, it’s around $50-$75 per hour (or more).
Who Can Be A Freelancer?
Anyone! You don’t have to have an advanced degree or any special training just some skills and experience using design tools like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator CC 2019 (which includes InDesign CC).
I Don’t Have Any Experience In Design. What Should I Do?
If you have a knack for graphic design but lack formal training, it’s not too late to get started. There are plenty of online courses and tutorials available for learning the basics of design—and if those aren’t cutting it, there are also some great books on the subject both in print and digital formats.
How Much Money Should I Expect To Make As A Freelancer?
The short answer: it depends on what type of work you do and how many hours you put in each week/month/year. Some designers don’t make much at all; others can easily earn six figures per year from their freelance ventures (or even more).
It’s hard to say exactly how much your particular skill set will bring in because every industry has different rates for various types of work; however, if you’re working full-time at minimum wage ($7 per hour), achieving even just $40k gross revenue per year would be considered decent by most standards and that’s without taking into account any other expenses incurred during the same period!
What Do You Mean By “Freelance Designer”?
A good question! A freelance designer is someone who works for multiple clients, but not for an employer. Usually, the work is done remotely and the client and freelancer are only connected through email or phone calls. Freelancers can work with many different types of companies or individuals to complete their projects: web developers, graphic designers, photographers, and more fall under this category.
How Much Money Do I Need To Start?
Not a ton, but it depends on what kind of freelancing you want to do. If you’re just doing simple tasks like writing or photography and don’t have any big projects lined up, then maybe only $100 is needed for your business startup. But if you’re looking at something like designing an entire website or starting an eCommerce site, it can get pretty pricey – $500-$1,000+.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.