Do You Have A Schedule That Works For Freelancing?

Want to know the secret of successful freelancing? All you need to do is create a schedule that works for you and stick to it. Sound too easy? 

Unfortunately, creating a solid schedule for yourself as a freelancer can be really difficult especially if you find yourself distracted by things like Netflix and family members who don’t understand why “working from home” doesn’t mean you have all the time in the world. 

Here are some tips for creating a workable freelance schedule:

1. Evaluate your workload and set realistic goals.
2. Establish a consistent routine to maintain productivity.
3. Prioritize your tasks based on deadlines and importance.
4. Allocate time for breaks and self-care to avoid burnout.
5. Experiment with different scheduling techniques and find what works best for you.

Working From Home Can Be A Blessing, But It Can Also Be A Curse

Working from home can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse. There are many positives to working from home: you can work at any time of the day or night, you don’t have to commute and deal with traffic, and you can wear whatever your heart desires. 

However, these perks come with some downsides as well: there is no one around to keep you accountable.

So it will take longer for your projects to get done; the lack of structure means that it may be hard for you to focus on your tasks, and wearing nothing but underwear could cause distractions that ultimately lead nowhere.

Now that we’ve covered all sides of this particular issue (both positive and negative), let’s go over some tips on how best to manage to work from home so that it becomes an asset rather than a liability:

Building a successful freelancing career requires effective time management. Learn how to start freelancing from your phone and optimize your schedule for maximum productivity.

It’s Easy To Get Off Schedule When You’re At Home

When you’re at home, you tend to get distracted. This is especially true when you have a family, pets, and/or a phone that is constantly pinging. You can also get sidetracked by the TV or computer when you’re trying to work on something important.

If this sounds somewhat familiar then here are three things that might help:

Set up an office space in your house (or room if it’s big enough). Even if it’s just a corner of one room with some shelves or cabinets for storage and an area rug on the floor it will help remind people not to disturb you while working (including yourself).

Establish rules regarding technology use during work hours; no checking email first thing in the morning and last thing before bedtime; no social media scrolling until all tasks are done for that day; etc., etc., etc. 

A few simple rules will make sure everyone knows what is expected of them (and their devices) during certain times of the day so they don’t accidentally distract themselves or anyone else who may be working around them.

Get up from your desk and stretch every 30 minutes while drinking water if possible! Go outside for 5 minutes if the weather permits too!

You’ll Have To Make Time For Your Self-Care

It’s easy to burn out and overwork yourself when you’re freelancing. Remember that self-care is important for your mental health, so make sure you take time for yourself every week. Make it a habit in your schedule so that you don’t forget about it!

Some examples of ways you can practice self-care include:

  • Taking breaks throughout the day (like taking a walk outside or drinking tea)
  • Make sure to eat at regular times each day, even if they’re not meal times
  • Meditating or journaling every few days (especially if things are getting hectic)

You Need To Work On Your Personal Marketing

This is one of the most important things you can do as a freelance writer. It doesn’t matter how skilled you are at writing if no one knows who you are or what you do, and it’s also hard for people to pay top dollar when there’s so much competition out there. 

Having a solid presence online will help distinguish you from other writers and make people more likely to hire you. This means:

Have a website that has information about yourself, and links back to any previous articles or publications that show off your talent in writing (you can get WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO which will set up some basic content for this purpose).

Having a blog where you post new material regularly (like once per month) so potential clients know they can expect consistent work from their freelancer if they hire them

Having social media accounts where people can follow along with what’s going on in your life and where they’ll see posts about when new content has been published by clicking through! 

Make sure all these accounts link back either directly or indirectly via an email newsletter signup form connected with them all so people have access regardless of how they found out about it initially 🙂 

You probably don’t want everyone signing up through Facebook though because then access becomes restricted based on whether someone follows certain rules set forth by its terms.

This usually means made-up stuff like “you must be 13 years old” even though we all know kids younger than 13 use Facebook daily.

Mastering in-demand skills is crucial for freelancers who want to charge higher rates. Discover the top 10 freelance skills to charge more and enhance your value in the competitive freelancing market.

Set Up Boundaries With The People In Your Life

It’s very important to set clear boundaries with clients, family members, and friends while freelancing. Otherwise, you are likely to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you are taking on and become less productive as a result. For example:

It is important to tell loved ones exactly how much time will be spent working so that they know when it is safe for them to call or visit without disrupting what you are doing.

It is also important for them to understand why certain projects may take longer than others so that they can be patient with you if things aren’t done immediately.

Setting up boundaries helps prevent misunderstandings or confusion as well as ensures that everyone involved knows what they should expect from each other during this period of transition into freelancing full time!

Get Out Of Your Pajamas And Into Work Clothes

It’s not always easy to get dressed in the morning. For some people, it can be a struggle to get out of bed, much less try to put together an outfit that looks nice and appropriate for the day ahead. 

But when you’re working remotely, the importance of dressing appropriately cannot be overstated. You don’t want to look like a slob in your business casual office and besides that, other freelancers might judge you for it!

So how do you know what clothes are appropriate? It all depends on where your work takes place (your home office or coffee shop), who else will be there with you (your boss or clients), and what kind of work you’re doing (writing code or selling products). 

The most important thing is to remember this simple rule: dress for success. That means dressing professionally no matter what kind of gig you’ve landed whether it’s writing code at home or selling products in an office building outside town. 

And if possible, think about getting dressed before noon so that if anyone stops by unexpectedly they can see right away how serious about being productive this manager/client relationship is!

Set Clear Expectations With People Who Are Important To You

When you’re a freelancer, the people who are important to you need to know that their expectations won’t be met. Otherwise, they’ll end up disappointed and frustrated and there’s no way for you to keep from disappointing them.

Here’s why: if someone expects how often you’ll respond to their emails or whether or not you’ll show up for a meeting at 2 pm on Wednesday.

But those things don’t happen because something else is more important (to them or you), then that person will feel frustrated and confused by the change in plans. They might even start taking it personally!

So what can we do? We can let them know ahead of time when our schedule isn’t going to work with theirs or at least give them some warning when we think there might be some changes coming up so they don’t plan anything too significant around us anymore (or vice versa). 

The best way is being clear about what our boundaries are so everyone knows where they stand with each other.”

Are you passionate about writing and considering a career as a freelance writer? Explore our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance writer and start your journey towards a fulfilling writing career.

Create A Strong Daily Routine That Gives You Time For Yourself And Time To Connect With Others

It’s important to create a daily routine that gives you time for yourself and time to connect with others. You should also make sure that you have the opportunity to do things you enjoy. 

This can include your hobbies, your friends and family, or maybe even just getting out of bed in the morning without hitting snooze ten times (that’s me).

If you want this schedule to work for freelancing too, it needs to include a little bit more than just sticking around at home all day long. 

It’s equally important that your schedule includes opportunities for self-care a little bit of calm before sleep at night or some yoga in the morning will keep both mind and body happy!

To start planning out your perfect schedule:

Leave The House From Time To Time

Go Out Of The House From Time To Time

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many freelancers don’t leave the house for weeks on end. Sitting in front of a computer for hours and hours each day can take its toll on your mind, so make sure you get some fresh air every once in a while! 

The best way to do this is with something local: maybe it’s going for a walk around your neighborhood or hopping on public transit to visit friends who live nearby. If you’re feeling adventurous, try visiting a coffee shop or library (or even just walking through one). 

There are tons of great places around where you live that will make it easier to meet people while keeping yourself focused on what matters most: working hard so that one day soon, YOU’LL BE A FREELANCER BABY DOING IT FOR YOURSELF!

Are you looking to leverage your expertise and offer consulting services on Upwork? Learn why starting a consulting business with Upwork can be a game-changer and how it opens up new opportunities for growth.

Be Flexible And permit Yourself To Change Your Schedule When You Need To

It can be hard to stay flexible when it comes to your schedule, especially if you’ve been freelancing for a while and have developed a routine. 

But remember: flexibility is key. You’ll never know what kind of work opportunities are out there unless you’re willing to try something new at least once in a while, so don’t be afraid to change things up if needed.

If you’re not seeing the results you want from your current schedule, consider changing it up! Maybe lengthening your work hours will do the trick; maybe switching days of the week will help; maybe taking breaks every hour or two would help keep you from getting distracted. 

The point is that if one approach isn’t working for you anymore then try another there’s no reason why any given method can’t work forever and ever until time ends as we know it (or until they invent robots who write articles).

Make Sure Your Workspace Is Comfortable, Allows Room For Creativity, And Is Inspiring To You

Make sure your workspace is comfortable, allows room for creativity, and is inspiring to you:

Choose a space that is quiet, comfortable, and inspiring. You should be able to see the computer screen clearly and hear the phone ring on your desk. It should be large enough so that when people come over to talk with you they don’t feel cramped or crowded. 

If possible it should have natural light that comes in through windows as well as overhead lighting so that you can work in both types of conditions depending on what type of task requires which kind of lighting set up.

Make sure everything is clean: This means clean floors (especially if there are pets), surfaces free from dust bunnies under tables or behind chairs where they’ll collect over time if left alone too long without being cleaned out regularly enough.

Remember these little critters will multiply quickly so if left unchecked then one single bumble bee could turn into an entire swarm within just one day!

Take your freelance career to the next level with proven strategies and techniques. Check out our guide on proven ways to level up your freelance career and discover actionable tips to enhance your success as a freelancer.


There’s no doubt that freelancing is a great way to make money, but you mustn’t let your job take over your entire life. 

Keep in mind that the key to a good work-life balance is having fun and enjoying what you do, whether this means getting involved in weekend activities or spending time with family members. 

To help keep yourself on track, consider setting up an accountability system with friends and loved ones who can remind you when it’s time for self-care. 

Also, if possible, try to schedule some exercise breaks throughout the day so that your body stays healthy while your mind stays sharp!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore for more information on optimizing your work schedule as a freelancer:

How to Create an Optimal Work Schedule as a Freelancer: Discover practical tips and strategies for creating an efficient and effective work schedule that suits your freelancing needs.

Manage Your Freelance Schedule: Learn how to effectively manage your freelance schedule, prioritize tasks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

How to Follow a Freelance Work Schedule Even If You Don’t Really Feel Like It: Gain insights into overcoming challenges and staying motivated to follow your freelance work schedule, even during times when motivation is lacking.


Here are some frequently asked questions about freelancing schedules and their answers:

How can I create a balanced work schedule as a freelancer?

Creating a balanced work schedule as a freelancer involves setting clear boundaries, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It’s important to allocate time for work, breaks, and personal activities.

How do I stay disciplined and stick to my freelance work schedule?

Staying disciplined requires self-motivation and effective time management techniques. Setting realistic goals, eliminating distractions, and establishing a routine can help you stay focused and committed to your work schedule.

What should I do if my freelance work schedule becomes overwhelming?

If your freelance work schedule becomes overwhelming, it’s important to reassess your workload and prioritize tasks. Consider delegating or outsourcing certain tasks, practicing time blocking, or seeking support from fellow freelancers or mentors.

How can I optimize my productivity within my freelance work schedule?

To optimize productivity, consider implementing strategies such as creating a dedicated workspace, using productivity tools and apps, breaking tasks into manageable chunks, and practicing effective time management techniques.

Is it possible to have a flexible work schedule as a freelancer?

Yes, one of the advantages of freelancing is the flexibility it offers in terms of work schedules. However, it’s important to strike a balance between flexibility and maintaining a structured routine to ensure consistent productivity and client satisfaction.

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