Do I Need To Sign A Cover Letter Submitted Electronically? (Career Advice)

A cover letter is the first opportunity you have to impress your prospective employer. It gives you the chance to highlight your skills and experience, explain why you’re a good fit for their organization, and demonstrate how much you want the job. It also allows you to explain any gaps in your resume or areas where additional information might be helpful.

When submitting a cover letter electronically, it’s important to follow any guidelines or requirements provided by the employer or job posting.
If a job posting or application instructions require a signature on your cover letter, be sure to include one.
You can add a signature to your electronic cover letter by creating a digital signature and inserting it into your document using your word processing software.
Electronic signatures are considered legally binding in many jurisdictions and can be a professional and appropriate addition to your cover letter.
Take advantage of online resources and guides to ensure that your electronic cover letter and signature are polished and effective.

Do I Need To Sign A Cover Letter Submitted Electronically

The short answer: no, you don’t. The long answer: maybe, it depends on your circumstances.

No matter what your field or industry is, some jobs require a cover letter when applying for positions. This requirement can be either stated in the job description or listed as “required” on the application itself. If the job you are applying for requires a cover letter and does not specify whether or not it should be signed, then yes you need to sign it!

If you are unsure if signing your cover letter is necessary or required when submitting electronically via email attachment or through an online portal where applicants apply directly through their web browser, check out our tips below before proceeding with this step of the process (and make sure you’re not missing anything else important!).

When submitting a cover letter electronically, it’s important to consider whether or not you need to sign it. Our article on do I need to sign a cover letter provides insight into this question and offers guidance on how to proceed.

How Do You Write A Cover Letter

If you’re writing a cover letter to be submitted electronically, the first thing to do is make sure your document looks professional.

To start, use a business letter format. As with any other type of cover letter (or business letter), your cover letter should adhere to the standard font sizes and formats used by most companies: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial fonts, 1-inch margins on each side, and line spacing set at 1.5 lines no more and no less than that!

Finally, don’t forget about the tone of your document. Remember that even though this is an electronic version of your cover letter, it’s still important for them to get as strong of an impression from it as possible! Make sure that everything about this document from content to formatting shows off who you are as an applicant.

What Are Some Tips For Filling Out A Cover Letter

Introduce Yourself

A cover letter should be a concise introduction of who you are and why you are interested in the position. It’s a great opportunity to share some interesting facts about yourself that may not have been covered in your resume, such as an award or honors you won, an accomplishment related to your field of study

Other relevant experiences. Include any responsibilities that were required in previous positions that relate to the role for which you’re applying.

Highlight Why You Are Interested In The Position

You should include a summary of how this job would fit into your career path and make use of your skillset. This shows them that not only are you qualified but interested in what they have to offer as well!

State What You Can Do For Them Specifically And Give Examples Of Your Skills If Possible (If Applicable)

This section should go over why they should hire you over other candidates. It gives them a reason(s) why their company would benefit from hiring someone like yourself! Be sure not just to say things like “I am an excellent employee” but provide examples where those skills were used successfully before (if applicable).

If you’re wondering whether or not your cover letter needs a signature, you’re not alone. Our article on does the cover letter need a signature explores this question in detail and offers practical advice for job seekers.

What Is The Purpose Of A Cover Letter

A cover letter is a written correspondence that accompanies your resume when applying for a job. It’s designed to explain and emphasize the skills, knowledge, and experience you bring to the position. Here are some other guidelines for writing a good one:

Keep it short – Cover letters should generally be no longer than one page long

State what you want – Be specific about what type of position you’re applying for (industry) and where you heard about it

Use keywords from the job posting-Look at the job description carefully before writing your cover letter so that there’s no overlap between their words and yours

Offer proof of relevant skills/experience-Highlight how your qualifications match up with their requirements

What Are The Important Things That Must Be In The Cover Letter

The most important thing to include in your cover letter is information about the job position you are applying for. If you can, include the name of the hiring manager or their contact information so that they know who submitted their application. It’s also good to let them know when you sent in your application.

You should include a summary of qualifications, such as education and experience so that those reading your cover letter can get a sense of what type of worker you are and why they should hire you over others. 

You might also want to briefly describe your work history this could be especially helpful if it shows how well-suited or experienced you are for this particular job!

Lastly, don’t forget about contact information! A potential employer will want an easy way to reach out with questions or further interest in hiring after reviewing all available candidates’ materials (including yours). 

Make sure there’s enough space on both sides (front and back) so someone else doesn’t accidentally read through some sensitive details before sending off their application later down the line.”

What Should I Write On My Cover Letter

  • Your name.
  • Your address.
  • Your phone number and email address. This should be your email address, not the one you use for work if you have one.

Your job title at your current employer (and also a brief description of what this role entails). If it’s not a formal job title, write down any words that describe what you do daily: “bookkeeper,” “social media manager,” “copy editor,” etc.

The name of your current employer and how long they’ve employed you (e.g., “I’ve been working as an assistant editor at Time Inc since 2011”).

It’s important to make sure that your cover letter is complete and professional, and that includes signing it if necessary. Our article on do cover letters need to be signed provides expert advice on this topic and offers tips for crafting a standout cover letter.

What Is The Difference Between A Resume And A CV And A Cover Letter

Resume: A resume is a summary of your work history and education. It should include the names of companies you have worked for, job titles, and dates you were employed there, as well as any relevant experience, gained at school or in extracurricular activities.

CV: A CV (curriculum vitae) is more detailed than a resume. It includes information regarding past jobs (including salary), schools attended and degrees earned, publications authored by you or co-authored by you, and so on.

Cover letter: The cover letter is not a substitute for a resume but rather an additional document that provides more details about why you are seeking employment with this particular company or organization than what could be included within the space constraints of your standard application form/resume/CV combination forms typically used by HR departments today 

When reviewing materials submitted electronically through online portals such as Indeed or LinkedIn Job Boards; however it should not be confused with those other types either instead think about it like this-if an employer asks for both items then they will receive both documents back from whoever submits them together 

As one file after completing their application process online via said portal site because both documents belong together just like sleeves belong on top halves where pants will go

How Long Should An Electronic Cover Letter Be

How long should an electronic cover letter be? One page. If you have extensive experience in a field, then you may need to include a second page for your professional summary, but no more than that.

Remember: job applications are not novels; they are summaries of who you are and what makes you great at what you do. Don’t waste time with flowery prose; get right down to business and highlight the most important information about yourself!

Should I Address The Employer By Name Or Use Dear Sir Or Madam In My Cover Letter

When writing a cover letter, you should address it to the person who will be reading your application. If you’re applying for a job at a large company and don’t know who that is, use Dear Sir or Madam. If you do know their name (or their title), use Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name instead.

When addressing an individual by name, avoid titles like “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madame” unless they are specifically used in correspondence with someone of that gender.

Where Do You Put Your Address On Your Cover Letter

Here are some things to keep in mind when formatting your address:

  • The address should be on the top left corner of the page.
  • It should be written in a professional format like “John Smith” or “Mr. John Smith”.
  • It should be in a font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.

Do not use all capital letters for your name and title; this is considered rude and unprofessional. Likewise, do not use all lowercase letters for your name and title; this is also considered rude and unprofessional.* A cover letter should never exceed one page (unless stated otherwise by an employer).

Whether you’re applying for an internship or a full-time job, you may be wondering if you need to sign your cover letter. Our article on do I need to sign a cover letter for an internship explores this question and provides helpful guidance for job seekers.

How Can I Make My Cover Letter Stand Out From Other Applicants

The cover letter is the first opportunity you have to show your prospective employer who you are and why they should hire you. A strong cover letter can be the difference between getting a job interview and not, so it’s important to put some effort into creating one. To make sure that your cover letter stands out from other applicants, consider these tips:

Avoid using templates-This may seem simple, but many people still use generic letters that they downloaded off of the internet without tailoring them to their own needs. 

If possible, create a new document with Microsoft Word or Google Docs and fill in information unique to each application (for example, address the letter “Dear Sir” if writing about an industry where men are typically seen as leaders). 

When using online forms for applications like LinkedIn or Indeed (which do most of the work for you), check if there’s an option for uploading a resume rather than submitting one online; this will give you more control over how much information is included in your profile.

Be specific Although it’s okay to include some general information about yourself at the top of a cover letter such as your education level or employment history try not to get too far ahead of yourself by mentioning skills that aren’t relevant just yet. 

Focus instead on listing specific examples of how previous jobs have prepared you well enough for this position by listing what those jobs entailed and how those experiences relate directly to now being applied here with us today. The best way would be through here!

What Are Some Ways To Get Noticed By Your Prospective Employer Through Your Application Materials

Make sure you have well-written and well-presented application materials. In today’s world, a lot of things are done electronically from sending emails to ordering food to pay bills. If you want your potential employer to notice your application materials, make sure they look good and function correctly.

Proofread thoroughly before submitting anything electronically or in writing. One mistake can ruin the entire document!

Check for grammar and spelling errors before sending out any application materials it could be the difference between getting hired for an interview or being passed over altogether!

Signing your cover letter can add a professional touch and make a good impression on potential employers. Our article on does a cover letter need a signature provides personal experience and advice on this topic, including tips on when to sign your cover letter and how to do it

How Do I Properly Close My Cover Letter With A Signature Title And Email Signature

To properly close your cover letter, you must include your signature title, email address, and website. Your signature title should be the same as the one in your resume or CV. 

This is what will appear at the bottom of your file when it is viewed online and/or printed out. Your email address should also be included because this will allow potential employers to easily reach out to you if they have any additional questions about your application materials. 

A good rule of thumb for these two things is: “If I don’t include them here, will anyone ever know?” If not, then leave it out!

Finally, make sure that both sections (resume and cover letter) include an email signature with some basic information such as name, address, and phone number; a website link 

This can help make sure that all contact information stays consistent across all applications made by you so there’s no confusion about where someone can reach out if needed.”


The cover letter is the best way to make your application stand out from the rest. You can use it as an opportunity to explain why you’re the best candidate for the position or highlight your skills and experience that will be valuable for this job. You must take your time writing a great cover letter because it will help you get noticed by your prospective employer!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for learning about signing a cover letter submitted electronically:

Do I Need to Sign a Cover Letter Submitted Electronically?: This article from Resume Genius answers common questions about electronic cover letter signatures and provides practical tips for job seekers.

How to Sign a Cover Letter With Signature Examples: This guide from The Balance Careers offers step-by-step instructions for adding a signature to an electronic cover letter, with examples and screenshots.

How to Sign a Cover Letter Submitted Electronically: Resume Builder provides tips and tricks for adding a digital signature to your electronic cover letter, including how to create a digital signature and how to insert it into your document.


Can I submit a cover letter without a signature when applying for a job electronically?

Yes, you can submit a cover letter without a signature when applying for a job electronically. However, if the job posting or application instructions require a signature, it’s important to follow those guidelines.

How do I add a signature to an electronic cover letter?

To add a signature to an electronic cover letter, you can create a digital signature using software or an online tool. Once you have created your signature, you can insert it into your cover letter document using your word processing software.

Do all job applications require a signed cover letter?

Not all job applications require a signed cover letter. It’s important to carefully read the job posting and application instructions to determine whether or not a signature is required.

Can I use an electronic signature on my cover letter?

Yes, you can use an electronic signature on your cover letter. Digital signatures are commonly used in electronic document workflows and are considered legally binding in many jurisdictions.

How can I ensure that my electronic signature is professional and appropriate for a cover letter?

To ensure that your electronic signature is professional and appropriate for a cover letter, choose a font and style that is easy to read and matches the formatting of your cover letter. Avoid using emojis, images, or other non-text elements in your signature.