When you’re sending a cover letter with your resume, there are some things you need to keep in mind. This article will walk you through what those things are and how to make sure that your cover letter is perfect. Whether you want to send it as an attachment or in the body of the email, we’ll cover everything!
Takeaways |
A cover letter should be customized to the job you’re applying for. |
Your cover letter should be no more than one page in length. |
Use your cover letter to highlight your qualifications and express your enthusiasm for the job. |
Avoid using generic language or repeating information from your resume. |
Make sure to proofread your cover letter carefully before submitting it. |
Can You Send Cover Letter With a Resume
You can send a cover letter with your resume in any of the following ways:
By email. It’s very common to attach a cover letter when applying online or sending an email to an employer.
By post (snail mail). If you’re applying for a job that has physical requirements, like being able to lift 50 pounds or drive heavy equipment, it may be best to print out the application materials and mail them in. You could also include a hard copy of your resume and cover letter along with this printed information if you’d like them kept on file at the company’s offices after they review it.
In-person. If you live near one of the companies that hire someone from time to time, go into their offices and hand them all three items in person this will give them even more insight into who you are as a person!
As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, it’s important to understand that cover letters are not just a formality. In fact, they can make or break your chances of getting hired. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on why cover letters are important to help you craft a winning application.
How Do I Send My Resume And Cover Letter By Email
To send your resume and cover letter by email, you’ll need to:
Choose the best subject line for your message. The subject line should be specific and relevant to the job description. If you’re applying for a position as an editor, for example, “I’m applying for this editing job” isn’t very helpful; on the other hand, something like “My editing background in [industry]” is much more effective because it speaks directly to their needs.
Write an informative body of text not too long but not too short either that explains why you’re interested in this particular role and ready for it! It’s also important that any attachments are included within this section rather than separate from them (more on that below).
Sign off with a signature thanking them again for taking time out of their day to review your application materials; if applicable add any additional contacts who should receive copies of these emails as well.*
What To Write In A Email When Sending Resume Sample
Dear {Name},
Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. As I am sure you are aware, I have over five years of experience in the {field} industry and hold a Bachelor’s degree from {college}. Below is a list of my skills, accomplishments, and education:
Skills: {skill 1} (1-2 sentences), {skill 2} (1-2 sentences)
Accomplishments: Organized and administered the annual volunteer program for 90 students over two years, resulting in a 4% increase in donations for our charity partner.
Education: Bachelor’s degree from {college}, double majoring in Accounting and Finance.
Professional Experience: Worked as an accountant at ABC Company from 2013 to 2017. After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant with KPMG LLP, moved into financial services where I was promoted to Assistant Vice President after only six months on the job!
How Do You Respond When Someone Sends You Their Resume
If you receive a resume, there are several ways to respond. It is important to remember that your response should be personalized and prompt for the best chance of success.
Thank the individual for their interest in your company and express gratitude for their time. You can also ask if they would like to talk further about the position or meet with you on-site if possible.
If you’re looking at multiple people, ask if they’re available during specific times so that you can schedule interviews with everyone efficiently and effectively.
If someone has already been referred by another employee or friend, reach out! Let them know how much of a fan they’ve made of your company already, and maybe even offer a small token (like a gift card) as thanks for coming through with such great references!
While some job seekers may view cover letters as optional, the truth is that they are a necessary part of the application process. Our guide on why cover letters are necessary explains how cover letters provide an opportunity to showcase your skills and qualifications, and can help you stand out from the competition.
What Should Come First On A Resume Cover Letter Or Application
When sending a resume and cover letter, it’s important to know the order in which these documents should be sent. The order of submission can affect whether or not the employer will consider your application.
For example, if you send your resume first and then follow up with a cover letter (the wrong way), chances are that your application won’t even be considered because all they’ll see is your name on top of what looks like an unprofessional document. They might think that you’re lazy or don’t care about the job opportunity at all. In addition, if someone else has already applied for this position before you, then their resume would have come in first so there wouldn’t have been any room for yours anyway!
So what should come first? It depends on who you’re sending it to: a company/human resources manager (in person or by mail), email address (email), phone number(phone), website(online), fax machine(fax). Now let’s break down each scenario individually:
Can I Attach A Cover Letter To A Resume In An Email
To attach a cover letter to a resume in an email, follow these steps:
Open Microsoft Word. If you don’t already have it installed on your computer, download it from the Microsoft website.
Create a new document by clicking File > New.
Type the text of your cover letter into the blank space provided by Word and adjust its formatting as needed (either manually or using one of Word’s default styles).
When you’ve finished writing and formatting your cover letter, click File > Save As to save it under another name than “Untitled.” This will ensure that if anything goes wrong during attachment or transmission, both documents will remain intact.
Do I Need A Subject Line When Sending A Resume Via Email
When it comes to resume subject lines, the same rules apply as with cover letters: keep it short and descriptive.
For example, if you’re applying for a job at a marketing agency, your subject line should say something like “Marketing Specialist.”
If you want to include the name of their company in your subject line so that they can easily find all of their emails from you (or any other applicant), add those words after “Marketing Specialist.” So maybe something like this: “Digital Marketing Specialist: [Company Name].”
On the other hand, don’t overdo it with lengthy or complicated sentences in your email subject lines. Keep them simple and straightforward so that recipients can scan through all their emails quickly without having to work too hard deciphering what each one is about.
If we were talking about resumes sent via snail mail here instead of email, then yes you should have both a cover letter AND a resume when applying for jobs online or offline!
Sending a cover letter without a signature can make a bad first impression and lead to your application being overlooked. That’s why we’ve created a guide on how to sign a cover letter to ensure you make a professional impression and increase your chances of getting hired.
How Do I Send My Resume On My Phone
If you’re sending your resume via email, you can attach it or send the document as an attachment. However, if you want to send it on your phone and don’t have access to a computer, there are various ways for you to do so using just your device.
You can send it via text message. If you’re applying through a website like Indeed or LinkedIn, some applications will allow users to upload their resumes directly from their phones without having to save them first.
You can use one of the many cloud storage apps that are available online that allow users to save documents straight onto their phones (such as Dropbox). Cloud storage is great because all documents are stored online and therefore accessible no matter where they need them most – whether at home or out in public where there aren’t any WiFi hotspots nearby!
Should A Cover Letter Be Attached To A Resume Or Sent Separately By Email
A cover letter should be attached to your resume. It is not necessary to send a separate cover letter by email or post, but you can do so if it will help the hiring manager understand why you are a good fit for their job opening better.
If you think that sending a cover letter by carrier pigeon would show employers how much attention to detail and organization skills you have, then go for it!
While some job seekers may think that a resume is enough to get noticed by potential employers, the truth is that a cover letter can be the key to standing out from the crowd. Our guide on whether you can send a resume without a cover letter explains why cover letters are important and how they can help you land your dream job.
Should I Attach My Cover Letter Or Write It In The Body Of The Email?
If you want to send a cover letter with your resume, there are two ways to do it. The first option is to attach the cover letter to an email and then send them both. The second option is to write the cover letter directly into the body of an email and then send it.
While we want you to write your cover letter in the body of your email for this method, two things need to happen for this method to be successful:
Your cover letter needs to be attached at all times during its journey through cyberspace it can’t get separated from itself! If it gets separated from itself, then you might have trouble sending it because Gmail won’t know which parts of itself belong together any longer (this happens frequently when people lose their phones while sending emails).
You need something called “Reply All” turned off on Gmail so that everyone who receives an email doesn’t get bombarded by each other person’s replies back into another thread that makes no sense whatsoever because they weren’t supposed
Does The Cover Letter Go With The Resume?
It depends on what kind of job you’re applying for. If it’s a job that requires a cover letter, then yes, you should attach one. If not, keep it in your pocket or at least make sure that the HR staff knows to look for it after they’ve accepted your application.
Transitioning to a new career can be daunting, but crafting a strong cover letter can help ease the process. Our guide on how to write a cover letter when changing fields provides tips and strategies for highlighting transferable skills and making a compelling case for why you’re the right fit for the job.
In conclusion, it is important to know what you are doing when putting together your cover letter and resume. This can make or break your chances of getting an interview. You will want to make sure that all the information is correct and that they look great when viewed on someone’s computer screen or printed off as paper copies.
Further Reading
If you’re looking to learn more about cover letters and how to use them effectively, check out these resources:
How to Write a Cover Letter: Indeed’s guide to crafting a compelling cover letter, including tips on formatting, tone, and content.
How to Send an Email Cover Letter With Example: A step-by-step guide to sending a cover letter via email, with an example message to help you get started.
Do I Need a Cover Letter?: An in-depth look at the benefits of including a cover letter with your job application, including advice on when it’s necessary and how to make the most of this important document.
What should I include in a cover letter?
Your cover letter should include a brief introduction, a summary of your qualifications and experience, and a closing paragraph that expresses your interest in the job and thanks the employer for their consideration.
How long should a cover letter be?
A cover letter should typically be no more than one page in length. Keep your language concise and focused on the most important details.
Should I include my salary requirements in my cover letter?
It’s generally best to avoid including salary requirements in your cover letter, as this information can be discussed later in the hiring process. If an employer specifically requests this information, you can address it in a separate document or in a follow-up conversation.
Can I use the same cover letter for multiple job applications?
While it’s tempting to use a generic cover letter for multiple applications, it’s important to tailor your message to the specific job and company you’re applying to. This shows the employer that you’re truly interested in the position and have taken the time to do your research.
How can I make my cover letter stand out?
To make your cover letter stand out, focus on your unique skills and qualifications, and make sure to address the specific needs and requirements of the job you’re applying for. Personalize your message to the employer and use strong language that showcases your confidence and enthusiasm.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.