You’ve got a great idea. A product or service that is so innovative, so practical, and helpful to people, you’re sure it will be a success. You’ve taken the idea out on the streets and tested it; you’ve asked around, and everyone seems to love it.
The next step? Convince the world! But first, you need some funding. If you’re like many small business owners, your budget is limited; in fact, if this project is going to work at all, it’s got to get off the ground with as little investment as possible. What are your options?
Takeaways |
Freelancing can be a viable full-time career option. |
Success in freelancing requires dedication and effort. |
Building a strong client base is essential for stability. |
Time management skills are crucial for productivity. |
Financial planning is necessary for consistent income. |
Freelancing offers flexibility but requires discipline. |
Networking and self-marketing can lead to more clients. |
Continuous learning and upskilling enhance opportunities. |
Balancing work-life as a full-time freelancer is vital. |
Freelancing may not suit everyone, consider preferences. |
It’s Not As Hard As You Think
You can start freelancing on a part-time basis, even if you’re working another job. The key is to have the flexibility and freedom to work when and where you want.
If you’re serious about making freelancing your full-time gig, it’s important that you learn from other freelancers who have been in your shoes. The best way to do this is by getting out there: attend meetups and conferences for freelancers, join forums dedicated to freelance work, or turn to social media for support from other independent workers like yourself.
Online courses are another great resource for learning the ins and outs of working as an independent contractor; they’ll teach everything from how much money should be budgeted per month (and what expenses such as taxes will take away) through methods of selling yourself online without resorting exclusively onto one platform (like LinkedIn).
In addition, podcasts provide informative interviews with successful entrepreneurs who offer advice on how they got started doing what they do now; listen closely because these conversations often contain valuable insight into how others were able to succeed at whatever it was that made them famous!
Embracing freelancing isn’t limited to mythical creatures. Anyone can thrive in this flexible career path. Discover how ordinary individuals can excel in freelancing in our article on Why Freelancing Isn’t Just for Unicorns.
If You Quit Your Job, You’re Allowed To Revert To Being A Freelancer
You’re not going to get rich. If you want to quit your job and make real money as a freelancer, that’s great. You can make hundreds of thousands of dollars if you work hard enough. But if you do it full-time, there’s no guarantee that it will ever be enough money for you to retire on, even if you’ve been doing this for years or decades.
But there are some major perks:
- You can work from anywhere!
- You are your boss! (and sometimes other people will pay for the privilege)
- Sleep in later? Sure thing! No more being woken up by an alarm clock at 6 am every morning!
- Take care of family stuff without losing income? That sounds pretty good too! Maybe even better than some of those other things we mentioned earlier…
There’s No Limit On How Much Work You Can Do
You can work as much or as little as you want. This is a pro-freelance benefit: you have complete control over your schedule, so there’s no need to be tied down by office hours or expectations from a boss.
If you take a break, it won’t matter. There’s no pressure to produce results if the world is ending (or if it isn’t). You can take all the time off that you need, and no one will notice or care as long as they get their project done on time when they return!
You can set your hours and work from home (or anywhere else). Working from home means more flexibility in terms of when and where employees are available for meetings; plus, working remotely increases productivity because employees aren’t distracted by others around them during their day-to-day tasks
The rise of a new generation of freelancers is reshaping the workforce. Get insights into the traits and potential of this group in our post, Freelance Gen: The New Generation of Freelancers, and learn how they’re changing the way we work.
You Can Work From Anywhere
If you’re thinking about becoming a digital nomad, here are some of the most important things to consider:
You can work from anywhere. If you have a laptop and an internet connection, you can work from anywhere! Not only is this great for your flexibility, but it also means that you can avoid high rent costs in cities like New York or San Francisco.
Don’t be afraid to try new things. Starting as a freelancer can be scary and stressful you don’t want to get fired after working hard for months! But if there’s something about your current situation that doesn’t feel right or isn’t worth it anymore, don’t hesitate to make changes.
Maybe the pay rate isn’t what you thought it would be? Maybe the company culture doesn’t suit your personality? Maybe one project takes up too much time and energy without providing many growth opportunities?
Those are all good reasons why it might make sense to look elsewhere and there will always be Other opportunities waiting around every corner if something isn’t working out right away (or at all).
Your Abilities Can Earn You More Than One Job’s Salary
You might be wondering, how can freelancing be a full-time job? You’ve probably heard that the average person who works full-time takes home around $50,000 per year. Imagine if you could make this much money with just one client or project!
If your abilities and skills are strong enough to earn more than $50K in one year, then freelancing could be your full-time gig.
The next step is finding a client willing to pay you what you’re worth. It’s no secret that big corporations are notorious for underpaying their employees (and overcharging customers).
If you have the skill set required to do something better than anyone else out there and it will take time and effort on your part then why not go after those types of jobs?
You Are Your Boss, Which Means Nobody Else Is Judging What You’re Doing All Day
When you have a full-time job, you have to report at the same time every day and follow the company’s rules. You don’t have much choice about what projects you work on and when, or how much time off you take.
In freelancing, though, you’re your boss! That means nobody is telling you what to do all day long you can do whatever works best for getting your work done (and being happy). For example:
You can work whenever it suits your schedule best whether that’s early in the morning or late into the night; on weekends or weekdays; during lunch breaks or right after work. As long as there’s internet available and somewhere comfy to sit down, there are no limits on when your brain could be productive.
This flexibility also makes it easier for people with unconventional schedules (like parents) who need some flexibility from their jobs but still want to earn money from freelance gigs instead of relying solely on child care assistance programs like WIC vouchers for food assistance benefits that provide about $20 per month per child under 6 years old).
This is where they list many different types of jobs ranging from graphic design specialists up to web development experts like those needed by large companies like Google Incorporated™ who rely heavily upon outsourcing their payroll costs overseas where labor costs less than domestically here stateside America’s workforce!.
Freelancing goes beyond just hustling for gigs. It’s a legitimate and fulfilling career choice. Discover the reasons behind this perspective in our article, Freelancing Is a Career, Not a Hustle, and Here’s Why.
You Can Sleep In Later And Enjoy Longer Weekends (If That’s What You Want)
You can sleep in later and enjoy longer weekends (if that’s what you want). As a freelancer, you don’t have to be at work by 9 am. When it suits your schedule, you can get up later, take time off when you’re sick and take more days off when visiting family.
For instance, if someone is ill in the family or if there is an important occasion such as a birthday party or wedding you can take as many days of vacation with pay as you need without having to ask for approval from your boss.
You Can Take Care Of Your Family Without Losing Income
You can take care of your family without losing income. You know the feeling: you want to make more money, but a full-time job is not an option. Maybe you have multiple kids, or maybe it’s just not feasible for you to work during regular hours every day.
That’s okay! There are plenty of ways that freelancing can help with these kinds of situations. First off, while it may seem like working from home means being locked in an office all day (which would mean no time with your family), it doesn’t have to be that way at all many freelancers work remotely on their laptops or smartphones!
The tools available today allow us to do amazing things from anywhere at any time with just our phones and laptops; now imagine what kind of flexibility this gives someone who wants to earn extra cash while still caring for their loved ones?
You Control The Terms Of Your Pay
The most obvious advantage of freelancing is that you control the terms of your pay. You can negotiate your pay, choose how much you charge, choose when you work (in some cases), choose where and how you work, and even decide on how and when to get paid.
This means that if there’s a client who offers less than what they should be paying or treats their freelancers poorly, it’s up to them to find another client who will treat them better.
Being in control also means that if a client doesn’t meet their end of the deal for example, if they don’t pay on time or at all it won’t hurt as much because there aren’t many other clients waiting around for this one person’s response before moving forward with their projects.
Plus, by controlling these factors themselves instead of relying on an employer’s generosity or goodwill toward them as employees would typically do at an office job (or not!), freelance workers can enjoy more flexibility and independence.
While still making enough money to live comfortably without having any major expenses like health insurance premiums deducted from their paycheck every month which could make saving up difficult in certain situations depending upon one type/style size being chosen over another within same category price range choice(s).
You Find Out Quickly What Kind Of Work Gives You The Most Satisfaction
As you begin to work on your own, you’ll find out things about yourself that are important to know. You’ll learn what kind of work gives you the most satisfaction. You’ll discover what kinds of tasks are easy for you, and which ones are more difficult. You might even find out that freelancing isn’t right for you and that’s okay!
It’s certainly possible to get started freelancing while working another full-time job (or two). But what happens if this becomes your sole source of income? Your professional life will be entirely in your hands and the only person who can determine whether or not your business succeeds is YOU!
You Get To Choose The Projects To Work On
If you’re a freelancer, you get to choose the projects to work on. You can pick and choose your clients and the hours you work and even where you work from. This is great for those who like variety or want to be able to take time off at the drop of a hat.
As a full-time freelancer, you must have control over your work environment so that it works for your lifestyle and personality. For example, some people may have specific things they need in their workspace: noise-canceling headphones, a standing desk, or a specific chair model/size/color.
Or maybe they need certain software programs installed on their computer before they start working so they don’t have any distractions during the day? It all depends on what makes sense for each person!
The landscape of freelancing has evolved significantly in the past decade. Uncover the key transformations and their impact on freelancers in our detailed analysis, How Freelancing Has Changed in the Past 10 Years.
There Are A Lot Of Resources Available To Help Freelancers Grow Their Careers
Whether you’re looking to find a new client or learn more about the industry, there are plenty of online communities out there that can help you. Here are some of the best:
Freelance Writers Den ( provides resources for writers who want to make their living by freelancing full time. It includes tips and advice from experts, discussion forums where writers can ask questions, and a blog that tracks emerging trends in the field.
The Freelancers Union ( offers resources for independent workers like insurance plans and benefits programs; it also hosts events throughout the country so people can network face-to-face with other members of their community but you’ll have to pay an annual fee to get access these features!
There Are Lots Of Places To Sell Your Freelance Services
There are lots of places to sell your freelance services. Here are some of the most common:
Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo: These sites allow people to raise money for all kinds of projects, including freelance jobs. If you have an idea that needs funding, this is a good place to look.
Freelance marketplaces (e.g., Fiverr): Companies post projects they need to be done with specific price tags attached, while freelancers offer their skills in exchange for payment. It’s a quick way to find jobs and make some cash quickly!
Social media accounts: They’re everywhere! Posting about what you do on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram could lead to new clients for your business and maybe even more work if people start asking questions about what you offer or get inspired by your posts!
Keep in mind that social media can also be used as a marketing tool; this means posting about special offers or discounts will help build brand awareness among potential customers who might not know who/what you are yet so keep those posts coming too!! 🙂
The World Needs Freelancers Who Can Get Things Done Quickly And Professionally
Freelancing is a great way to make money and build your portfolio as a young artist, writer, or content creator. If you can find the right clients and learn how to manage yourself effectively, freelancing can be a profitable career.
The world needs freelancers who can get things done quickly and professionally. The influx of new technologies has made it easy for companies to offer on-demand services to their customers. This means there’s always someone out there willing to work faster, better, and cheaper than you.
Companies know that they have access to more people than ever before who are willing to do this kind of work for them at any time of day or night so why pay for an employee when there are thousands out there who would be happy just working for exposure?
Freelancing Boosts Your Confidence And Makes You More Self-Sufficient
You might be surprised at the ways freelancing can improve your life. As a freelance worker, you can learn new skills and try new things. You could even start your own business if you wanted to!
Freelancing allows people to become more self-sufficient. They have greater control over their time and who they work with (or don’t). Freelancers also have access to more jobs, as there are many platforms out there that connect them with potential employers.
Lastly, freelancing makes it possible for people who work from home or remotely to spend time with their family members while still earning an income from their chosen career path.
If You’re Willing To Spend Some Time Preparing, Freelancing Makes Quitting Your Job Less Scary
If you’re truly ready to leap, there are a few things you can do to prepare.
Preparation is key. If you’re willing to spend some time preparing, freelancing makes quitting your job less scary. The reality is that no matter how much research or preparation you do before making this choice, there will still be surprises along the way but they won’t be so surprising if they’re not completely unexpected!
Think about both the worst-case scenario and best-case scenario when it comes to what might happen once you decide to quit your day job.
How will things go if by some miracle everything goes according to plan? What could go wrong? What’s most likely going on under the surface? Will everything work out in the end…and if not, how much time do I have before things start falling apart completely?
You’ll want to think about all of these questions for yourself and also consider talking through them with a friend or family member who can help keep an eye out for potential problems as well as offer emotional support during any rough patches ahead (which we all know are inevitable!).
It Improves Your Creativity Because It Requires Constant Problem-Solving And Resourcefulness
The most important aspects of being a freelancer that you’ll need to consider are the following:
Creativity and resourcefulness are required in new environments and with different people. You have to be creative when you’re solving problems in new environments or with different people, so this can help improve your creativity as well.
You must be resourceful when it comes to finding ways around obstacles or challenges (such as not having enough money), but being resourceful doesn’t mean throwing away money on things like entertainment or travel expenses when work is slow at the moment you’ll just need more patience!
Freelancing is at the forefront of reshaping the digital workforce. Delve into the ways it’s influencing the industry and empowering professionals in our comprehensive post, How Freelancing Is Changing the Digital Workforce.
What do you think? If you’re looking for a way to make extra money, I highly recommend giving freelancing a shot. It can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience that lets you truly pursue what you love. Can Freelancing Be Your Full-Time Job?
We get this question all the time, and we’re so glad you’re asking.
Yes, yes it can! A lot of people think that freelancing is a hobby or something you do on the side to make some extra cash. But in actuality, freelancing can be your full-time job and in this article, we’re going to talk about why that’s true, as well as some tips for making it happen for you!
Further Reading
Can Freelancing Be a Full-Time Career?: Explore the possibilities of turning freelancing into a full-time career and the steps to make it happen.
Becoming a Full-Time Freelancer: Learn about the essential aspects and considerations when transitioning to a full-time freelance career.
How to Balance Freelance Work: Discover effective strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance while thriving as a freelancer.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Become A Full-Time Freelancer?
First things first: if you want to become a full-time freelancer, there are some things you need to do before getting started. First and foremost: figure out what kind of work you want to do. Do you want to focus on content writing? SEO optimization? Graphic design?
Once you’ve identified what kind of work will make up your career (and how much work each type will require), then it’s time to start applying for jobs! You can find these gigs on sites like Upwork or Freelancer; they tend to pay well because they know they’ll be able to fill their roles quickly and easily with freelancers who are just starting.
What If I Don’t Have Any Experience?
If you don’t have any experience, it can be hard to get started. There are plenty of mentorship programs out there that will help you learn how to freelance and manage your business. The good news is that most people who want to freelance are also looking for mentorships, so it shouldn’t be too hard for you to find someone willing to take on a newbie like yourself!
What If I Don’t Know What I’m Doing?
You’ll learn as you go. There are lots of resources online (and offline) with tips on how to run your own business successfully. You may even find that some of these resources are made specifically for people just like yourself people who have never freelanced before but want to jump into the world of entrepreneurship with both feet!
How Can I Make This Happen?
The first step is to start small. Do some research, find a few clients who need something done, and go for it! If you’re looking for more clients, check out sites like Upwork or Fiverr they’ll help you find people who need your services.
What If I’m Not Ready To Take On Full-Time Clients Yet?
That’s okay! You can still do freelance work while working another part-time job or doing other side-hustles that can bring in extra money.
Can I Work At Home?
Yes! The beauty of freelancing is that you can set up shop in your pajamas if you want to (and who wouldn’t want to?).
How Much Money Do I Need To Start?
The answer depends on what kind of work you want to do, but generally speaking, if you have a computer and an internet connection, then you’re good to go! Many people start out working from home with just these two things.
How Long Will It Take Me To Get Started?
That also depends on what kind of work you do some people find themselves working right away while others may need more time before they get enough clients. But if you stick with it and keep applying yourself, then there’s no doubt that you’ll be able to earn at least some money from freelancing over time!

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.