Business Plan Writing Simplified (Over-simplified)

Writing a business plan is no small feat. It’s an important document that you’ll use to manage your company, raise capital, and grow. But it’s also a complex process that can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. If you’re looking for some tips on how to write your business plan, we’ve got them right here!

How to Write a Business Plan? Step-by-Step Guide for 2022
1. Simplify your business plan writing process by following a clear structure.
2. Identify the essential components, such as executive summary, market analysis, and financial projections.
3. Focus on conveying your business idea concisely and compellingly to potential investors.
4. Emphasize the unique value proposition of your business to stand out from the competition.
5. Regularly review and update your business plan to adapt to changing market conditions and goals.

The Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is a concise, one-page document that describes the business, its products, services, and markets. It should be written last, after all, other sections of the business plan. The Executive Summary should be written first, before any other section of the business plan.

Writing a business plan is the first step towards turning your ideas into a successful venture. Learn how to craft an effective business plan with our comprehensive guide on how writing a business plan can turn your idea into reality.

The Company And Product Descriptions

The company and product descriptions are the first things that business plan readers will see. They need to be brief, concise, and to the point so that you can get a good idea of what your company is all about without having to read more than a few sentences.

The product description should be as detailed as possible while remaining short and readable. The more information you provide here, the easier it will be for potential investors or partners to understand and visualize what you’re offering in terms of products or services.

Target Market

While a strong business plan is an essential document for any new business, it’s also important to know that there are many different types of business plans available. 

These can range from the very detailed “business plan” (which may be more like a strategic vision) to the more concise “business summary”. A summary is typically used by companies that have already built up a bit of capital and don’t need much funding to get started.

Unlike its longer cousin, the short-form document doesn’t require as much work in terms of market research or business model development. A summary will usually focus on one service or product offering with basic information about your target customers and how you expect them to receive your product or service.

A good template will allow you to keep track of all these details while giving yourself plenty of space for analysis. It should also make it easy for potential investors who want something quick and easy but still professional looking when reviewing potential investments further down the road!

Marketing Plan

It’s important to consult with your marketing team when writing the marketing plan section of your business plan. Your marketing department will know what kind of resources are available for you to use and how much money you can spend on advertising and other forms of promotion.

Include a summary of the Marketing Plan in this section. This is where you’ll review all the key points from your Marketing Plan and explain how they serve as part of an overall strategy that will help achieve your business goals. The summary should include:

  • A brief description of what is covered in each section below (e.g., “The content includes” or “The budget includes…”)
  • A brief overview highlighting key initiatives that will be undertaken during one year (e.g., “Our goal is to increase revenue by 25 percent over three years.”).

Creating a well-structured business plan is crucial for any entrepreneur. Follow our easy-to-follow, 9 simple steps to write a business plan and set your business up for success.


The next section is all about competition. This is where you’ll evaluate the products and services your business will be competing against, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your own company. The main benefit of this section is that it will help you figure out if there’s enough incentive for customers to buy your product instead of someone else’s.

The first thing to do here lists out all of the competitors (and their products) that you can think of in no particular order whatsoever it doesn’t matter if they’re direct competitors or indirect ones, just write them down! Then go through each competitor’s strengths and weaknesses and make a list comparing them with yours. 

This gives readers an idea of how good each competitor is, which helps them decide whether or not they should buy from you instead. 

Next comes a detailed analysis of each strength and weakness so that potential clients know what kind of experience they can expect when using whatever service/product it may be they’re looking at purchasing from one particular provider over another.”


You must describe the management team and their experience in writing your business plan. You need to be clear on what each member brings to the table, whether they have any experience with this type of business, and how they can help guide your company to success.

You also want to describe their strengths as well as weaknesses so you can be realistic about what you are getting into with them. If someone has been involved in similar businesses before, you must know what that entails so you can take advantage of that knowledge going forward.

It is equally important for them to have a clear vision of where they want the company to go and where they see themselves fitting into this plan. 

If there is no vision or direction from senior management it will show quickly when challenges arise down the road especially if those challenges are not handled properly by senior leadership at first instance because there was no clear direction provided beforehand (which would have allowed all stakeholders within an organization like this one).

Finally, values matter here too both individually but also collectively between members of different teams across divisions within an organization such as yours.”


Financials are a big part of any business plan, and they can look intimidating at first. But don’t worry if you’re just starting, you don’t need to include this section in your business plan right away. Instead, it’s best to focus on getting your idea off the ground first. 

Once your product or service is up and running, though, financial forecasting will be essential for determining how much money you’ll need to grow and expand into other markets (or countries).

You should also be able to answer some specific questions:

  • How much money do I need to start my business?
  • How much revenue can my product bring in after six months? A year? Two years? Five years from now?
  • What costs will I incur during those periods for example, how much will marketing cost me per month or person hired (and why)?

Investors pay close attention to a well-crafted business plan. Discover the secrets of writing a business plan that stands out with our guide on how to write a business plan that investors actually read.


A business plan is a detailed document that explains the reasons for starting a new business, how it will be run, and what its prospects are. A business plan outlines the financial goals of your company, including how much money you need to raise to make your startup happen. The capitalization section of a business plan will discuss:

  • How much money do you need (the amount of capital required)
  • How much money you have or can borrow (cash flow)
  • Why and where you’ll get the balance needed when cash flow isn’t enough (financing sources)

Financing Process, Use Of Funds, And Exit Strategy

Next, you will need to specify your exit strategy. This is the plan for how the company will be sold or taken public. If you are planning on selling it, what are some of the benefits of going public? How much money do you think it would be worth? You may have an idea from previous research or from talking with investors who have already been in similar situations as yours.

The next step is to talk about how the company makes money and how it pays back investors once they are invested in your business plan. Is there a particular product or service that makes up most of your revenue streams? If so, this section should provide more details about that particular product line and how much money it brings in every month (or annually).

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted business plan. Learn why you should invest time in writing a business plan and discover helpful tips on how to do it right to set your business on the path to success.

Attachments (Additional Information Pertinent To The Business Plan)

The information that is included in the attachments should be relevant to the business plan. For example, if you are writing a business plan for an ice cream shop, it would not make sense to include details about how many miles of power lines your city has or how many hours per day it takes for a child to get from home to school and back again.

It is also important that you organize your attachments well so that they are easy for readers to understand and follow. If there’s too much information packed into one attachment (and it doesn’t flow well), then people may not read through all of them before making their decision about whether or not they want to invest in your company.

In addition, each attachment should look similar throughout all of them so as not to confuse potential investors or give them cause for concern about anything that might look out of place when comparing one document with another (such as typos).

A solid business plan can be a roadmap to financial success. Find out how to build a business plan that ensures profitability with our in-depth article on how to build a business plan that puts money in your bank account.


In the end, we hope that you have found this guide useful and helpful in your business planning journey. 

We hope that it has answered some of the questions you had about what to include in your plan and clarified some of the common misconceptions about how long it should take or how much work goes into writing one. 

Writing a business plan can be daunting, but we hope that by breaking down each section into bite-sized pieces with easy-to-follow instructions we’ve made it easier for you!

Further Reading

Investopedia – Business Plan: Learn the essentials of a business plan and its significance in the world of entrepreneurship.

NerdWallet – Small Business Business Plan: Discover how to create a compelling business plan that attracts investors and propels your small business to success.

WeWork – How to Write a Business Plan: Get expert tips on writing an effective business plan that outlines your business goals and strategies for growth.


What is a business plan?

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of a business venture.

Why is a business plan important?

A well-crafted business plan helps entrepreneurs define their vision, attract investors, and navigate the path to success.

How do I start writing a business plan?

Begin by conducting market research, defining your target audience, and outlining your business’s unique value proposition.

What should a business plan include?

A business plan should typically include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, product/service offerings, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

How long should a business plan be?

The length of a business plan can vary, but it should be concise, focusing on key information while providing a clear and compelling vision for the business.