Are Freelancing & Writing Good For You?

Here’s something I’ve learned from my time as a freelancer: Being your boss is better than having an office job. No more clocking in and out, no more commuting, and no more hours wasted on pointless meetings. 

Now that I’m calling my shots, I’m happier, healthier, and more productive than ever before. That’s the good news. The bad news is that being responsible for your income can be stressful, especially when emergency expenses come up or you’re looking to expand your business. 

Many of us don’t have deep enough savings to weather these financial storms without help but with the right credit cards, it’s possible to make sure you never run out of money while building up your business at the same time. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best credit cards for freelancers so you can choose the one that suits you best!

Nobody talks about these freelance writing pros and cons.
1. Explore the benefits of freelancing as a writer and how it can positively impact your career and lifestyle.
2. Consider the opportunities and challenges of freelancing to make an informed decision about pursuing this career path.
3. Learn from the experiences of successful freelance writers and gain insights into the gig economy’s potential for professional growth.
4. Understand the significance of building a strong support system and community to thrive as a freelancer in the writing industry.
5. Evaluate your passion for writing and your willingness to embrace the freelance lifestyle to determine if it aligns with your goals.

No Boss

Freelancing is the perfect opportunity to be your boss. You can work from home, set your hours, and have no one to answer to but yourself.

While this may seem like a dream come true for some people, freelancing also comes with its fair share of challenges. For example:

  • No one will tell you what to do so you’ll need to figure that out on your own!
  • No one will tell you when or how often you should do it so make sure that everything gets done by a certain date!

In short: Freelancing can be great if you want complete creative freedom and responsibility for every aspect of your day-to-day life (and work). But if working with others has taught us anything over these past few decades…it’s that working together makes everything easier!

Looking to explore freelancing platforms? Find out if Upwork or Fiverr is the right fit for you and kickstart your freelance journey on the right platform.

Choose Your Projects

Choose your projects. Freelancers are not restricted to just one kind of work or one type of client. If you want to write about pop culture, but the website you’re working for only allows sports coverage, then find another outlet.

Choose your clients and set rates that reflect what you think is fair payment for the work done. You don’t have to make less than minimum wage if it doesn’t feel right for your skill level or experience level!

Choose your deadlines (within reason). As a freelancer, no strict office hours are dictating when you can leave work behind and go home you decide when it’s time to end the day based on how much more effort would be required before calling it quits for the day/weekend.

Choose how many hours a week/month suits YOU best! This depends on two things: how much flexibility does this job offer regarding scheduling? And how much control do I have over my workload?

Do What You Love

When you do something you love, it’s a lot easier to get up in the morning and go to work. You’re more likely to enjoy your job and be more productive as a result. When you love what you do, there’s no doubt that it will show in your work. 

If people can see that passion on the page or screen then they’re going to respond positively because they can relate that’s what they want too!

If there’s anything we’ve learned from our experiences so far, it’s this: if you don’t have something worth writing about why bother? The internet is full of content these days so unless your blog post has some real substance or value for someone out there (other than yourself), chances are good that no one will read it or share it with others.

There are two ways of looking at life: either work hard at doing what you love or do things that make money but aren’t necessarily fulfilling personally.”

You Become A Better Writer

As a freelance writer, you’re constantly practicing your craft. You’re writing new content every day and maybe revising older pieces as well. Maybe you are even editing someone else’s work! That kind of dedication means that the skills you learn in your day job will carry over into other areas of your life like school papers and family correspondence.

In addition to improving your writing style, becoming a better writer may also make it easier for you to be more successful in other aspects of your life as well. Wanting to improve yourself is a great trait that can help motivate anyone towards success in any area they choose!

Curious about the gig economy and its impact on freelancers? Discover what seasoned freelancers have to say about this evolving work landscape and gain insights into the opportunities it presents.

You Learn To Work With Others

Freelancing is a great way to learn how to work with people. Working with clients, you will have to communicate with them regularly to get the job done. This can be done via email, phone calls, or in-person meetings. 

You’ll also need to pay attention and listen carefully as these people are giving you their input so that you can create something that meets their needs and expectations.

In addition to working with clients, freelancers often need help from other freelancers or agencies when it comes down to getting their projects completed quickly and efficiently (or just plain getting them done!). 

So if you’re ready for some more hands-on practice managing projects with others while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance then this might just be the career path for you!

Writing Gives You Confidence

One of the best things about writing is that it can help you to build confidence. Writing is a great way to express yourself, and it gives you a platform for sharing your thoughts and ideas with others. 

Writing can also help you overcome your fears, insecurities, shyness, and low self-esteem. If you are writing for an audience or even just for yourself, then this will make you feel more confident in yourself because it shows that others value what you have to say. 

It’s so important for people of all ages to be able to express themselves freely as well as overcome their fears or any other issues they may have. Being able to write down how they feel helps them deal with these problems which can lead to better mental health overall!

Writing Gives Unwanted Opinions

While writing allows you to share your ideas with others and make a living, it also opens up the potential for receiving criticism. This can be difficult to handle at first, but it’s important to remember that the feedback is not about you. 

It’s about how the reader feels about your work and how they want you to improve in future posts or articles.

It’s equally important not to become defensive when someone does give their opinion on your writing. Instead of reacting negatively toward negativity, try doing what writers do best: asking questions! 

Ask why they felt that way about how you wrote something or said something specific if there was any confusion on either party’s end (e.g., “I didn’t think this made sense at all”). This will give both parties an opportunity for discussion where before there was only disagreement or silence and isn’t more dialogue always better than less?

Dreaming of becoming a freelance writer? Learn the essential steps and tips on how to become a freelance writer to carve your path into the world of words and creativity.

A Chance To Have Your Voice Heard Globally

One of the best things about freelancing and writing is that you can write about anything. There are no rules, no boundaries, and no restrictions. You can share your thoughts and opinions; you can share your experiences; you can share your expertise; you can share your knowledge; you can even share your ideas or creativity.

You might be wondering why it’s important to have an outlet like this where we’re able to express ourselves freely with the world at large? Well, let me tell you why…

To begin with, when we’re able to express ourselves in a way that allows others who may be struggling with similar issues as us to understand their situation better then there’s always going to be value in doing so! 

This makes all the difference between someone feeling alone or isolated versus being able to see themselves reflected at them through someone else’s experience (regardless if they’ve experienced something similar themselves). 

When people feel connected within themselves this helps facilitate trust which ultimately leads towards healthier relationships both professionally as well as personally.”

Help Others With The Same Aspirations As You

If you’re a freelancer and an aspiring writer, you may be able to help others with the same goals as you. This is especially true if your experience as a freelancer has been positive. You know what it takes for others to succeed in this field.

You can teach others how to write well and get published. You can help them build their website or blog so that their content will reach more readers (and thus increase their chances of getting hired). 

If someone wants to start up their own business but doesn’t have enough money or experience yet, then teaching them these things could be useful too!

Freedom Of Time

One of the most amazing aspects of freelance writing is that you get to decide your schedule. You can start working when you want, and stop when you want (within reason). If a friend calls and wants to go out for dinner or drinks, no boss is telling you not to leave yet. 

If it’s a slow day at work and everyone else is busy on other projects, then maybe you could use an hour or two off so that when things pick back up again tomorrow morning there won’t be any backlogs waiting for whoever takes over after lunchtime. 

The freedom of time allows writers and editors alike to relax when they need it most during their downtime between projects while still being able to take advantage of opportunities outside of those hours if they choose.

It Gives You Freedom To Choose Where To Work

You can choose where to work depending on your needs and preferences.

Working from home. This is the most common, and it’s great for getting things done in peace. But if you’re a social person who likes being surrounded by other people, working at home might get old quickly.

Working in a coffee shop or library. If you prefer the atmosphere of an actual office setting but don’t want to pay for one, there are plenty of options available and they’re cheaper than paying rent on office space! 

Plus, if you take advantage of free Wi-Fi at some places (libraries tend not to charge), then this method won’t cost you anything extra either!

Helps You To Build A Healthy Routine

Because freelancing is a job that requires you to get up early, set a daily routine, and be disciplined, it can help you develop healthy habits in your life. It is not just about writing or editing; it also involves taking breaks and exercising as well. 

When you sit down at the desk every day, you will find yourself working on things other than writing or editing.

If freelancing is something that interests you but doesn’t know where to start, follow these tips:

  • Set a schedule for yourself
  • Get up early in the morning
  • Make sure that your focus is on what you’re doing

Freelancing is reshaping traditional work norms. Uncover the ways freelancing has transformed work and how it’s revolutionizing the future of employment and professional independence.

Builds Technical Skills

If you’re a writer, the technical skills you acquire from freelancing are invaluable. You might not think of yourself as a software developer or an SEO expert, but these are some of the skills that come in handy as a freelance writer.

Learning New Languages

If you’re going to be writing content for foreign audiences, then it’s important to know how to speak their language(s). This can help with both understanding your audience and communicating effectively with them. It also gives you an advantage when pitching jobs that focus on international markets.

Learning New Software

There are countless tools out there for writers from outlining apps like Scrivener and VoiceThread to project management apps like Trello or Asana (or even good old Excel spreadsheets). 

Each tool has its benefits and drawbacks depending on what type of work you do or how many projects you’ve got going at once. Chances are there’s something out there that works best for your situation!

Good For You

Writing is a great way to keep your brain active, which helps prevent dementia and other diseases that could potentially lead to memory loss. It also keeps your mind sharp in old age, so you can enjoy more meaningful relationships with friends and family members.

Good For Your Career

Freelancing can give you opportunities that are otherwise impossible as an employee at a company like building valuable connections with influential people in the industry, or developing new skills that will make it easier for you to land jobs in the future (or even get promoted within the same company).

Good For Your Health

Working from home means no commute time or long hours spent sitting at a desk which means less stress on joints and muscles! 

Plus working when it’s convenient means no interruptions by colleagues who need help right away; this gives freelancers time to exercise regularly without feeling rushed around town once they get home each night (and if they don’t want  to work out

Interested in high-paying freelance opportunities? Hear about one freelancer’s experience and explore the 10 highest paying freelance jobs to discover potential lucrative avenues for your freelancing career.


In conclusion, both freelance writing and full-time writing can be very healthy choices for some people. Freelance writers can set their hours and work from home, which allows them to pursue other interests as well. Full-time writers may have more financial stability, but also need to make sure that they’re getting a regular paycheck every month.

Further Reading

9 Benefits of Freelance Writing: Discover the advantages of freelance writing from the perspective of seasoned content writers.

Become a Freelancer: Learn how to start your journey as a freelancer and explore the possibilities of freelancing.

Freelance Content Writing: Dive into the world of freelance content writing and understand the dynamics of this rewarding field.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Freelancer?

A freelancer is a person who works for themselves, selling their services to clients. Freelancers choose what projects they work on and how, when, and where they work, so they can be in control of their careers. It’s a great way to earn money while doing something you love!

What Is A Writer?

A writer is someone who creates written works such as books or articles. Writing can be done alone or collaboratively with others (for example by writing a blog together). Writing can also help people learn about new topics – from health to science! 

If you like writing but don’t want someone else telling you what to do every day then becoming an independent contractor might be right for you too!

What Is The Best Way To Find Freelance Work?

There are several ways you can find freelance work and start your career: from writing for websites that pay per article to seeking out clients that need your services. 

One thing to keep in mind is that if you’re just starting, it may be difficult for you to make as much money as more established freelancers (or even employees) who have been doing this for a while. That’s okay! The important thing is just getting started!

How Do I Know What To Charge?

This question comes up frequently, so let me start by saying there isn’t one right answer here. Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy formula or chart that’ll show how much you should charge based on what other people are charging either (sorry). 

Think about how much time each project will take up and then multiply that by an hourly rate that’s generally how much value they’ll provide over time (this should help).

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