A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing A Successful Video Script

If you’re making videos for a business, you’ll want to write scripts that are engaging and easy to understand. 

If your video is difficult to watch or listen to, people will stop watching it and move on. Your script should be easy for your audience to follow, so they can see what’s happening and know why it’s happening. 

The best way of doing this is by using clear language and short sentences. A friendly tone will also help keep people interested in what’s going on; if you speak clearly but sound like you’re telling them something important (even if it isn’t), then they’ll pay attention!

How To Write A Script For A YouTube Video (5-Step Template!)
1. Follow a structured approach for crafting the script.
2. Understand your target audience and their preferences.
3. Use storytelling techniques to engage viewers.
4. Keep the script concise and focused on key messages.
5. Incorporate a compelling call-to-action (CTA).
6. Review and edit the script for clarity and coherence.
7. Practice reading the script aloud for better delivery.
8. Collaborate with a team for valuable feedback.
9. Leverage visuals and graphics to enhance the message.
10. Test the script’s effectiveness before production.

Write Scripts For Your Ears, Not Eyes

When you write, it’s important to keep in mind that your script is going to be read by someone other than yourself. This means you’ll need to make it as easy as possible for them to understand what they’re reading and how they’re supposed to react.

In order to do this, avoid using words that are too long or complicated. Don’t use fancy language or lots of big words.

This will only confuse your audience! Instead, write in a conversational tone using short sentences with active verbs that clearly describe what the characters should say and do next. For example: “I’m hungry,” said John; “Let’s go get some food,” replied Julie.” 

That way even if someone who isn’t very familiar with English reads it (or if someone just has trouble reading), he/she will still know what’s going on because all the instructions are laid out clearly.”

Writing a video script that resonates with your audience is crucial for boosting conversions. Learn valuable tips and techniques in our comprehensive guide on how to write video scripts that will boost conversions and increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Use Clear Language And Short Sentences

Writing scripts for video is very different from writing a novel or an essay. Here are some tips for writing scripts for videos:

Use simple language. The idea here is to keep the reader engaged and make sure that the information is delivered clearly and concisely, so you should try to use short sentences and simple words as much as possible. 

This will also help you avoid using jargon that might not be understood by your audience, who may not have any background knowledge about the subject matter you’re discussing.

Write in an active voice. You can think of active voice (as opposed to passive) as talking on the phone versus listening on the phone; when we speak in an active voice, it’s clear whose actions are responsible for what’s happening.

And it creates more energy in your writing! We’ll talk more about this later on in this article under “Using Contractions,” but it’s important enough that I wanted to mention it here first just so we’re all on the same page before moving forward 🙂

Avoid complex sentence structure unless necessary – too many clauses can make people feel overwhelmed and confused when they’re trying to understand what you’ve written down!

Choose A Friendly, Conversational Tone

The friendly tone should be conversational, but not too casual. You want to sound like you’re speaking directly to your audience, but also professional and confident. 

In other words: you’re talking to them but not in an overly familiar way that might make them feel uncomfortable or inadequate.

Let’s look at some examples of how this plays out in the real world:

If you’re writing a script for a training video, it’s probably wise to use a more formal tone than if you were composing an announcement script for your company’s website.

When writing scripts for commercials or advertisements, it’s helpful if they sound like they’re coming from someone who genuinely enjoys using whatever product or service is being promoted (e.g., “I love my new iPhone.”). 

This helps build credibility with consumers who are considering buying a said item and helps avoid sounding condescending or overly salesy (which many consumers find off-putting).

Creating a captivating commercial script can significantly impact the success of your promotional efforts. Discover the importance of a well-crafted script in our article on what is a commercial script and why should you use one, and elevate your advertising strategies to new heights.

Get Someone Else To Edit Your Script

Get someone else to edit your script. Get a second opinion. Get a third opinion. Get the fourth opinion. Get a fifth opinion. (You get the idea.)

Get someone good at editing things to edit your script, because they have the experience and expertise that you lack in this area of writing life, so they can make sure it’s as good as possible before you share it with the world via video on YouTube or other platforms!

Make Sure You’re Getting Your Points Across In As Few Words As Possible

When it comes to scripting, brevity is the name of the game. We’ve all heard it before: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” 

Well, in video scripts, that can be true as well and even more so. Your goal should be to get your main points across in as few words as possible while still being clear and concise. 

This helps keep video production costs down (which means you’ll save money), but it also makes for better-quality content overall because less text often leads to a better readability rate and better comprehension from viewers.

The key here is not just writing short sentences; you want your sentences themselves to be simple. 

You don’t need complex grammar unless there’s no way around it and even then, try using simpler structures whenever possible (e.g., “There are four reasons why you should buy this product…” instead of “Four reasons exist for why I believe purchasing this product will benefit you…”). 

When dealing with jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to some viewers outside of your industry niche (or simply those who aren’t native speakers).

Make sure they’re explained before they appear in the script itself; otherwise people watching may not understand them at all!

It Can Help To Read Your Script Aloud

The voice is a powerful tool. When you read aloud, your ears and brain pick up on things that your eyes alone can’t see. 

You’ll find awkward sentences that need to be reworked, missing words that need to be inserted, confusing sentences that should be simplified (or taken out), and sentences that don’t flow well together. 

Reading aloud also helps to keep the story moving forward at a good pace, which will help prevent viewers from getting bored or confused with what’s happening in their screen time.

Allow One Person To Remain Dominant Voice Throughout The Video

After you’ve written your script and have gotten approval from the client, it’s time to record. The first step is to cast a voice actor who can perform the script in a way that will keep viewers engaged. 

One of the most important things when casting a professional voice actor is to make sure they sound like they know what they’re talking about on camera. 

If the subject matter comes across as too dry or boring, people will quickly lose interest in watching your video. 

You also want someone who can speak clearly and confidently about complex subjects without stumbling over their words or sounding too stiff or robotic (if applicable). 

Be sure to choose actors whose voices are at least somewhat similar to those you’ve already recorded during live-action shoots so that your listeners won’t get confused trying to follow along with each narrator’s distinct delivery style

Before finalizing your video script, ensure you haven’t missed any crucial elements with our helpful video script writing tips checklist. Follow this comprehensive list to guarantee your script is well-structured and compelling.

Don’t Use Jargon Without Explaining It First

It’s a common mistake to assume that your audience will understand jargon or technical terms. You might think it’s obvious that “jargon” means “a specific language or terminology used by a group within an industry or profession,” and therefore you don’t need to define it. 

But if you’re writing for an audience outside of your industry, then it’s worth explaining what jargon is and why it matters in the script.

Don’t use jargon unless you’re sure everyone will understand it. If you can avoid using jargon altogether, do so! Otherwise, explain what the words mean as soon as possible after introducing them into your script (or even beforehand). 

And remember: if there are any definitions of words in your script that aren’t already defined somewhere else on the screen (in text or speech), make sure they appear on the screen before their first use in dialogue.

Don’t Try To Do Everything In One Video

It’s tempting to try and cram everything into a single video, but this will make your content confusing, and it’ll be impossible for viewers to remember any of the points that you’ve mentioned.

It’s best to create short videos on specific topics rather than one long one about a huge range of things. This way, viewers can easily find new videos related to their interests when they’re ready for more information.

If you have an hour of content, for example, don’t try to fit all that into one video! Instead split it up into two 30-minute episodes or three 20-minute episodes and so on…

Don’t Over-Rely On Visual Aids To Get Your Message Across

While visual aids can be extremely useful, they should not be the only way that you communicate your message. If too much of a script is devoted to reading off of visuals, it may cause confusion and delay comprehension.

Visual aids can also distract from the message being delivered in other ways as well. If a viewer is trying to figure out what’s on screen, they may miss parts of what’s being said on camera or forget what was just said because there are so many things happening at once.

Finally, visual aids can be difficult for some people with disabilities such as low vision or blindness to follow because there isn’t enough contrast between text and background colors.

Or shapes are not well-defined enough when projected onto the screen if viewed in person or via video call/chat software like Skype™ or Zoom™.

Don’t Use Humour Just For The Sake Of It

Humour is a great tool for engaging your audience, so don’t be afraid of using it. Just don’t use humor for the sake of using it if you’re not sure if the joke fits with your brand or topic, it’s probably best to leave it out.

Humour should be used sparingly and only if it fits with what you’re trying to achieve in the video; there’s nothing wrong with being funny, but make sure that whatever humor you use is supporting an important point or driving home an idea that needs some extra clarification.

Use The Kiss (Keep It Short And Simple) Principle

The KISS principle is a handy tool for keeping your script short and simple. It stands for “Keep It Short and Simple,” which is exactly what you want to do when writing videos. If you can’t say it in just a few words, don’t say it at all.

When writing scripts, use simple sentences with no more than one clause per sentence (a clause being an independent clause or a dependent clause). The best way to make sure each sentence is concise is by adding more commas than normal.

This gives the reader extra time to process what was just read before moving on to the next sentence. And try using shorter words whenever possible.

You’ll find that they flow better from one phrase into the next without causing stutters or pauses that interrupt their flow of thought as they watch your video!

Engaging your audience is essential when writing a video script. Learn how to craft a script that feels conversational and relatable with our guide on how to write a video script as if you’re talking to a friend, making your content more approachable and impactful.

Never Compromise On Understanding

Here are some of the best tips for writing clear, understandable scripts:

Use simple language. You don’t want to confuse your viewer by using language that is too complex or confusing. This can happen when you use words that are too big or long for their context, so try to keep it short and sweet.

Use clear language (no jargon). Don’t write in a way that will only be understood by an inner circle of people who know exactly what you mean to write in such a way as to be completely understandable to everyone watching the video!

Use a friendly tone (even if it’s not your voice!). Your script must sound like you’re having a conversation with someone else, so avoid using any passive voice at all costs! The last thing we need is another boring monologue about how great our product/service might be…

Writing Good Video Scripts

There are several ways to write video scripts, but the most important thing is to keep it simple.

Write for the ear, not the eye: If you were reading a book aloud to someone, would you speak like an 18th-century British gentleman? Probably not. 

You wouldn’t say things like “My dear fellow,” or “I should imagine.” Instead, you’d use short sentences that contain clear language and don’t sound too formal (or otherwise unnatural). 

So don’t try to write your script in complete sentences keep those out of sight unless they’re necessary! Use bullet points instead of paragraphs (and make sure each bullet point contains only one idea). 

Your script will be easier to read aloud; plus it will help keep viewers’ attention focused on what’s important here: your message!

Master the art of video script writing with our ultimate complete guide to video script writing. This comprehensive resource covers everything from script structure to storytelling, helping you create captivating videos that leave a lasting impression on your audience.


When you write the script for your video, you need to remember that it’s not just a set of instructions for someone to follow. 

It’s an opportunity to put across your message in a way that is engaging and compelling. So make sure that you don’t give up too much control over how things are shot or edited; 

Instead, try to use what you know about good scriptwriting practices so that the finished product will be great!

Further Reading

HubSpot: How to Write a Video Script Learn the essential steps and best practices for crafting a compelling video script to engage your audience effectively.

TechSmith Blog: How to Write a Script for Video Discover valuable tips and techniques to create a well-structured video script that communicates your message clearly and concisely.

Synthesia: How to Write a Video Script Dive into the process of writing an engaging video script and leverage the power of video storytelling to connect with your viewers.


How do I start the process of writing a video script?

Starting the process of writing a video script involves understanding your target audience, defining your video’s purpose, and outlining the key messages you want to convey.

What are the essential elements of a successful video script?

A successful video script includes a captivating introduction, a well-structured narrative, clear call-to-action, and a memorable conclusion.

How do I maintain the viewer’s interest throughout the video?

To keep viewers engaged, focus on storytelling, use visuals effectively, and incorporate pacing and rhythm to maintain interest.

Should I include a script for every video I create?

Having a script is beneficial for most videos, as it ensures coherence and clarity in your message. However, some videos, like live streams or spontaneous content, may not require a script.

How can I make my video script more persuasive?

To make your video script more persuasive, incorporate emotion, address pain points, and present your solutions in a compelling and convincing manner.