You can learn a lot about marketing from YouTube. It’s the second-largest search engine in the world, and for good reason: it has awesome video content that teaches people how to do everything under the sun.
And it’s not just for cat videos–you can find great advice on business, entrepreneurship, and marketing strategies from some of the top YouTubers around. Still not convinced? Here are 16 lessons I’ve learned about marketing from my favorite YouTube stars:
Takeaways |
1. Utilize storytelling to engage your audience. |
2. Consistency in posting is key for building a loyal following. |
3. Leverage the power of visual content and thumbnails. |
4. Collaborate with influencers and other content creators. |
5. Analyze and adapt to YouTube’s algorithm changes. |
6. Respond to comments to foster a sense of community. |
7. Understand your target audience and tailor content to them. |
8. Experiment with different video formats and styles. |
9. Use calls-to-action to guide viewers’ actions. |
10. Incorporate keywords strategically for better discoverability. |
11. Monitor video analytics to refine your strategy. |
12. Cross-promote your YouTube content on other platforms. |
13. Encourage viewers to subscribe and turn on notifications. |
14. Utilize YouTube’s end screens and cards for engagement. |
15. Engage with trends and current events for relevance. |
16. Patience and persistence are essential for long-term success. |
1. Create A Youtube Channel
Upload a video, this one doesn’t have to be perfect, but you should upload something before you start adding links to other information on the page (like social media channels or your website).
Add a channel trailer (a short description of who you are and what viewers can expect to see from your channel).
This needs to be at least 25 seconds long and has one image in it that represents your brand, e.g., an avatar or logo if you have one already made; if not, don’t worry you can make it as simple as possible for now!
Add some basic information about yourself such as where people can find more info about what type of content they’ll find from watching videos posted by this account through links like those below this section title here (e..g: Twitter handle).
You may also want to include any social media handles so people know how else they might reach out directly rather than just asking questions via comments on each individual video post itself.
Building effective marketing strategies is a continuous journey. As you strive to market better, remember that there are 16 things you can do today to enhance your marketing efforts and connect with your audience more effectively.
2. Define Your Goals
Your Set Goals should be defined before you start your marketing campaign. You need to know what you are trying to accomplish, or else it’s just a random walk in the park.
Setting goals that are measurable and time-bound is also important so that you can track them and adjust as necessary.
You should set goals that are achievable within a given period of time, but don’t be unrealistic with these targets or else they will just frustrate you. You must be able to see yourself achieving these objectives within 3-6 months time frame at most.
3. Define Your Audience
You can’t get very far in your marketing efforts without first knowing who you’re talking to. This means knowing what their age range is, what gender they are, where they live and how much money they make.
It also means understanding their interests and pain points what do they like to do for fun? What problems have they been having lately? Why should I care about this person?
Finally, it will help tremendously if you know what questions your audience has about your product or service.
If you create content based on these things (and only these things), then it will be more likely that people will find value in it and want to share it with their friends and family members.
Increasing traffic to your blog requires a mix of creative techniques. Discover insights and methods in My Top 22 Methods for Increasing Traffic to My Blog that can help you attract more readers and expand your online presence.
4. Create A Channel Trailer
YouTube is all about the community, and the best way to get involved with it is by creating your own channel trailer. That’s where you can showcase all of the content you’ve made for YouTube in one short video typically about two minutes long.
The point of this video isn’t just to show off your skills as an online creator; it’s also to entice people into subscribing so they can see more from you in the future.
Here are some tips for making sure your channel trailer is successful:
Keep it short, no more than 2 minutes total, or else people will lose interest right away and go watch something else on YouTube instead!
Make sure there’s a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your trailer that encourages viewers who have enjoyed what they saw so far to subscribe or check out other videos on your channel.
You should also include a link in any description boxes within this section, just in case anyone wants to view more without having to go back through every video manually searching out links “
5. Enable Monetization
Enable monetization. This is an option that’s available to all YouTube channels, and it’s a simple way to generate revenue. Just go to your channel’s settings and click “enable monetization” on the “monetize with ads” page;
Then you’ll be able to choose your preferred ad format (e.g., banner or overlay) and select one of Google’s advertising partners (there are thousands of options).
You also need to choose if you want to allow ads on videos that aren’t monetized by you if not, no one else will be able to upload content with ads on them!
6. Customize Your Channel Art
Whether you’re making a YouTube video or not, your channel art is one of the most important things you can customize. You want to make sure that it looks good and represents what you do. Here’s how:
Use a good quality photo. It doesn’t have to be professional, but it should look like it was taken with a camera (not an iPhone).
Use a good quality logo. This can be anything from your name written out in bold letters, to an image representing what makes your brand unique (e.g., if you’re selling pet products, maybe try using an image of dogs or cats).
Use a good background color scheme that works well with both the logo and photo and don’t forget to choose colors that complement each other well!
If there are two different photos on either side of the screen (like mine), then consider choosing complementary colors for each one so they stand out more than if they were both plain white backgrounds.
Do not just fill up as much space on screen as possible; we want our images/logos/colors etc., not just empty space!
Being a successful freelance marketer goes beyond technical skills. Explore why The Most Important Skill for a Freelance Marketer isn’t just about marketing expertise, but also about adaptability, communication, and building relationships.
7. Add Links To ALL Of Your Social Media Channels
This is a big one. I think most people underestimate the power of social media and don’t do enough with it.
You should add links to your website, other social media platforms, and any other relevant resources in the description of every video you publish on YouTube.
This can be as simple as a text link or an embedded video (like Instagram stories) that shows off what else you have available online. Don’t forget to include links to your Twitter, Facebook and any other sites where people hang out!
8. Add Links To Your Website & Other Resources
If you’ve already set up your website and have a few pieces of content on there, then this is a great opportunity to add some links to that content. For example:
- Add links to other videos on your site (if applicable)
- Add links to social media channels where you have an audience and can share the video with them directly (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit)
- Add links to other resources or products related to the video (if applicable)
If you haven’t yet set up a website or don’t have any content posted yet, then this is still an awesome idea because it will help drive traffic back over time as people are watching older videos from your channel.
You can also find some tutorials online about how easy it is nowadays for anyone with basic knowledge of computers and internet use in general who wants their own domain name and web hosting plan through various services out there like GoDaddy or Bluehost among others if money’s tight!
9. Get Verified (If You Have More Than 100k Subscribers)
If your channel has more than 100k subscribers, you can get verified by YouTube. This means that a blue checkmark will appear next to your username and profile photo on YouTube and in search results.
Also, if you have more than 10k followers on Google+ or Twitter (or just over 100k followers on Facebook), you can get verified by those companies as well.
As far as I know, there’s no official way for smaller channels to become verified through these other services but it does happen sometimes!
If a brand has a relationship with another social media platform like Instagram or Snapchat, an employee might see something from one of their accounts and decide to follow them back on that specific platform.
And then they may choose to verify that account after seeing how much engagement it gets from its fans (especially if the content looks high quality).
10. Don’t Forget About Channel Keywords!
As you begin to define your channel keywords, use them in other places as well. That way, each piece of content will work together to build a cohesive brand identity.
Video titles: If you’re using a text title instead of the video’s auto-generated title (which is typically “untitled file”), make sure that it includes the keyword(s) that matter most to your audience and search engines.
Description: Your video description doesn’t have to be long or complicated; just include some basic details about why they should watch this video and make sure there are no keywords left out!
Channel art: The header image on every YouTube channel is designed for easy viewing at thumbnail size so don’t forget about it!
Use an eye-catching photo with relevant text overlaid upon it so viewers know what kind of videos they’ll find inside when they click through from search results or recommended channels list pages.
Channel trailer: This short clip plays before any other content on your channel page; therefore, it’s important to keep it up-to-date with current information (like new episodes).
And relevant keywords so viewers know what kinds of shows they can expect while browsing around online…or any time someone searches “People Watching People Eat Food” on Google!
Instagram has become a powerful platform for marketing. To navigate the complexities of this platform, dive into The Ins and Outs of Instagram Marketing to learn key strategies for engaging your audience, growing your following, and making a significant impact.
11. Learn As Much As You Can About Video Optimization
The difference between a video that gets 100 views and one that gets 10,000 can be as simple as the words in the title.
Keywords are a huge part of YouTube’s search algorithm, so choose keywords and tags that are specific to what your video is about. You can also use them to find similar content or people who have already created videos on your topic, which will help with crediting.
A good thumbnail is important for attracting viewers’ attention, but it’s not just about being eye-catching (though this does help). It also needs to be relevant to the topic of your video so that viewers who see it in search results know what they’re clicking into when they watch.
The description section gives you an opportunity for more information about what you’re talking about in each video post and how many people take advantage of this? Not many! Most creators only write out a few sentences at most here…but there’s so much potential here!
Take advantage of it by adding links back to other relevant posts or previous videos on YouTube from within yours, sharing statistics like number of subscribers and new followers gained over time (if applicable).
Current events/news related topics being covered by other creators (which could be useful background research material)…
The options are endless! Just remember one thing: never ever ever use all caps unless there’s an emergency situation calling for immediate attention.
12. Be Consistent!
Consistency is the key to success, but it is also one of the most challenging aspects of marketing. The best way to stay consistent is by creating a plan that you can follow and by scheduling your content ahead of time.
In addition, you should schedule it in advance so that there aren’t any missed opportunities or gaps in your schedule.
Think about how often other people are posting on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram you might be surprised!
You have to compete with everyone else who makes videos for their channel as well as all the other content online competing for people’s attention at all times.
You need to make sure that your audience knows that they can always count on seeing new content from you on a regular basis if they want or expect them too!
13. Plan A Schedule And Stick To It! (Use Our Free Youtube Checklist!)
The last lesson I learned is to plan ahead and stick to a schedule.
If you’re like me, you probably have tons of ideas for videos but don’t always take the time to film them right away. And if you do get around to filming them, often times those videos end up becoming repetitive or outdated by the time they’re posted.
This is one of the reasons why we created our free YouTube Checklist to help creators organize their thoughts into actionable steps so they can focus on what matters most: creating great content!
If you haven’t already done so, click here now and download our checklist so that your next video doesn’t become obsolete before it’s even published!
15. Keep Videos Short, Sweet, And Packed With Value!
While making your videos, don’t be afraid to be honest. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice when you need it whether it’s from a friend or a stranger on YouTube. And most of all, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and show the world who you really are!
Now let’s move on to some specific tips and tricks I’ve learned over time that will help improve your channel quickly and easily!
Marketing strategies driven by consumer behavior can lead to remarkable results. Explore 15 Behavior-Driven Strategies for Marketing and understand how aligning your marketing approach with human behavior can create stronger connections and more successful campaigns.
16. Teach Something New In Every Video You Make! Give People A Reason To Come Back Each Week For More!
This is probably the most important tip on my list, and I’m sure you already know that it’s true. If I were just teaching random things, like how to do certain things (like how to cook), I would never have gotten this far with my YouTube channel.
It took me a while before I figured out the lesson format that works best for my audience (and myself).
The lesson topics should be more conceptual and less task-based: think about what your viewers want to improve themselves on or what needs improving in their lives.
Whether it’s self-confidence or organization skills or being able to drive stick shift car manual transmission cars so they don’t get stuck at red lights when someone stops next door during rush hour traffic…
Teaching gives your viewers an opportunity not only learn from you but also from each other;
If there are common questions in the comments section below each video then feel free answering them yourself directly underneath them instead of leaving those unanswered questions unanswered forever!
By creating a YouTube channel, you can build your brand, reach new audiences, and become a thought leader. It is also the #2 search engine in the world! That being said, it’s also important to understand that YouTube is not for everyone.
While I think this article makes a compelling case for anyone to consider starting their own channel, please remember that YOU have to be the one who decides whether or not this platform fits with your goals and lifestyle.
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to further enhance your knowledge about YouTube marketing:
How to Promote Your YouTube Channel: Learn effective strategies and techniques to promote your YouTube channel and increase your reach and engagement.
YouTube Marketing Course by HubSpot Academy: Enroll in this comprehensive course to master YouTube marketing and optimize your content for better results.
The Ultimate Guide to YouTube Marketing: Dive into Hootsuite’s guide for insights into creating, optimizing, and promoting your videos on YouTube.
What are some key techniques for promoting a YouTube channel effectively?
Promoting a YouTube channel involves various tactics such as optimizing video titles, utilizing relevant keywords, engaging with your audience in comments, and collaborating with other content creators.
How can I leverage YouTube marketing to grow my business?
YouTube marketing offers opportunities to showcase your products or services through video content, build brand awareness, engage with your audience, and even drive traffic to your website.
What is the importance of engagement on YouTube?
Engagement on YouTube, including likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions, signals to both YouTube’s algorithm and viewers that your content is valuable and relevant, which can lead to better visibility and reach.
How can I measure the success of my YouTube marketing efforts?
Key performance indicators (KPIs) for YouTube marketing include metrics like view counts, watch time, click-through rates, and social engagement. These metrics help assess the effectiveness of your content and strategy.
What types of content work well on YouTube?
Various types of content thrive on YouTube, including tutorials, vlogs, product reviews, entertainment, and educational videos. It’s essential to align your content with your target audience’s interests and preferences.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.