There are a lot of ways to increase traffic to your blog. The problem is, not all of them are effective! Some may even be downright annoying, especially if you’re also a blogger. Here’s the thing: I don’t have time for that either.
I know that you have a lot on your plate and not enough hours in the day, so I’ve compiled my top 22 methods for increasing traffic to my blog with this list. Hopefully, it will help you save some time and energy when trying to figure out what works best for your blog and audience too!
Takeaways |
1. Focus on high-quality content creation. |
2. Optimize your blog posts for SEO. |
3. Leverage the power of social media marketing. |
4. Guest post on relevant blogs to expand your reach. |
5. Participate in online communities and forums. |
6. Implement effective email marketing campaigns. |
7. Utilize influencer collaborations for exposure. |
8. Host webinars and live sessions to engage your audience. |
9. Repurpose your content into different formats. |
10. Invest in paid advertising for targeted traffic. |
1. List Posts
List posts are one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog. They’re easy to create and popular on social media. You can use them for branding, keyword research, link building and more!
List posts are easily shareable on social media. For example: “Top 35 Methods For Increasing Traffic To My Blog” – can you imagine how many people will see this if it’s shared by you? It’s a great way to get free publicity!
You can add value to your content by providing information that readers might not know or haven’t thought about yet.
This could include lists of tips; reviews of books/gadgets; recommendations from experts in a certain field etc… so long as they’re interesting enough for other people (that means YOU) want other readers too 🙂
Transitioning from a novice to a professional writer requires more than just words. Discover the marketing strategy that transformed my writing journey, and learn how you too can elevate your craft with strategic marketing tactics.
2. Guest Posting
Guest posting is a great way to build relationships with other bloggers and website owners, which will help you increase traffic in the long run.
A lot of people think that guest posting is all about getting links back to your site, but it’s more about providing value for the readers of a blog by providing useful content (in return for a link back).
If you do this, then it’s much easier for the host blog owner to agree to give you a link back because you’ve already given value in your post (plus he/she likely won’t mind linking out either).
3. Social Media
Social media is a great way to connect with your readers. It’s also a great way to get your content in front of them and let them know what you’ve been up to. If you want to increase traffic, social media should be an important part of your strategy.
Here are some tips for using social media as part of your strategy:
Share posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. You can share blog posts by sharing the link on Facebook or Twitter; using hashtags in Pinterest descriptions, or adding the post URL (in case someone wants to go directly there) when pinning it on Pinterest.
Use hashtags in tweets and posts so people can find them easily if they’re searching for information related to keywords relevant to what you’re writing about
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4. Quality Content
This is a no-brainer. Content is king. It’s what makes or breaks your blog, website, YouTube channel, and more.
If you want to increase traffic to your site and get people talking about it online (which you do), then creating quality content is the most important thing for you to focus on.
Content can take many forms articles, videos, and images but it all has one goal: to entertain or inform others in some way or another. The best types of content are those that resonate with readers and keep them coming back for more.
5. Commenting
Commenting on other blogs is another great way to get your name out there and increase traffic.
When you leave a comment on someone else’s blog, it gets them thinking about you and wondering what else you have to say.
This is especially true if the person who wrote the post has left comments on your blog before – they will remember you! So when they see that this person left a comment, they are more likely to respond than if some random stranger had left one.
You can also use comments as an opportunity to build relationships with influential bloggers in your niche.
As long as they aren’t too busy, most bloggers will take time out of their day to reply to comments from others because it helps them feel like part of the community (and might even lead people back through their site).
6. Forum Posting
Forum posting is one of the most underrated ways to increase traffic to your blog. The key is to find the right forums and post in places that allow you or your links to be placed in the signature line.
You can post on forums related to your niche and even industry-specific websites that have high traffic counts. This can be a great way to build relationships with other bloggers, as well as get some targeted backlinks from highly-trafficked domains!
7. Guest Interviews
If you want to attract more traffic to your blog, the first thing you’ll want to do is increase the number of people reading your posts. The easiest way to do this is through guest interviews.
Guest interviews are a great way for you and other bloggers in your niche to collaborate on new content that can be shared with each other’s audience.
By interviewing someone outside of just bloggers in your industry, you can bring in new readers who might not be familiar with blogs or don’t read them regularly yet but after seeing an interview from someone else who doesn’t write about their topic, they may click through and read some of yours!
Another benefit of guest interviews is that they lend credibility and authority by getting other people talking about what they know best (or at least trying).
If someone else writes something about me as an author/blogger/personality type person then it makes me look better than if I talk about myself all day long (which is boring).
Quora isn’t just a Q&A platform—it’s a goldmine for copywriters. Craft compelling pitches that resonate with Quora’s community, and watch your copywriting services soar. Learn how to harness the power of Quora with our guide on pitching your copywriting services.
8. Triberr
Triberr is a blog promotion tool that allows you to automatically post your content on social media and other places. You can connect with other bloggers and share each other’s content, which increases traffic to all of the sites involved.
The benefits of using Triberr include:
- Building relationships with other bloggers who have similar interests as you do;
- Increasing traffic to your site (if you choose);
- Get feedback about your work from people who are interested in reading what you write.
If you want to make the most out of Triberr, here are some tips: First, find people who seem like they will be active participants in the community.
Second, think carefully about which categories or groups might help find new readers (you can even create your own!)
Finally, use Twitter chats as an opportunity for cross-promotion! Try having one every week so that there’s always something new happening on both sides (but make sure they’re spaced far enough apart).
9. Twitter Chats
It’s easy to participate in a Twitter chat. Simply follow the instructions from one of the organizers and tweet your thoughts using the hashtag provided.
Twitter chats are a great way to connect with other people interested in similar topics, share your knowledge and expertise, and get feedback on an article or idea you have been working on.
Find out if there are any new tools out there that can help you with your blogging endeavors, learn something new about blogging itself, and make friends across the globe!
If you want to host your Twitter chat (which I highly recommend), just contact me at [this link]( or email to let me know what date/time would work best for you and when we’ll hold it.
The process is really simple–we’ll go over how everything works once we’ve confirmed it’s something both of us want to do!
10. Create A Resource Library (Free Printables)
Another great way to increase traffic is to create a resource library. This can be done in a variety of ways:
Use Canva and other printable design tools to create your printable resources (free or paid) for your readers.
Use Pinterest as your resource library, including links to all the helpful content you’ve created or found. You can also pin images that are already on the web as long as you give credit where it’s due (in this case, mention the source).
Make sure that when you do this, you have “Pin It” buttons on your site so people don’t have to leave yours and go elsewhere just because they want more info!
Create a Google Drive folder filled with helpful resources like templates for common documents such as resumes, cover letters, or business proposals; checklists for things like packing lists for traveling abroad; etc.,
Then share them with other people who need them via email or social media/directly from within google docs itself (which also makes sharing easy). The possibilities are endless!
11. Host A Webinar/teleseminar/Google Hangout/Q & A Session
When you host a webinar, you can reach thousands of people at once. And because it’s live and interactive, your audience will be more likely to take action on what you teach them.
The best part about hosting webinars is that they can help you build your email list by capturing the email addresses of everyone who attends.
But be careful not to overwhelm yourself with too many webinars it’s important to always prioritize quality over quantity! You should also consider using a tool like WebinarNinja or GoToWebinar if necessary (both are great options).
Direct marketing is an art form in itself, especially for creative professionals. Navigate the landscape of direct marketing with finesse, and unlock new avenues of success. Explore our guide on direct marketing strategies tailored for your creative journey.
12. E-mail Newsletter
An email newsletter is a great way to get traffic. Although there are many ways you can use email newsletters, I’ll cover the basics of creating one here.
Create your list using an opt-in form on your website or blog. You can also find lists of people who are interested in what you have to say and offer them something valuable if they sign up for the list (like access to exclusive content).
Send out regular content that subscribers look forward to reading in their email inbox every week or month.
It should be interesting and relevant (not just self-promotion), but not too long just enough information so that people remember it when they’re browsing through their inboxes later on in the day or week.
You don’t want them feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff going on around them; keep things short, sweet, and simple!
13. Free Report Or E-book
The first method for increasing traffic to your blog is to give away a free report or e-book. You should make sure that it’s relevant to your audience so that you can increase the chances of visitors reading it.
To make it short and to the point, you can write about one topic in 10 minutes. Write 2-3 chapters with 4-5 bullets per chapter and then wrap up with an actionable call-to-action at the end of the book.
The format needs to be easy for people to read or skim through if they’re on mobile devices (in which case, I recommend using bullet points).
You’ll want a great cover image too this will help sell your book even more! If possible, include some kind of opt-in form on every page (such as “subscribe”).
So readers can easily subscribe/sign up without having to click away from their browser window every time they finish reading something new.”
14. Start A Newsletter For Your Readers
Starting a newsletter is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your blog. Why? Because newsletters are a great way to connect with readers, who will then be more likely to click through from the email or share your content with others.
Start by giving people an incentive for signing up for it (like an ebook or freebie).
Include interesting stories about yourself and/or about other bloggers in your niche. This will help build trust between you and subscribers by showing that you’re not just going after their money you care about them as well!
Don’t forget that some people get bored easily, so try not only using text but also images wherever possible (especially when sending emails).
The same goes for formatting options such as bolding/italics/underlining/etc., which can help break up large blocks of text without having to write more paragraphs on every page!
If done correctly, having a newsletter can boost traffic numbers quickly because those who sign up will keep coming back over time thanks largely due to their interest in hearing more info-related topics each month.*
15. Buy Advert Space On Other Popular Websites Or Blogs
One of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog is by advertising it elsewhere. You can buy banner space on other sites and blogs, but you can also get even more mileage from your ads by purchasing advertorials (ads disguised as articles). These are especially effective if the site is well-known or very popular in its niche.
Here’s what I mean: Imagine that you own a website about health, fitness, and nutrition.
If you were to buy an ad on another popular website about health, fitness, and nutrition one that gets lots of visitors each day you would likely get a lot of clicks back to your site when people saw your ad there.
16. Submit Your Works To Stumbleupon And Digg
StumbleUpon and Digg are the two most popular social bookmarking sites. They allow users to submit websites and rate them based on their quality.
The more “stumbles” a page receives, the higher it will rank within StumbleUpon as well as Google searches, which means more traffic for you! But how do you get your blog submitted? There are multiple ways to do so:
Use a service like StumbleUpon or Digg (for free). These services offer you several options when it comes to submitting your website or blog post. I would recommend trying both of them out if possible, although they do have slightly different features and capacities.
For example, both allow users to add content directly to their site in addition to just submitting links; however, only StumbleUpon will notify you via email when someone stumbles upon one of your posts.
While Digg requires that person sign up for an account before seeing any notifications sent from other users’ submissions or favorites… So there’s no reason not to try out both!
17. Participate In Interviews
Interviewing is a great way to get your name out there, get traffic to your blog, and get links. But it’s also a great way just to get social media shares—which can help grow email lists, too. Here are some ways you can begin participating in interviews:
Reach out to people already writing about similar topics as you and see if they’d be interested in interviewing with you. You’ll find them through Google searches or by going on Twitter or LinkedIn and searching for relevant keywords (like “small business tips”).
Look at podcasts that cover topics similar to yours and see who their guests are. Then reach out and ask if they’d be willing to have you on as a guest sometime soon!
18. Participate In Blog Carnivals
A blog carnival is a collection of blog posts on a single topic. The idea behind it is to give your readers additional content related to the topic that they may not have seen elsewhere.
Blog carnivals are great for increasing traffic to your site and getting links back from other popular blogs.
It’s also an excellent way to promote yourself as an expert in your field, so it’s something you’ll want to do if you’re looking for new business opportunities or trying to build credibility in your niche.
There are many different types of blog carnivals: some focus on topics like SEO or social media, while others cover niche topics such as travel or fitness. You can find these types by searching Google using keywords like “blog carnival” or “link roundup.”
You can also browse existing carnivals on sites like and AlltopBLOGCARNIVALS [1]. Once you’ve found one that interests you, contact the organizer (usually via email) and ask how best to participate!
19. Guest Post More Often
Guest posting is an excellent way to get more traffic to your blog. When done well, guest posting can lead to thousands of new visitors and newsletter subscribers. And if you’re interested in driving traffic (and who isn’t?), that kind of result is hard to ignore.
For me, guest posting was the most effective method for increasing my traffic by a huge margin when I started. As soon as I found blogs with similar audiences, I reached out and offered them some value by writing articles on topics that would resonate with their readership.
In return, they gave me links back at the bottom of each post – which helped boost my search engine rankings!
20. Leave Comments On Other Blogs
This is probably the most simple way to get your blog noticed. And it’s free! The whole point of this method is that every time you leave a comment on someone else’s blog post, their site will automatically add part of your URL to the bottom of their comment section.
This is called an “anchor text” and Google uses them to determine how many people are linking back to your site. It helps boost your rankings when you have other sites mentioning yours in their content (aka “backlinks).
21. Write Great Content On Your Blog
When it comes to writing content that attracts visitors, there are a few key ingredients. You must:
Write articles that are relevant to your audience. If you write an article about how to improve your golf game and no one in your audience plays golf, they won’t be interested in reading it no matter how well-written or interesting the article may be.
Write articles that are well researched. People will take notice when what you write is backed up by facts and statistics instead of just opinions or the latest trend (which may already have passed).
Write articles that are well written. While we can all benefit from some editing from time to time, we need not spend hours trying to perfect our writing style before putting our words out there for everyone else to see!
There’s no need for flowery language or complicated storytelling techniques when simple words can convey a message just as effectively as complex ones and without taking away from its message at all!
22. Rank Your Blog In Google
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): This is a very important part of getting your blog to rank well on Google.
If you have not already, start by checking out my beginner’s guide to SEO. It covers the basics and will help you understand what it means to “optimize” your site for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.
About Panda and Penguin: Panda was initially launched in February 2011 as a way for Google to combat low-quality content on their search results pages (SERPs). Later that year, Penguin joined this effort.
Both of these updates are designed specifically to penalize websites with poor quality content or links pointing toward them from other sites that may provide misleading information about them (i.e., “link building schemes”).
In other words: Your goal should be to build up your domain authority so that sites like yours rank higher than lower quality ones when people are searching for topics related to yours on Google.
How To Rank Your Blog In Google: I’ve written several articles explaining how this can be done – including one specifically geared toward writers who want more traffic
I hope this post has given you some ideas on how to increase your blog traffic, and specifically the kinds of tactics that I use.
The key is to keep trying new things until you find one that works. What’s worked for me might work for you, but it could also be something completely different!
The idea here isn’t just about increasing traffic it’s about testing out different methods so that when something does work, we can learn from our successes (and failures).
Further Reading
Check out these resources for more insights on increasing blog traffic:
WPBeginner – How to Increase Your Blog Traffic Short Description: Explore actionable tips and strategies to boost your blog’s traffic and engage a wider audience.
Ahrefs – Increase Blog Traffic: 7 Content Promotion Strategies Short Description: Discover proven content promotion techniques that can help you drive more traffic to your blog and build a dedicated readership.
WordStream – 19 Strategies We Used to Increase Our Blog Traffic by 4X in a Year Short Description: Dive into the journey of how a blog managed to quadruple its traffic within a year by implementing effective strategies.
How can I effectively increase my blog’s traffic?
Increasing your blog’s traffic requires a combination of strategic planning and execution. Focus on creating high-quality, relevant content, optimizing your posts for search engines, promoting your content across various platforms, engaging with your audience, and leveraging social media to amplify your reach.
What role does content promotion play in driving blog traffic?
Content promotion is essential for getting your blog in front of a larger audience. By utilizing social media, influencer outreach, email marketing, and collaborations, you can extend the reach of your content and attract more visitors to your blog.
Are there specific SEO techniques that can help improve blog traffic?
Absolutely. Implementing on-page SEO techniques such as optimizing meta tags, using relevant keywords, improving page load speed, and creating high-quality backlinks can significantly improve your blog’s search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.
How can I make my blog content more shareable?
To make your blog content shareable, focus on crafting compelling headlines, adding visually appealing images and infographics, incorporating social sharing buttons, and creating content that resonates with your target audience’s interests and needs.
What role does consistency play in growing blog traffic?
Consistency is key to building a loyal readership and improving blog traffic. Regularly publishing fresh and valuable content helps establish your authority in your niche and keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.