It’s your first day on the job, and you’re sitting across from the hiring manager. After a brief introduction, she jumps right into her list of interview questions.
You know that some common questions come up in most interviews: What is your greatest strength? What is your greatest weakness? But what about those other random questions that pop up out of nowhere? How do you respond to them?
Well, we’re here to help. We have put together a list of 15 commonly asked freelance designer interview questions that will make sure you have an answer for anything they throw at you during the interview process.
Takeaways |
1. Preparing for interviews is crucial for interview success. |
2. Understand the common interview questions. |
3. Craft concise and impactful answers. |
4. Provide specific examples to support your responses. |
5. Practice your answers to boost confidence. |
6. Demonstrate your skills and suitability for the role. |
7. Tailor your answers to the job description. |
8. Showcase problem-solving and communication abilities. |
9. Stay calm and composed during the interview. |
10. Research the company and industry beforehand. |
1. What Is Your Work Process?
“What is your work process?” is a great question for a client to ask, and it’s also one that freelancers should be able to answer easily. It can help you identify some of the red flags clients might have when hiring freelance designers.
Your work process includes how you get from start to finish with a project. What steps or stages do you go through? What tools do you use? How long will this process take? How many revisions are included in the rate? If a client asks these questions, they’re interested in what makes your design process different from other designers’ processes, which is important information when deciding whether or not to hire someone.
When preparing for interviews, it’s important to not just answer questions, but also to ask questions that will help you market yourself effectively. Engaging with the interviewer can leave a lasting impression.
2. What Do You Do When You Can’t Get A Design Right?
If you can’t get a design right, try something new. It doesn’t always work out the first time. Sometimes you’ll hit on a cool idea and it won’t translate well into your chosen medium or tool. That’s OK! When this happens to me, I just put the project aside for a while and come back to it later with fresh eyes.
Sometimes we are so focused on one way of seeing something that we don’t see other options that might be better suited for what we’re trying to do. If all else fails, ask for help from someone who knows more than you do about whatever medium/tool in question or even just general design advice, and then try again!
If all else fails… try something different! Maybe change up your technique or style (or color scheme). Or maybe try using another tool altogether: there’s no rule against using Inkscape instead of Illustrator if that would work better for this particular project.
3. How Do You Deal With Criticism?
Criticism is a fact of life for freelancers. You will be criticized by clients, colleagues, and even your own family. It is important that you can deal with criticism in the right way so that it does not affect your work or career.
To do this, take criticism as a learning opportunity. Do not take it personally or allow yourself to feel hurt by it: if someone says something negative about your work or you, try to understand why they said what they did and learn from the feedback given to improve next time around.
This will help maintain good relationships with colleagues and clients who may otherwise feel threatened by their work being criticized; they will appreciate knowing that others are willing to provide honest feedback so that everyone can improve together as professionals!
As well to learning from criticism and applying these ideas into practice every day at work, some other techniques can help us keep our cool when faced with difficult situations – such as dealing with difficult people who might challenge our ideas while we’re trying to express ourselves creatively:
Understanding different types of marketing research is crucial for making informed decisions. Learn about the 16 types of marketing research and why they are essential in crafting successful marketing strategies.
4. What Makes You Different From The Others?
The question doesn’t have to be answered in the form of a one-liner, but it should be able to give an impression of what makes you special. You may answer this question by mentioning something about your work or personal life that makes you unique, like:
- I’m more motivated than most people. My work ethic is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before!
- I’m a perfectionist who strives for excellence in everything I do (even if it takes me longer), and this is why my clients love me.
- I am good at multitasking on multiple projects at once and can handle any type of client request with ease.
5. What Would You Do If You Were Assigned To A Project That Doesn’t Interest You?
You should be able to explain how you would approach the project, overcome any challenges, and impress the client.
For example, if you were asked to design a landing page for an online retailer selling furniture that is currently working on its first-ever e-commerce site and has no idea how to proceed (and neither do you), as a freelancer you’d have to know how to get started. If they don’t have any ideas of what they want their website to look like or what goals it should achieve, then that’s where your expertise comes in!
However, if they already have a rough idea of what they want from the project but aren’t sure about how to execute it properly and aren’t too experienced with web design themselves in which case it might be worth considering taking on this project and then explaining why this particular job interests me will probably help land this job because I’m passionate about learning new things.
This means I’ll actually care about doing good work instead of just churning out mediocre designs at lightning speed for whoever pays me next month’s rent check quickly enough without thinking too hard about whether or not I fully understand why we’re designing something in certain ways rather than others…
6. How Would You Describe Your Style?
Your style is a combination of your personality, your interests, and your life experience. It should be unique to you. Your wardrobe isn’t just about clothing it’s about how you present yourself to the world through what you wear and carry.
In general, there are two types of personal style: classic and trendy. Most people can identify whether they have one or the other but don’t know how to describe it in more detail than that since these styles aren’t mutually exclusive; some people have elements from both in their wardrobe while others lean more heavily toward one side over another.
If someone asks me which kind I am (classic or trendy), I’d say “a little bit of both.” I like having a well-put-together look no matter where I’m going because it puts me at ease knowing that I look my best wherever I go whether it’s an interview for a job or going out with friends on Friday night!
Marketing research is a powerful tool, but it doesn’t always yield the expected results. Discover insights on why marketing research doesn’t always work and how to enhance your approach for more accurate insights.
7. What Do You Usually Do When You Don’t Understand A Brief?
As a freelancer, you’re often the person who has to ask questions. When you don’t understand the brief, don’t be afraid to do so. It’s better to make sure that everyone is on the same page than it is to take a chance and deliver something that doesn’t meet expectations.
Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need more information about what your client wants or needs from you. The best way for them to explain it is for them to tell you directly, so don’t hesitate!
Ask for clarification: If someone isn’t explaining things well enough for you (or they aren’t giving enough detail), ask them if they can give more details or even provide examples of what they mean by certain phrases/words in their explanation. This will help clarify their meaning before moving forward with anything else!
Ask if they have any other ideas: Sometimes just talking through everything can bring up some great ideas that we hadn’t considered before…and sometimes those new ideas are even better than our initial ideas!
Keep this thought in mind when dealing with clients too; sometimes asking others directly about their thoughts can prove invaluable when trying out various concepts down the line!”
8. Can You Explain The Difference Between Being A Graphic Designer And An Artist?
A lot of people get confused between graphic designers and artists. They think that both do the same thing and create visual solutions. They are not wrong, but at the same time, they are also not right. A graphic designer is more concerned with the function of the design while an artist is more concerned with its form.
In addition to this, a graphic designer creates visual solutions to solve problems while an artist just creates something visually pleasing for no reason at all (or at least no apparent reason).
9. What Is Your Favorite Thing About Being A Designer?
For me, design is a creative process. It’s a form of art. It’s a form of communication, too: when I design something, I am communicating my ideas to others in their language, whether it be visual or verbal. And finally, design is also problem solving: no matter what type of designer you want to be (web designer, print designer), there will always be problems that need solving!
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10. Tell Me About One Of Your Projects That Didn’t Go As Planned, And Why It Failed
When it comes to answering this question, you’re going to want to give a specific example from a personal project that didn’t go as planned. For example, if you were doing a logo and the client wasn’t happy with your work and chose not to pay you, that’s an excellent example of when things went wrong.
To answer this question well, you’ll want to explain why the project failed. Was it because of the client? Was it because of the quality of your design or services? Where there any other factors involved?
You should also talk about what lessons you learned from this experience. How would do differently next time? What do you know now that will make future projects more successful?
Finally, talk about how did handle when things went wrong with this particular project: did they fail immediately when they saw something on their website in development mode that wasn’t quite right; did they request changes after seeing something for months but only once those changes were made; or did they continue using our services until we delivered something completely different than what was agreed upon at first (and wouldn’t pay us).
11. How Are The Letterforms Created In Typography Related To Writing In Calligraphy Or By Hand?
You’re probably familiar with the letter forms used in typography. They are created via a process called “composing,” which involves using a computer to set type and make adjustments to it. This is different from calligraphy, where letters are drawn by hand with a pen or brush on paper (or another medium).
What makes these two processes so different? The answer lies in how they achieve their final form. Typographic letters are designed using digital tools like Photoshop or Illustrator to create vectors and outlines of each character a very precise method of creation that allows them to be easily adjusted and resized depending on the size needed for any given project.
Calligraphic letterforms can be incredibly intricate and detailed works of art done entirely by hand. While there may be some overlap between calligraphic drawings and typographical compositions especially when we’re talking about serif versus sans serif designs—they aren’t the same at all!
Calligraphy requires an artist’s expressive hand; typeface design requires precision engineering skills such as math skills as well as technical knowledge about how computers work together with operating systems like macOS or Windows 10 so that text can display correctly no matter what device it appears on (e..g., iPhone 6 vs LG G3).
12. Could You Tell Me About The Most Creative Piece Of Work You Have Done Recently?
For this question, the interviewer wants to see if you can explain your process. This is often a question that is asked when someone has done something particularly creative or out of the box. If you’re asked this question, try not to get too caught up in which project was more creative than others and focus on talking about what made it so interesting for you.
For example, “The most creative project I have worked on recently was a website redesign for an insurance company based in San Francisco,” or “The most creative piece I’ve produced recently was my book cover design.”
Then go into detail about what made that particular project unique: why did they hire you? What were they looking for? How did they feel after seeing their finished product? Did they have any input along the way (and if so, how did it influence your process)?
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13. How Did The Last Project Go For Your Team, And What Did You Learn From It?
This question is designed to see how you think on your feet. A freelancer needs to be able to move forward from past mistakes and learn from them, rather than just dwelling on the negative aspects of any given project. If a client asks you this question, you should be able to give an honest answer that showcases your ability to grow while still being humble.
The last project I worked on was a logo design for an accounting firm in New York City. The owner was thrilled with the final product it perfectly matches her brand identity and has received rave reviews from clients who have used it in their marketing materials since then!
However, there were some things I would do differently if I had another chance: First off, the company wanted me to design not only its logo but also new business cards and letterhead; however, because they were so happy with how quickly we got everything done (the whole process took less than two weeks), they didn’t ask for much feedback afterward (which I could have provided). In addition.
14. Can I See Examples Of Your Previous Work/Portfolio Pieces
This is an important question that you should have an answer ready for, but it will also be one of the most difficult to answer. If you haven’t done freelance work before, it can be hard to find examples of projects that resemble what your potential client is looking for. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try! It’s better not to have any samples than to show some mediocre ones.
You should always keep this in mind as well: if someone doesn’t want to see your portfolio, they’re not worth working with anyways! The fact that they won’t even look at your work is a sign that they are shallow and don’t value quality design over everything else.
Final Thoughts
So there you have it. These are the questions that I believe are more important than any others when it comes to being a successful freelance designer. Now, of course, there are many other aspects of being a good designer and running a successful business, but these particular questions will help keep you on track with your career and keep you from getting into trouble down the road.
Further Reading
The Muse: Interview Questions and Answers Short Description: Access a comprehensive list of common interview questions and expertly crafted answers to help you prepare effectively for your next job interview.
Indeed: Top Interview Questions and Answers Short Description: Discover a compilation of top interview questions and detailed answers to enhance your interview readiness and boost your confidence.
Masterson Staffing: 14 Commonly Asked Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them Short Description: Learn how to tackle 14 commonly asked job interview questions with insightful responses that will help you stand out during interviews.
What are the benefits of preparing for interview questions?
Preparing for interview questions allows you to articulate your qualifications and experiences more effectively, increasing your chances of leaving a positive impression on the interviewer.
How can I best answer challenging interview questions?
Address challenging interview questions by focusing on your strengths, providing specific examples, and demonstrating your problem-solving skills.
Are there common interview questions that frequently appear across different industries?
Yes, many interview questions are applicable across various industries, such as questions about teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability.
Should I rehearse my answers to interview questions?
Rehearsing your answers can help you feel more confident and organized during the interview. However, ensure your responses sound natural and not rehearsed.
Can I customize my answers based on the specific job I’m interviewing for?
Absolutely. Tailoring your answers to align with the job description and company culture can demonstrate your genuine interest and suitability for the role.
What Is The Difference Between A Graphic Designer And An Artist?
A graphic designer is usually someone who has studied design and knows how to use software such as Adobe Creative Suite or InDesign to create effective layouts, typography, logos, and more. An artist may have some background in art school but they are generally not trained on how to use the tools necessary for creating professional designs.
What Is The Difference Between A Designer And A Programmer?
A programmer uses code to create software while the designer creates layouts, graphics, etc., that will be used by programmers when making apps or websites. This can include things like deciding how icons should look on mobile devices (iPhone sizes) versus desktop computers (Windows sizes).
How Do You Deal With Criticism?
Becoming a successful freelance designer requires that you have thick skin. You will be criticized for your work, ideas, and personality. But it is essential to learn how to accept constructive criticism and turn it into personal growth.
How are you going to make sure the client’s needs are met? What if they change their mind halfway through the project? What if they don’t like your design direction? How will you deal with it then? Be prepared for any situation by coming up with creative solutions in advance.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.