What you’ll get out of this article is real talk, straight from the trenches. We’re not here to praise the virtues of a freelance career, or to throw rose petals in front of your feet like it’s going to be easy. What we’re going to do is share lessons learned through trial and error, and help you avoid our mistakes as you build your own freelance career.
Whether you are considering a freelance career, or if you are already in one – but struggling – here are 12 tips for passing your freelancer lead generation interviews.
Takeaways |
Prepare specific examples of successful lead generation projects. |
Showcase your understanding of the lead conversion process. |
Highlight your ability to identify and target potential clients. |
Emphasize your expertise in using lead generation tools and platforms. |
Demonstrate effective communication skills for client interaction. |
Discuss strategies for nurturing and converting leads. |
Be ready to explain your approach to tracking and analyzing lead data. |
Showcase your ability to adapt to different target audiences. |
Share insights on using digital marketing techniques for lead generation. |
Highlight your past experience in achieving lead generation goals. |
Discuss strategies for qualifying and prioritizing leads. |
Prepare questions to show your interest in the client’s business and goals. |
1. Be Honest
It’s important to be as honest as possible during your interview. It may seem tempting to tell the company what you think they want to hear, but if you get hired on the basis of a lie and it ends up being too much for you, it will be difficult for either side. You want to find the ideal position for yourself and know that your new workplace aligns with your values and career goals!
When someone is doing an interview with you, they’re trying to assess whether or not you would enjoy and be able to do the job well. If your interviewer asks about a certain skill set or past experience that is relevant to this position, don’t try to make something up that isn’t true. Be honest about who you are and what you have done.
Looking to expand your freelance writing business? Learn how to generate more freelance writing leads with 30 creative ideas that can help you attract new clients and opportunities.
2. Be Authentic
Throughout the entire hiring process, stay true to yourself. Be authentic. As you interact with your interviewer, be careful not to respond in a way that is designed to please them. Instead, answer questions honestly and truthfully. Be honest about your intentions for wanting this position.
If you are trying to do something good by applying for the lead generation position at this company, you will get the job. If you aren’t doing something good by applying at this company, don’t apply here in the first place because it’s probably not morally right and it would be much better if you tried applying elsewhere instead!
It’s always better if we try our best so let’s go back again: throughout all interactions with your interviewer(s), be sure that they understand where exactly you are coming from – even if they don’t agree with everything being said or doing done but still try their hardest anyway since it takes lots of effort from both sides before anything can actually happen!
Don’t worry about pleasing your interviewer too much; just make sure he or she understands where exactly you’re coming from – even if they disagree with everything being said or done at any given time during an interview session).
3. Be Yourself
Be yourself. I know this sounds like a cliche, but it really is true. The key to passing interviews is being well informed and having a high degree of confidence in your abilities. Don’t try to be the person you think they want. Don’t fake enthusiasm; it’s better to sound less enthusiastic than over-enthusiastic because the latter risks sounding insincere and inauthentic, which is something interviewers will often pick up on right away.
Don’t sound like a car salesman or a telemarketer when talking about your skills and experience; these are two types of people who are known for being overly eager to please others while lacking authenticity themselves (with all due respect).
Remember that no matter how much you may want this job opportunity, do not go into an interview with an attitude of “I will do anything!” because this can make them wonder whether or not you are truly interested in working at their company. If they ask what makes you want this position then answer honestly by saying something along the lines of: “I am interested in working at XYZ Company because I believe my skills would be useful there.”
Interested in freelance lead generation? Discover the ins and outs of what it is and how to do it successfully while getting paid for your efforts in this comprehensive guide.
4. Be Prepared
Before you accept an interview, do your homework. Make sure that this is a company and position that you are actually interested in and will be a good fit for your skills and strengths. Be prepared to answer questions about the company as well as any questions they may ask regarding your skillset. You should also come prepared with a list of any questions you might have. This is your chance to get more info on the company, so don’t be shy.
During your interview, always be honest and confident, but not arrogant or self-deprecating. They want to hear about what makes you unique and why you would be a great addition to their team. Come prepared with relevant examples from past jobs or experiences that illustrate how certain qualities make you an ideal candidate for their organization.
This will help them understand who exactly it is that has applied for this particular position within their organization – not just someone with general freelance experience but rather someone who specifically can add value based on his/her own skill set as well as specific knowledge about what this role entails (e.g., knowing something about lead generation interviews).
Make sure that during each stage of the interview process (i.e., first phone call, second phone call) there are clear expectations laid out between both parties such as: how long will each part last? What topics will we discuss? Will there be multiple people involved in my interviewing process at some point down the line or just one person throughout all stages? Is there anything else I need before applying (such as references)?
When do they expect decisions back from me on whether I’m moving forward with them (or not)? Knowing what’s expected ahead of time will help prepare yourself accordingly so nothing comes up later down the road unexpectedly or without sufficient notice given beforehand like when deadlines change/move suddenly because it turns out no one communicated properly earlier on during initial discussions about project deadlines.
5. Set Expectations
When you’re starting out, it can be tempting to promise the world in order to win some clients. Don’t do this. Not only is it unprofessional, but you’ll end up getting a bad reputation very quickly when you can’t deliver on your promises. To avoid putting yourself in this position, avoid making promises that are: Too good to be true, don’t promise to be the best in the world at something you’re not, especially if you don’t have any relevant experience or leads.
Want to enter the world of social media strategy without prior experience? Find out how to become a freelance social media strategist even if you’re starting from scratch and build a successful career in this field.
6. Follow Up
At the end of each interview, follow up with the interviewer. This is a great way to remind them who you are and why they should hire you. In addition to sending a thank-you note, reach out at least once more after that.
Thank them again for their time and ask any questions you may have forgotten to ask during the interview (if it feels appropriate). The day after your interview, send an email thanking your interviewer for their time. If there’s anything you forgot to mention or if you have another question, this would be the perfect time to bring it up.
The following week, send another email thanking the interviewer again for their time and asking about how long the hiring process typically takes. You can also mention here if there’s anything else about your skills or experience that might make you stand out from other candidates. This gives the hiring manager one last opportunity before making a decision to think about what makes you uniquely qualified for this job.
7. Listen And Focus
In your interviews or any conversation for that matter practice active listening: don’t work on other things, stay off your phone, look the client in their eyes, and listen to what they’re saying.
This may seem self-explanatory, but it’s one of the most important principles to follow if you want to be a successful freelance lead generation specialist. In fact, this is also an incredibly valuable life skill. If you can perfect this skill, you will have a competitive advantage over anyone who cannot. Here are some tips for becoming an active listener:
- Make eye contact with your interviewer or prospect while they speak
- Take notes during the interview or call; refer back to them later when writing follow-up emails so that you can make references to specific points made by the prospect (which will impress the heck out of them)
- Don’t think about what your next question is going to be when someone else is speaking; think about it instead before they speak (for example, decide on your questions before getting on a call)
- Don’t Speak Too Much Or Too Little. When it comes to answering questions in your interview, speak to the point. You do not have to go into too many details, just tell them what they need to know and move on. Also, avoid going off-topic with your answers as this may lead you away from the question being asked.
- Answer The Questions You Are Asked First!. As you talk, don’t ramble on and on, especially if what you are saying is off-topic. Answer the question they ask first, but be prepared to tie in other accomplishments or skills that relate to your experience but may not have been discussed during the interview. You can do this by asking questions and clarifying what they want to know about you.
8. Be Concise
When answering the following questions, try to think about how you can use each of your past experiences to help you answer each question succinctly.
During each interview, pause and take a breath if you need to. You don’t want the interviewer to feel rushed or interrupted by your responses. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification when you’re unsure whether something was answered correctly. Don’t Backpedal, But To Admit When You’re Wrong.
Don’t backpedal or make excuses if you mess up, but it’s important to recognize your mistakes and find a way to correct them. When you do something wrong, be honest about it with your boss (and yourself). Analyze the situation and come up with a plan for overcoming that problem in the future.
Ask for help from other people on your team. You may even find that one person is good at business development while another excels at event management–you can make a great team by playing off of each others’ strengths. The best part is that admitting when we’re wrong shows humility, which only makes us more likable to clients and colleagues alike!
Looking for effective tactics to attract more freelance clients? Explore the 10 powerful strategies to generate more freelance clients using lead generation techniques that can boost your freelancing career.
9. Don’t Lie To Get Out Of A Question
Another important tip is to be honest and be yourself. The freelance lead generation interviewer will find it very hard to believe if you try and fake your way through an interview or pretend to be something that you’re not. It can also get really awkward when the freelance lead generation interviewer will ask a follow-up question about the subject matter.
Do not just make something up, we repeat, do not just make something up! We know how tempting it might be for you to say “Yes I did that in my previous job” when in fact you have no idea what they are talking about. If you don’t know anything about the topic then tell them that, they would much rather hear honesty than have someone tell them they did something they didn’t do.
10. Have A Game Plan For Your Failure Points
In order to be taken seriously as a freelancer, you have to know your weaknesses and have a game plan for how you’re going to overcome them. I’ve coached hundreds of clients in the art of successful lead generation, and when it comes down to interviews, I can predict who is going to get hired based on their attitude towards failure points.
You won’t be good at everything, but if you know what you suck at, then you can develop a strategy for handling or even overcoming your weaknesses. For example, if writing is not your strong suit, hire someone else to write for you! If writing is something that will make or break your business (for example if content creation is part of your service), then practice! Practice like crazy. The only way that you will get better at something is by doing it over and over and over again.
11. Practice Your Weaknesses And Turn Them Into Strengths
This tip is about practice, and it’s one that I’ve found to be really helpful in my own freelance career. The idea is to take at least 5 minutes a day to practice your weaknesses until they become strengths. This means asking yourself the tough questions that you know will come up in an interview.
What are your weak points? Maybe you’re not great with cold calling, or maybe you don’t have much experience managing social media for companies. Whatever it is, this is a chance for you to improve on those skills and reflect on how it helps your career.
12. Know Your Market, Your Customers, And Their Needs
All salespeople need to be able to think on their feet and have a sales strategy in place. But as a freelance lead generator, you are working in an industry that is constantly changing. Therefore, you need to make sure that your knowledge of the market and your customers keep up with these changes too!
To be able to sell successfully, you need to know what your clients’ needs are, how they change over time, and why they change. This knowledge helps you provide solutions for your client’s problems. These solutions will then help them do things faster or better when it comes to generating leads for their business!
In order to understand what clients want from you as a freelance lead generation expert, it is important that you research their industry thoroughly before approaching them so that when they ask about specific services or products which align with what they are looking for from an outside company like yourself – there won’t be any surprises!- rather than just being able inefficiently *word choice?* handle whatever comes up during the interview process.”
Ready to enhance your lead generation skills? Learn how to effectively sell lead generation services with these 11 valuable tips that can help you showcase your expertise and attract potential clients.
Final Thoughts
All in all, you can see that landing a great freelance lead generation contract is not impossible. In fact, there are plenty of ways to go about it if you are prepared and know where to look. However, we have yet to solve the biggest challenge of them all: getting the attention of people who have no idea they need your service.If you have any great tips or advice on how to convince someone they should hire a freelance lead generation expert, comment below and let us know.
Further Reading
Lead Generation Interview Questions: Explore a collection of common interview questions related to lead generation to help you prepare for your freelance lead generation interviews.
Effective Lead Generation Tactics: Discover actionable tactics and strategies for generating leads effectively, including insights on how to optimize your freelance lead generation efforts.
Generating Qualified Leads for Freelancers: Learn how to generate qualified leads specifically tailored for freelancers and gain valuable insights on attracting potential clients to your freelance business.
People Also Ask
What Is The Best Way To Prepare For A Freelance Lead Generation Interview?
One of the best ways to prepare for a freelance lead generation interview is by practicing answering common questions. You can do this by reviewing the questions that other candidates have answered on Glassdoor.com, Freelancer.com, and other sites where freelancers post information about their experiences.
ou’ll be able to see what types of questions have been asked in the past, and you’ll also get a feel for what kinds of answers are most popular among successful applicants. This will help you know what kinds of responses employers are looking for when they ask about your experience in specific areas like SEO or SEO copywriting services
What Are Your Biggest Challenges When It Comes To Generating Leads?
I’ve been working with a lot of clients who have been struggling to find new clients, and it’s been a challenge to help them overcome that problem. I think my biggest challenge would be helping them find their own unique way of creating leads for their business.
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I like to start by asking questions about the client’s current strategy for generating leads: what has worked for them in the past, and what hasn’t worked? Then I’ll offer some suggestions based on what we discussed, and see if they’re interested in trying something new.
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Honestly, the most important thing is communication. You want people who will always respond quickly and clearly so that there aren’t any misunderstandings or miscommunications between us or with our clients!

I am a content writer, and I love what I do! Writing makes me feel like the words are flowing through my fingers, and then onto the keyboard, like magic. My experience as a writer has taught me that writing makes me feel good, as well as helps others to feel better too!