12 Secrets To Success As A Freelance Customer Service Rep

Customer service is the backbone of any company. When you think about it, even the smallest business needs someone to man the phones or respond to emails.

In addition to full-time customer service jobs, there are now countless freelance services that cater exclusively to customer support duties. From answering emails and phone calls to moderating forum posts, there are tons of ways for you to make extra money on the side while helping a company provide excellent customer care.

In this article, I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned after working as a freelance customer service rep for years. This is perfect if you have experience in the industry and want to learn how you can make more money or if you’re starting from scratch and need some pointers on how to get your freelance career off the ground!

The SECRET to Being a Successful Freelancer – YouTube
1. Prioritize excellent communication skills.
2. Establish a strong work-life balance.
3. Continuously improve your customer service skills.
4. Build and maintain strong client relationships.
5. Stay organized and manage your time effectively.
6. Develop problem-solving and conflict resolution abilities.
7. Embrace a positive and proactive mindset.
8. Stay updated on industry trends and best practices.
9. Take advantage of technology and tools for efficiency.
10. Seek feedback and continuously learn from it.
11. Set clear expectations and deliver on promises.
12. Adapt to change and embrace new challenges.

1. Set A Schedule

In order to avoid overworking or underworking, it’s important to set a schedule for yourself. This is especially helpful if you work from home, where there are often many distractions that can interrupt your day. And unlike when you were working in an office with scheduled breaks, having a routine will help you remember to take care of yourself and eat well.

Setting a schedule can also help you avoid distractions from family members and other household cleaners who may not know that this is still your job even though nobody else can see what you’re doing. 

If they know the general hours that you’ll be busy, they won’t ask questions like “Can I borrow your oven?” or “Do we have any more paper towels?” and then proceed to use up all the paper towels while claiming they didn’t know they were the last ones (an actual thing that happened).

It also helps with setting boundaries so that your new colleagues don’t think it’s okay to just come into your bedroom at 5 am on a Saturday morning because they thought there was no way you would be awake yet because most people don’t work at 5 am on Saturdays.

Building a successful career in customer service requires choosing the right freelance job. Check out our article on the 14 Best Freelance Jobs for Customer Service Specialists to explore various opportunities in the field.

2. Create A Checklist

When you’re working at a customer service job, the last thing you want to do is forget to complete a task or provide information that’s been requested. It’s also important to make sure that every customer gets the same basic treatment that every question is answered and each situation is addressed by following a protocol.

When you’re working at a store or call center, your employer will probably have protocols for you to follow that are designed specifically for their customers. However, when you’re doing freelance work, it’s up to YOU to set your own guidelines and stick with them.

The best way to do this is by creating a checklist of all the things that need to be done during each shift. You should keep it in an accessible place where you can refer back to it when necessary: on the fridge door in front of where you work or on top of your desk within plain sight. That way, once all the items on your list have been completed, your shift can be over!

3. Greet With Enthusiasm

You are a representative of the company you work for. You are also a person who is being paid to help customers receive products and services that they have purchased. The first thing to keep in mind when greeting customers is to make sure your greeting is appropriate for the situation and the customer.

Make sure you have a good posture, with your shoulders back and your chest out, as these will make your body language more positive and inviting. Make sure that you have expressions on your face, such as a smile or nod of the head, even if it’s only virtual in nature.

Some examples of ways to greet customers include “Hello!”, “Hi, there!”, “Good morning/afternoon/evening!”, or simply smiling and waving at them. Examples of phrases that are not appropriate to use as greetings include anything that involves cursing at the customer or asking them why they chose not to shop during Black Friday sales (because it’s not Black Friday right now).

4. Listen Actively

In order to listen actively, make sure you are paying attention. Don’t interrupt the customer as they talk, and make eye contact with them. Instead of listening passively, ask questions that help you understand what the customer is saying. Repeat back what the customer has said to ensure that you have understood correctly. 

You can do this by giving feedback to the customer. For example, if a customer says that their shipment was late, you could say “I understand your shipment was late.” This shows the customer that you are actively listening and it gives them an opportunity to clarify their point if necessary.

Put away anything that could distract you while talking to a customer so that they know they have your full attention. Focus on what the customers are saying and not on what you want to say in reply!

Looking for ways to secure freelance customer service jobs that pay well? Our guide on How to Get a Freelance Customer Service Jobs to Pay the Bills provides valuable insights and strategies to maximize your earning potential.

5. Use Social Media To Build Relationships With Customers

One way to give your clients and customers the best experience possible on social media is to make sure they’re updated on any changes within your business. Send out regular emails with updates and make sure that you have a good understanding of what social media marketing is all about.

You can also use social media as a way to get feedback from some of your most loyal customers, or even just general customers who are interested in giving their thoughts. Customer feedback is extremely valuable, especially when it comes to online businesses. It can help you understand what your audience wants, which will allow you to better cater to their needs in the future.

6. Take Notes

When working with customers, you will use a lot of different tools and channels. You will be on the phone with customers, in meetings with them, emailing and texting them, or doing live chats. No matter what the situation is and no matter what channel you are using to communicate with your client, take notes.

You should take notes whether you are communicating with a new customer or someone you have been in contact with for years. If there is one thing that I have learned from my experience it is that every call and every interaction is an opportunity for something to go wrong or to not happen exactly as expected. 

Taking notes gives you an easy way to keep track of communications so that nothing falls through the cracks. It also allows you to remember key tasks and follow-up items for each project.

7. Apologize Sincerely

This may seem obvious, but the last thing that customers want is to feel like they’re being placated with a half-hearted apology. If you can’t bring yourself to offer a true apology, it’s better not to make one at all it’ll come off as patronizing and insincere. If you sincerely apologize, however, customers are more likely to accept it.

Whether you’re apologizing in person or over the phone or by email, show that you understand the problem by acknowledging its severity and how much it has negatively impacted your customer’s life. The more specific your apology is, the better! It makes customers feel like their problems are valid and important.

If an employee was responsible for the mishap instead of a company policy or system error, go a step further and take responsibility on behalf of your company as well as yourself personally this will let customers know that you care about what happened and want to work with them to fix it rather than leaving them feeling isolated or frustrated by institutional bureaucracy.

Freelance customer service jobs offer attractive benefits and opportunities. Discover the reasons why in our article on 15 Reasons Why Freelance Customer Service Jobs Are So Attractive and find out why this career path is worth considering.

8. Take Control Of The Situation

  • You should listen carefully to what the customer is saying.
  • Repeat the problem in your own words, and validate how the customer feels about the situation.
  • Be clear about what you can do for them and how long it will take.

Before anything else, take a deep breath. Not only does this help you relax and remain calm, but it also shows that they have your attention. You should listen carefully to what the customer is saying, even if they raise their voice or use profanity (remember: they’re upset).

Once you fully understand their issue, repeat it back in your own words so that they know you’ve heard them out and are empathetic to their plight. Then let them know that you’ll work hard to resolve the situation as quickly as possible! Phrases like “I’m sorry for any inconvenience/frustration/etc.” or “Let me take care of this” will go a long way toward keeping everyone on good terms during a tough moment.

9. Offer Solutions

The savvy customer service representative thinks beyond the immediate problem and then compensates for that problem by offering solutions. In order to offer solutions, you must first know your product inside and out, including any alternatives if it’s no longer available.

You should also be aware of any refund guidelines that apply, as well as any coupons or free products that can be offered.

If you are in a position where you cannot provide a solution yourself, offer to escalate the complaint to someone who can help. Be prepared with information about who will be helping them next, so the customer doesn’t have to start all over again with an unknown party.

Finally: Don’t forget about follow-up! Ensure that the customer is completely happy with their new product before the case is closed out. Even if they are not completely happy, reach out anyway and offer your assistance in any way possible.

As a freelance customer service representative, continuous learning is key to success. Dive deeper into your freelance customer service business with our comprehensive guide on 13 Things You Still Need to Learn About Your Freelance Customer Service Business to enhance your skills and stay ahead in the industry.

10. Empathize And Sympathize

So, how do you empathize with a customer? The key here is to listen to understand the issue and its impact on the customer. You can’t solve their problem if you don’t fully understand it, so asking questions and repeating back their answers will show them that you’re trying to get all the details. On top of that, be sure to check in on how they are feeling about the situation. This is where showing empathy instead of sympathy comes into play.

Most customers already know that a real person isn’t a robot, but saying something like “Sorry to hear that this happened!” won’t actually accomplish anything other than making them feel more frustrated because they know you’re just going through the motions of being polite. 

Instead, take an interest in their feelings as an individual this will make them see you as someone who truly cares about improving their experience and make them more open to working with you towards a solution.

11. Always Give Your Best Customer Service

  • Always be polite, professional and friendly; Patience is a virtue, especially in customer service. You will encounter many obstacles along the way, and those obstacles are called customers. No matter how rude or aggressive a customer may be, you need to stay professional and keep your composure above all else.
  • Be professional at all times; this means being on time for work, dressing appropriately and having good personal hygiene!
  • Don’t take it personally if customers are rude to you; Try not to get offended by any comments or actions against you; it’s just the customers who are stressed out about their issue with the company or product.

Remember that they’re looking for someone to blame their frustration upon when things go wrong – so don’t let them get under your skin! Just smile and continue doing your job as best you can in order not only to maintain professionalism but also to remain calm during difficult situations (which these types of scenarios will inevitably present themselves as).

  • Don’t try to hide the truth, be honest with everything no matter what happens because people will remember if you lied about something like an order being shipped or when it should arrive even though they might have been told otherwise before making their purchase decision based solely on trustworthiness alone (so don’t break that faith!).

You might think you can successfully pull off pretending that nothing happened but eventually, your lies will come back around one day with consequences attached so always tell customers what they need without ever deviating from reality because honesty really does pay off in more ways than just money too)

Boost your productivity and streamline your freelance customer service workflow with the help of the best tools and apps available. Discover our recommended resources in The Best Tools, Apps, and Services for Freelance Customer Service to optimize your efficiency and deliver exceptional service to clients.

Final Thoughts

Now you know the do’s and don’ts of customer service, and how to get the best results with your customers. Remember that customer service is crucial to any successful business, and if you have a problem with it, it will affect sales.

The more time you invest in improving your customer support service, the more customers you will have. In this negative economy, people are looking to save money on products they love by purchasing them from companies that provide quality customer service. Therefore, provide what they need so they will return time and time again.

Do not underestimate the importance of good customer support. It can make or break your business!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that provide valuable insights and tips for freelance success:

15 Secrets and Tips to Set You Up for Massive Freelance Success

Discover 15 secrets and tips to achieve massive success in your freelance career.

12 Keys to Successful Freelancing

Learn about the 12 essential keys that can lead to a successful freelancing journey.

Freelance Success Tips

Check out this compilation of helpful tips to achieve success as a freelancer.

People Also Ask

How Do I Get Started?

Become a freelance customer service representative for one company, then add other companies as you go.

What Skills Should I Have?

Great communication: This is important in any part of customer service, but it’s especially essential when you’re working remotely and don’t have the luxury of face-to-face meetings. You’ll need to be able to explain yourself clearly, give feedback professionally and tactfully, and be receptive to your clients’ needs.

Organization: Because you’re working from home (or a cafe or a public library), it’s all too easy for distraction to interrupt your workflow. To make sure your clients receive their work on time, you’ll need good organizational skills. Staying on top of things is key you have to know where everything is at all times!

Time management: When there are competing projects on your plate and many clients who need your attention, time management becomes crucial. Being able to plan ahead for deadlines and plan for contingencies will help ensure that everyone gets what they want when they want it; otherwise, you could risk losing customers if they feel like you aren’t keeping up with their requests or aren’t sensitive to their needs.

What Are Some Tips For Getting Customers?

Register on a website that helps freelancers find work (like Upwork or Fiverr). Also, register on a website that hires customer service representatives! This will increase your chances of finding work. If possible, offer discounts or bundles on your services to encourage people to choose you over someone else.

What Are Some Tips For Keeping Customers?

It’s easy to keep customers if they’re happy with your service! So listen carefully to what they want and need, and try your best to provide it every time. A customer who has had a bad experience with someone else will be eager to know whether they can rely on you instead so make sure they know that their satisfaction is important to you, and that it’ll always be your priority.

What Are Some Tips For Having A Good Relationship With Customers?

Communicate clearly; Make sure each message has all the information necessary before sending it; this will prevent confusion later on when updating them about something new in an existing conversation thread (for example). 

Always respond promptly; if there’s no way around not responding right away due to being busy at work or sleeping at night etc., let them know exactly when you’ll be free next so they don’t worry unnecessarily while waiting (like “I’ll reply within 24 hours”). The more responsive and helpful you are, the better their experience will be, and thus why you will attract more customers.

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