11 Things I’ve Learned About Writing Blog Articles

You might be a bit intimidated by the idea of writing a blog article. But, once you start writing and see how easy it is to share your ideas with others, you’ll see that it’s not as difficult as you thought! 

If you want to improve your writing skills in general, I recommend reading this article by CopyBlogger on How To Write Good Content For Your Website. In it they provide tons of tips for organizing your thoughts before putting them down on paper (or computer screen). 

One thing I learned from this article was to read my articles out loud before publishing them it helps me identify areas where my sentences could use some work!

10 Lessons I’ve Learned Publishing 1000+ Blog Posts
1. Craft compelling blog article titles to attract readers and improve SEO.
2. Enhance your blog article writing skills by learning from experienced writers.
3. Adopt a specific approach for writing on the internet to engage online readers effectively.
4. Implement valuable tips to improve the quality and impact of your blog posts.
5. Sound more professional while crafting news articles to build trust with your audience.
6. Embrace the lessons from a decade-long blogging experience to navigate your own journey.
7. Discover top writing lessons from industry experts to enhance your writing abilities.
8. Learn from a prolific blogger’s reflections after writing 700 blog posts.
9. Use power words, concise titles, and keywords for SEO in your blog articles.
10. Join writing communities and seek feedback from other writers to improve your skills.
11. Engage blog readers through valuable content and encourage interaction for a loyal audience.

1. Read Your Article Out Loud

Reading your article out loud is a great way to know if it’s good, bad, or somewhere in between.

It can be hard to tell when you’re writing something new because you’ve not had enough practice reading it aloud and picking up on the problems that way. You need someone else’s opinion on this one the most important person being yourself!

Reading your content out loud will give you an idea of how engaging it is for the reader and whether or not it sounds natural (which is very difficult). 

It’ll also help you find areas where the flow could be improved upon or where there are misspellings or typos (or even grammatical errors).

Writing compelling blog article titles and meta descriptions is crucial for attracting readers and improving SEO. Discover the art of crafting engaging titles in our comprehensive guide on writing great blog article titles and meta descriptions and watch your blog’s visibility soar.

2. Use Online Tools To Write Your Article

There are many different types of writing tools available and they can help you make sure that your article is perfect before publishing it. One way to do this is to use something like Hemingway App, which helps you identify areas in your writing that may need some changes. 

Another option is Grammarly, which checks for spelling mistakes as well as grammatical errors.[1] You can also save time by using Canva or Google Docs when creating graphics for your blog post!

Take some time out from work every now and again. If you spend too much time working on one thing, then you’ll probably start feeling overwhelmed by everything else going on around you; take some time off so that everything doesn’t become overwhelming!

3. Learn How To Edit A Blog Post

  • Check your spelling and grammar with a tool like Grammarly.
  • Use the Hemingway App to evaluate your readability score and make sure you’re communicating effectively.
  • Use Readability to check your writing’s length and complexity, as well as its structure.
  • Try the Hemingway Editor to analyze sentences for wordiness and passive voice, among other things.
  • Get feedback from Ginger, which will help you identify problems in organization and word choice; 

It also has a feature that lets users compare multiple drafts of their work side by side so they can see what has changed between revisions a great way to see how your writing has improved over time!

Are you looking to enhance your blog article writing skills? Learn valuable tips and techniques from a seasoned pro in our article on how to write a blog article. Master the art of creating captivating content that captivates your audience.

4. It’s Okay To Not Get The Audience You Want For The First Few Articles

Remember, you are not always going to get the audience you want for your first few articles. If it were easy to write about something and get a following, then everyone would be doing it. Instead, you need to write consistently and over time. 

You might even have to write about topics that aren’t your favorite or things that you don’t know much about at first (but learn more so that you can improve). 

I started off by writing more than once per week, but now I’m able to get by with just one article per month because my audience has grown steadily over time.

5. Write The Content You Like Reading

Write about something you’re passionate about.

When I first started writing, I wrote about things that were interesting to me. I’d always wanted to write but had never done it before. So what did I do? I went for the lowest hanging fruit. 

And by that, I mean: anything that was already popular or already had a lot of content around it on the internet (like travel). 

But as time went on and my writing improved, so did my interest in creating original content instead of just regurgitating what others have already written before me especially when those other writers are far more experienced than myself!

Nowadays, my favorite topics are ones where there’s not much content out there yet and/or where there’s room for innovation and improvement (e.g., entrepreneurship). 

Do some research into your niche area before diving in headfirst; if there isn’t much written yet then this might be an opportunity for you!

6. Make Your Article Scannable

As you’re writing your article, take some time to make sure it’s scannable.

Here are some ways to do that:

Use headings and subheadings (e.g., “Chapter 1: Why Your Blog?”). Headings help readers scan and skim your article for relevant information. They also give them a sense of where the post is going, which helps them decide if they want to keep reading or not.

Use lists (e.g., itemized lists or bulleted lists). These can be especially helpful if your content is otherwise dense with text; lists provide easy-to-read chunks of information that can break up large pieces of text into digestible parts.

Allowing users to digest what they’ve read more easily without getting overwhelmed by too much text on screen at once

Writing for the internet requires a specific approach to engage online readers effectively. Check out our detailed guide on how to write for the internet in 10 steps to optimize your writing for the digital world and connect with a broader audience.

7. Make Your Article Easy-To-Read By Breaking Up Text With Imagery, Bulleted/Numbered Lists, Quotes, And Short Paragraphs

Bold Text

Bold text can be used to highlight key words and phrases in a sentence. It’s also useful for emphasizing keywords on search engines, which is a great way to attract visitors.

Italicized Text

Italicized text is basically just like bolded but has the added benefit of making your article easier-to-read by breaking up long blocks of information or sentences into smaller chunks that are easier on the eyes. 

It’s also great for quotes because it adds emphasis without making them look like they’re shouting at you!

Underlined Text

Underlining is another way to highlight words and give them importance in your article—but it’s not as easy to see as italics or bolding since there’s no difference between underline and regular typeface (unless you’re using color). 

That being said, if you want someone else reading your article later down the line then it might help them understand what’s most important about each section faster when they come across an underlined word after scanning through each paragraph quickly before finding its meaning here online…

8. Don’t Be Afraid To Put Examples In Your Article

Don’t be afraid to put examples in your article.

In my opinion, the best way to make a point is by using an example. It makes it easier for people to understand what you mean and they can relate it to their own life or experience. 

You can use examples in so many different ways – stories, quotes or personal experiences are always good ones (and easy). You can also use charts and graphs for statistics, videos for animation and so on.

9. Keep It Simple And Clear

When you first start writing, your audience will be more forgiving than if you’re an experienced writer. 

As with anything, practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you will get at it – but there are some basic rules that always apply to writing blog articles or any other type of content (which is why even professional writers have a style guide). Here are some tips:

Use short sentences and paragraphs – they’re easier to read!

Keep it simple! Remember that no one likes reading long complex sentences filled with industry jargon unless they absolutely have to know what they mean in order for their business or career to succeed online in today’s economy where everything we do online affects our future success because… well… 

This whole planet is connected through technology now thanks gov’t regulations like Sarbanes-Oxley which mandate transparency in financial reporting systems so investors can make informed decisions.

Whether or not companies are operating ethically enough by implementing policies like auditing procedures that ensure no one gets away with fraud;

Improve the quality and impact of your blog posts with expert advice. Our article features 17 valuable tips for writing better posts that will elevate your content to new heights and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

10. You Should Include Keywords In Your Blog Post Title, URL, Subheadings, Body Copy, Meta Description

Include keywords in your article title. When people search for something, they’re looking for answers to their problems or questions. 

You can help them find what they’re looking for by including keywords that are relevant to your article within the title of your post. This means taking into account both how people will search for it and what they’ll expect when they find it.

Use keywords in URL tags. URLs are the web address that readers type into their browser bar when accessing a website or blog post, so including keyword phrases makes sense here too! This helps with both user experience and SEO (search engine optimization).

Use keywords in subheadings and body copy if applicable/possible or at least make sure all content is organized logically such that it will be easy on the eye when read from top to bottom:

11. Follow These Tips For Writing A Blog Article That Everyone Will Enjoy Reading!

Writing a blog article that people actually want to read is not easy. In fact, it might be one of the hardest things you can do as an online writer. The following tips will help you focus on writing for your readers and make sure that your content has everything it needs to be successful:

Write for your audience. It’s important that you write with specific readers in mind because this helps guide your content decisions and ensure that it’s relevant to the people who care about what they’re reading. 

This also prevents “writing just for fun” or sharing information without knowing if anyone cares about it!

Make sure your writing is easy to read by using short sentences, paragraphs (no more than 2-3 sentences each), bullet points instead of paragraphs where appropriate, etc.. 

Readers should never have trouble understanding what they’re reading or scanning over something quickly without missing out on key points–so make sure all aspects of your writing reflect this!

Want to sound more professional while crafting news articles? Our informative post offers 11 essential tips for sounding professional in your writing. Enhance your journalistic skills and build trust with your audience by following these valuable guidelines.


I hope this blog post has given you some insight into the art of writing a successful blog article. I know it can be hard to get started, but if you follow these tips and keep at it, you’ll be on your way to sharing your knowledge with the world in no time!

I have also included some useful online tools for organizing your ideas or editing your work: Trello allows users to organize their thoughts into boards and lists; 

Evernote allows users to take notes from anywhere using their mobile devices; Grammarly helps writers find mistakes they may not have noticed before publishing an article online.

Further Reading

What I Learned from 10 Years of Blogging: Gain insights and valuable lessons from a seasoned blogger’s decade-long experience, helping you navigate your own blogging journey more effectively.

Top Writing Lessons from Industry Experts: Discover valuable writing lessons shared by seasoned writers and industry experts, offering tips and techniques to enhance your writing skills.

10 Things I Have Learned from Writing 700 Blog Posts: Learn from a prolific blogger’s experiences and reflections after writing an impressive 700 blog posts, gaining insights that can help you achieve your blogging milestones.


What are some effective blog article title writing tips?

Crafting compelling blog article titles is crucial for attracting readers. Some effective tips include using power words, keeping titles concise, and incorporating keywords for SEO.

How can I improve my writing skills as a blogger?

Improving writing skills requires consistent practice. Consider joining writing communities, reading books in your niche, and seeking feedback from other writers to hone your craft.

How do I engage my blog readers and build a loyal audience?

Engaging blog readers involves creating valuable content, encouraging interaction through comments and social media, and addressing their needs and interests with your writing.

What are the benefits of guest blogging?

Guest blogging can expand your reach, build authority in your niche, and create valuable backlinks to your own blog, leading to increased traffic and exposure.

How can I monetize my blog effectively?

Effective blog monetization strategies include affiliate marketing, sponsored content, creating digital products, and offering online courses, among others. Find the right mix that aligns with your audience and niche.