10+ Ways to Earn Money While Freelancing

If someone had asked me a few years ago how to become a freelancer, I would have told them that they were crazy. But here’s the thing: people love being their bosses, and in this day and age, it’s not impossible to make money on your own. 

As someone who’s been working as a freelancer for almost 5 years now, I can tell you that it’s worth it if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. 

It’s not for everyone, but there are so many different ways to do it that anyone can find a niche they enjoy filling and get paid for doing so! 

So we’ve put together a list of 10+ ideas for making money while working remotely (of course there are other ways too). Whether or not any given idea appeals directly depends on what type of work or hobby you like doing most. And don’t worry we’ll explain exactly how you can get started with each one!

How to Make 10X More Money As a Freelancer – YouTube
1. Explore different freelance platforms to find diverse job opportunities.
2. Develop and market in-demand skills to attract high-paying clients.
3. Consider offering specialized services to niche markets for higher rates.
4. Build a strong online presence and showcase your portfolio to attract clients.
5. Network and collaborate with other freelancers to expand your opportunities.
6. Optimize your time management skills to increase productivity and efficiency.
7. Continuously upgrade your skills and stay updated with industry trends.
8. Consider diversifying your income streams by offering related services.
9. Set realistic and competitive pricing for your services to attract clients.
10. Provide excellent customer service and deliver quality work to retain clients and receive referrals.

1. Become A Freelance Writer

Freelance writing is a great way to earn money while working from home. As a freelance writer, you can write for an online magazine or newspaper, or even create your blog. If you’re good at writing and want to share your thoughts with the world, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

Writing for an online magazine or newspaper is similar to blogging because it involves creating content regularly and publishing it on the internet. However, there are some differences between these two forms of writing; one major difference is that magazines and newspapers pay their writers by the word instead of paying per month as many blogs do.

If you’re interested in becoming a freelance writer but don’t want to start up your blog first (or don’t have any experience blogging), then there are still plenty of other options available! You can also try writing content for companies who hire freelancers as well as non-profit organizations whose goal aligns with yours so they’ll be willing to pay you accordingly too!

Are you interested in starting your freelance career from your phone? Learn how to get started with our comprehensive guide on How to Start Freelancing from Your Phone. It provides valuable insights and practical tips to kickstart your freelancing journey.

2. Start An Etsy Shop

Etsy is a great place to sell your handmade products, vintage items, and artwork. There are also niche marketplaces like Threadless and Zazzle where you can create T-shirts and other designs that customers can buy through their sites. You can even start your store on Etsy if you want!

If you have an eye for photography, this could be a good way to earn money while freelancing. Many people are willing to pay for high-quality photos so make sure yours are of the highest quality possible!

You could sell some of your crafts if they’re unique enough or artwork created by yourself as well as clothes (eBay is a popular choice) or home decor pieces like wall art or candles/candlesticks etc…

If you have a talented child who makes toys out of clay or something else interesting then why not sells them? They will probably appreciate having some extra pocket money too!

3. Sell Your Photography

There are a variety of ways you can sell your photography. Some examples include:

Selling your photography on stock photography sites, like Shutterstock or iStockphoto. Typically, these websites take around 55% of the sale price and the rest goes to you (the photographer). You’ll need to apply for an account, which is free and easy to do. 

Once approved as an artist with the site, they’ll review your work before it can be sold there so don’t expect it right away!

Pushing your photos out on social media channels like Instagram or Facebook where they can be bought directly from there using a drop-down menu feature in each post/image that allows customers to purchase directly from within their platform of choice (which is convenient!)

Having a website dedicated solely to selling prints/prints+digital files at various prices based on size/finishing options offered

Looking to enhance your freelance skills and charge higher rates? Check out our article on the Top 10 Freelance Skills to Charge More and discover the in-demand skills that can help you boost your earning potential as a freelancer.

4. Become A Social Media Influencer

Social media influencers are people who have a large following on social media and use that influence to sell products. It’s not a particularly high-paying job, but if you’re successful at it, you can make a decent income from your online audience.

First, you’ll need to figure out what platform you want to use and become an active user of that platform. On Instagram, for example, people with thousands of followers will post photos of themselves wearing clothing from brands or products that they endorse in hopes that their fans will buy those items. You can do this too!

Second, find out how much other influencers charge for sponsored posts on their accounts this information should be readily available on each network’s website or by searching online (just make sure the sites aren’t spammy!). 

The prices vary depending on how many followers the person has: Someone with 100k followers is likely charging much more than someone with 10k followers; however, there are many factors at play when determining cost so don’t be discouraged if someone seems like they’re charging less than what feels right for your work level.”

5. Start Your Website

Starting your website is one of the most popular ways to make money as a freelancer. You can start your website for free and get paid for the content you create.

You can also sell your products, like ebooks and online courses, or even physical products like t-shirts and mugs. You can also make money from ads on your website, or other paid advertising options such as affiliate links (where you earn a commission when people buy something).

And if you’re into DIY projects, there are many opportunities to create and sell anything from scrapbooking to baking mixes!

6. Work As A Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants can be hired to do everything from data entry to social media management. The typical virtual assistant job description includes anything that can be done remotely, such as writing, editing, graphic design, and marketing. If you have the skills and experience to provide these services for clients, it’s a great way to earn money while freelancing!

Benefits Of Being A Virtual Assistant

Working from home: Many people dream of working from home and having more freedom by not having to go into an office every day. Being able to work from your schedule is one of the biggest benefits of being a virtual assistant. 

You set your hours and don’t have anyone looking over your shoulder asking questions at all times (unless it’s part of your job).

Variety: Another benefit is having variety in what types of projects you take on as this will keep things fresh for you instead of getting bored doing the same thing day after day without any change or excitement coming up throughout each week/monthly cycle depending on how often per month/yearly cycle that person needs something done 🙂

Did you know that it’s possible to make a full-time income through freelancing, even if you can only dedicate part-time hours? Find out how in our article on Yes, It’s Possible to Make a Full-Time Income Freelancing Part-Time. Learn valuable strategies to maximize your income while maintaining flexibility.

7. Do Odd Jobs (Aka Taskrabbit)

Odd jobs are a great way to make some extra cash. You can find jobs on sites like TaskRabbit, Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.

8. Create An Online Course

If you are an expert in a particular field, creating an online course is the best way to turn your knowledge into cash. Just think about all the people out there who would love to learn from you!

There are plenty of different ways to make money with your online course, even after it has been created. Let’s go over some of them:

  • Market Your Course
  • Earn Money From Your Course

Market Your Course: You can use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to get people interested in your courses by posting content that relates to what you’re teaching. This will allow students to see what other students are saying about the course and possibly inspire them into purchasing it themselves!

Earn Money From Your Course: If someone does purchase a course from you (or from any other provider), they’ll be able to access certain parts of the course at specific times or days depending on how much they have paid for what was originally being offered when they signed up for it initially (i.e., $10 per month).

9. Continue To Pursue Your Side Hustle

When you’re pursuing your side hustle, it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and lose sight of your bigger goals. While this is an excellent way to save money, it isn’t the only way. 

If you want to eventually make more money as a freelancer, you need to keep the end goal in mind: writing for others full time. For this dream to become a reality, however, you have to continue trying new things and working hard at what you do now.

10. Teache Tutorials

  • How to teach tutorials
  • How to sell tutorials
  • Getting paid for tutorials: You can set up a payment processor such as PayPal, Square, or Stripe. You may also be able to use a credit card processor like Stripe. If you don’t have an account with them, they will allow you to sign up without one and then send you a check every month. Some online stores only accept payments through their processors, so make sure that is the case before signing up!
  • Creating tutorials: To create your first tutorial project, go here and start following along. There are some tips at the bottom of this post if you run into issues while creating projects or uploading files on CreateSpace!

Want to earn more as a freelancer? Discover the essential freelancing skills that will help you earn more in our detailed guide. From negotiation techniques to time management tips, this resource covers everything you need to know to increase your freelance earnings.

11. Look For Part-Time Gigs On Nights And Weekends

Part-time gigs are a great way to earn extra money. You can find part-time gigs on sites like Fiverr or Upwork, but you can also find them by contacting local businesses. Part-time gigs are flexible and allow you to earn extra money without changing your life too much.

12. Be A Blogger

Blogging is a great way to gain exposure, build your brand, and showcase your skills.

You will also be able to use blogging as a way to make money by promoting products on your blog and selling them through affiliate programs.

Instead of focusing on getting as many page views as possible, focus on creating high-quality content that will help people solve problems and answer questions they have about certain topics. This will help you build an audience who trusts you enough to return again and again.

Are you a freelance writer aspiring to earn a six-figure income? Explore our article on 17 Ways to Earn a Six-Figure Income as a Freelance Writer for valuable insights and strategies. Discover various paths and opportunities to achieve significant financial success in your freelance writing career.


It’s time to get creative and start hustling! There are so many avenues for earning money as a freelancer, whether you want to do it on the side or dedicate all your time to it. As long as you have a skill that is in demand, then there will be a way for people to pay you for that skill. 

Whether it’s making extra money every month to cover rent or saving up enough over years of working freelance jobs before quitting your day job altogether, the possibilities are endless when it comes to how far you can go with freelancing.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources that provide further information on earning money and freelancing:

How to Make Money: A Beginner’s Guide: This comprehensive guide offers tips and strategies for making money in various ways, including freelancing. Learn about different income streams and how to optimize your earning potential.

How to Earn Money Freelancing: Discover practical advice and insights on how to earn money as a freelancer. This resource covers topics such as setting freelance rates, finding clients, and managing your finances effectively.

Earn More Money Freelancing for Beginners: If you’re new to freelancing and want to boost your earnings, this beginner’s guide is a great starting point. Explore tips on finding high-paying clients, increasing your market value, and growing your freelance income.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get Started?

If you don’t have any clients yet, start by finding some! The easiest way is by using a freelancer site like Upwork or Fiverr, which will help match you up with potential employers who need your skill set. 

Once you’ve found someone who wants your services, set up an initial meeting to discuss what they need and how much they’re willing to pay for it. Make sure that the project makes sense for both sides if it doesn’t, walk away! It’s better to say no now than be stuck working on something that doesn’t benefit either party in the long run.

What Kind Of Equipment Do I Need?

You don’t need much equipment to get started with freelance writing or editing. All you need is a laptop (or tablet) with internet access and a good word processor or text editors on it, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. 

You’ll also probably want an account with the online marketplace where you’ll be selling your services which could be Upwork or Fiverr and maybe even an email address dedicated specifically to your freelance business.

What Do I Need To Be A Freelancer?

You’ll need to have a computer and internet access, as well as any necessary software like Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop. You’ll also want some basic equipment, like a printer and scanner. You can buy most of this stuff secondhand at thrift stores or from garage sales you don’t need to spend a lot of money on this stuff!

How Much Money Can I Make As A Freelancer?

It depends on what kind of work you do and how much time you put into it. Some people make a good living doing freelance work, for example, graphic designers who work for big companies can earn six figures per year! 

But if you’re just starting, expect to make less than minimum wage at first. The more experience you get and the better your skills become, though, the more money you should be able to make!

What are some effective ways to increase my freelance rates?

To increase your freelance rates, you can:

  • Demonstrate the value and quality of your work to clients.
  • Highlight your experience, expertise, and unique selling points.
  • Continually improve your skills and offer specialized services.
  • Position yourself as an expert in your niche.
  • Build long-term relationships with clients who value your work.

How do I manage my finances as a freelancer?

Managing finances as a freelancer involves:

  • Setting a budget and tracking your income and expenses.
  • Establishing separate business and personal bank accounts.
  • Saving for taxes and accounting for irregular income.
  • Planning for retirement and having a contingency fund.
  • Using financial management tools or hiring a professional accountant if needed.

Is it possible to earn a stable income as a freelancer?

Yes, it is possible to earn a stable income as a freelancer. However, it requires careful planning, consistent marketing, and building a reliable client base. Diversifying your income streams and maintaining a steady workflow can contribute to financial stability in freelancing.

What are some strategies to negotiate higher rates with clients?

To negotiate higher rates with clients, consider:

  • Researching industry standards and market rates for your services.
  • Demonstrating the value you provide and the results you can achieve.
  • Highlighting your track record of successful projects and satisfied clients.
  • Offering package deals or additional services to justify higher rates.
  • Being confident and assertive while maintaining a professional relationship with clients.

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