Yes It’s Possible To Make A Full-Time Income Freelancing Part-Time

The internet has opened up a world of opportunity for today’s aspiring young people, and there is no better example of this than the way it has changed the face of freelancing. In today’s economy, if you’re willing to put in the work you can easily make enough income from freelancing to support yourself and your family. 

Freelancing enables anyone with a skill to get out there and find work without having to rely on traditional employers or employment opportunities. Whether you are an artist, writer, musician, programmer, or have some other great skill that people would pay for. You can easily make a full-time income by freelancing part-time. Here are some tips on how to get started as a successful part-time freelancer:

Making a full-time income while freelancing part-time is indeed possible.
Strategic time management and prioritization are key to balancing freelancing with other commitments.
Continuously improving skills and staying updated with industry trends can help increase earning potential.
Building a strong network and leveraging online platforms can aid in finding and attracting clients.
Setting competitive freelance rates based on skills, experience, and market research is essential.
Maintaining a professional portfolio showcasing your best work can impress potential clients.
Effective communication and excellent customer service are vital for client satisfaction and retention.
Freelancers should strive for a work-life balance and take care of their overall well-being.
Experimenting with different productivity tools and techniques can enhance time management.
Embracing ongoing learning and professional growth is crucial for long-term success as a freelancer.

1. Find Sites That Have Regular Job Postings For Freelancers

There are a few sites that have regular job postings for freelancers. These sites can be categorized into two categories: freelance marketplaces and online job boards.

Freelance marketplaces offer a platform for employers to post jobs and hire freelancers. These platforms typically take a cut from the project price, but they also provide job seekers with access to more clients than they would find on their own. Examples of these include Upwork, PeoplePerHour and

Online job boards are websites where freelancers post their services and employers can search through the listings of available workers based on cost or other criteria (such as specialization). Some examples include Craigslist, LinkedIn And Indeed

Are you looking to start freelancing but unsure where to begin? Our comprehensive guide on How to Start Freelancing from Your Phone provides practical tips and strategies to kickstart your freelance career using just your mobile device.

2. Build A Fiverr Site

Next, you need to build a Fiverr site. This is where you’ll post all the gigs that you offer on Fiverr and any other jobs that aren’t related to Fiverr.

Why do I say this? Because it helps build your portfolio and reputation as a freelancer. So even if someone isn’t interested in working with you for $5, they will be able to see what kind of work you can do for them and think about hiring you for something bigger later down the line.

Plus, it’s just good practice because the more clients/jobs that are coming through your door from different sources, the better chance there is of one becoming full-time!

3. Create Your Blog Or Website

It’s important to have a place where you can show off all of your work, share tips and tricks with other freelancers and make money by advertising on it. Having an online presence that is separate from social media will help distinguish you from others in the field and make it easy for people to find you when they want something done.

Every article I read on this topic said that I should create my website so I did exactly that, but not just any website…

I created my brand! If this sounds scary or like something only big companies do then let me tell ya: it’s not as hard as it seems! All you need is some basic knowledge about HTML code (which we will cover) and some time to learn how everything works together.

Want to maximize your earning potential as a freelancer? Discover the Top 10 Freelance Skills to Charge More and learn how to enhance your skillset, stand out in the competitive freelance market, and command higher rates for your services.

4. Write An Ebook

Writing eBooks is one of the best ways to earn money from freelancing, but it requires a lot of work. First, you need to decide what kind of book you want to write. Then, you’ll have to write the whole thing yourself or hire someone else to do it for you (which will cost extra). 

Then, once you’ve got a draft finished up and ready for publishing on Amazon Kindle or iTunes iBookstore (or wherever else), make sure that your eBooks are professionally designed so they look good and are easy on the eyes while also making your brand stand out against competitors.

Once all that’s done, it’s time for marketing! You’ll need a social media presence with lots of followers who are interested in what kind of content you’re putting out there before they buy into buying anything from you at all – let alone an eBook full price!

5. Put Up A Store On Trademe

Another way is to sell things on TradeMe. It’s a great place to find bargains and you can make money selling items there as well. If you are going to do this, I recommend that you only sell what you know a lot about and will answer any questions people have about the item (and even if they don’t ask) so people feel confident in their purchase.

I would also recommend not buying anything until you know exactly what it is worth and can resell it quickly without holding onto it for too long. You don’t want to keep an item in storage for months because of an inflated price or miss out on other opportunities because your warehouse has too much stock!

6. Start An Online Course

If you have the skills to teach a topic, and you believe that your course can be of value to others, then offering a course is an excellent way to make money on the side.

Whether you’re an expert in accounting or photography; there is always someone looking for someone who can help them learn more about their chosen field.

A piece of advice we’d give though is that if you’re going to offer online courses then make sure:

  • You have good teaching skills and can explain things clearly (and not just assume your students will get it)
  • That the topic has enough depth so that people will want more after taking your class (so don’t go too broad)
  • That there’s demand for what it is that you’re offering (don’t go too narrow either)

Freelancing offers unique insights into work-life balance and professional growth. In our article, What Freelancing Has Taught Me About Work, we share personal experiences and valuable lessons learned from the world of freelancing, providing inspiration and guidance for all aspiring freelancers.

7. Break Free From The 9-5 Cycle

In this section, we’re going to talk about how you can break free from the 9-5 cycle. This is something that will be important if you want to start freelancing full-time in any capacity.

The first thing you should know is what I mean by the 9-5 cycle.

I’m talking about working a regular schedule with set hours every day and not being able to take time off whenever you want or need it.

It’s a problem because it puts too much pressure on us as humans, making us feel like we need permission from others before taking time off work and doing something else instead.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry! There are plenty of ways around this problem:

Struggling with a client who dislikes your work? Don’t worry, there’s a solution. Explore our article, Your Client Hates Your Work: Here’s Why and How to Fix It, and discover effective strategies to understand client feedback, improve your deliverables, and foster positive client relationships in your freelance career.

8. Work Part-Time As A Freelancer In Your Spare Time While Still Working Your Full-Time Job

When you’re in a full-time job, it can seem impossible to find the time and energy to go from freelancer to full-time freelancer. But it’s not! You can still work part-time as a freelancer in your spare time while still working your full-time job.

It was great because I got paid well and had good benefits but I never felt like I was making enough money on my own. 

So after some research into what other companies were paying, I found that there were plenty of jobs paying $50/hour or more where I live (San Francisco). 

Armed with this knowledge, coupled with my experience working with XXXXXX and knowing that they wouldn’t be able to replace me quickly enough for me not to make money off of them through consulting projects elsewhere. 

Even during my lunch break when we weren’t busy or whatever; so every day during my lunch hour without fail for about six months straight before quitting completely because nothing could stop me now except death itself (not really).

There Are Many Opportunities To Make Full-Time Income By Freelancing Part-Time

It’s possible to make a full-time income working as a freelancer part-time. You can use your knowledge and skills to find work online, leveraging the internet and social media platforms to find clients who are willing to pay you for your services.

Here are some ways you can do this:

If you have an existing full-time job but have the flexibility to work remotely on occasion, then you can freelance part-time while still working at your day job. 

This is especially useful if there are times when there aren’t any projects available or if they require specialized skills that only certain individuals possess. If this sounds like something that would work well with your current work schedule, then it could be worth looking into further!

Working from home also allows people who may be unable or unwilling to quit their jobs because of financial obligations such as mortgages, credit card debts, etc., but still, want some extra income coming in every month so as not to get behind financially due to these things happening all at once (i..e losing two jobs simultaneously). 

The best way around this would be finding clients who need their services completed right away instead of waiting until after hours when everyone else gets off work before hiring them again next week/month etc., which means they’ll need someone reliable & quick enough available 24/7 365 days per year without fail; 

Even if they don’t necessarily need them all year round which could help reduce overhead costs considerably too!

Curious about how freelancing can positively transform your life? Dive into the personal journey outlined in How Freelancing Changed My Life for the Better. This article explores the transformative power of freelancing, providing insights, anecdotes, and motivation for anyone seeking a fulfilling and rewarding freelance career.


I hope this has been helpful and has given you a good understanding of how to find work as a freelancer. 

It’s not easy, but it is possible to have success with freelancing if you are willing to put in the time and effort. If you’re still unsure where exactly you would like to go as a freelancer, I highly recommend checking out my Ultimate Guide To Starting A Freelance Business. 

This guide will help you discover what type of freelance business is right for you, and give some tips on how to get started!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of freelancing:

How to Make Money Freelancing: Discover practical strategies and tips for increasing your income as a freelancer, including pricing strategies, finding clients, and maximizing your earning potential.

Should I Start Freelancing with a Full-Time Job?: Learn about the considerations and challenges of starting freelancing while working a full-time job. Gain insights into managing your time, finding a work-life balance, and transitioning to freelancing full-time.

Becoming a Part-Time Freelancer: What You Need to Know: If you’re considering freelancing on a part-time basis, this article provides valuable guidance on managing your workload, building a client base, and maintaining a steady income while juggling other commitments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Money Can I Make?

That is up to you. There are no set rules on how much money you will earn as a freelancer. It depends on what kind of work you do, and how much effort you put into it. 

What Kind Of Work Should I Expect?

You can expect anything from writing articles for blogs, creating social media posts, or designing websites. Every job has its requirements and skills needed to complete it successfully

How Do I Get Started Freelancing?

You just need to start. Start with something that you’re already comfortable doing and then slowly start branching out into other parts of your life.

Do I Need A Degree Or Experience To Be Successful As A Freelancer?

No! Many people who are successful freelancers don’t have any formal education or training in their field of expertise they just know how to get things done and learn on the job. 

Other freelancers have degrees and tons of experience, but still, choose to freelance because they enjoy having more flexibility than they would in a regular job or because they want the freedom to work from home while raising children or caring for elderly parents.

Do I Need Capital To Start My Own Business?

Not necessarily! If you’re going into something like writing or graphic design where your skills are easily transferable from one client to another, then it might be better for you if you don’t invest much upfront you can use what you earn from one client to cover expenses with another client until things get rolling enough that

How Much Do I Need To Make Each Month?

This depends on your goals and what you want out of your business. For example, if you want to quit your job completely, then it’s going to take more than $500 per month. However, if you are looking for some extra cash without quitting your full-time job, then $500 per month is plenty.

What Kind Of Jobs Should I Look For?

There are many types of jobs available as a freelancer so it depends on what kind of work you are interested in doing. One thing that we recommend is finding something that you enjoy doing because if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing then it will be harder for you to keep working on it.

What Kind Of Work Should I Look For As A Freelancer?

There are many different types of freelance work out there: graphic design, writing, programming, web development, and more. If you have a skill or specialty that you feel confident in, consider offering your services to others who need your help.

Is There Anything I Need To Know Before I Start Freelancing?

You will want to learn how to write proposals or bids for clients that clearly and concisely explain what it is you’re offering them (and why they should hire you). You will also want to learn how to price your services so that you can charge enough for them without underpricing yourself or being perceived as being overpriced by your potential clients

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