In this article, we’re going to talk about how to create a logo that doesn’t need to be redesigned every two years.
A stellar logo needs to be strong enough and flexible enough that it can withstand the test of time. This means it should have a simple and memorable shape, colors that won’t age poorly over time, and an overall aesthetic style that isn’t out of fashion in two years.
It should also have some sort of meaning behind it either literal or symbolic so the logo has an emotional connection with its audience. If you can manage all those things at once, you’ll likely find yourself with a timeless symbol for your brand: one that will last as long as your company exists.
So let’s get started!
Takeaways |
1. Prioritize Simplicity and Versatility |
2. Choose Colors with Intention |
3. Ensure Scalability for Various Applications |
4. Aim for Timelessness in Design |
5. Reflect Brand Values and Personality |
6. Balance Typography with Visual Elements |
7. Avoid Overly Complex Designs |
8. Conduct Research on Competitor Logos |
9. Test Your Logo Across Different Media |
10. Seek Professional Expertise When Necessary |
1. Avoid Trends
In the design world, trends are a topic of hot debate. Some designers love the creativity and challenge that comes from working on projects that need to stand out against their peers to be effective (think fashion brands or tech companies). Others feel that following trends is a slippery slope that leads to bad design and an inability to capture an audience’s attention outside of the current cultural climate.
To me, it’s all about knowing when a trend is right for you and when it isn’t. In my experience as both a designer and business owner, I’ve found that trends can be good for short-term projects but not so great for long-term ones such as company branding or marketing materials like logos.
When it comes to creating memorable logos, choosing the right fonts is crucial. Discover the perfect font styles for your logos with our guide on The 15 Best Fonts for Logos, and make your brand stand out
2. Don’t Design For The Client
It’s easy to get caught up in the client’s vision for their logo and forget that it’s supposed to be about them. If you want your designs to be timeless, then you have to move beyond what they expect and put yourself into their shoes.
You need to think about how the audience will perceive them, how different cultures will interpret them, and who else might use similar logos today or tomorrow. Then ask yourself is this design going to work for my client two years from now? Or even more important is this design going to work for my client ten years from now? If not, then do something else until it does!
3. Make It Memorable
You have a lot of work to do. You’ve got to maintain your brand’s identity, create something that stands out from the crowd and is memorable, and make sure it’s not too hard for people to understand. You also want it to be simple enough that anyone can do it even if they don’t consider themselves designers. As if that wasn’t enough, there are other considerations like color palettes and font choices as well.
So how do you get started? The best way to approach logo design is by asking yourself two questions: “Why should this be unique?” and “How does this work with my brand?”
It’s important for logos not just to look good in print but also on websites or social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram where any image will take up only a small amount of space (it doesn’t matter if it looks great when blown up on your desktop screen).
So while designing logos may seem like an easy task at first glance due to their simpler nature compared with other types of art such as paintings or sculptures which require more time investment in terms such as materials selection among many others things before actually starting work on them.
However there are still some guidelines that should always be followed regardless of whether working digitally or offline – these include consistency across all platforms used by clients including print materials like business cards printed using offset lithography machines where every color has been carefully measured.
The paper stock type is picked based upon the quality which determines how long they’ll last under normal use conditions; typeface choice is made after evaluating several options available to find one most appropriate for the intended purpose etc., so today we’re going to discuss those factors too!
Want to design an eye-catching logo quickly? Our article on How to Create a Simple Illustrated Logo in 1-2 Hours offers step-by-step guidance to help you craft a visually appealing logo that represents your brand.
4. Make It Versatile
You’ve heard the adage that a logo is “the face of your company,” right? Well, it’s also the face of your business cards, letterhead, website header, social media profile photo, etc. So make sure you can use your logo in all those places and more!
If you’re designing a logo for a company with multiple locations or even several brands under one roof, be sure to consider how each location might want to use its color scheme while still retaining some form of unity. You don’t want two sets of logos that look different but seem like they were created by two completely different companies (even if they are).
5. Design For Digital And Print Media
There are two major reasons to design for both digital and print media. First, you will be able to reach more people if your logo looks good on multiple platforms. Second, it’s best to know what your customers want regardless of the medium they prefer to use.
A good designer should be able to create a logo that can work well in both digital and print media. For example, if you’re designing a website or mobile app, try using icons instead of photos because they take up less space on the screen (and may even look better).
If you’re designing business cards or brochures for trade shows, keep things simple so the design isn’t too busy when printed out at smaller sizes or blown up onto banners at larger sizes.
6. Make It Flexible
Your logo should be flexible and adaptable, so that it can be used in different formats (such as on a business card or billboard), in a variety of media (such as printed materials like brochures and flyers, websites, and social media posts), for different audiences (for example, children’s groups versus adults) and across all sizes from small to large.
It is also important that your logo can be adapted into new languages if you plan to expand internationally or launch a multi-lingual website.
Check the kerning! The spacing between letters affects how they are perceived by the viewer. If your design has poor kerning then this will distract people from looking at anything else on the page besides those awful spaces between letters which makes everything look unprofessional and amateurish!
Banner advertisements play a significant role in grabbing attention. Elevate your banner design skills by exploring our tips in Designing an Effective Banner Advertisement: 13 Tips, and create compelling visuals that capture your audience’s interest.
7. Design For The Future
This is an important concept to keep in mind throughout your design process. While it’s easy to get caught up in today’s trends, it’s important to remember that what works now may not work tomorrow and vice versa. If you’re designing a logo that is meant to be timeless and strong, consider what will happen when your client or company grows into new markets or changes direction with their brand identity?
It might be better to use more neutral colors than bright ones; simple typefaces instead of ornate ones; and flat graphics rather than detailed ones. It can also help if you try not incorporating any elements that rely heavily on technology (like 3D rendering) because if something like this does become outdated over time, there’s no way around it other than redesigning everything from scratch again!
8. Incorporate Value
When you’re creating a logo, it’s important to incorporate value into your design. What does that mean?
Value is the importance placed on something by an individual or group of people. In marketing, it’s used to describe how much a customer values a business’ products or services relative to their price and competitors’.
For your logo design to have value in the marketplace, it has to stand out from others in some way. Consider differentiating yourself by incorporating something new into your design such as using an unconventional font or shape or highlighting something unique about your company that sets it apart from other businesses in its industry.
Typography is more than just choosing fonts – context matters too. Dive into the world of typographic design and understand how considering context can enhance your creations. Learn more in The Benefits of Considering Context in Typography.
9. Don’t Ever Use Clip Art
You see a lot of clip art in logos. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of being able to add an owl or a tiger silhouette, but if you do that, your logo will look like everybody else’s (and they’ll all be using the same clip art). Clients may also question your integrity if they find out you used clip art or think that their company was some kind of last-minute add-on to your portfolio.
If you want to use images, make sure they’re unique and original images created by a designer who understands the brand’s personality and target audience. A good designer can help clients communicate what their business is about through images instead of just words or text alone – and this is especially true when working with global audiences!
10. Work With A Professional
Let’s be honest: If you’re reading this, chances are you aren’t an expert in logo design. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t create a great logo on your own. There are plenty of resources available online to help anyone design their logos for free!
However, before embarking on this journey alone, consider hiring someone who knows what they’re doing.
- A professional designer will save you time and money in the long run because their experience allows them to avoid common design mistakes
- They know how to make your existing brand feel fresh without alienating customers or boring them
- They’ll keep up with trends so that your logo isn’t outdated when it’s ready for a redesign
- And above all else, they’ll help create a timeless mark that feels like part of the brand no matter how much it changes over time.
Crafting a logo involves various considerations. If you’re starting from scratch, check out our comprehensive guide on Making a Logo: Here’s Everything You Need to Know to gain insights into the logo design process and create a brand identity that resonates.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, I’ve learned that the best logo designs are ones that have been thoroughly vetted and tested. A lot can go wrong when you’re designing something for your company, but if you take care to avoid these common pitfalls and make sure that your design is appealing to the people who will be looking at it every day, you’ll be well on your way to creating a long-lasting logo.
In the end, this is a great starting point for designers who are relatively new to logo design and want to try their hand at creating one without it being the butt of a joke on Twitter. We hope you’ve enjoyed our tips and can use them in your future projects!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to further enhance your understanding of logo design:
VennGage: Logo Design Tips
Gain valuable insights into logo design principles, color psychology, and typography to create impactful logos that resonate with your audience.
Design Shack: 10 Tips for Designing Logos That Don’t Suck
Explore practical tips and guidelines for designing logos that stand out and effectively communicate your brand’s message.
99designs: How to Design a Logo: The Ultimate Guide
Dive deep into the logo design process with this comprehensive guide covering everything from initial concepts to final execution.
People Also Ask
Why Don’t You Just Create A Logo That Works For Everyone?
The short answer is that it’s impossible to make something that works for everyone. Your website design will never be perfect, and your logo should reflect that fact. Your logo will look different on every surface it appears (from the side of a building to an invoice), and how those variations affect its appearance is important information to include in its design process.
What Makes A Logo Timeless?
Nothing lasts forever except maybe Taylor Swift dating Tom Hiddleston (is he still together?). But if we could choose one phrase to describe our approach with every client, it would be “We believe in growth.” While we want our work to stand the test of time, we also want it to grow along with its company or organization over time so the brand stays fresh but recognizable as the years go by.
It’s about finding a balance between staying true to your identity and evolving within reason into whatever shape makes sense given where you’re headed next (and what message or feeling this new direction represents).
This can involve anything from changing colors or shapes within an existing identity system; updating logos with subtle tweaks like different fonts or swapping out imagery; adding elements such as icons, symbols, or patterns around existing designs; designing completely new identities from scratch, or any combination thereof!
What Is The Difference Between A Logo And A Brand?
Logo: A logo is a visual representation of an organization, product, or service. Logos are used to visually identify products, services, and organizations through branding.
A brand: A brand is the emotional connection felt with a product or service by its customers which influences their buying decision. Having an effective logo helps build brands because when consumers associate your brand with the right emotions they will want to buy from you again. What are the benefits of having a logo designed?
Logo design can help businesses gain greater visibility in their marketplace because people remember logos more than other forms of advertising such as brochures or print ads. Having an effective and memorable identity will increase customer loyalty and make it easier for potential customers to recognize your company’s name when seeing it on products or marketing materials.
What Is The Best Way To Design A Logo?
A designer will think of something different and exciting. If you have specific instructions for your business or industry, they’ll consider that. They can create something unique and memorable, even if it isn’t exactly what you had in mind at first.
How Long Does It Take?
The length of time required will depend on how many revisions the client requires as well as other factors like how big the company is and whether there are any legal issues involved such as copyright law which could affect things like trademarks etcetera.,
How Much Does It Cost To Design A Logo?
Logo design pricing is based on several factors, including the complexity of your brand and how many revisions are needed. A logo for a small business generally costs less than one for a large company.
It’s also important to consider what your budget allows you to spend on this project, as well as whether or not there are funds available within your organization (or if they will be allocated by someone outside of your department).
We recommend bringing in multiple designers so that you have options at different price points and can weigh their portfolios against each other before making any decisions; this will help you find someone who’ll work within whatever constraints exist around this particular project and who’s most likely to create exactly what you’re looking for.
Why Do Logos Need To Be Redesigned Every Two Years?
That’s simple: because design trends change frequently and often. Design trends also tend to favor minimalism over complexity so if you’re using too many colors or too many fonts, your brand could go out of style before its time has come. Other reasons include changes in leadership and culture within an organization; new products or services; shifting consumer demographics; and more.
What Kind Of Style Should I Use For My Logo?
The style of your logo should reflect the tone of your brand. If you’re looking for something modern and sleek, then stick with sans-serif fonts like Helvetica or Arial. If you want something more playful or whimsical, then consider using serifs like Garamond or Baskerville. You can also mix it up by combining both serif and sans-serif styles into one design.
How Long Should I Wait Before Changing My Logo If It Needs To Be Redesigned?
It depends on how much of an overhaul you need. If your current logo doesn’t speak to your business goals at all or doesn’t reflect who your customers are anymore, then the sooner you start working with a designer, the better!
But if there’s just one small detail or two that could use some tweaking, then don’t spend too much time worrying about it a few months is usually enough time for those updates to happen naturally.

I am a content writer, and I love what I do! Writing makes me feel like the words are flowing through my fingers, and then onto the keyboard, like magic. My experience as a writer has taught me that writing makes me feel good, as well as helps others to feel better too!