You want to be a journalist. You know you can do it. And now that you’re out of school, what’s stopping you from making your dream a reality? Nothing! All it takes is a little planning and preparation, and then some writing lots and lots of writing.
But before you start pounding away on your keyboard (or penning), there are some things to consider: What kind of magazines are out there?
Which ones should I pitch my work to first? How do I get an agent’s attention? What if the magazine editors reject my stories how will I respond? Is there anything else that might stand in my way as I pursue this career path full-time? Let me tell you what worked for me so far.
Takeaways |
1. Magazine writing offers exciting opportunities for journalists to expand their careers. |
2. Understanding the skills and techniques required for magazine writing is crucial for success. |
3. Researching and identifying suitable magazine markets is essential for aspiring writers. |
4. Crafting compelling pitches and story ideas is key to getting published in magazines. |
5. Being versatile and adaptable to different topics can increase your chances of success in magazine writing. |
Build A Strong Foundation For Your Writing Career
The first step to writing for magazines is to build a strong foundation for your future career.
To start, you should write down some goals. You can keep them simple and specific, like “Send an article proposal to [magazine title] by [date].” You could also make longer-term goals that include “Write twenty articles by [date]”, or even “Become a magazine writer by [date].” Keep in mind that these are just examples your goals should be unique to you!
Once your goal is set, it’s time to think about how you’re going to achieve it. This will help ensure that your vision doesn’t get clouded when the going gets tough: sometimes things don’t go as planned, but if we have a plan of attack before we begin working on something important then those setbacks won’t take us down so easily!
We need something concrete against which our efforts can be measured; otherwise, they might seem like wasted energy at best or an outright failure at worst!
Becoming a successful magazine writer is a dream for many journalists. If you want to turn that dream into reality, check out our comprehensive guide on how to become a magazine writer and get freelance jobs. Discover the tips and strategies that can help you secure exciting opportunities in the world of magazine writing.
Learn About The Types Of Magazines That Are Out There So You Know Where To Pitch
Magazines are a huge part of the publishing industry, and they offer a wide range of opportunities to writers. The first step to pitching magazines is learning about the different types of magazines that are out there so you know where to pitch.
There are three main types: consumer magazines, trade publications, and niche publications (or “niche periodicals”).
Consumer magazines include general interest titles like Time or Sports Illustrated; trade publications focus on industry-specific topics such as home improvement or travel; niche periodicals target very specific audiences with narrow focuses like knitting or photography.
To find out what kind of content each magazine publishes (and doesn’t), read through recent issues for clues about who the audience is and what kinds of stories appeal to them. This will help you identify which genre would be best suited for your particular story idea and how much it will cost!
Now that you know where your ideas can take flight, let’s talk about how exactly you should go about pitching them once they’re fully formed!
Mastering the art of magazine writing takes practice and dedication. Want to enhance your skills? Our article on 15 tips for better magazine writing provides practical insights to improve your writing style and captivate your readers, making your articles stand out in the competitive market.
Become Familiar With The Magazine Industry
A good way to get familiar with magazine writing is to start reading a lot of magazines. Not just the ones you like, but also the ones you don’t like and even some that are similar but not your ideal publication. Read through articles in every section of these publications, from news to sports to lifestyle.
If a magazine has a blog, read it too even if it does not interest you personally, as this will help you understand how different writers approach their work.
Also, look at the masthead (the list of writers and editors) so that you can see who’s responsible for what parts of each issue or site. With this information alone, it’ll be easier to predict what kind of things they might want from freelance contributors like yourself in the future (and thus better prepare yourself).
Finally, learn about the history behind each title by finding out who founded them and why they created them in the first place because understanding those roots will help put into perspective all those “small” decisions made every day while editing an issue or creating content online!
Read Published Magazine Articles To Get A Feel For The Content They Publish
Read the magazine regularly. Most magazines publish a lot of content. You’ll want to read as much of it as you can to get a feel for what they publish, and how they publish it.
Read their website. Most magazines have websites as well, which are often very different from the print version of the publication (for example, The Washington Post’s print edition has no ads and a lot more words than its website).
Read their advertising (if you’re looking for examples of good ad writing) or content (if you’re looking for examples of good article writing).
Read letters to the editor about subjects that interest you or by people whose work interests you this will give insight into what readers like and dislike, who writes most often for that publication, etc., which is useful when thinking about pitching articles yourself!
Study The Language Of Editors
Just as a writer can learn from reading the work of other writers, so can you. To help you develop your voice and style, it’s important to know how editors talk about writing.
For example: if you’re applying for an editorial assistant position at a magazine, and one of your responsibilities will include pitching stories to contributors, it’s smart to familiarize yourself with the language they use when talking about story ideas.
For example (and this is just one example), they might say that they want “more narrative” or “less narrative.” They may also say that they want “more reporting” or “less reporting.”
If they prefer writers who tell stories in their voice over those who adopt the voice of their subjects (a common mistake), then it would be helpful for you to know where this preference comes from and what kind of content will satisfy it otherwise, the editor might hire someone else who does understand these preferences better than you do!
When making decisions about which pieces get published and which don’t get published from month to month, editors are not just looking at individual articles they’re looking at entire sections (or even entire issues).
This means that when assessing whether or not an article is good enough for publication within their magazine’s pages (or website), editors aren’t just looking at its content; instead, they’re also considering factors like page design layout/design elements
Finding the right magazine markets is crucial for any aspiring magazine writer. To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled a list of 15 great magazines for article submissions. Explore these publications to discover potential outlets for your unique voice and expertise.
Attend A Writing Conference Or Two
If you want to find work writing for magazines, attending a conference is a great way to meet editors and publishers from across the country. They may not be looking for new writers at that moment, but they will almost certainly know someone who does.
You can also learn about what it’s like on their end of things what types of pitches they receive, and how they respond.
You might also find out about upcoming assignments and projects that haven’t been announced yet. If you want to work with one magazine more than another (and I think all writers should!) this is a good way to get ahead of the curve.
Join A Professional Writing Group
Learning from your peers is a great way to improve your work. By participating in a professional writing group, you can help each other out, get feedback, make connections and get ideas for your next article or book.
You can also learn about what types of stories are selling and what types aren’t by attending workshops and conferences.
Audition Freelance Editors By Doing Small Assignments For Them
As a freelance writer, you have the freedom to write for any number of publications. The best way to get your foot in the door is by writing a few pieces for an editor who is looking for writers like you.
Finding an editor who wants work done that fits your style and skill set is easy. There are several websites where editors post their needs.
You can also ask friends and family if they know anyone in publishing who might be interested in hiring someone like you, after all, many people in publishing know each other from conferences and workshops!
Once you’ve found an editor who’s looking for writers like you, it’s time to take that first step towards building a relationship with them by submitting samples of your work through email or snail mail (or both).
Be sure that each sample shows off both sides of yourself as a writer: show him/her how well written your articles are but also demonstrate how well researched they are the latter will help set yourself apart from other applicants since most applicants don’t bother including sources with their submissions unless specifically asked too do so first hand
Are you a journalist wondering whether to dive into magazine writing? Check out our article on the top 10 reasons to write for magazines to uncover the numerous benefits of this rewarding career path. From exposure to creative freedom, see why magazine writing might be the perfect fit for you.
Find An Agent, If You Want One
If you’re interested in finding an agent, there are a few things to consider before making that leap. First, agents work on commission (they get 15% of your earnings), so they’re incentivized to find as much work for you as possible.
This could mean taking on more projects than you would otherwise be inclined to take on yourself and it also means that they’ll be able to negotiate better terms with publishers since they can offer more work from one author at a time.
If this sounds appealing and/or necessary for your career as a writer, then go ahead and find an agent! You’ll need to do some research beforehand: find out who represents writers in your genre or niche; if there aren’t any options available from publishers or other freelancers already doing the job well enough then maybe don’t get one just yet
Sharpen Your Proposal Skills By Reading Sample Proposals And Mimicking Their Style In Your Work
If you’re looking to become a magazine writer, the first step is finding magazines that publish your type of article. But not all magazines are created equal. Some are more prestigious than others, and some pay better. So before you start submitting work to the first publication that comes along, it’s important to do some research.
First off: look at what types of articles they publish. Do they have an online presence? Are their articles text-heavy or image-heavy? Are there any pieces on their website that feel similar to what you want to write? If so, great!
That means there might be a place for your work here. Next up: check out their submission guidelines (you can usually find these at the bottom of each page). Are they open to submissions from writers like yourself?
If so, great again! The editors may even specifically request certain kinds of submissions (such as articles with a unique perspective). This means there could be a strong chance that yours will fit right in with their existing content lineup and might even provide exactly what they’re looking for.
Keep Track Of Everything! Create An Organized System
Keep track of everything! Create an organized system that works for you. Use a notebook, spreadsheet, or digital notebook. Use Google Calendar to keep track of your deadlines.
Keep a word processor open on your desktop and write down all the ideas you have while they’re fresh in your mind. Write them down in an app like Evernote, Microsoft OneNote or Apple Notes and mind map them with MindNode or thoughts (both are great apps for mind mapping).
Make Sure You Have Enough Time
You’re a writer, and you want to write for magazines. That’s great! Congratulations on making it this far in the process.
But don’t get too excited you still have quite a bit of work ahead of you. While there are plenty of tips out there on how to write an article, there aren’t many resources that offer advice on how to pitch those articles once they’re written.
And while pitching doesn’t require as much time as writing, it’s still important that it gets done right and quickly. So let’s talk about how best to go about pitching your magazine piece so that we can get your work published by one (or more) of these well-known venues!
First things first: make sure that everyone who sees your pitch knows what kind of article you’re trying to sell them (or if not an actual pitch letter itself then at least some kind of cover letter).
This may sound obvious but is often overlooked by those who’ve never done this before; after all, most magazines accept unsolicited submissions without even knowing what type each author writes beforehand so why should they care now? The answer lies in knowing which editors would appreciate having something like yours sent their way instead.”
Make Note Of What Works And What Doesn’t In Each Piece You Write
One of the most important things you can do is to make note of what works and what doesn’t in each piece you write, be it a personal essay or a review of the latest Danish drama. This will help you in future pieces you’ll remember what worked and what didn’t, and won’t make the same mistakes again.
Stepping into the world of magazine writing can be daunting but rewarding. If you’re just starting, our guide on how to find the best magazine markets can be your compass. Learn how to navigate through potential opportunities and find the perfect publications to showcase your talent.
Write Something Every Day, Even If It’s Just A Few Lines In Your Journal
Nobody knows you better than you. When you write in a journal, there’s no one to interrupt or judge you. You can express your frustrations, fears, and hopes without worrying about being criticized. It’s a safe place for reflection and expression that can help guide your life decisions in the future.
Along with writing down what’s on your mind what happened at work today? How did it make you feel? What do other people think about this situation? you should also try setting goals for yourself in the journal: What would make tomorrow better than today?
What do I want from my life five years from now? Are there any specific things I need to do today (or tomorrow) to get there?
If these topics seem too big or too vague for your taste, consider writing about something smaller instead: maybe an upcoming trip or party that someone invited me to attend;
Perhaps a recent argument between friends; how hard it was getting up this morning because my alarm clock didn’t go off; the ups-and-downs of trying out new hobbies once per week (which may include photography).
If you’re a journalist, then you should be writing for magazines. It’s not just common sense it’s your duty! If we want to keep our industry alive and healthy, we need more people who understand how to make great content for readers of all kinds. So get out there and start pitching!
Further Reading
How to Write for Print Newspapers and Magazines: A comprehensive guide that delves into the techniques and tips for writing engaging content for print publications.
How to Get into Magazine Writing: Discover the steps and strategies to break into the world of magazine writing and establish a successful career in the industry.
Journal Article: Writing for Magazines: Narrative Techniques: This scholarly article explores the narrative techniques used in magazine writing, providing valuable insights for aspiring writers.
What are the key skills required for magazine writing?
Magazine writing demands a combination of creativity, research abilities, storytelling skills, and adaptability to different styles and topics.
How can I improve my chances of getting published in a magazine?
To increase your chances of publication, focus on crafting well-researched, unique, and compelling story ideas that align with the magazine’s target audience and editorial guidelines.
What is the typical word count for magazine articles?
The word count for magazine articles varies depending on the publication and the type of content. Generally, feature articles range from 1,000 to 3,000 words, while shorter pieces may be 500 to 800 words.
How do I pitch my article to a magazine editor?
When pitching an article, be concise and include a captivating headline, a clear summary of your story idea, your relevant credentials, and a well-structured outline of the proposed article.
Is it necessary to specialize in a particular niche for magazine writing?
While specializing in a niche can make you an expert in that field and attract specific publications, being versatile and able to write on various topics can also open up more opportunities in different magazines.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.