B2B content has a reputation for being dry, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Pick up a trade magazine at any doctor’s office or airport lounge and you’ll see what I mean these publications tend to be filled with stuffy headlines, complex jargon, and buzzwords that might make sense to the industry insiders who read them but not to normal humans.
But the B2B content you create for your website doesn’t have to be just another boring piece of collateral. Here are 13 tricks you can use in your B2B content to bring life and personality into what might otherwise be a very dull topic:
Takeaways |
1. B2B content doesn’t have to be dull or uninspiring. |
2. Engaging writing techniques can captivate your audience. |
3. Incorporate storytelling to make content relatable. |
4. Use visual aids like infographics to convey information. |
5. Provide practical solutions and valuable insights. |
6. Speak directly to your audience using a conversational tone. |
7. Showcase real-world examples to illustrate points. |
8. Utilize data-driven insights to add credibility. |
Stop Using The Same Boring Words
Certain words get thrown around so frequently that they lose their meaning. “Impact”, “leverage” and “advancement” are all overused.
How about this for a sentence: “Our cloud-based software platform provides high-impact, leveraged advancements for small businesses.” What does this mean? Nothing!
The point is to make your writing interesting by using descriptive words that aren’t in the dictionary but should be. These kinds of words can hook your audience and paint a picture in their minds they’ll see you as an authority on your topic without even realizing it!
You can also use shorter sentences with fewer syllables instead of long ones with many syllables.
This makes it easier for people who might have trouble reading because English isn’t their first language (or even if they just have limited attention spans) because they’re able to read more quickly than usual without missing out on any key information
Writing B2B content that captivates your audience requires finesse and creativity. Learn how to craft engaging content in our article on Writing B2B Content That Doesn’t Bore Your Audience to Death and keep your readers hooked from start to finish.
Avoid Meaningless Jargon
First, let’s define what jargon is. Jargon is the language of business it helps experts communicate with each other and share ideas quickly.
But it can also be used to make things sound more complicated than they are, or more important than they are, or even just to make yourself sound smarter than you are.
Jargon most often comes in two flavors: words that are too general or broad (a good example of this is “partner,” which could mean anything from a strategic partner to an IT partner).
And words that don’t add value to your message (a good example of this would be “synergy”).
Stop Saying Things Like “We Have A Comprehensive Offering That Can Meet Your Needs”
If you’re having trouble getting through to your audience, likely, the content you’re creating isn’t engaging them. It could be boring them to tears.
Let’s say your company sells toner cartridges for printers and copiers. Now let’s say that one of the products in their portfolio is a comprehensive offering of toner cartridges.
What does this mean? Who knows! But what if they added, “that can meet your needs”? Well, then people might think they offer something special or different from other companies who sell toner cartridges but really, do any companies not have comprehensive offerings?
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Keep Paragraphs Short
When you’re writing B2B content, you want to keep paragraphs short. This will make the content easier to understand and remember.
Think of your business as a person, but not an actual person. A person is flexible and can be molded into different forms depending on what they are doing at any particular moment in time (e.g., there’s more than one way for me to sit on my couch).
In contrast, if I were on a couch (which would be very uncomfortable), there are only so many ways that I can be arranged for it to remain comfortable.
Such as by being folded up all the time or kept in storage during certain times of the year when people don’t need couches anymore like during winter months when everyone goes home.
Instead of staying out late at night drinking booze with friends at bars downtown where they live near college campuses nearby which may or may not still exist depending on how long ago they graduated from high school
Be Specific, Not Broad, And Sweeping
If you want your content to be engaging, it’s important to be specific. When writing B2B content that doesn’t bore your audience, include specific examples and figures wherever possible.
Think about real numbers instead of broad generalizations. For example: “Our customers like our product.” Overly broad statements can often seem vague and unhelpful for two reasons: firstly, numbers are more compelling than adjectives when you’re trying to convince readers;
Secondly, the statement is so vague that it would be impossible for anyone reading it to understand what was being discussed not just because they don’t know which company made this claim.
But also because no numbers are being used that would solidify any claim whatsoever (for example, how many customers does ‘like’ mean?).
Use real names rather than pronouns or vague terms like ‘that brand’ or “these guys” when referring back to something previously stated to create a stronger connection between reader and writer by making sure both parties know exactly what part of their conversation is being referenced at any given moment.
While still allowing each party plenty of room for interpretation based on context clues provided earlier on in the text itself or elsewhere within the same piece.
Say if someone mentions an entire paragraph later down where one sentence might have seemed confusing without knowing who else was involved with certain aspects beforehand.”
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Use Contractions
If your goal is to make your writing sound conversational and accessible, contractions are good for you. The use of contractions (shortened words like “can’t” and “doesn’t”) can save time, space, and energy for both writer and reader alike.
They also work pretty well in headlines since they don’t take up as much space as their longer counterparts do.
But be careful not to overdo it with the contractions too many could make your content sound sloppy or too casual for its genre or audience. And remember that this is just one aspect of what makes up good B2B content; there are plenty more!
Take Out Garbage Words
To paraphrase that famous line from Fight Club, this is your audience’s time. You have to earn their attention but by doing so, you can take advantage of the fact that they’re giving it. Don’t distract them with words and phrases like “very,” “actually,” and other filler words.
These are only going to get in the way of your message, which is why we’ve included a few examples below:
Very actually means nothing at all sometimes when used in everyday speech; sometimes it means quite a lot (particularly in legal documents).
The word ‘very’ is often used to describe how much something has changed: “The market has become very competitive over the past five years” or “Our workforce has become very diverse over time.”
In these cases, what matters isn’t how much change happened but rather WHAT changed–and therefore who did what and why they did it–which should be emphasized through language choice instead
Don’t Use Busy Phrases
The phrase “at the end of the day” is one B2B brands are often guilty of using. It’s overused because it’s easy to fall back on and it sounds authoritative but it doesn’t do much for your audience, who are more likely to be mentally exhausted than anything else.
Similarly, don’t use phrases like “in the end,” which also come off as self-important and make you seem heavy-handed rather than thoughtful. These words and phrases can get in your way when trying to write content that adequately meets your readers’ needs
Make Lists (Like This One)
Lists are the best way to break up your content and make it easier to read. If a reader is having trouble keeping track of what you’re saying, they can just look for the next point at which there’s a list.
A bullet list also makes it easy for people who have ADHD or similar cognitive disabilities they know exactly where each new idea starts, and how many items there are on the list so far.
But lists aren’t only useful as aids for readers; they’re also great ways to organize your thoughts. It’s much harder to organize ideas when you write out full sentences than when you write them as bullet points (or even as headings).
This is why marketers love making infographics: because they allow them to include lots of different graphs and statistics without overwhelming their audience with too much information at once!
That said, don’t go overboard with this technique: too many lists can be very confusing! Just use them sparingly and make sure that each point listed has its paragraph underneath it that way if someone gets lost reading about one thing.
They’ll still be able to find the next topic easily enough without having skipped too much text in between sections.
Creativity is key to explaining complex concepts. Learn how to convey B2C marketing principles with ease in our article on How to Explain B2C Marketing to Your Grandparents and bridge the generation gap through effective communication.
Write As You Talk To Your Customers
The best way to write for your audience is to write as you talk to them. Write in a natural, conversational tone and use contractions (we’re, it’s, etc.).
You should also include idioms and other common sayings the more relatable your content feels, the more likely readers will be able to connect with it.
Use stories or examples from personal experiences that relate directly to what you are writing about.
This helps readers put a face on the subject matter and makes them feel understood by the author (you). This kind of personalization can also be used as an opportunity for humor if done right!
Another good way of making your content more interesting is through metaphors, similes, and hyperbole.
Metaphors are comparisons between two things that don’t have anything in common except for some abstract quality; similes compare two things using “like” or “as”; hyperbole exaggerates something (like when someone says they’re so hungry they could eat a horse).
These techniques can help persuade somebody into reading further because they make reading fun!
Write With Personality
The best way to do this is to use your voice and write in the first person. Use your name! If you have a personal blog or website, I highly recommend using it as a place to start writing some content.
You can publish posts on your website without any restrictions, so there’s no reason not to share whatever comes into your mind!
It doesn’t matter what subject you’re writing about: if it’s something that excites you and makes you want to share with others, then go ahead and share it!
If nothing else works for a particular piece of content (and this might be the case), try using personal examples to make them more relatable.
Personal stories are also effective because they allow readers who are unfamiliar with the topic at hand an opportunity to understand the context better while simultaneously connecting with the writer through shared experiences or common emotions
Use Invitation Language
Invitation language is a way to invite your audience to take action. You can use invitation language to encourage the reader to take the next step and click through.
It’s important not to confuse invitation language with direct commands like “click here” or “buy now.” While invitations will often have an implied command, they’re not meant for people who are just looking for an order form or check-out button.
Use Questions, Not Statements
Don’t use statements that start with “we,” “you,” “I,” or “we have.” If you do, readers will likely think that you’re talking down to them. Instead, try asking a question and then answering it yourself:
You’ve already read this sentence! Guess what we can learn from this?
It’s a simple trick but one that helps B2B content feel more conversational and less like an ad.
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Use Real People Or Examples Of Situations Customers Experience To Make Your Points
Use real people or examples of situations customers experience to make your points.
If you’re writing about technology, use scenarios in which a customer feels frustrated trying to figure out a product or service and how they can get help from you, who will be able to guide them through the process.
If you’re writing about food products, use personal stories that show how someone discovered your product and how it made them feel. If it’s not clear yet, the key is using relatable stories that are interesting and engaging so people want to read more!
As we’ve seen through these examples, there are a variety of ways that you can write B2B content that doesn’t bore your audience to death. You don’t have to choose one particular option you can try out all these methods and see which one works best for you.
And remember, if you want to make sure your content is good, get other people to read it: whether it’s friends, colleagues, or strangers on the internet. That way, you can rest assured that your writing will be engaging from the first word through to the last sentence!
Further Reading
Here are some additional resources to help you delve deeper into creating engaging B2B content that captures your audience’s attention:
Why B2B Content Writing Should Never Be Boring: Explore insights on why B2B content doesn’t have to be dull and discover techniques to infuse excitement into your writing.
Creating Shareable Content: Don’t Bore Your Audience to Death: Learn four actionable tips to keep your audience engaged and make your content shareworthy.
B2B Content Marketing: It Really Doesn’t Need to Be Boring: Find out how B2B content marketing can be both informative and captivating, breaking away from the notion of being uninteresting.
What are some strategies to make B2B content more engaging?
Creating compelling visuals, incorporating storytelling, utilizing data-driven insights, and using interactive elements like infographics and videos can all help make B2B content more engaging.
How can I avoid boring my audience with my content?
To prevent boring your audience, focus on understanding their pain points, using a conversational tone, incorporating anecdotes, and providing practical solutions in your content.
Is it possible to make technical B2B topics interesting?
Absolutely! You can simplify complex technical topics, use real-world examples, and add a touch of humor to make them more relatable and engaging for your audience.
What role does storytelling play in B2B content?
Storytelling in B2B content helps humanize your brand, connect with your audience on an emotional level, and make your content more memorable and impactful.
How can I measure the engagement of my B2B content?
Tracking metrics like time spent on page, social shares, comments, and conversion rates can provide insights into the level of engagement your B2B content is generating among your audience.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.