Words That Are Surprisingly Helpful In Creative Writing

Have you ever written a piece of creative writing and thought to yourself, “I can’t figure out how to make this interesting?” You’re not alone. In fact, writers have been struggling with this problem since the dawn of literature itself. 

And while there’s no one-size-fits-all solution (and certainly no one magic word), there are some simple tricks you can use to turn your boring sentences into something more engaging. Here are some simple ways that words like “vibrant” or “divided” can help bring life to your work:

12 Ways to Write Better Sentences for Creative Writers
Key Takeaways
1. Vocabulary selection can significantly impact the depth of creative writing.
2. Uncommon words can add uniqueness and richness to your narrative.
3. Choose words that evoke emotions and create vivid mental imagery.
4. The right words can help establish tone, mood, and character traits.
5. Balancing simplicity and complexity in language can engage diverse readers.


Hellacious is a word that can be used to describe something extremely bad or unpleasant. It’s an adjective and can be used as a noun to describe something that causes great fear, pain, or suffering.

The origin of hellacious comes from the Latin “hēlĕre” meaning “to separate” (the verb form is hēlārī). Its earliest uses were about things such as “heavenly bodies,” but it has since evolved into its current usage.

Synonyms include: terrifying and grueling; some antonyms include: pleasant, cozy, and safe; examples of how this word might be used include: “That hike was hellacious!”

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A girdle is a narrow band of material that is worn around the body to hold in or compress the waist. This garment has been worn for centuries by both men and women, but it was primarily used by women. The purpose of a girdle is to make the wearer appear slimmer by defining their shape, which can be achieved by making their waist seem smaller and more defined.

Girdles were also helpful to women who wanted to accentuate their breasts since they often came with built-in bras as part of their design. Today, there are still some men who wear girdles for support purposes, especially those who play sports where abdominal muscles may get strained or injured during training sessions or competitions.


Violaceous is a fancy word that means dark purple. So if you need to describe something as dark purple, violaceous is your go-to word.

If you’re trying to convey the same idea but don’t want to sound so serious and academic, you can use another synonym of violaceous: purpura.

If there’s any word in this list that will surprise people when they read it, it’s probably purpura. It sounds like a disease or an old-fashioned medicine or maybe even a kind of fish! But no matter how ridiculous it may sound at first glance, it still works perfectly well as an adjective meaning dark purple (and many other things besides).

Dialogue can breathe life into your characters and story. Learn the art of crafting compelling conversations with our comprehensive guide on writing dialogue that sells your story, and make your narrative truly captivating.


The word “cinematic” is used to describe something that is like a movie. This includes descriptions of scenes from movies, as well as the style or tone of the movie itself. It’s also used to describe something grand, spectacular, or impressive.

For example: “The romantic scene was so cinematic! The sun was setting and they were dancing on top of a hill overlooking the ocean.” Or: “The cinematography in this horror film was so creative it made me feel like I was there!”

Finally, people also use this adjective when describing something dramatic for example: “The novel had many unforgettable scenes; one of them took place during dinner at her parents’ house and another took place during her wedding ceremony.”


Delicious is a word that has been used to describe food, but it also applies to creative writing. The deliciousness is a vague quality that can be applied to any genre or style of writing. If you’re writing something with a high level of deliciousness, it will be pleasant for the reader as well as themselves. For example:

“The words were delectable on my tongue.”

“The story was delectable.”

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Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners or strangers. As a writer, xenophobia can be helpful because it allows you to explore interesting characters who might have this fear. If your main character is xenophobic, you can use this trait to enhance the conflict in your story. For example:

A man from Eastern Europe who has recently immigrated to America may feel threatened by his new neighbors when they start speaking in English with each other on the street rather than their native language. This could lead him to lash out at them for not respecting his culture or customs.

A woman living abroad might struggle to adjust to life in a foreign country after she moves there with her husband and children perhaps even saying hurtful things about her new home before she realizes how much she loves it!


“Coagulated” is a verb meaning to thicken or curdle. The word is also a noun that refers to a mass of thickened or curdled matter, and an adjective that describes something thickened or curdled. For example:

The milk coagulated as it sat in the fridge overnight.

The new mom was confused by how much pulp had coagulated in her juicer after just one use.

His parents were very happy with how well his art show went they were especially impressed by how all of his paintings had turned out so well, considering how long he’d been working on them!

Sweetness in writing can evoke emotions and leave a lasting impact. Explore why sweetness is important in creative writing and learn how infusing tenderness can create a deeper connection with your readers.


Wafting: the act of floating or blowing in the air; emitting or exhaling.

The word wafting has a wide array of uses in English, including its use as a noun, but it is most often used to describe something that is moving through air. For example, you might use it to describe the scent of flowers wafting in the wind. 

This means that if you are writing about someone who is experiencing this scent, their experience would be categorized as one of “waxing.”

Micturate (Urinate)

Micturate (urinate) in the form of a liquid from the body through the urethra.

It’s amazing how many words there are for urinating. If you’re looking to describe the act of urinating, consider micturating or peeing, or if you’d like to talk about someone else doing it, maybe they were taking a leak or making water. These words are all fairly straightforward and can be used interchangeably when writing about this bodily function. 

The only exception would be when discussing people who cannot perform these actions due to some sort of disability; then it becomes important to use “urine” instead of “pee,” as urine is produced by both men and women, whereas only men have penises with which they urinate (though women may also do so).

Kowtow (To Bow Down, Kneel, And Touch The Head To The Floor As An Act Of Worship Or Submission)

Kowtow is a Chinese word that stems from the Chinese language. It means to bow down and touch your head to the ground in a very respectful way. This is usually done when someone bows down before their higher authority and shows submission in front of them because they’re too low on power compared to them. 

An example would be you apologizing for something you did wrong when talking with your boss at work or parent, who has more experience/knowledge than you do

Dank (Dark, Cold, And Damp)

Dank is a word for a place that is dark, cold, and damp. It can also be used to describe a situation that is dark, cold, and damp. And it can be used as an adjective to describe a person who is dark, cold, and damp which makes sense when you think about the meaning of dank being “dark” and “damp” in its most literal sense.

In addition to its literal meaning (“a place that’s wet and humid”), dank has become synonymous with being gross or unpleasant (as in: “that guy’s been sitting here for hours now he’s so dank”). You may have heard about how people say things are “sick” when they mean cool or awesome; if this sounds strange because sick means ill or unwell (for example), then consider how many other words there are that have changed their meanings over time!

Endotherm (A Creature That Produces Its Heat)

Endotherms are homeothermic animals that generate their body heat. They include birds, mammals, and reptiles.

Endotherms can maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the environment around them; they don’t need to rely on external sources of heat to keep warm or cool down.

This type of creature is also called an endotherm; it’s an adjective used in place of ‘homeothermic’ when discussing anatomy or physiology (the study of how bodies work).

Creative non-fiction offers a unique way to blend storytelling with reality. Gain valuable insights from our tips for writing creative non-fiction books and articles, and embark on a journey to share factual stories in an engaging and imaginative manner.

Maroon (A Dark Reddish-Brown Color)

Maroon is a dark reddish-brown color. It’s a mixture of red and black, but could also be considered the color of blood. The word maroon is derived from French, where it means “dye with kermes” (a kind of deep crimson dye). This can help you understand that this color is usually found in nature in places like deep forests or even on animals like deer and zebras.

As an example, think about how your favorite football team wears maroon jerseys: they’re not blue! If you’re writing about sports teams and want to describe their uniforms accurately, use the word “maroon.”

Ectotherm (a creature that relies on external sources to warm itself; i.e., a lizard basking in the sun)

Ectotherms are animals that rely on external sources to warm themselves, such as the sun or a heat lamp. They’re also called poikilotherms, which means “cold blood.”

Examples of ectotherms include lizards, snakes, turtles, and fish. Ectotherms have no internal mechanism for keeping their body temperature steady – they rely entirely on changes in external conditions (such as the weather) to regulate their body temperature. 

If you’ve ever tried to bake cookies in a cold kitchen only to discover that your dough was too hard by the time you were done with the recipe you know what I’m talking about: You had to turn up your oven because it was colder than usual in your house! 

This is exactly what an ectotherm does: It warms up when there’s more light around; but if it gets too hot out there (like during summer), then it needs somewhere else cool enough so as not to overheat itself while still getting its required amount of Vitamin D from sunlight exposure

Effervescent  (Full Of Energy Or Enthusiasm)

Effervescent means “bubbling or fizzing.” It can also be used to describe a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm. If a person is effervescent, he or she will be a positive force in the group. For example, if you are writing about how your friend was full of energy at the party last night, you could call him/her effervescent. 

This word is helpful because it offers an interesting way to describe someone while also providing an image for readers.

Section: Bizarre  (Strange, Off-Beat, Weird)

Bizarre is a word that describes something strange or unusual. It can also be used to describe something strange or unusual in a good way. Bizarre can describe someone or something.

It’s important to remember the difference between bizarre—they are used differently in language. Weird has connotations of paranormal activity (e.g., ghosts), while bizarre doesn’t necessarily have those connotations but still means odd or unusual.

Section: Ablutions (The Washing Of One’s Body Or Parts Of It, Especially As A Religious Ritual)

Ablutions are the washing of one’s body or parts of it, especially as a religious ritual. It may be practiced for its purification, physical hygiene, or spiritual significance. The word is derived from the Latin ablution (meaning “a washing away”, via blue), from blues (about), the present participle of blue (“to wash off”), from ab(s), and Luo (“to wash”).

Ablution is often used in association with religious practices, such as Christian baptism; Muslim wudu and ghusl; Jewish tevilah; Sikh Amrit Sanchar, and Sikh Khande da Pahul (also known as Amrit Sanchar); Hindu Ghatasthapana Purifying rituals performed by some Hindus before they begin their day-to-day activities.

The purpose of this cultural practice varies depending upon the religion: in some religions, it symbolizes physical purity; while in others it can be symbolic of spiritual cleansing before entering places considered sacred by followers of those respective faiths (such as temples). 

In addition to being considered spiritually appropriate for entering sacred places, performing certain acts at particular times each day or week may also help believers achieve a state of mental calm during those periods when they are not interacting with anyone else.

Section: Euphoria  (A State Of Extreme Happiness And Self-Confidence; Is Also A Drug That Causes This Feeling)

Euphoria is a feeling of extreme happiness, often accompanied by feelings of elation and heightened self-confidence.

It can also be described as a state of well-being characterized by an intensified sense of life satisfaction and optimism.

In some cases, euphoria can lead to delusional thinking or psychosis when it becomes drug-induced (e.g., from cocaine).

Section: Ineffable (Incapable Of Being Expressed In Words; Inexpressible)

Ineffable is a word that means “unable to be expressed in words.” When people use this word, they’re usually talking about things that are too sacred or personal to discuss. For example:

The look on her face was so ineffable he could never describe it with words. (Her expression was too sacred.)

You should have seen him when he found out she’d decided not to marry him—it was an entirely ineffable experience! (He couldn’t find the words.)

As you can see from these examples, if you want to describe something as ineffable, then you need some other way of saying “inexpressible” or “unexpressed.”

Section: Plangent (Sounding Loud And Deep; Resonant)

This is a word that many people have never heard, but it’s perfect for describing the sound of songbirds chirping or the wind whistling through trees. 

It sounds like bells, drums, and pianos but also like violins and trumpets when played in a major key (and sometimes in minor keys.) You can also use plangent to describe string instruments such as cellos or flutes. If you want to add an element of surprise to your writing, plangency will add poetic depth!

Section: Hirsute (Hairy Or Shaggy)

Do you know what’s hirsute? A bear. Bears are the epitome of hirsuteness they’re covered in hair, and they have a furry faces, too. So if you’re writing about a bear, use these words: “hirsute” and its antonym, “glabrous.

If you want to say something is covered in hair (not necessarily just on the face), use “covered in hair,” as well as its synonyms “covered with fur,” “fur-covered,” and so on. If your story calls for more detail than that but doesn’t necessarily require such specificity as a full-on vocabulary lesson would present, consider using one of these words instead:

Hirsutism (Excessive Hairiness)

Hirsutoid (having a hairy or shaggy appearance)


When you’re writing, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut. With so many words out there, it’s tempting to fall back on the same old ones over and over again. But these words are just what we need to get us out of that rut! The next time you find yourself struggling with a word choice, try one of these alternatives instead I promise they’ll give your writing a fresh new feel.

Further Reading

Rare Words You Should Know: Discover a collection of uncommon words that can enrich your vocabulary and add a touch of uniqueness to your writing.

Enhance Your Descriptive Writing with Strong Adjectives: Learn how to elevate your descriptive writing using powerful adjectives that paint vivid pictures in the reader’s mind.

10 Beautiful Words for Narrative Descriptive Writing: Explore a list of exquisite words that can enhance the beauty and depth of your narrative descriptive writing.


How can rare words improve my writing?

Using rare words in your writing can add sophistication and novelty to your language, making your content more engaging and intriguing for readers.

Why are strong adjectives important in descriptive writing?

Strong adjectives provide vivid and sensory details that help readers immerse themselves in your writing, creating a more vivid and memorable experience.

How can beautiful words enhance my narrative descriptive writing?

Beautiful words can evoke emotions, create imagery, and capture the essence of a scene, making your narrative descriptive writing more captivating and immersive.

Are these resources suitable for secondary school students?

Yes, the provided resources offer valuable insights and tools that can benefit secondary school students looking to improve their writing skills and vocabulary.

Can I use these words in different types of writing?

Absolutely, the words and techniques discussed in the resources can be applied to various forms of writing, including fiction, non-fiction, essays, and more.