Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Being A Writer

I’m a writer, and I get asked this question all the time: “How do you know something is worth writing about?” It’s a good question because it taps into an important issue. 

The problem with this question is that it presupposes that a writer needs some sort of special insight in order to write. 

And while it’s true that some writers do benefit from having some kind of extra-sensory perception, or at least can tap into their subconscious minds for inspiration, most writers simply write about what interests them. 

They follow their passions and explore topics they enjoy learning about through books or personal experiences. In other words, you can be just as much of a writer if you aren’t an expert on whatever subject matter you want to write about; 

Instead, your job is to find out what makes something interesting enough for others (including yourself) to read and then share those ideas through your writing project!

Becoming a Writer: 14 Things No One Told Me – YouTube
Embrace your unique writing journey and don’t compare it to others.
Focus on your passion for writing rather than worrying about external opinions.
Overcome self-doubt by acknowledging that every writer faces challenges.
Find joy in the process of writing and the satisfaction it brings.
Remember that being a writer is a personal choice, and there’s no one-size-fits-all path.

Just Write

In writing, there are two kinds of writers: those who write and those who don’t. The kind that doesn’t write are the ones you have to worry about. The ones that do, well, they’re just like you and me they’re writers.

There are no special tricks or secret formulas for becoming a successful writer. If there were, we’d all be doing it already! So instead of spending hours worrying about how to become an author, get back to what matters: writing!

Whether your goal is publication or simply not being bored with yourself on public transit anymore (hey-o).

Permit yourself today to stop overthinking your writing career path and just start writing every day without worrying too much about whether it’s good enough or if anyone will ever read it or any other nonsense like that!

As an aspiring writer, it’s crucial to learn from those who have walked the path before you. Check out our Top 10 Tips for the Aspiring Novel Writer to gain insights that can help you on your writing journey.

Constraints Are Valuable

Constraints are a key part of any writer’s toolkit. A self-imposed constraint can help you focus your writing, and will likely be more fun than being told to write a story about a dog. 

An externally imposed constraint can help you explore an idea in new ways and force you to get creative with what you have.

Constraints are not just for writers; readers love them too! Readers love constraints because they make stories more interesting and exciting; something that happens more often when there’s some kind of limitation on the writer’s behavior. 

It may sound unfair to say “I want only one sentence”, but it makes the author think in a different way about how they use language and how they tell their story – which is exactly what we want from our readers!

Trust Your Instincts

If you’re trying to figure out what kind of writer you want to be, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

First, trust your instincts. You may have heard that different types of writing are “easier” than others and that blogging is easier than technical writing, for example, but this isn’t always true. 

Blogging requires lots of research and editing skills, just like technical writing does! And sometimes the thing that seems easiest at first might be harder than something else (like all those equations). 

The point is: if it feels right for you and makes sense given what you know about yourself as a writer (and reader), then go with it!

The second thing I want to mention here is the passion because if we don’t feel passionate about what we’re doing then how can we expect anyone else to? 

If your heart isn’t really into blogging or technical writing then don’t force yourself into those roles; try something else instead where your interests align more closely with the work itself rather than just its structure or format (like fiction).

Writing can be a rollercoaster, with ups and downs that challenge your inspiration. Discover effective strategies to stay inspired as a writer and keep your creative spark alive throughout your journey.

Read More, Write More, And Get Better At It

The best way to improve your writing is to read.

Read a lot, and write a lot. The more you read, the better writer you’ll become. Read fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and plays even if it’s not something that interests you.

Read books by authors whose style of writing appeals to you (or not). This is one of the best ways for writers who want to learn from others so they can develop their voice in their work as well as get better at what they’re doing right now.

Don’t Worry About The Outline

One of the most challenging parts of writing a novel is developing an outline. I’ve seen many writers become obsessed with drafting their outline, and it’s easy to see why: if you don’t have an outline, how will you know where to begin? 

And if your story goes astray from the course you mapped out, won’t that be embarrassing?

This is all understandable but let me tell you something: neither your editor nor your publisher cares whether or not you have a detailed outline. They’ll be happy with whatever story comes out of your head and onto paper (or screen).

When we write a book ourselves, we tend to think of our work as being more akin to construction the story needs walls and floors; it needs paint on those walls and carpeting on those floors; 

Then some furniture would look nice and that’s all fine until we realize that our “house” doesn’t have electricity or plumbing yet. Or even walls! How am I supposed to live here?

Understanding your motivations is the foundation of a successful writing endeavor. Explore our article on You Have to Know Why You Want to Write a Book to gain clarity on your writing goals.

Getting Published Isn’t The Point

There are a lot of things I wish I knew when I started writing. The most important thing to remember is that getting published isn’t the point.

It’s not as though getting rejected by publishers means you’re struggling in your craft or have no talent; it simply means that someone else has decided they prefer a different story over yours. 

It doesn’t mean your story isn’t good enough, just that it wasn’t what they were looking for at the time. That can happen from one publisher to another and back again, so don’t let rejection get you down it’s just one person’s opinion! 

(That said, if you’re consistently being rejected by dozens of agents/publishers over a long period with no improvement in your work… well then maybe there’s more going on than just “one person.”)

The point is not to get published; rather, it’s about learning how to write well enough so that if someone does accept your manuscript someday (or even if they don’t), they won’t be able to tell themselves “I could have done better.” You want them saying: “Wow! This is great!”

You Don’t Need To Be A Genius To Write Books

People who aren’t writers often think that you need to be a genius or have some sort of degree in English literature to write a novel.

They think being good at writing is like being good at playing basketball or something when it takes very little talent and almost no skill. Writing isn’t even hard! 

All it takes is dedication, persistence, and willingness to put in the hours (which is why most professional writers spend their lives locked away from society). That’s all there is to it!

You don’t need money either the cost of having your book published by one company can range from $10,000 on up (and will probably never see another dime after that first check).

But if you self-publish through Amazon KDP Select for about 70% royalties instead? You’ll only pay about $2 per book sold instead of 30%.

You Need To Accept That You Will Have To Work To Reach Your Writing Goals

This is one of the most important things to understand. If you want to be a writer, if you want to write books and get them published, then you need to accept that it’s going to take work. 

Yes, this is obvious but people have a tendency not to think about it until they realize how much time and effort goes into being a full-time writer (or any kind of professional in any field). 

There are no shortcuts when it comes to writing or publishing books because there has never been an easy way for anyone who wants this career path.

What does this mean? Well first off, it means that other than some very rare circumstances where someone just happens upon success by accident or chance, becoming successful as an author takes hard work on your part. 

You will need discipline and patience. You will need focus and determination. You will need consistency over time because nothing else works in terms of getting results with anything worth having worthwhile in life!

Transitioning from a day job to a writing career requires determination and strategy. Learn from experience with our insights on How I Ditched My Day Job and Got Off My Butt to Write a Novel, and discover how to pursue your passion.

Find Out What Drives You Creatively; What Makes You Want To Create?

It’s important to know what drives you creatively, and what makes you want to write. Find out what you love about writing, and how it makes you feel.

Doing this will help keep your motivation up when things get tough. It’ll also give your work meaning and purpose in your life.

For example, if certain themes interest or intrigue me, like adventure or science fiction, I know that I can write stories based on those themes even if they don’t match with the trends at the time (like YA dystopia).

Keep Going, Even When You Doubt Yourself

When you’re trying to write something, it’s hard not to let the negative thoughts creep in. You might think that this will never be any good, or that no one will care about it at all. Or maybe other people’s opinions make you doubt yourself.

But here’s the thing: those are just thoughts they don’t matter! Don’t let them get in your way. 

It doesn’t matter what other people think of your writing (except for editors who can help improve it). You need to stay focused on what matters: writing as much as possible and helping others when they need it most. 

That’s why writers exist to share their stories with others so that they can find comfort in them during difficult times; not so that everyone else thinks their work is amazing and perfect! 

And if someone does read over our words and finds fault with how we said something? Well, then I guess we’ll just keep working until they come around…

Always Support Other Writers As They’re On Their Journey

You don’t have to be a writer to support other writers. You also don’t have to be a writer to do this. The same goes for being kind and supportive of other writers.

It’s easy for people who are on the path of becoming writers themselves to feel like they’re not doing enough as far as supporting other people who share their dream, but that’s not true! 

You can still be supportive even if you’re just starting yourself, and supporting others will help them achieve their goals more than anything else will.

Writing is not without its challenges, but overcoming obstacles is part of the journey. Gain perspective and advice from our guide on How I Keep Going When My Novel Writing Hits a Wall to navigate through the rough patches in your writing process.


I know it can be hard to trust yourself and your ideas. But don’t worry you’re already a writer! Writing is just a way of being in the world, and every person has a unique voice. So if you want to write, then just go ahead and do it!

Further Reading

11 Things No One Tells You About Being a Writer
Gain insights into the often unspoken realities of the writing journey, helping you prepare for the challenges that come with being a writer.

7 Reasons Why Writers Write and You Should Too
Discover compelling reasons why writers pursue their craft and learn why you should consider embracing writing in your life.

Become a Writer: 10 Simple Steps to Get Started
Dive into a practical guide on taking the first steps toward becoming a writer, breaking down the process into manageable actions.


What are the challenges writers often face?

Writers often face challenges such as writer’s block, self-doubt, and maintaining consistency in their writing practice.

How can I overcome writer’s block?

Writer’s block can be overcome by trying different writing prompts, taking breaks, and setting aside perfectionism to write freely.

Is writing a financially viable career?

Writing can be financially viable through various avenues like publishing books, freelancing, content creation, and journalism, but success requires dedication and persistence.

How do I find inspiration for my writing?

Inspiration can come from various sources, including personal experiences, books, nature, conversations, and exploring new perspectives.

How do I improve my writing skills?

Improving writing skills involves regular practice, seeking feedback, studying writing techniques, and reading a wide range of materials in different genres.