Why I Quit My Job To Do Administrative Support Freelance

This article explains the reasons why I started freelancing and the benefits of being a freelance administrative support specialist.

Want to Quit Your Job to Freelance? Do This First – YouTube
Quitting a job to pursue freelance administrative support can be a life-changing decision.
Freelancing offers flexibility, independence, and the opportunity to build a successful career on your own terms.
Proper planning, preparation, and financial stability are crucial before making the transition to freelance work.
Building a strong client base, networking, and showcasing your skills are key to thriving as a freelance administrative support professional.
Challenges may arise, but with determination, perseverance, and continuous self-improvement, freelancing can lead to fulfillment and success.

Freedom To Choose My Own Hours And Workload

This is the main reason I quit my job to become an administrative support freelancer. Working for yourself means you can choose your own hours, which is a huge perk!

As freelance admin support, I don’t have a boss telling me what to do and when to do it. This is great because sometimes I get busy with other things in life and don’t feel like working at all but as soon as that happens, instead of having to worry about being reprimanded or fired by my employer, I just take some time off and then come back when I’m ready!

It’s also nice because there are no set working times, so if you want to take an hour off in the middle of the day (which I often do), then go for it! There aren’t any rules here about how long each task should take either you can decide at your own pace depending on what feels comfortable for you at any given moment throughout your shift.

Are you interested in pursuing a career as a freelance administrative support professional? Our comprehensive guide on how to become a freelance administrative support will provide you with valuable insights, tips, and steps to kick-start your journey in this rewarding field.

A Chance To Spend More Time With My Family

I mentioned earlier that I was a single mom. My two daughters are my life and there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t do something with them. Whether it be playing games, watching movies, going to the park, or just enjoying the simple things in life like watching them play with their dolls; those were some of my favorite moments as a parent.

Freelance administrative support gives me more control over my schedule so I can spend more time with my family when they need me most!

Besides being able to spend more time with your family, this job also gives you an opportunity to meet new people from all walks of life which will add new dimensions to your social circle and enrich your everyday interactions with others outside of work

No More Commuting!

The biggest benefit of not having to commute is that you can use that time to build your business, relax, or invest in yourself or your family. The average person spends about an hour and a half commuting each day—which adds up to more than two weeks per year! Imagine how much more productive you could be if instead of dealing with traffic and other commuters, you were able to use that time for something else.

You may also want to consider using the money saved by not commuting as another source of income for your own business. If so, this might be the perfect opportunity for freelance administrative support work!

As a woman looking to establish your career in the freelance industry, it’s important to navigate the job market effectively. Check out our article on how to secure a freelance job as a woman to discover practical strategies, empowering advice, and resources specifically tailored to help you succeed in the competitive freelance landscape.

I Have The Opportunity To Work From Anywhere

While I loved the environment of my former employer, there were still some things that just didn’t work for me. For example, there was no way for me to take my business with me if I wanted to travel or move. With freelancing, this isn’t an issue I can go up north and work from a cabin in the woods or go down south and enjoy the sun on a beach as much as I want!

In addition to being more flexible than working at an office job, freelancing has been incredibly empowering because it means that I don’t have to worry about being tied down by one location. If I want to take an adventure around the globe (or even just across town), then why not?

I Can Wear What I Want To Work

Every one of us has at least one thing that makes us feel comfortable, confident, and professional. And while your boss may not care if you wear a t-shirt or dress pants every day, freelancing gives you the freedom of putting on whatever makes you feel good about yourself when you start your day. 

If going out in public in your pajamas is what makes for an awesome day for YOU, then by all means go ahead and wear them!

But don’t stop there even if your office attire is more conservative, there’s no reason why it should be boring! A simple change like wearing a bold necklace will instantly make any look more interesting and stylish (and who doesn’t want that?). 

There are so many options available at affordable prices these days (especially online), so get creative with how YOU want to present yourself each day because remember: clothes don’t make the man/woman—YOU do!

I Love Being My Own Boss And Making My Own Decisions

You’re your own boss. That means you get to make the rules, which means you can make decisions about how things get done. And by “how things get done,” I mean everything from what time you start working each day to what tools or software you use.

If those types of decisions are important to you and your business, then being a freelancer is a great option. There’s no one else who gets to decide these things for you; they’re all yours—one hundred percent!

However, if making all these choices feels overwhelming or stressful instead of empowering, then maybe being an independent contractor isn’t right for you after all…

Being an efficient and organized administrative assistant is key to excelling in your role. Explore our list of 15 tips every administrative assistant should follow to enhance your productivity, streamline your tasks, and become a valuable asset to any organization.

There Are Lots Of Opportunities For Growth

When you work for yourself, there are so many opportunities for growth! For example, You can be more creative. If you choose to freelance as an administrative assistant, then you’ll have the opportunity to really flex your creative muscles and come up with ways to help your clients get the most out of their business. 

Maybe you’ll come up with a way to streamline their daily operations or create a new marketing strategy that will help them grow their brand identity. Whatever it is, being able to think on your feet is one of the best perks of being self-employed.

You can take on more projects or clients. While running my own business has been hard at times and no one should undersell how challenging running an online business can be I’ve never felt bored in my role as an administrative assistant because I have so many different people asking me for help at all times of day and night! 

Every day brings something new through my door (or inbox) which keeps things exciting even when things get stressful sometimes…

I Don’t Have To Go Through A Lengthy Hiring Process If I Want More Clients

When I was working in an office environment, it took me months to find the right job. However, when I started my administrative support freelance business, I had clients calling me within days of putting my profile on the website and posting it on social media. This kind of response is not typical for people who work in offices as full-time employees. 

Freelancers are more appealing to clients because they offer their services on a contract basis and don’t require any benefits like health insurance or paid sick leave.

Additionally, there are thousands of freelancers available online at any given time who are looking for work opportunities with various companies across the country or around the world—and this number continues to grow every day! With so many different types of positions available through freelancing sites (e.g., accounting assistant), finding work shouldn’t be difficult at all, in fact, it’s quite easy!

Flexible Scheduling Means That I Can Still Take Care Of Myself And My Family

For example, if I have a big project coming up or I’m expecting a payment from a client soon, I’ll work hard for 10 hours straight in order to get it done quickly. Then, after those 10 hours are over, I’ll go home or even go out with friends sometimes!

The flexibility gives me the opportunity to spend time with my husband and children without sacrificing our family life by having long workdays every single day for weeks on end (which was very common in my previous job).

Are you aiming to transition from freelance work to a stable, permanent position? Our guide on how to convert your freelance work into a permanent position offers valuable insights, practical steps, and expert advice to help you make a successful shift in your career path.

There Aren’t A Lot Of Overhead Costs Associated With This Kind Of Freelance Business

When I started my business, I was working from home and didn’t have any expenses beyond my own gas money. Today, I work from a coworking space and use shared services like Dropbox and Google Drive for things like file storage and collaborative editing. These services are free for basic accounts (and even if you need premium features, they’re still extremely affordable).

As long as you have an internet connection (and maybe an office chair), there really aren’t any upfront costs associated with starting your own administrative support freelancing business. 

If you want to incorporate so that you can accept credit cards more easily on your invoices (which will allow clients to pay their invoices automatically), then that’s another $50 or so per month plus some paperwork on your end when setting up the corporation in your state (or whatever country you live in). 

The low cost of getting started means that it doesn’t take much income before it makes sense financially you could easily spend months at part-time hours before realizing that full-time would be best!

Maintaining an organized workspace is crucial for freelance professionals to boost productivity and efficiency. Discover our article on 15 ways to keep your freelance desk organized for practical tips, creative solutions, and useful tools to create a clutter-free environment that fosters focus and success in your freelance endeavors.


Now that you’re aware of the advantages and challenges that come with being a freelance administrative support worker, it’s time to get started.

I’ve created a comprehensive guide on how to start your own administrative support services business. It walks through everything from setting up your office space and finding clients to building your brand and growing your business.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on quitting your job to freelance:

Quit Your Job to Freelance: Is It the Right Decision? Short Description: Explore the factors to consider and the pros and cons of quitting your job to pursue a freelance career in this informative article.

Thinking of Quitting Your Job? Here’s How to Transition to Freelancing Short Description: Discover practical tips and insights on transitioning from traditional employment to freelancing, including how to build a client base and manage finances effectively.

Leaving a Job to Freelance or Start Your Own Business Takes Planning Short Description: Learn about the importance of planning and preparation when considering a transition from a regular job to freelancing or starting your own business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions I’ve been asked about the administrative support freelancing industry, and my answers to them. If you have any other questions that aren’t covered here, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below! I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.

How Long Does It Take To Make Money As An Administrative Support Freelancer?

This depends on how much time you want to spend working every day, what kind of equipment you use (if any), and how much work you can get at first. You can start making money right away if all is well with your business plan – but there’s no way around the fact that starting up a business takes time and energy even when everything goes smoothly. 

It also depends on how much experience you already have working as an admin assistant or secretary in another setting (there may be clients out there who will only hire someone with prior experience).

What’s The Best Way For Me To Get Started? Should I Take Courses Online Like Udemy Or Coursera?

You’ll probably need both courses/meetups/colleagues/cold emails; just don’t expect results right away! Try all of these methods together and see which ones work best for each different company/client situation before discarding anything else because they’re not perfect either. But always keep trying new things even if they seem more difficult than others since “perfect” isn’t really possible anyway (at least not yet).

What are the advantages of quitting my job to become a freelancer?

Freelancing offers several benefits, including flexibility in working hours, the ability to choose your clients and projects, and the potential for higher earnings. It also allows you to be your own boss and have greater control over your career path.

How can I prepare financially before quitting my job to freelance?

It’s important to have a solid financial plan in place before transitioning to freelancing. Start by saving a sufficient emergency fund, evaluating your expenses, and considering the potential fluctuations in income. Creating a budget and exploring alternative income sources can also help provide stability during the initial stages.

How do I build a client base as a freelancer?

Building a client base requires networking, marketing your services, and showcasing your skills. Utilize online platforms, attend industry events, and leverage social media to connect with potential clients. Providing excellent service, maintaining professional relationships, and seeking referrals can also help you grow your client base.

What are some common challenges faced when quitting a job to freelance?

Transitioning from a job to freelancing can come with challenges such as irregular income, self-motivation, securing new clients, and managing multiple responsibilities. It’s important to be prepared for these challenges and have strategies in place to overcome them, such as setting clear goals, building a support network, and continuously honing your skills.

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