Why I Choose General Health Insurance

When I moved to the United States from my native Colombia, I had a lot to learn about health insurance. At first, it was a bewildering new world. 

But then I learned how the system works, and now I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about one of the most important decisions you can make for yourself and your family: choosing your health insurance plan.

Why You Should Buy Health Insurance? – YouTube
General health insurance provides essential coverage for unexpected medical expenses.
Having health insurance is crucial for safeguarding your well-being and financial stability.
Health insurance offers access to quality healthcare services and timely medical attention.
Comparing different health insurance plans helps you choose the right coverage for your needs.
Health insurance can provide protection against high medical costs and offer peace of mind.

I Can Choose My Own Doctor

What are the benefits of choosing your doctor?

  • You have direct access to your doctor and can see them when you need to.
  • Your medical records are stored in one place, which makes it easier for your doctor to keep track of them.

It’s also possible that you may prefer the treatment options that a particular specialist offers. Using a general health insurance plan will allow you to switch specialists without any issues, as long as the provider accepts the plan that you have chosen.

If certain conditions or diseases run in your family, choosing a general health insurance plan may be beneficial because it allows members to visit any hospital so they can receive treatment from doctors who specialize in treating those specific conditions or diseases.

Building a strong foundation for your freelance career includes prioritizing your health. Discover the reasons why having health insurance as a freelancer is essential for your well-being and peace of mind.

I Can Choose More Than One Doctor

Having a choice of doctors is an important part of health insurance. As soon as you have a general health insurance policy, you can choose more than one doctor (or dentist). 

This means that if your regular doctor is unavailable, or if the waiting time at his or her practice has become too long, then you will always have another option available to you.

If your child has been ill recently and needs to see a pediatrician because he or she needs medicine that isn’t available over the counter in Canada yet.

Then having a family health insurance policy means that they won’t be stuck waiting for treatment while their condition worsens. 

The same would apply if someone needed surgery they could go straight from the hospital where they were operated on into rehab without any delay at all!

My Family Members Can Visit Their Doctors Without Changing Insurance Policies

You can choose a general health insurance plan that covers your family and friends. If you have kids or parents, they can also see their doctors without changing insurance policies.

You can visit any doctor in the network without a referral from your primary care physician (PCP), so you don’t have to wait for an appointment if you’re feeling sick and need help right away. 

You’ll get access to specialists whenever needed, including for routine checkups and annual physicals too!

Also, with general health coverage through [insurance company], no matter what type of condition is causing your pain or discomfort.

Whether it’s serious like cancer or something less serious like arthritis you’ll be able to access coverage from many different types of plans from one provider: [insurance company].

My Family Members And I Have A Choice Of Doctors In Different Cities And Countries

One of the best things about having general health insurance is that you can choose the doctor and hospital that suit your needs.

For example, if you are working in the city, but live in another part of the country, then it makes sense to choose a doctor near your workplace. This way, it will be easier for them to refer patients locally and also help manage their workloads by providing local support when needed.

There are also many other options available depending on where your home or office is located:

A doctor near my children’s school. This will make it easier for them to drop off or pick up their kids from school during school hours without worrying about traffic jams or long queues at public transport stops;

A doctor near my parents’ home. If they live separately from me because they need extra care due to old age or illness then I’ll want an easy way of communicating with each other;

A doctor who speaks my language. It would be nice if there were doctors who spoke languages other than English because then I could communicate easily with them without having any trouble understanding them

Being a freelancer without health insurance can be challenging. Learn what steps to take if you find yourself in a situation where you have no health insurance while pursuing your freelance career and ensure you have the necessary coverage.

My Family Members And I Don’t Have To Wait For A Referral From Our Primary Care Physician To See A Specialist

You may not know this, but most health insurance plans require you to see your primary care physician first before seeing a specialist. 

This can cause problems if you need treatment right away. You don’t want to wait weeks or months while your medical condition worsens before getting the help that you need.

Some providers are more than happy to see patients who have already been referred by their primary care physicians, but many will only treat patients who come in with no referral at all. 

By choosing a plan from our general health insurance provider, we can save time and money by seeing specialists without first having to see our PCP (primary care physician).

If any of my family members were suffering from an illness like cancer or heart disease, I would want them treated immediately without having to wait for someone else’s approval or sign off on their treatment plan. 

That’s why I’m glad we have general health insurance coverage; it allows us all access right away when something goes wrong so we don’t end up paying high medical bills later!

I Know Exactly How Much My Family’s Insurance Will Cost Me Every Month And There Are No Deductibles Or Copays

I know exactly how much my family’s insurance will cost me every month and there are no deductibles or copays. I also don’t have to worry about paying additional fees for things like getting a prescription filled or having an emergency room visit.

This gives me peace of mind because when something bad happens, the last thing I want to do is worry about how much it’s going to cost me.

I Know Exactly How Much My Insurance Will Reimburse For Each Treatment. There Are No Out-Of-Pocket Expenses

With general health insurance, you will be reimbursed for your expenses based on the procedure and the insurer. 

This means that if you get an MRI from a provider in-network, your insurer will reimburse you. If you go to a provider who isn’t in-network, they may give you less than what the procedure costs or not reimburse you at all.

General health insurance can also have tiered levels of coverage, for example, some plans have platinum plans with higher copays and deductibles for medication but lower out-of-pocket maximums than other plans’ gold plans. 

The more coverage offered by a plan, the more expensive its premiums are likely to be; but it’s important to shop around so that you can find a plan that provides enough financial protection while still staying within your budget goals!

We Can See Our Doctors Often, As Often As We Want, Without Worrying About The Cost Of Their Visits

You can see your doctor as often as you want, without worrying about the cost of their visits.

We have had the same insurance for a long time and we have always been able to see our doctors, even when it was last minute or urgent. They all work together so that we can get in to see them whenever we need to.

This is especially important for me because I am very active and I need my body to be in tip-top shape at all times! 

I love being outside playing sports, hiking, and running around with friends, but sometimes things happen that could put my health at risk if not taken care of right away – like an injury or illness!

When those situations arise, I don’t have any trouble getting in to see my doctor because they are all connected through the same network of doctors’ offices (and hospitals). And they’ve always been able to help me out with whatever problem I am having too!

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We Can Get Routine And Preventive Checkups Several Times Per Year

You can get a routine and preventive checkup several times per year. Additionally, you can visit your doctor frequently if you have ongoing health issues or are concerned about new symptoms. 

Getting annual checkups is important because it allows your doctor to track any changes in your physical condition and gives them time to educate you on how to take care of yourself.

Routine Checkup

Your general health insurance plan will provide you with coverage for up to three visits each year for routine checkups. 

This includes exams by a primary care physician (PCP), as well as examinations by specialists such as dermatologists, gynecologists, or cardiologists if needed for certain conditions.

Physical Exam

The physical exam typically includes measurements like blood pressure readings; testing height/weight ratio; listening with a stethoscope; checking reflexes; taking notes about the overall appearance.


Monthly screenings should be done at least once every two years until age 39, then annually after that point.


Yearly screening is recommended starting at age 50 until 75 years old.

PSA Screening

Men should start having this test done between 45-50 years old and continue every 2 years thereafter until age 75 when the American Cancer Society recommends switching to an annual schedule.

Flu Shot

Get vaccinated each fall before flu season starts!

We Get An Annual Physical Exam And Screening Tests Such As Colonoscopies, Mammograms, Psa Screenings, And Other Recommended Screenings Based On Age And Gender, With No Out-Of-Pocket Costs

Having a regular physical exam and screening tests such as colonoscopies, mammograms, PSA screenings, and other recommended screenings based on age and gender are important to maintaining good health. 

You can save hundreds or thousands of dollars in the long run by getting routine checkups instead of waiting until something is wrong before seeing a doctor.

Even with insurance coverage, you may still have to pay some out-of-pocket costs for certain tests or treatments that aren’t covered by your plan. 

If you want to be sure you get all the benefits you’re entitled to under your general health insurance policy, make sure it covers these essential services:

Annual checkups (physicals) no additional cost except deductible if applicable Screening tests (mammograms/PSA/colonoscopy etc.) no additional cost except deductible if applicable

Considering freelancing as a part-time job? Discover the numerous reasons why freelancing can be your next part-time job and how it can provide you with additional income, skill development opportunities, and work-life balance.

Our Children Receive All Age-Appropriate Vaccinations With No Out-Of-Pocket Costs

Your kids are not just your children they’re also the future of our country. They’ll be running things one day, and they need to be as healthy as possible to do that. Vaccinations help them stay safe from disease so they can grow up strong, smart, and ready for anything!

Vaccines have been a part of human history since ancient times. The practice was first recorded in China during the 7th century BC. 

Inoculation was used by people there to protect themselves from smallpox using material from smallpox pustules taken from patients who had survived infection and then applied to cuts made on their skin. 

These early versions could only protect against one disease at a time because there were no ways known back then for combining multiple vaccines into one shot (which isn’t even possible yet nowadays!).

If We Gain Weight Between Annual Checkups, Our Healthcare Providers Still Provide Preventive Advice For Free Until Our Next Checkup

If we gain weight between annual checkups, our healthcare providers still provide preventive advice for free until our next checkup.

We can see our doctors often, as often as we want, without worrying about the cost of their visits.

We get an annual physical exam and screening tests such as colonoscopies, mammograms, PSA screenings, and other recommended screenings based on age and gender.

If you have a high deductible plan (more than $1,350), your office visits are covered by the insurer only after you meet that deductible amount in out-of-pocket costs during the year. 

So if you’re having problems with high blood pressure or cholesterol that requires medication but don’t meet the deductible threshold right away because of smaller expenses like office visits for maintenance care before then.

You could end up paying more in medical bills this year than what it would take to meet your plan’s deductible amount!

Curious about whether freelancing can turn into a long-term career? Gain valuable insights into the realities and potential of freelancing as a career path. Find out if freelancing can be a career and explore the pros and cons of this self-employed lifestyle.


For my family and me, general health insurance offers the best value. We are free to choose any doctor, anywhere in the world. Our doctors have time to get to know us and our unique health needs. 

We receive excellent care and preventive services at no cost to us. Save for serious illnesses or injuries that require surgery or hospitalization, I can’t imagine a better healthcare package than what we’re already getting through our general health insurance policy!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of health insurance and related information:

Importance of Health Insurance and Why Do You Need It: Learn about the significance of health insurance and understand why it is crucial to have adequate coverage for unexpected medical expenses.

Reasons Why You Should Buy Health Insurance: Discover the compelling reasons why purchasing health insurance is beneficial for safeguarding your well-being and financial stability.

Why Choose an Insurance Career: Gain insights into the advantages and opportunities associated with pursuing a career in the insurance industry and understand the reasons that make it an attractive choice.


Here are some frequently asked questions about health insurance:

What is health insurance?

Health insurance is a type of coverage that provides financial protection against medical expenses. It helps individuals pay for healthcare services, including doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription medications, and preventive care.

Why is health insurance important?

Health insurance is important because it helps mitigate the financial burden of medical costs. It provides access to quality healthcare services, ensures timely medical attention, and offers protection against unexpected health issues or emergencies.

What are the benefits of having health insurance?

Having health insurance offers several benefits, including access to a network of healthcare providers, coverage for medical treatments and procedures, preventive care services, and financial protection from high medical expenses.

How can I choose the right health insurance plan?

Choosing the right health insurance plan depends on factors such as your healthcare needs, budget, coverage options, and preferences. It’s important to compare different plans, consider the coverage details, network providers, premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs before making a decision.

Can I get health insurance if I have pre-existing conditions?

In many countries, including the United States, health insurance providers are required to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions. However, the coverage and terms may vary. It’s advisable to review the specific policies and regulations in your region or consult with an insurance professional to understand the options available to you.

Please note that the answers provided are general in nature and may vary based on the specific terms and conditions of health insurance policies in different countries or regions. It’s always recommended to consult with insurance experts or refer to official resources for accurate and up-to-date information.

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