When I was younger, I loved writing. I used to spend hours in my room, alone with my thoughts and an idea for a story. After college, though, things changed.
My friends were getting jobs or starting families and it seemed like the only people who still wanted to write were aspiring novelists or poets and that wasn’t me! But then something happened to change everything: I started working as a journalist at my local newspaper.
It didn’t take long before I realized that this was exactly where I belonged: writing about what actually interests me on a daily basis instead of making up stories about people who are better off-screen than on it (looking at you Hollywood).
So if you’re like me and want to get your start in journalism but don’t know where to begin… read on!
Takeaway |
1. ContentGrip provides a list of top websites offering journalism job opportunities. |
2. FreshBooks blog offers insights on where to find freelance writing jobs. |
3. JournoResources curates job sites specifically catering to journalism professionals. |
4. Online platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are excellent resources for freelance writers. |
5. Building a strong portfolio and networking can increase chances of landing a journalism job. |
6. JournalismJobs.com, MediaBistro, and LinkedIn are valuable resources for job opportunities in journalism. |
7. Attend journalism conferences to expand your network and enhance job prospects. |
8. Freelance writing offers various opportunities, including content writing, copywriting, and technical writing. |
9. Explore Media Match and JournoResources for journalism-specific job listings. |
10. Diversify your freelance writing skills to access a broader range of job opportunities. |
Network And Connect
Not only are you a journalist, but you’re also a human being. And as a human being, it’s in your nature to want to connect with other people.
That doesn’t mean you need to be friends with everyone it just means that if someone lights up when they see you or wants to talk about your favorite book or the last time they went on vacation, then maybe that’s something worth pursuing further down the road.
Connecting with others is how we build our networks, which will help us find writing opportunities later on down the road (which means now). There are many different ways of connecting! Some examples:
Connecting by doing things together. Maybe there’s a group of people who always go hiking at least once a year and would welcome new members for these adventures; maybe there’s an organization dedicated to sharing good times over board games;
Maybe there’s even just a small group that meets every Friday afternoon at your local coffee shop for conversation and snacks. Any kind of connection like this can help build up your network and may lead to great friendships along the way!
Connecting through work-related activities or interests (or both!)
If possible, try working closely with one person per day until they feel comfortable enough around me where I could ask them questions about themselves without feeling weird about it because we haven’t known each other long enough yet.”
Discover why ghostwriting can be a game-changer for your book in our comprehensive guide on hiring a ghostwriter to write your book. Empower your story with the help of a skilled ghostwriter.
Pitching To Publications
The first step in pitching is to choose the publication you want to write for. You can find publications that accept freelance work either by searching online or by looking through your local yellow pages and newspaper listings.
Next, you need to come up with a concise but interesting pitch. The pitch should be well-researched and well-written, but also have a hook that makes it stand out from other similar pitches.
If possible, try to make sure your article topic has never been covered before on that particular publication’s website or magazine. Finally, format your email professionally and proofread it carefully before sending off!
Social Media Platforms
Social media is a great way to connect with people and find opportunities. You can also use social media to find people who can help you with your career.
Social media is a great place to find writing opportunities. You can use social media to find writing opportunities, such as by finding freelance jobs or by applying for grants and scholarships that are only available through social media platforms.
Learn what ghostwriting is all about and how it can benefit your writing journey. Embrace the power of collaboration and let a ghostwriter bring your vision to life.
Blogging is a great way to share your expertise and build your reputation. You can do it for free, or you can make money from advertising or affiliate links.
To get started, create a blog on WordPress or Tumblr and write about topics that are relevant to your interests, expertise and/or career. The trick is finding the right keywords for each post so that people searching for those things will find it in Google when they search.
For example, if you want to write about how to be a better writer: First figure out what people are searching for related to improving their writing skills; then write an article around those terms (and include those terms in the title of each post).
If you’re just getting started, newsletters are a great way to build your portfolio and practice your writing skills. They’re also a great way to get your name out there, especially if it’s a newsletter that has an established readership.
If you can write for them, they’ll likely be happy to include you on their masthead which is essentially like being an editor at the publication (or in this case, newsletter).
If you’re looking for opportunities in journalism but don’t know where to start, try reaching out via email or phone call until something works out!
Check out our guide on how to get your copy written by a ghostwriter and start earning from your writing expertise. Collaborate with a professional and enjoy the rewards of ghostwriting.
Work On Your Own Time
The best part of freelancing is that you can work on your own time and in your own space. If you’ve never written for pay before, this may seem like a major limitation but it’s actually a great way to get started.
Work on your own time: When you’re working for someone else, they have control over when you start and end each day. But when you’re working for yourself, there are no set schedules or deadlines (unless you set them for yourself).
You can choose how much or how little work gets done each day and if the muse strikes between 9-5pm on Monday through Friday, then so be it!
Work in your own space: It doesn’t matter whether the space is shared by other people or completely private; either way, it’s yours alone to use however and whenever you want.
This means no interruptions from coworkers or roommates who want to hang out while they watch Netflix together…or even worse: asking if they can borrow one of your tools/toys/whatever.
You don’t have anyone looking over your shoulder while writing either…which leads to the final point:
Work in your style: Working on a freelance basis gives writers more freedom than ever before.
Because now they don’t have someone sitting next door telling them what kinds of stories should be covered by their publication nor do editors dictate exactly how those stories should be written (or even what topics might be considered off limits).
Freelance Writing Gigs
Freelance writing gigs can be a great way to get started in the journalism field, because they offer flexibility and allow you to work from home.
If you don’t have much experience under your belt yet, but still want to get into it, freelance writing could be a great choice for making some money on the side while learning what it takes to succeed as a journalist. Just as many professionals do!
Freelancing allows you more freedom than other types of jobs; this leads some people who are just starting in their career choice to choose to freelance over other options because they have dreams of being able to travel.
Or spend time with their families while still getting paid well enough where they’ll be able to live comfortably without feeling like they’re missing out on anything important.
Contests, Fellowships, And Grants
Contests, fellowships, and grants. These opportunities are great ways to get paid to write. They’re also a way to get your name out there and grow your portfolio if you’re just starting out in journalism.
Write for free publications that have large audiences. If you’re just starting out in journalism, it’s important to build up a portfolio before charging for articles as freelancers typically make less than staff writers do at established publications (and sometimes even less than interns).
Writing for free publications can help you build that portfolio while also gaining experience contacting sources, reporting stories, and writing leads.
All skills are required of writers who want their work published by traditional media outlets or online outlets with large audiences such as The Huffington Post or BuzzFeed News (both of which pay well).
Find out the secrets to writing impactful articles in our comprehensive guide on how to write articles that resonate with your audience. Engage your readers and make a lasting impression with your writing.
Internships are a great way to get your foot in the door, and they’re also a great opportunity to gain experience. They’re often low-paying and require you to work your butt off, but they can give you an edge over other writers who don’t have that internship on their résumé.
If you secure an internship at a publication or company with which you really want to work, consider it as an investment in your future your résumé will reflect that experience, which most employers look for.
And hey, if all else fails? At least now you’ve got some writing samples!
Start With Your Local News Network
If you’re looking to get your name out there, consider starting with local news. These outlets are always looking for new talent, and they tend to be more forgiving when it comes to hiring people who don’t have experience.
They also are more likely to hire someone who is already a member of their community. If you live in New York City and have been covering your local high school sports team for years, this is where you should go first.
If you want an even better chance at landing that dream job at one of these outlets, consider moving closer so that they know they will be hiring someone who will stick around indefinitely (and possibly become part of the family).
Contribute To Your College Or University’s Newspaper Or Literary Magazine
Get to know the editor(s) of your college or university’s newspaper or literary magazine.
Write them a pitch and follow up with it in person or via email. If they don’t accept it, try again, but be persistent!
Look for opportunities to write for the paper and/or literary magazine. You could also look around campus and see what else is happening there—maybe there’s an annual yearbook?
Don’t Let Any Opportunity Go To Waste. Take Advantage Of Everything You Can. The More, The Merrier!
You never know what opportunities will come along and when they do, you want to be prepared for them. You can always apply for more than one position at a time (especially if you have multiple qualifications or have built up an impressive portfolio).
But even if it’s not a fit right now, keep in mind that there may be another related opportunity down the line that could work better.
Don’t be afraid to ask for more work either if something seems too good to be true and/or doesn’t match your skill set as closely as you would like, then it probably is!
And if it turns out that the job isn’t right for now but could use some extra hands, try asking if there might be any other projects or assignments with similar needs down the line?
People love working with people who are willing to take initiative even outside their main responsibilities so don’t hesitate when given new opportunities! And finally: Don’t forget about negotiating!
What’s one thing everyone has in common across industries? That’s right–we all want more money!!
Whether it’s asking for an increase based on length of service or experience level–whatever makes sense on paper–it never hurts asking (unless what they offer seems reasonable enough).
Find An Outlet Where You Can Write About The Topic That Interests You Most!
If you’re looking to publish your work, it helps to find an outlet where you can write about the topic that interests you most.
For example, if a journalism student has an interest in politics and social justice issues, they could reach out to their local NPR station or other media outlets who cover these subjects.
But if an aspiring journalist isn’t sure what subject they want to cover professionally yet (or even what job they want after graduation), there are still plenty of options available!
For example:
Check with local newspapers near your campus. Many university towns have several different papers covering local news and events.
Usually these papers will be happy to take submissions from students as long as they meet certain requirements (for example, submitting at least three times per semester).
This option is great because it allows writers getting started with their career while also providing valuable experience before graduating from college with little risk involved.
Reach out directly via email/phone call/text message on Twitter/Facebook Messenger/Instagram DM (delete ruthlessly).
Someone who knows someone else might share contact information for them; this could lead to an opportunity for freelance work or even paid entry-level positions within an industry.
Also consider contacting editors and writers by way of LinkedIn connections it’s easy enough! Just ask nicely via private message instead; this method carries less risk than cold calling or emailing without first building rapport through social media interactions beforehand.”
Explore various places to find writing opportunities in our insightful article on where to find writing opportunities for journalists. Uncover new avenues to showcase your journalistic talents and expand your writing horizons.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to find writing opportunities for journalists. Whether it’s through a local newspaper, magazine, or blog.
The important thing to remember is that the best way to get your foot in the door with any publication is by sending out emails and doing research on their guidelines before approaching them. This will ensure your submission stands out from all others!
Further Reading
ContentGrip – Top Sites for Journalism Jobs Short Description: Explore a comprehensive list of top websites offering journalism job opportunities for aspiring journalists.
FreshBooks – Where to Find Freelance Writing Jobs Short Description: Learn about various platforms and resources to discover freelance writing gigs and kickstart your freelancing career.
JournoResources – List of Job Sites for Journalism Short Description: A curated collection of job sites catering specifically to journalism professionals, helping you find your dream job in the field.
How do I find freelance writing jobs?
To find freelance writing jobs, you can explore various online platforms dedicated to freelancers, such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.com. Additionally, you can reach out to content agencies and publications that often hire freelance writers for their projects.
What are the top websites for journalism job opportunities?
Some of the top websites offering journalism job opportunities include JournalismJobs.com, MediaBistro, and LinkedIn’s job search feature. These platforms often list a wide range of journalism-related positions across different industries and locations.
How can I increase my chances of landing a journalism job?
To increase your chances of landing a journalism job, focus on building a strong portfolio that showcases your best work. Networking with industry professionals, attending journalism conferences, and staying updated with the latest trends in journalism can also improve your prospects.
Are there specific job sites for journalism professionals?
Yes, there are job sites dedicated specifically to journalism professionals. Websites like Media Match and JournoResources provide job listings tailored to journalists, offering positions in various media fields, including print, broadcast, and digital journalism.
What types of freelance writing jobs are available?
Freelance writing offers a diverse range of opportunities, including content writing, copywriting, technical writing, blogging, and journalistic writing. Additionally, you can find gigs in industries like marketing, healthcare, technology, and lifestyle, depending on your expertise and interests.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.