It’s no secret that the magazine industry has been in decline for some time now. You might have noticed this yourself if you’ve ever tried to get an internship at a magazine or found yourself reading a thin issue of your favorite publication.
But despite all this doom and gloom, there are still opportunities for journalists who want to write for magazines if you know where to look. Here’s what you need to know about breaking into this unique world:
Takeaways |
1. Passion and Persistence: Pursue a career in magazine journalism with unwavering passion and persistence. The journey may have challenges, but dedication can lead to success. |
2. Skill Development: Focus on honing your writing skills and storytelling abilities. Regular practice and seeking feedback are crucial for improvement. |
3. Networking and Connections: Attend networking events and build relationships with industry professionals. Connections can lead to valuable opportunities and guidance. |
4. Targeted Pitches: Tailor your pitches to match the style and audience of specific magazines. Show editors that you understand their publication and can offer unique perspectives. |
5. Embrace Rejection: Rejections are part of the process. Stay resilient and use feedback to refine your work. Each rejection brings you closer to finding the right fit for your writing. |
Get An Internship With A Magazine
Internships are a great way to get your foot in the door. You’ll not only be able to write for a magazine and learn about magazine journalism, but you’ll also have the opportunity to learn about magazine publishing and editing.
If your favorite editor is willing to take you under her wing, she’ll teach you everything there is about writing for magazines: how to pitch ideas, how to interview experts, how to handle revisions from other writers, and how much time each part of the process will take the whole ball of wax!
Are you eager to enter the world of magazine journalism? Learn how to get your first publication in a magazine and kickstart your writing career.
Share Your Work Online
If you’re looking to break into magazine journalism, the best way to start is by getting your work out there. A good way to do this is by sharing it on your social media accounts.
Publish your work on your blog.
Publish your work on
Publish your work on LinkedIn Pulse or Twitter’s Moments section (if it’s appropriate).
Share links via email, Facebook, and Instagram posts that link directly back to the original piece of writing (if applicable).
Use Your Contacts, And If You Don’t Have Any Get Some
If you’re not already on friendly terms with a few editors, it’s time to get to know them. The easiest way is through social media: follow their Twitter feeds and friend them on Facebook.
You can also send them an email asking if they’d be willing to take your calls or meet for coffee (or lunch). They may not want to give you an interview immediately, but at least then they’ll remember your name and face next time there’s an opening in their department.
Once you’ve established contact with editors and hopefully impressed them enough that they’ll remember who you are you need to prove that you can do the job well once hired.
If possible, ask if there are any freelance assignments available and apply for one of those first before applying for full-time work; this will show the editor how reliable and hard-working you are without putting yourself out of pocket by taking unpaid internships or working as an assistant until offered a permanent position later down the line
Looking for opportunities in magazine journalism? We’ve got you covered with valuable tips for finding work in magazine journalism. Don’t miss out on your chance to make a mark in the industry.
Research And Pitch Stories That You Want To Write About
Pitching stories is a lot like dating. If you’re not careful, you could find yourself in a situation where your face is buried in someone else’s crotch and you can only see shoes or whatever.
But if you do your research, know the right people (and their schedules), and make sure they want what you have to offer before opening up your pants drawer, then there’s no reason why this shouldn’t end well for everyone involved.
Build A Rapport With Editors And Let Them Know What You’re Good At Writing About
If you want to get into magazine journalism, the best way to do it is to build a relationship with editors. Editors will be able to help you find the right publications for your voice, and they will also tell you what they are looking for in an article. It’s important that you’re a good fit for their publication and that your skills are up-to-date as well.
You also need to make sure that the articles you’re writing match their audience’s interests and needs, which is why it’s important to do some research beforehand and not just on Google!
When I first started pitching stories, I would just send out emails asking if they were interested in hearing more about my idea without finding out whether or not my story was something they’d publish or even want me writing about (spoiler alert: it wasn’t).
Put Yourself In The Right Place At The Right Time
Here’s the takeaway: It’s not enough to be a good writer. You need to know how to market yourself, too.
You also need to be in the right place at the right time. It’s all about putting yourself in front of people who can help you get your foot in the door as well as demonstrating that you are capable and ready for this opportunity and that they want you there more than someone else might because they like working with you and think you’re great.
Dreaming of a career as a freelance magazine writer? Take the first step by learning how to break into freelance magazine writing and unleash your creativity.
Take Advantage Of Networking Opportunities
It’s important to remember that magazine journalists are people. Like the rest of us, they need coffee and donuts. They get sick and feel sad when their favorite sports team loses.
They want to go home at a reasonable hour to be with their family instead of staying at work until midnight. In other words: You’re going to encounter plenty of opportunities for contact on Twitter or Facebook (and maybe even in real life), so take advantage of them!
You’ll stand out from everyone else if you’re friendly, professional, and confident enough to introduce yourself but don’t overdo it or come across as pushy or desperate for attention because that won’t win anyone over either.
You should also ask questions about what someone does for a living without being too nosy; people love talking about themselves when asked politely just make sure not to pry into any deeply personal matters unless given permission first!
Finally, offer help whenever possible: If someone needs assistance finding something online (like an article), offer assistance by taking him/her there directly rather than just pointing them in the right direction;
If someone has trouble connecting her laptop wirelessly through Wi-Fi but knows how to do it herself but doesn’t have time right now… step up again by helping her get connected quickly so she can move on with her day feeling less stressed out about things like this happening later down the road somewhere else.
Make Sure Your Writing Is Polished And Professional, Even On Social Media
Your writing is the first thing a magazine editor will see. Make sure your writing is polished and professional, even on social media. Here are some tips to help you write better:
Be clear, concise, and easy to read. Use short sentences and paragraphs that avoid unnecessary words or phrases (such as “to be”). Use active voice instead of passive voice when possible it makes for stronger sentences that don’t lose their meaning when summarized (for example, “This is an apple” versus “The apple was eaten by Jane.”)
Be interesting and engaging. Readers won’t bother reading something if it’s not interesting! Make sure you’re always asking yourself questions about what YOU would want to read about before putting pen (or fingers) to keyboard…and then try answering those questions in a way that keeps your reader engaged throughout the piece itself!
Avoid using too many “weasel” words such as, “some people say…” or “many people believe…” instead state things directly with confidence…and try not using words like “basically,” which can weaken an argument by making it sound like someone hasn’t put enough effort into.
Understanding something fully yet still wants others to think they’ve fully understood before coming up with their conclusions based upon evidence that may not necessarily support their original assumptions.
And then there is always one person at the bottom who complains that we don’t have enough evidence from science to support anything that has been discussed in this article!!!
Magazine writing can be an exciting journey, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Discover the untold truths of the craft with our guide on 11 things they don’t tell you about magazine writing.
Make Sure That Everything You Submit Is Completely Perfect
It’s also important to make sure that everything you submit is completely perfect. That means checking your spelling and grammar, making sure that there are no errors in the text at all, and double-checking for typos or grammatical mistakes. This might seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it if you want to impress everyone who spends time reading your work.
Get Comfortable Being Rejected As Part Of The Job
It’s important to keep in mind that rejection is a natural part of the job, especially when you’re starting.
It’s also very easy to take rejection personally, but it should never be about you as an individual. The editor might have liked your pitch more if it had been submitted at another time, or they might have been looking for something different than what you provided.
There are so many variables involved in every aspect of publishing that it’s impossible to predict what will happen when submitting an idea or piece you just need to keep up with the practice and know that eventually, someone will buy into your vision!
If you do get rejected by one publication, don’t let it stop you from trying again elsewhere! Keep pitching until someone says yes!
Don’t Get Discouraged By Rejection
Don’t let rejection get you down.
It’s a common misconception that getting published in a magazine is as simple as submitting your best work to an editor and walking away with a check. In reality, writing for magazines is a long and arduous process that can take years before you even get your first piece published.
As you start to write more and more pieces, the chances of getting rejected are only going to increase but don’t let this discourage you! Rejection is just part of the process when it comes to becoming a successful journalist (and no matter what field of work you’re in).
You need to learn how to handle failure so it does not hold back your career or prevent you from reaching your goals.
Write Consistently And Keep Improving Yourself Along The Way
If there’s one thing I wish I could tell my younger self when she first started her journalism career was: don’t stop improving yourself!
The key here is consistency; whether we’re talking about finding ways around writer’s block or learning new skills like coding HTML or CSS, keeping up with these kinds of habits will help make sure that it doesn’t feel like such an uphill battle trying to become better at something day after day (after day).
Keep Knocking On Doors Until One Opens For You
Even if you think your dream job is at a certain magazine, keep knocking on doors until one opens for you. You may get a job offer from a magazine you didn’t expect, or from another industry altogether. You never know what will happen until it happens!
Want to enhance your magazine writing skills? Check out our collection of 15 proven techniques to write better magazine articles and take your writing to the next level.
It Takes Perseverance, But It Is Possible To Break Into Magazine Journalism
It’s a tough business, but it’s not impossible to break in. As a journalist, you’ll have to fight for every story you write and no matter how much effort you put into it, sometimes your pitches will get rejected. That’s just how this industry works.
You can’t take rejection personally; it doesn’t mean that your work isn’t good enough it means the editors didn’t think your story idea would resonate with their readership at that time.
So if you’re considering pursuing magazine journalism as a career, know that there are many more stories out there than could ever fit into one magazine issue (or even ten years’ worth of issues), so don’t give up! Even if this is the only piece of advice I give today: Don’t give up on your dream of becoming a magazine journalist!
Becoming an experienced writer takes perseverance and dedication but also has its rewards namely getting paid for doing what comes naturally to most people: writing about things they’re passionate about (and having fun doing so).
If you’re passionate about something and willing to work hard, breaking into magazine journalism should be doable. The more experience you have and the better your writing skills are, the easier this will be.
Once you’ve gotten some clips under your belt, it’s just a matter of networking with editors until one of them gives you an opportunity that feels right for both parties involved!
Further Reading
Masterclass: How to Get Into Magazine Writing Learn from industry experts about the essential steps to break into the world of magazine writing.
Better Humans: How to Break Into Journalism with No Prior Experience Discover practical tips on starting a journalism career even without prior experience.
Indeed: How to Become a Magazine Writer Explore the necessary skills and steps to embark on a successful journey as a magazine writer.
How do I start my career in magazine writing?
Starting your career in magazine writing requires a combination of passion, skill development, and persistence. Begin by honing your writing skills through practice and seeking feedback from peers or mentors. Engage in networking events to connect with industry professionals and explore potential opportunities.
What qualifications do I need to become a magazine writer?
While formal qualifications can be beneficial, they are not always mandatory for becoming a magazine writer. A strong command of language, excellent writing skills, and a deep understanding of the subject matter are crucial. Many successful writers have diverse educational backgrounds.
How can I get published in a magazine?
To get published in a magazine, start by researching publications that align with your writing style and interests. Craft a well-written and compelling pitch that showcases your unique perspective. Submit your pitches to editors, and don’t be discouraged by rejection—perseverance is key.
How do I stand out as a magazine writer?
To stand out as a magazine writer, focus on developing your distinct voice and perspective. Write about topics that are relevant and timely, offering fresh insights and unique angles. Building a strong portfolio and showcasing your published work can also set you apart from other writers.
What are some tips for breaking into specialized magazines?
Breaking into specialized magazines requires tailoring your pitches to the specific niche or target audience of the publication.
Conduct in-depth research on the magazine’s content and tone, and demonstrate your expertise in the field through your writing. Building relationships with editors and industry experts can also open doors in specialized areas.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.