If you’ve ever written a magazine article, you know how hard it can be. There’s just so much to consider: Is my main idea clear and concise? How long should each paragraph be? Should I use contractions in my headings?
How many exclamation points can I use without seeming like a crazy person? Well, don’t worry! In this post, we’ll break down all the best techniques for writing better magazine articles. We’ll start by talking about headlines because they’re the most important part of any article (and often the hardest).
We then move on to subheads and other types of text formatting before finishing off with some tips for writing body copy that will make your readers want more. So read on! By following these simple steps all backed up by science! you’ll soon be writing better magazine articles than ever before.
Takeaways |
1. Use descriptive and captivating headlines |
2. Incorporate storytelling to engage readers |
3. Focus on a clear and compelling introduction |
4. Master the art of structuring and organizing your content |
5. Use visuals and multimedia to enhance the article’s impact |
6. Craft compelling calls-to-action to drive reader engagement |
7. Edit and proofread meticulously for error-free content |
8. Seek feedback and learn from constructive criticism |
9. Keep the language simple, concise, and reader-friendly |
10. Address your target audience’s pain points and interests |
11. Stay updated with industry trends and current affairs |
12. Use data and statistics to support your points effectively |
13. Experiment with different writing styles and tones |
14. Provide actionable and valuable takeaways for the reader |
15. Always strive for continuous improvement in your writing craft |
Avoid Writing A Headline That Is Difficult To Pronounce
Avoid writing a headline that is difficult to pronounce. This is almost always a mistake, no matter what the language.
Words that are hard to pronounce can cause readers to stumble over them and lose their place in the article not exactly what you want them to do when they’re just starting! If you must use a word that’s tricky for your audience, try coming up with an alternate spelling or pronunciation (e.g., “thoroughly,” “through-uh-lee”).
Writing an exclusive magazine feature can set your article apart from the rest. Learn how to craft compelling stories with our guide on writing an exclusive magazine feature that captivates readers and leaves a lasting impact.
Use Contractions (Ex: “Didn’t,” “Can’t,” Etc.) In Your Headings
In your headlines, you can use contractions (ex: “didn’t,” “can’t,” etc.). Just don’t overuse them. Use contractions sparingly in body copy and subheads.
Subtitles should not contain any contractions unless they are part of a quote from someone else or from another source that is authoritative on the subject at hand.
Don’t Use Contractions In Pull Quotes (Or Anything Else)
Don’t put contractions into callouts either: You might be tempted to use them when describing actions taken by powerful people who have spoken about their actions, but this is generally seen as unprofessional and bad form.
Write The Main Headline Last, After You Write The Article
One of the biggest mistakes writers make is writing their headlines first. As you’ve probably experienced, this can lead to a lot of frustration.
You may be able to come up with some good headlines in your head, but once you start writing the article, it turns out that those ideas don’t work as well as they seemed at first glance.
The article might just not be as interesting or engaging as it could have been if you’d waited until after writing most of the body copy before coming up with some suitable alternatives to use instead.
There are plenty of other things that should be written last: subheads; title; conclusion; introduction.
Want to enhance your magazine writing skills? Check out our collection of 15 practical tips that will elevate your articles, from mastering storytelling techniques to creating engaging content.
Write Subheads That Are Just As Good As The Main Headline
Your subheads should be as good as the headline. They should be catchy and interesting, written in the same tone as your main headline. More than that, they need to be short and sweet enough to fit into the flow of an article without breaking up its rhythm.
The best way to make sure this happens is by writing them in the active voice:
Subheads should use some of the same keywords or phrases that are used in the main headline.
A proper subheading should be a restatement or variation of your main headline. It’s often a good idea to reuse some of the keywords or phrases from your main headline as well. You can also use different words to describe the same thing.
For example, if you have a main headline that says “5 Tips To Improve Your Writing Skills” then one possible option for an effective subhead could be “5 Easy Ways To Become A Better Writer” or “How To Improve Your Writing Skills In 5 Steps”.
Incorporate The Key Words And Phrases From Your Headlines And Subheads Into Your Body Copy
You want to be sure that your readers can find what they are looking for, so make sure the keywords and phrases from your headline and subheads are repeated in your body copy.
However, don’t overdo it you don’t want to use too many of them at once or you will sound redundant. Also, if you have subheadings in which to incorporate these keywords, do so! It’s a great way to tie everything together in a cohesive manner:
Use a few keywords from each paragraph as subheadings throughout (like “How To Write The Perfect Blog Post” above). This helps readers easily navigate through what could otherwise be an overwhelming amount of information (such as this article!).
Becoming a better magazine writer requires dedication and skill. Explore our article featuring 13 invaluable tips that will enhance your writing style and make your articles stand out in the competitive market.
Use An Active Voice When Writing Your Body Copy
If you’re not sure what active voice is, you’re probably using the passive voice more than once in every article.
The passive voice is a way of writing that shifts focus away from the subject and onto the object of an action (e.g., “my dog was walked by my neighbor”). This can make your writing sound weaker or less direct because it implies that someone else did something to your dog rather than you doing something yourself (i.e., walking your dog).
Active voice takes on a solution-oriented approach that assumes responsibility for actions taken or decisions made instead of placing blame elsewhere (e.g., “I will walk my dog every morning before work so he does not get into trouble with my neighbor”).
Vary The Length Of Your Sentences (Longer And Shorter)
Varying the length of your sentences can make reading more engaging. When you’re writing, try to vary the length of your sentences as well. Longer sentences are more appealing because they allow for greater detail and description, but shorter ones are direct and to the point.
To give a longer sentence example: “I have been writing for years now since I was just a kid.” (This is an example we’ve already covered.)
To give a shorter sentence example: “I am very good at writing.”
Make Every Word Count By Not Trying To Fill Space Just For The Sake Of Filling Space
There are a lot of writing rules. Some of them are more helpful than others, but in general, the best way to write well is to keep it simple and clear. The more you try to impress your audience with your writing style, the worse you’ll make yourself look.
Your job isn’t to be clever or show off how smart you are it’s to help your readers understand what they need so they can take action on whatever it is that interests them (which hopefully includes what you wrote). So when it comes time to put pen to paper or fingers on the keyboard, remember: less is more!
Here are some tips for making every word count by not trying too hard just because there’s space available:
Take Advantage Of Wordplay; It’s Fun And Engaging
Wordplay can be a great way to engage your readers, and it’s fun, too! Your article can be about any topic you want, but if you’ve chosen a topic that’s boring or dry, or difficult to understand (or all three), wordplay can help make it more interesting and engaging. For example, let’s say your subject matter is tax law: boring?
Yes! But what if you write an article with the headline “The Long Arm of the IRS”? This isn’t technically wordplay; it’s just clever word choice that makes the subject matter more interesting by making it sound like something out of Harry Potter.
Or how about this one: “Five Things You Should Know About Your Tax Returns.” What if these five things aren’t things? What if they’re unexpected nouns like “whales,” “pigs,” and “bees”? That’d be fun!
Are you considering a career in magazine writing? Discover the top reasons why writing for magazines can be a fulfilling journey in our article on the benefits of writing for magazines, from creative freedom to gaining exposure.
Write As You Talk (If You’re A Good Conversationalist)
Write as you talk. If you’re a good conversationalist, this is the best advice I can give you. Contractions and colloquialisms are an important part of writing in a magazine-style voice.
If your articles sound formal and stuffy or overly technical, like they were written by someone who’s trying too hard to impress readers with their knowledge or gravitas, then people will get bored quickly and stop reading especially if they’re being asked to pay for the privilege of reading your work!
This isn’t just an issue of verb tense; it’s also about word choice (e.g., “it’s” versus “its”) and sentence structure (e.g., periods inside quotation marks vs outside). But those grammatical rules are more flexible than some people think; there are plenty of places where you can go back on yourself without sounding wrong or breaking any rules at all!
Don’t Overuse Exclamation Points!!!!!
Exclamation points should be used sparingly. Overuse of exclamation points is a sure sign of amateur writing, and it can make your reader feel like they’re being shouted at. Use an exclamation point to emphasize a point or express surprise, but don’t use them as a crutch for expressing emotion in every sentence.
You might think that exclamation points are the same as periods (they aren’t), but you can still use them similarly by placing them at the end of sentences that have something surprising to say!
Don’t Have More Than Three Short Paragraphs In A Row. You May Need To Break Up One That Is Too Long
You should keep your paragraphs short. This goes for the body of your article and the intros, too. It’s okay to have several short paragraphs in a row your reader will be able to digest them better than one long paragraph.
One way to do this is by breaking up long paragraphs with subheads or bulleted lists or indents. If you are writing about something complicated, ask yourself: “Am I making it easier for my reader?” If not, consider breaking up your long paragraph into several shorter ones.
Selling your magazine articles can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can achieve success. Learn essential tips and strategies in our guide on how to sell magazine articles like a seasoned professional and turn your passion into profit.
So, there you have it! 15 tips for writing better magazine articles. Use them to create more interesting headlines, subheads, and body copy. If you’re looking for more help with your article, check out our blog post series on how to write a good article in ten steps.
Further Reading
How to Write an Article Fast: Discover techniques and strategies to boost your article writing speed without compromising on quality.
Organizing Magazine Articles: Learn effective methods for structuring and organizing magazine articles to engage readers and convey information effectively.
Powerful Headlines: Uncover the secrets of crafting attention-grabbing headlines that hook readers and drive traffic to your content.
How can I improve my article writing speed?
You can improve your article writing speed by practicing regularly, creating an outline before writing, and minimizing distractions during the writing process.
What are some common methods for organizing magazine articles?
Common methods for organizing magazine articles include chronological order, problem-solution structure, and the inverted pyramid approach.
How important are headlines in content marketing?
Headlines are crucial in content marketing as they are the first impression that grabs readers’ attention and influences whether they click and read the full article.
How can I create powerful and compelling headlines?
To create powerful headlines, focus on using strong, emotionally-driven words, addressing your target audience’s pain points, and conveying a clear benefit or promise.
What are some tips to make my magazine articles more engaging?
To make your magazine articles more engaging, incorporate storytelling elements, use visuals to complement the content, and encourage reader interaction through calls-to-action.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.