Writing for magazines and websites is a great way to make money from the comfort of your own home. With the right combination of skills, it can also be a fun way to express yourself creatively by creating content on topics you enjoy or know about. However, there are some things that you need to know before diving into this business as a writer:
Takeaways |
1. Magazine writing offers diverse opportunities for writers to explore various topics and industries. |
2. Understanding the target audience and magazine’s style is crucial for crafting successful articles. |
3. Building a strong portfolio and networking with editors can help break into the freelance magazine writing market. |
4. Researching and pitching to suitable magazines increases the chances of getting published and paid for your work. |
5. Continuously improving writing skills and staying updated with industry trends are essential for long-term success in magazine writing. |
Be Competitive
You’re competitive, right? I know that you love to win. You want to be the best at what you do, and there’s nothing wrong with that! That said, there are a few ways to be competitive without being a jerk about it:
Be competitive with yourself. Don’t compare your writing career goals to other writers’ that’s just asking for disappointment and frustration. Instead of focusing on what others are doing or have done, set your own goals based on your own best work (not anyone else’s).
Be competitive but not petty. If another writer gets an opportunity that seems like an obvious fit for you as well (like if they’re also writing about Ancient Greece), then go for it!
But don’t get angry or jealous when someone else accomplishes something great celebrate their success instead by thinking about how awesome it is that we live in such an amazing world where so many people can do so many different things!
If you have a passion for writing and dream of becoming a freelance magazine writer, it’s time to take action! Check out our guide on breaking into freelance magazine writing to learn the essential steps and tips to kickstart your writing career.
Be Confident
Confidence is key. You need to believe in yourself, your writing ability, and your ideas. This will help you when you come across a roadblock or an editor who is skeptical of your work. Confidence will also help you keep going when times get tough.
If you don’t have confidence as a writer and personality, it will be hard for anyone else to believe in what you do either even if they do want to give it a shot!
Be Realistic
It’s important to be realistic about the job market. Having a degree from a prestigious school will indeed help you get your foot in the door and get you an interview. But once you’re in front of a hiring manager, it’s what you can do for them that will matter most.
You may not get the first job you apply for. You may not get the second or third jobs either—and who knows if even then? The key is to keep applying and then make sure your portfolio is strong enough so they want to hire you anyway!
I know all this sounds like terrible news, but I promise good things are happening behind the scenes: newspapers are buying more writers than ever before; magazines are looking for quality content rather than just cheap freelancers; online publications are offering competitive compensation packages (not just full-time employees).
And there’s always room online where anyone can publish their thoughts on any topic at any time!
Are you an avid traveler with a talent for storytelling? Consider a rewarding career in travel writing for magazines. Our comprehensive guide on magazine writing for a career in travel writing will provide you with insights and strategies to turn your wanderlust into captivating articles.
Be Humble
Be humble. Don’t be a jerk or arrogant, but don’t be too humble either; you are a writer and should act like one.
Be confident. You’re good at what you do, so own that! Just don’t let it get in the way of being polite or respectful to others on the staff.
Be prepared to learn something new every day and ask questions when necessary so that everyone gets along well together.
Be polite and respectful of your fellow writers’ time constraints (e.g., not asking for an interview at 11pm), but also don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself if someone’s being rude to you or giving you bad advice about how best to get published in this particular publication;
Just because they’ve worked here longer than anyone else doesn’t mean they know everything there is about writing for this publication!
Be A Good Listener
Being a good listener is one of the most important skills to have if you want to succeed as a writer. It’s one of the first steps in communication.
Being a good listener can help you understand your audience and your subject matter so that when you write about them, they’ll be more likely to enjoy what you’ve written. It also helps with spelling, grammar, and punctuation all things that are essential for successful writing!
Be Strategic
Once you’ve identified your target publication, it’s time to make a plan. The first thing to do is identify your competition.
This can be done by reading the magazine and seeing who has been featured in recent issues, but it also helps to search for articles and interviews about the publication on Google News.
Also check out their website, Twitter feed, and Facebook page so that you can see how they promote themselves online and what types of stories are trending on social media in your niche that might be worth writing about.
Then create an outline with an introduction paragraph (that briefly explains what the article will cover), body paragraphs (that provide detailed information about each topic), and a conclusion paragraph (that wraps everything up).
You’ll need this outline to decide which information is most important for readers so they’ll want to read everything from beginning to end without skipping anything important along the way and also so they won’t miss any key details while skimming through later on downriver when they’re scrolling faster than usual due to boredom or impatience during work breaks!
After all, nobody wants their readers getting bored while reading something useful like an article or research paper!”
Aspiring to see your name in print within the pages of a magazine? Look no further! Our guide on getting published in magazine writing covers the essential steps and insider tips to increase your chances of landing that sought-after byline.
Be Prepared To Work Hard
Many skills will help you be successful as a magazine writer. You need to be able to:
Learn to multi-task and prioritize your time, so that you can get everything done in the right order and on time.
Be flexible, as circumstances change quickly in this industry.
Be creative, because there’s always room for new ideas or concepts in every story you write.
Know how/when/where to find information when writing an article or book (or blog post). If you’re looking for facts about rare birds or the history of video games, then Google is your best friend!
But those aren’t all there are there are plenty more skills required by anyone who wants their name on the cover of a popular magazine or newspaper article someday soon…
Be Willing To Learn
The best way to make sure you get the most out of your writing opportunities is to be willing to learn. You should never let your insecurities or fears hold you back from asking questions or admitting when you don’t know something.
If someone offers advice, take it! Don’t worry about looking silly for not knowing everything about magazines it’s better than refusing help because of pride. And if someone suggests trying something new, give it a shot!
Be Willing To Adapt
Writers are often expected to be flexible, open-minded, and willing to learn.
Being open to change is the key factor in being a successful writer. You must be willing to learn new things, try new approaches, or even change your mind about what you want out of life or writing opportunities.
Find Your Niche(S)
Finding your niche(s) is key to being successful as a writer. No matter who you are and what you write, there is at least one area of writing that will suit you:
Find a subject that interests you. If it doesn’t excite or interest you, why would anyone else be interested?
Find a subject that comes naturally to you and allows for the most creative expression. If it’s difficult for you to write about the topic, chances are readers won’t find it engaging either.
Find a subject that people want to read about and which pays well (or will pay well in the future).
You should also consider how long it takes to produce an article if this is important to your career goals as a writer.
For example, if all of my freelance work involves writing blog posts or web content rather than traditional articles or stories then I don’t necessarily need my website or portfolio; however, if I wanted freelance assignments from more traditional magazines then having my website would help get noticed by editors!
Magazine writing is not just a job; it’s a lifestyle that offers creativity, independence, and exciting opportunities. Dive into our article on the lifestyle of a magazine writing career to discover why pursuing this path might be the right fit for you.
Find Your Voice And Use It Often
Having a voice and using it often is one of the most important things you can do to stand out from other writers. While there are many ways to develop your unique style, one of the best ways to get started is by being imaginative or adventurous with your writing.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with a variety of styles and techniques until you find something that works for you.
One way to do this is by not following conventional wisdom all the time. For instance, if everyone else tells you that certain topics are taboo in magazine writing (like politics or religion).
Don’t give up on those topics entirely just because other people think they’re too controversial; instead, find ways around the either by addressing them indirectly or from an angle that may surprise readers who’ve written off these topics altogether.
Find Your Tribe (Or Tribes) And Let Them Help You Out When Needed
The best way to learn a new skill is by doing it, but that can be hard when you’re on your own.
So find your tribe (or tribes) and let them help you out when needed. This might mean finding a mentor who has experience in the field, joining an online community of fellow writers, or seeking out local groups that meet up regularly. You can also hire a freelance coach or editor who will help you hone your writing skills.
If all else fails, just remember: You are not alone! There are always going to be people around who want to help and cheerlead for you do not hesitate to ask for their support when necessary.
It may feel embarrassing at first (especially if they don’t know what they’re cheering), but at least they’ll have something fun to do while sitting on their hands as they wait for their next assignment from BuzzFeed Sports or whatever other site currently employs them full-time as sports journalists…
Find Inspiration
There are many ways you can find inspiration. Try watching movies, reading books, and listening to music. Travel abroad or experience new things in your own life. Talk to people and watch the news and TV shows.
Read magazines or blogs (like this one!) as well as other people’s work online. Even reading a dictionary or encyclopedia is a good way to come up with ideas for writing articles.
If It’s Not Working, Find Something Else To Try Until It Does Work
The worst thing you can do is give up too soon. If one method isn’t working, try something else, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. If it’s still not happening, then maybe the industry itself just isn’t for you after all or maybe it is and you just need a different angle or perspective on things.
Don’t be afraid to change direction completely if that’s what helps inspire your creativity! And if all else fails, remember that there are plenty of other ways to make money in the writing world besides magazine writing; there’s even more than one type of magazine out there (such as newspapers).
Don’t Be Afraid To Be Imaginative Or Adventurous With Your Writing Style
If you’ve been told that your writing style is too unique, too interesting, or too strange, don’t be afraid. Don’t let anyone tell you that your voice isn’t good enough for any type of publication.
If a magazine wants to publish your work and they like the way it sounds when it’s written down on paper and sent off in an email attachment to them, then they will publish it even if some people aren’t really into what they’re doing over at other magazines.
If you want to try new things with language and syntax; if you want to be adventurous with word choice.
If you want to use punctuation in ways not usually seen in American publications (like semicolons); go for it! It might not work for everyone but this doesn’t mean there aren’t readers out there waiting for something just like this from someone who knows what he/she/they are doing with words (and doesn’t care about being “normal”).
If you’re passionate about writing and looking for a fulfilling career, consider the world of magazine writing. Explore our list of 15 reasons to start a career in magazine writing and find out why this field can offer you boundless opportunities for growth and creativity.
So, what do you think? Are you ready to be a magazine writer? We hope so! It may seem like a daunting task, but we promise that it can be fun and rewarding. With the right attitude, some persistence, and hard work plus a sense of humor you’ll be well on your way to becoming one of those people who gets paid to write about their passions.
Further Reading
Indeed Career Advice: How to Become a Magazine Writer Short Description: Learn valuable insights and tips on how to kickstart your journey to becoming a successful magazine writer.
Writer’s College Blog: How to Write and Sell Articles for Magazines by Nichola Meyer Short Description: Discover expert advice from Nichola Meyer on crafting compelling articles and selling them to magazines.
Freelance Writing: 6 Magazine Article Writing Tips Short Description: Improve your magazine article writing skills with six practical tips to engage readers and editors alike.
What are the essential steps to break into freelance magazine writing?
Becoming a freelance magazine writer requires dedication and skill. Start by creating a strong portfolio of writing samples, researching suitable magazines for your niche, and crafting personalized pitches to editors.
How can I improve my chances of getting published in magazines?
To increase your chances of getting published, tailor your articles to the specific magazine’s style and target audience. Focus on unique angles and well-researched content that aligns with the magazine’s theme.
What are the key elements of a successful magazine article?
A successful magazine article captivates readers with a compelling hook, engaging storytelling, and valuable insights. Use a clear and concise writing style while maintaining the magazine’s tone and voice.
How can I effectively sell my articles to magazines?
To sell your articles successfully, network with editors and build relationships in the industry. Craft persuasive query letters that showcase your expertise and the value your article brings to their readers.
What are the common mistakes to avoid in magazine article writing?
Avoid common mistakes such as submitting generic pitches, neglecting to follow submission guidelines, or overlooking the magazine’s target audience and tone. Thoroughly proofread your work before submission to ensure quality.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.