What To Write In A Cover Letter If No Experience

Don’t have experience in a particular industry? That’s ok! Read on to learn how you can write a great, effective cover letter with no real-world experience.

How to Write a Cover Letter With No Experience
Be honest about your lack of experience, but focus on your relevant skills, qualifications, and enthusiasm for the job.
Keep your cover letter with no experience concise and focused on your most relevant qualifications and strengths.
Highlight any relevant coursework, internships, or volunteer work that demonstrate your potential as a candidate.
Address your cover letter to the hiring manager or recruiter by name, or use a general salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager.”
Make your cover letter stand out by focusing on your relevant skills and enthusiasm for the job.

Always Submit A Cover Letter

If you have no experience, it is important to still submit a cover letter. A cover letter is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself and set yourself apart from other applicants. It’s also a way to explain any gaps in your employment history that might raise red flags for the hiring manager.

In addition to explaining why you want this job, always be sure to talk about how your skills match up with what they are looking for. Make sure that every word in your cover letter is working towards this goal!

Address Your Letter To A Specific Person

Once you’ve completed the rest of your letter, it’s time to address it. This is another mistake that many people make—and it’s usually a pretty easy fix!

Your cover letter should always be addressed to someone specific (unless there’s no one in particular who can read your application). 

If you’re applying through an online portal, then the hiring manager’s name will likely appear on their contact information; if not, simply do some research on who would be involved in making a decision about hiring for this position. For example: “Dear Mr./Ms. . I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement for an office assistant position at ABC Company.”

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Draw Parallels Between Your Skills And The Job Details

If you don’t have the experience for this job, don’t worry. You still have a lot of options at your disposal. You can use the time between when you send in your application and when you hear back from an employer to look up as many details about the position as possible.

Do your best to make it clear that you understand what’s required of this role by drawing parallels between your skills and the job details outlined in their ad or vacancy page. This will show that you are familiar with what they do and how they operate, and it will help them determine if they think you could be a good fit for their company culture.

Tailor each cover letter so that it specifically addresses those aspects of the job description that match up with your skill sets but do not go overboard with mentioning every single thing on their list! Doing so may come across as disingenuous or unprofessional; instead, focus on showing them how much time and effort have been put into researching their business (and also let them know why).

Tell A Story

You may not have any concrete experience to talk about, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tell a compelling story. Consider the following examples:

Tell me how you solved a problem at work or school. Did you do something that helped your team meet an objective? Did you find an innovative way to get around an obstacle? Was this something new that hadn’t been done before? Did it help make things easier for others, too? If so, include this story in your cover letter to show recruiters that they can expect more of the same from you if they hire you!

Tell how overcoming a challenge has taught you valuable lessons or skills and made you stronger overall. Maybe the task was simple, but doing it well-required patience and practice—which is exactly what employers are looking for! 

By showing off your ability to learn from mistakes (and demonstrating resourcefulness), not only will hiring managers be impressed; but they’ll also feel confident knowing that whatever challenges lie ahead, there’s no reason why their newest employee won’t be able to handle them with ease.

Remember what we said earlier about making sure every word counts? Well now’s where it gets even more important: Your opening paragraph should include just enough background information so hiring managers to know exactly who will benefit from reading further into this particular letter—but think carefully before including anything else! The last thing anyone wants is some giant block quote detailing everything under the sun; “less is more” really does apply here…just make sure every sentence counts!

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Showcase Your Value As A Future Employee

Now that you’ve demonstrated that you’re a good fit for the job, it’s time to show them how you will actually help them. You can do this by:

  • Be specific about what you bring to the table. What makes your background unique? How have past experiences prepared you for success at this company?
  • Be specific about how you will help the company. What are some concrete ways in which your experience makes an impact on their bottom line or mission? What skills do they need that only someone with your background can provide (or are lacking)?
  • Be specific about what you will do for them, specifically. What is one thing that would make their life easier if it were done by someone with your background and set of skills and abilities? Be as detailed as possible–the more specific, the better!

Be Humble, But Confident

It’s okay to ask for help. It’s also okay not to know everything, and it’s definitely okay to admit that. Most of us have been in your shoes before, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you need assistance with something or someone.

Being humble doesn’t mean being meek; rather, it means taking ownership of your accomplishments without going overboard with self-deprecation. Your cover letter is an opportunity for you to showcase some of your best qualities: honesty, enthusiasm, and confidence are all great ways to show off! You don’t want potential employers reading vague sentences like “I did some stuff.”

There’s no one standard way to stand out from other applicants and that’s exactly what makes writing a good cover letter fun! The more confident you are in what you’re writing about yourself (even if it’s just a tad), the better impression it will leave on hiring managers who read through their inboxes every day looking for qualified candidates like yourself

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Highlight A Mutual Connection

You may not be able to find a mutual connection, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use the letter to your advantage. In fact, you should still include a reference to someone who knows about your interest in the company or industry.

For example, if you send out a cover letter to multiple companies and get rejected from all of them, don’t just give up on your job search! Instead, continue sending out your resume and cover letter to other companies until one response positively by asking for an interview. 

Then make sure that when you’re asked what experience or skills made them want to interview you in particular, it’s because someone at their company had referred them specifically about some kind of connection between themselves (the job seeker) and themselves (the person who referred).

Double-Check For Accuracy

You’re almost there! Once you’ve verified that your cover letter is free of errors, it’s time to check the content. A cover letter should be short, but the point you’re trying to convey should be clear and concise. If your letter is more than two pages long, trim some of the fluff; no one has time for five paragraphs on why you want a job in customer service at a local grocery store.

You also want to make sure that every sentence in your cover letter has a purpose and contributes something worthwhile to the reader. If any sentences or paragraphs feel unnecessary or repetitive, take them out! The same goes for any unnecessary words: don’t say “I am writing” when it could just as easily be “I’m writing.”

Consider It A First Impression

The cover letter is intended to be the first impression you make on a potential employer. You are communicating with them in writing and they will form their opinion of you based on the information that you present.

You must be confident and professional, clear, concise and direct, honest and ethical, polite, respectful and appreciative (and yes all those words mean the same thing). Your writing should be concise so that it does not take up much space on paper but still has enough detail to show your professionalism in applying for this job opportunity.

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Cover Letters Are Important Although Daunting

“I’m glad you asked! The cover letter is an opportunity to show your personality, and the first thing that hiring managers look for when they read a cover letter is personality. They want to see if you can write well and if you can communicate effectively with them. 

They are looking for candidates who can connect with them on an emotional level; this is one of the main reasons someone will be hired over another person who has similar experience but doesn’t seem as genuine or warm in their interactions with others.

Now, how do we go about creating a great cover letter? First off: no typos! That definitely goes without saying—but I’ve seen some pretty blatant errors in some applications that gave me pause (and made me question whether or not the candidate was serious). 

Second: make sure it’s relevant! This means talking about how much time you spent researching the company/job role/etc., why it interests you specifically (ie – what makes it different from other opportunities out there), and why YOU are interested in doing it specifically.”

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We hope that this article has helped you make the first steps in your job search with confidence. If you have any other tips for writing a cover letter without experience, feel free to share them in the comments below!

Further Reading

For more tips on how to write a cover letter with no experience, check out Indeed’s article which offers guidance on what to include in your letter and how to showcase your skills and strengths.

If you’re looking for examples of cover letters for applicants with no work experience, Youth Central provides a range of sample cover letters that can help you get started.

Need some inspiration for an entry-level cover letter? Check out this example from Zety which includes tips on how to write an effective letter that highlights your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job.


What should I include in a cover letter with no experience?

In your cover letter with no experience, it’s important to showcase your relevant skills, qualifications, and enthusiasm for the job. You can also highlight any relevant coursework, internships, or volunteer work that demonstrate your potential as a candidate.

How long should my cover letter be if I have no experience?

A cover letter with no experience should typically be no longer than one page. It’s important to keep your letter concise and focused on your most relevant qualifications and strengths.

How do I address a cover letter with no experience?

If you don’t have any experience in the field, you can still address your cover letter to the hiring manager or recruiter by name. If you’re not sure who to address the letter to, you can use a general salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager.”

How can I make my cover letter stand out if I have no experience?

To make your cover letter stand out if you have no experience, focus on your relevant skills and enthusiasm for the job. You can also highlight any relevant coursework, internships, or volunteer work that demonstrate your potential as a candidate.

Should I mention my lack of experience in my cover letter?

While you don’t necessarily need to draw attention to your lack of experience in your cover letter, it’s important to be honest about your qualifications and highlight your potential as a candidate. You can focus on your relevant skills and strengths, as well as your enthusiasm for the job and willingness to learn.