What Millennials Must Learn From Generation Z

Generation Z defines itself by its differences from the generation that came before it. 

You’ve probably seen a meme about the difference between Millennials and Gen Z, with stereotypes about how Millennials love avocado toast and crave “deep” conversations while Gen Zers are cynical, pragmatic, and savvy web users. 

As a Millennial, I can see myself in both of these descriptions. However, as someone who is constantly analyzing trends among generations for my work as founder of a nonprofit organization aimed at helping young people get into careers they love.

I also understand that these stereotypes illustrate the different experiences and values of Millennials and Generation Z. As Gen Z continues to come into its own and the oldest Millennials now approach 40 years old.

There’s so much we can learn from each other and not just what to order at brunch or which apps are bad for us (although those skills do come in handy). Here are some things that the older generation can learn from those on their heels:

Gen Z Age Range – What Is It And How Millennials Compare?
1. Embrace technological proficiency and stay up-to-date with emerging trends.
2. Prioritize inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of life.
3. Foster a strong sense of social responsibility and environmental awareness.
4. Embrace entrepreneurial and innovative thinking.
5. Embrace a flexible and adaptable mindset in the face of change.

1. Be Intentional About Social Media

One of the best things about social media is that it can be used to stay connected with friends and family. 

Most millennials can probably relate to this, as it’s common knowledge that many people rely on social media for their daily news and updates. Generation Z has the same access to information as millennials do, but they’ve been raised in a culture where being connected is second nature.

Generation Z has come into an era of increased connectivity and information sharing and they’ve made use of it by becoming comfortable with expressing themselves online. 

They are more likely than millennials to post content related to personal interests or opinions, whereas millennials seem more focused on what other people might think (or judge) them for saying something that could be perceived as controversial or offensive.

Social media sites like Twitter have allowed Gen Zers (and all users) a platform where they can share their own experiences without worrying about whether someone will judge them harshly which means we’ll see even more diversity among voices online moving forward!

Millennials are facing unique challenges in today’s economy. As highlighted in Millennials Are Screwed: Here’s How It Happened, understanding the factors that led to this predicament is crucial for finding innovative solutions and shaping a better future.

2. Get In The Habit Of Saying “No”

You will often be asked to do things that you don’t want to do. This is just how life works. However, if you are not careful, you could end up feeling like a slave to others’ requests and that’s not good for anyone.

So What Should You Do?

First and foremost, know your boundaries! If someone asks you to do something outside of those boundaries (no matter how much they might cajole), simply say no. 

You needn’t feel guilty about this it’s their fault for asking more than they can handle anyway! They should have known better than to ask in the first place!

3. Be Better At Saving Money

Generation Z is known for making savvy financial decisions and having a plan in place to save up for the things they want. Millennials, on the other hand, are not as good at it. 

A report by Bank of America found that only 51% of millennials have a budget and just over half (50%) make their budgets work each month! To be financially sound, you must create a budget and stick to it! 

Setting aside money each month will help you save up for big purchases like homes or cars down the road so don’t rush into anything too soon!

Curious about the differences between traditional careers and freelance businesses? Dive into our comprehensive article on Traditional Careers vs. Freelance Businesses to explore the pros and cons of each path and discover the growing appeal of freelancing in today’s job market.

4. Stay Present

Being present is one of the most important skills that you can have in life. It helps you to focus on what’s going on around you and make decisions based on facts, not assumptions or past experiences. 

For example, having been taught from a young age that it is best to avoid drugs at all costs, many people might automatically assume that anyone who smokes cannabis is going down a dangerous path. 

But if you can stay present with someone who does use marijuana if you ask them about their experience and listen closely to what they say you could learn something new about why they choose to use cannabis and how it makes them feel.

5. Be Resourceful And Hard-Working

While you’re saving money, be sure that you’re also cultivating skills that can help you get promoted. Gen Zers are known for being resourceful and hard-working, so take advantage of these qualities. 

If a job doesn’t require certain skills, then develop them on your own time and make yourself more valuable than others who don’t have such abilities.

If your boss asks you to do something new or difficult, don’t be afraid to take on the challenge it’ll look good when it comes time for promotions! 

Just remember: always do what’s asked of you first before trying something new. You never know which tasks will be rewarded with raises or promotions down the line!

6. Have Patience With Your Career

As a millennial, you’ve probably grown up with the idea that you can have it all, but this doesn’t mean you should take on as many jobs as possible to experience as many things as possible. 

One of the most common mistakes millennials make is rushing into their careers before they are ready for them. Instead of taking time to find out what type of job would be most fulfilling for them.

Many young professionals jump straight into a position that might not be the best fit for their personality or interests. 

If you want to succeed in your career and not just feel like a cog in an enormous machine you need to spend some time figuring out what motivates and drives you (hint: it probably won’t be money).

Don’t rush into any job opportunity just because it sounds exciting; instead, take some time thinking about what kind of environment will allow your natural talents to shine through and where there’s room for growth within your organization.

Millennials should also be careful about jumping from one job to another too quickly because this could indicate poor work ethic or lack of patience when it comes down to finding something satisfying enough for long-term employment opportunities available today

Generation Z is embracing freelancing as a viable career option. Join our discussion on why freelancing has become so popular among young professionals in My Generation Z Homies Are All Freelancing, So Why Shouldn’t You? and learn how to leverage this trend for your own professional growth.

7. Get Into The Habit Of Being Mentored

We all want to know we’re doing everything right. But sometimes, as human beings, it’s hard to tell. Often in life and business, we need help from others who have more experience than us. Mentoring is one of the best ways to get advice and learn from those who have gone before us.

It can help you learn new skills or become a better professional in your field through advice, guidance, and direction from someone who has already been there. 

Mentors are great for advising about how their careers have played out what worked for them, what didn’t work for them as well as which paths they would recommend going down instead based on their own experiences (and mistakes).

Mentoring can also help us make better decisions because having someone with more experience than us pointing out potential pitfalls ahead allows us time to prepare or avoid them altogether if possible. 

And finally mentoring increases our overall confidence level because it shows other people believe in our abilities enough that they want to share their knowledge with others like us!

8. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others (Especially Online)

The fact is, life is never as glamorous as it looks on social media. There’s a reason people only post the best moments of their lives: it makes them feel good about themselves. 

But this creates an unrealistic picture for everyone else to compare themselves against, which isn’t healthy in any way.

Generation Z isn’t immune from this issue and could benefit from understanding that comparing yourself to others, whether in real life or on social media, isn’t going to make you happy or successful. 

While they may not be posting the most glamorous photos of their personal lives, they still have plenty of things going well in their day-to-day routine that we don’t see (and vice versa). 

We can all learn something from them by being conscious of how we use social media and how we talk about ourselves with others.

9. Move On From Unhealthy Friendships And Relationships

You are a beautiful person and you deserve to be surrounded by people who complement your life. If you’re not happy, change your situation. If you’re not happy, leave. 

This can be hard to do, especially when some of the relationships are long-standing ones and have lasted for years or even decades. However, if being around this person makes you feel like a shadow of yourself then it’s time to cut ties and move on! 

The world is full of amazing opportunities for great friends and wonderful relationships so don’t let one toxic relationship keep you from finding those things that will bring happiness into your life.

Have you heard about freelance agencies? Explore our informative guide on What Is a Freelance Agency, and Is It a Good Thing? to understand the concept, benefits, and potential drawbacks of freelance agencies, and discover if it’s the right path for you to expand your freelancing career.

10. Don’t Sacrifice Your Wellbeing For Work/School/Other Obligations

It’s important to remember that you are more than just a worker, student, or member of a family. You’re also an individual with your own needs and wants.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life, but it’s important not to forget your own needs as well. If you feel like something is wrong with your health or mental state (or if someone else has noticed), don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Doing so could save your life and it will certainly make yours better!

The future of work is evolving, and freelancing plays a significant role in it. Discover the insights and trends shaping the freelance industry in our article on Freelance Work Is the Future of Work Relationships, and learn how to adapt, thrive, and build successful work relationships in the freelance world.


Why it’s important to be better than your parents: For the world to continue moving forward, each generation must improve on their predecessors. 

It’s up to us as millennials to make sure this happens by taking the lessons we learned from our parents and making sure that we do better. 

We can’t let ourselves get caught in an endless cycle of repeating the same mistakes over and over again, because then it will never end. 

Hopefully, this article has given you some ideas about how you can change yourself so that you don’t end up like your parents after they’ve made all those mistakes too!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further explore the topic of Millennials and Generation Z:

Gen Z vs. Millennial Consumers: 6 Ways They’re Different: Discover the key differences between Generation Z and Millennials as consumers and gain insights into their unique preferences and behaviors in the market.

Millennials vs. Gen Z: Understanding the Differences: Dive deeper into the characteristics and distinctions between Millennials and Generation Z, exploring their attitudes towards work, technology, social issues, and more.

What We Can Learn From the Gen Z Generation: Gain valuable insights into the Gen Z generation’s behaviors, interests, and communication preferences and discover how businesses can effectively engage with this demographic.


What are the main differences between Millennials and Generation Z?

While both Millennials and Generation Z are often grouped together as younger generations, there are notable distinctions between them. Millennials typically refer to individuals born between 1981 and 1996, while Generation Z includes those born between 1997 and 2012. Some key differences include their upbringing, technology usage, communication styles, and values.

How do Millennials and Generation Z differ in terms of consumer behavior?

Millennials and Generation Z exhibit distinct consumer behaviors. Millennials are known for being tech-savvy and value experiences and personalization in their purchases. On the other hand, Generation Z tends to be more digitally native, socially conscious, and attracted to brands that align with their values.

What can businesses learn from the preferences of Generation Z?

Businesses can learn several valuable lessons from Generation Z’s preferences. This generation prioritizes authenticity, social responsibility, and personalized experiences. To effectively engage with Generation Z, businesses should focus on building genuine connections, showcasing their social impact, and leveraging technology to create tailored and interactive experiences.

How do Millennials and Generation Z impact marketing strategies?

Marketing strategies need to adapt to the preferences and behaviors of Millennials and Generation Z. Both generations value authenticity, transparency, and social responsibility. Companies should employ social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and personalized messaging to connect with these demographics effectively.

What role does technology play in the lives of Millennials and Generation Z?

Technology plays a significant role in the lives of both Millennials and Generation Z. However, while Millennials grew up adapting to new technologies, Generation Z is considered the first truly digital-native generation. They heavily rely on smartphones, social media platforms, and digital communication tools, making it crucial for businesses to have a strong online presence and utilize digital marketing strategies to reach them effectively.