If you’re a writer, you probably already know that LinkedIn is one of the best ways to network with other professionals in your industry. But did you know that the more active and engaged you are on LinkedIn, the better chance you have of getting noticed by editors and writers for potential jobs?
Takeaways |
1. Utilize LinkedIn as a powerful networking tool to connect with editors, publishers, and other writers in the magazine industry. |
2. Optimize your LinkedIn profile by highlighting your writing expertise, sharing published articles, and engaging in industry-related discussions. |
3. Join relevant LinkedIn groups and communities to expand your network, gain insights, and stay updated with the latest trends in magazine writing. |
4. Leverage LinkedIn’s publishing platform to showcase your writing skills and build a personal brand as a magazine writer. |
5. Engage with magazine publications and editors on LinkedIn to demonstrate your interest and establish meaningful professional relationships. |
Keep Linkedin And Your Resume Consistent
Keep your LinkedIn and resume consistently.
Be sure that all information is up to date in both places, but particularly so with any changes you make to your resume.
Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, and be aware of what the site calls its “Basic Information” section it includes very important information about you, such as where you went to school and what jobs you’ve held in the past.
Make sure your resume is up to date and consistent with your LinkedIn profile. You can’t control whether someone pulls up both documents when researching you for an article (though, if they do, take advantage!), but it would be weird if the information didn’t match up!
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Write A Brand New Summary For Linkedin
If you’re going to write a brand new summary for LinkedIn, make sure it’s short and sweet. You have only 160 characters to tell people what you do, so use keywords that will catch their attention and help them understand why they should follow you on Twitter or check out your latest articles.
Remember to include your Twitter handle it’s important that people can find you on social media as well as links to whatever personal work (like blog posts) or professional pieces (like published articles) are most relevant now.
If there’s anything else from your past (like previous jobs or awards) that would be helpful for potential employers or clients to know about, feel free to mention those too—just don’t go overboard with the details!
And remember: don’t add links when writing a brand new summary for LinkedIn unless specifically invited by someone who already knows who you are.
Have A Professional-Looking Headshot, Even If You’re Not A Photographer
A good picture of yourself is important for your LinkedIn profile, but it doesn’t have to be a professional one. If you don’t have the budget or desire to hire a photographer, take your photos in well-lit areas with a camera that has excellent resolution.
Next, edit out any distracting elements in the background (like clutter on your desk), and crop the image so that it’s tightly focused on your face the most important part of any headshot!
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Include Your Twitter Handle And Links To Your Latest Articles In Your Summary.
The next section of your LinkedIn profile is the summary. This is the part where you explain who you are, what you do, and why someone should hire or collaborate with you. The summary is not only one of the most important sections on your profile it’s also one of the first things that viewers will see when they visit your page.
A Good Summary Should Include:
Your name (or Twitter handle), followed by some kind of bio sentence about yourself; perhaps something like this: “Hi! I’m Jessica Smith, a freelance writer from Brooklyn.”
Links to any social media accounts where people can find even more information about who you are and what it is that interests them (Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Links to any websites related to your work as well as links to other projects or portfolios showcasing this work
Join Groups, But Don’t Add Links To Your Work Unless Specifically Invited
You should also join groups that are relevant to your work, but be careful about adding links to your work. If you’re a freelance writer, for example, you might want to join a group like Freelance Writers International or Writing Jobs.
However, if an editor from another publication asks you for a link to one of your articles so they can check out the quality (and decide whether it’s worth publishing), don’t just post it in response without asking first they may not want their readers knowing who else has seen their article!
You don’t want them thinking that it’s been floating around on LinkedIn and getting rejected by other editors as well.
Also, remember not to spam groups with attention-seeking posts or links; people will know what you’re doing and will probably stop following your updates after a while. Just sayin’.
Use Keywords In Your Profile, But Not Too Many
When it comes to keywords, some are good. Too much is bad.
Think of your LinkedIn profile like a resume: You want to include the right terms to attract the right people. But if you go overboard and use too many keywords, it’s obvious that you’re just trying too hard and that makes you look desperate or untrustworthy (not great for someone who wants to write for a publication).
You also need to be careful with how specific or broad your keywords are. For example, if “paleontologist” were one of my chosen professions on LinkedIn but I wasn’t working as a paleontologist at this moment in time (this applies to any job title).
Then no one would know what I’m doing now because they assume my previous work experience has nothing at all to do with my current career path.
Conversely, if I only include very narrow job titles such as “paleontology professor” or “curator,” then people will probably assume that those are all the jobs I’ve ever had despite evidence otherwise so again: no one knows where my interests lie!
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Connect With Editors, But Don’t Pitch Them Out Of The Blue
Connect with editors you already know. If you’re lucky enough to work with an editor who has become a friend or mentor, connect with them on LinkedIn.
Even if they don’t have a professional-level account yet, it’s important to put yourself out there and show that you care about each other beyond the magazine industry. In addition to being good karma, this will help you in the long run when pitching stories or asking for favors down the line.
Connect with editors whose work inspires yours and vice versa. Every writer has people in her life who she looks up to as role models and mentors in her field (whether she wants them to be or not).
Connecting with these people is a great way for writers at all levels of experience and success from just starting in their careers through those who are well established to grow their network of contacts within the industry and learn from others along the way. Along similar lines: Connecting with someone who publishes your work also shows that you value his or hers enough that he/she should do likewise for future submissions!
Connect with editors who have reached out before asking more questions about what they’re looking for right now (or even better yet before submitting something!).
Most magazines receive hundreds upon hundreds of pitches every day; it can be overwhelming just trying to keep up!
So if one editor reaches out first saying “Hey I saw this article online yesterday that I loved,” then chances are good he’ll remember seeing yours too when it comes time later down the road and then maybe even respond favorably when asked later again after publishing yours first instead because now he remembers liking both pieces equally well as opposed?”
Join Alumni Groups, But Don’t Spam Them With Attention-Seeking Comments Or Links To Your Work
We’ve all seen that person in an alumni group who is just trying to promote their work as much as possible. They’re too busy talking about themselves to participate in conversations, or they only show up on the site when they want something.
A LinkedIn profile should be used for networking purposes and not self-promotion. If you’re going to join an alumni group, try to fit in and be helpful by providing information or advice when asked don’t just use it as a platform for yourself. Do some research before posting anything so that you can add value and avoid coming across as annoying or self-serving.
Additionally, don’t use LinkedIn groups just to link back to your blog or website! This violates the terms of service for LinkedIn groups (and most social networks). And finally: don’t post links about your business unless specifically requested by someone else in the group!
Let People Know What You Can Do For Them By Writing “I Help People With” In The Headline Part Of Your Profile
This can be a great way to start a conversation. Ask yourself: What are you good at? What do people come to you for? Being specific will get people reading, but also make sure that your headline is clear and concise.
There’s no need to go into detail in this section just say what you’re good at so that when people are looking for someone who can help them with those things, they’ll know where to find you!
Share links to your best pieces of writing on other social networks, which will drive traffic to your LinkedIn account.
The LinkedIn share button is a great way to drive traffic to your LinkedIn account. When you post content on Facebook, Twitter, or any other platform with the link sharing button, make sure you use the appropriate formatting for it to appear as text in your post rather than as an image.
If you’re using an iPhone and have trouble locating this option in Messages (the app that lets you send messages through WhatsApp), here’s what it looks like:
When writing a message on WhatsApp, tap on Share > LinkedIn > Send Link
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Make Sure You Have A Great-Looking Mobile Version Of Your Portfolio As Well As Desktop Version
Another thing to keep in mind is that people are more likely to share your content on LinkedIn if it’s easy to read and accessible. A good way to make sure you’re doing this: make sure your portfolio is mobile-friendly.
A mobile-friendly website makes it easier for people using a smartphone or tablet computer (which most people do) to read your site. This means the text is big enough, the images load quickly, there aren’t too many links cluttering up the page, and everything loads quickly.
You want people who visit your website from their phones or tablets and those are increasingly becoming more popular than desktops to have an enjoyable experience so they’ll come back again!
Post Updates That Are Specific To Linkedin Users And Always Include A Short Call To Action At The End
LinkedIn is an excellent tool for posting updates that are specific to LinkedIn users. Think about what they would be interested in, and post something that they can use or share.
For example, an update on a class you taught might help prospective employers find out more about you; a blog post on the best way to write a resume could give job seekers some helpful tips, and an article on where to buy business clothes might inspire job seekers who are just starting in their careers.
Whenever possible, include a call-to-action at the end of these posts. This tells readers what they should do next such as “read more” or “contact me.” For example:
Read my latest blog post here: [link]
Connect with me on Twitter @sarahjane_b!
Create a custom URL that includes the name of your blog or website with your name at the end so it’s easier for people to find you online.
A custom URL is the best way to get found online.
If you want to attract readers, then you need a custom URL that includes your blog or website name with your name at the end of it.
Use A Custom Url For Linkedin, Twitter, And Facebook Profiles
Update regularly (at least once a week) with useful information for journalists and editors looking for help with their writing projects.
You must keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date. Make sure to update it at least once a week, and include links to your best pieces of writing on other social networks. This will help people find out what you can do for them by writing “I help people with” in the headline part of your LinkedIn profile.
If you already work as a journalist or editor for some kind of publication, don’t be afraid to mention it in a relevant way (e.g., “Journalist at The Atlantic”).
If not, consider adding information about how many years of experience you have working in journalism or editing/copywriting roles this will indicate how qualified you are for certain types of freelance jobs beyond just blogging.
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In conclusion, LinkedIn is a great place to find potential clients and pitch ideas. It’s also a great way to build your brand as a writer with potential editors and publishers who might not have known about you before.
Further Reading
Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: Learn effective strategies to enhance your LinkedIn profile and maximize your professional opportunities.
Writing Professionals to Follow on LinkedIn: Discover influential writing professionals on LinkedIn and gain valuable insights from their expertise.
LinkedIn for Freelance Writers: A guide tailored to freelance writers on how to leverage LinkedIn for networking and career growth.
How can I optimize my LinkedIn profile for better visibility?
To optimize your LinkedIn profile, focus on crafting a compelling headline, adding relevant keywords, showcasing your accomplishments, and engaging with your network regularly.
How can LinkedIn help me as a writing professional?
LinkedIn can be a valuable platform for writing professionals to connect with potential clients, share their work, join writing groups, and stay updated with industry trends.
How do I find and connect with influential writing professionals on LinkedIn?
Use LinkedIn’s search and networking features to find influential writing professionals, follow their profiles, engage with their content, and join relevant writing communities.
Can LinkedIn be useful for freelance writers looking for new opportunities?
Absolutely! LinkedIn can be an excellent platform for freelance writers to network with potential clients, showcase their portfolio, and establish themselves as industry experts.
How can I make my LinkedIn profile stand out to potential employers?
To make your LinkedIn profile stand out, focus on creating a professional and engaging summary, highlight your unique skills and experiences, and include recommendations from colleagues and clients.

Costantine Edward is a digital marketing expert, freelance writer, and entrepreneur who helps people attain financial freedom. I’ve been working in marketing since I was 18 years old and have managed to build a successful career doing what I love.