What It’s Like To Be A Freelance WordPress Designer

Working in a creative field involves many responsibilities, but most importantly is the fact that it’s not what you know, but who you know. 

The benefits of choosing to freelance means that you can work with whoever and whatever you like, but at the same time, means you have to self-promote and sell your work to anyone and everyone who can benefit from it.

This article will give you a brief insight into what it’s like to be a freelance WordPress designer.

How To Become A WordPress Web Designer
Freelance WordPress developers need a combination of technical and business skills to succeed.
Building a strong network and reputation is crucial for finding new clients and maintaining existing ones.
Effective time management is key to balancing multiple projects and meeting deadlines.
Staying up-to-date with the latest WordPress trends and best practices is essential for staying competitive in the industry.
Pricing and project scoping require careful consideration and communication with clients.

What Does A Freelance WordPress Designer Do?

When people ask me what I do for a living, I say I’m a freelance WordPress designer. Sometimes they’re satisfied with that answer, but other times they want to know more about what that means, and whether my career path is something they could follow too.

Before we dive in, it’s important to get something out of the way: there are many different kinds of freelancers, and many different ways to freelance. Some people work on their own full time and others work part-time or on their own only occasionally. Some freelancers do only one kind of work (like copywriting) while others offer multiple skills (like writing and editing).

My experience as a freelance WordPress designer has been an interesting journey, filled with as many ups as downs. In this post, I’ll cover the basics of what it means to be a freelance WordPress designer; then we’ll take an in-depth look at how my days typically go now that I’ve been in the field for about two years.

Improving your web design freelancing career requires a combination of creativity, hard work, and practical knowledge. Our guide on expert tips to improve your web design freelancing career covers everything from networking to setting realistic goals.

How Did You Become A Freelance WordPress Designer?

Out of all the WordPress designers out there, it’s incredibly rare to find one who learned how to code from his dad. I grew up in a very DIY family. We would build things ourselves instead of buying them, and my dad would often say “I bet you can do that” as he pointed to a new project around the house. That kind of attitude was instilled in me at a young age and has led me down some interesting paths along the way.

When I was 13 years old, I taught myself HTML, CSS, and PHP so I could build websites for family friends who had small businesses. For example, one friend ran a local flower shop and another had a little hair salon downtown. Their budgets were tight, so they couldn’t afford expensive commercials or print ads but they did have $100 per month for hosting and maintenance on the websites that I built for them. Those were some of my earliest clients!

In college, I majored in computer science but quickly realized that wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life (sorry Dad). So when it came time for me to choose electives based on my interests outside of CS courses, it only made sense that I take Web Design 101 (which also just happened to be required for anyone pursuing a CS degree). 

That class changed everything it was the first time I ever got paid to design something onscreen rather than receiving verbal feedback or seeing it physically built in front of me (like an addition on the back of our house). The coursework was challenging but fun; there were no right or wrong answers when designing something trendy yet functional and people actually appreciated what you did!

After graduating from college with a degree in Computer Science and minors in Business Administration and Web Design, I landed an agency job as an entry-level web designer/developer here in Philadelphia. My plan was to stay there until someone else hired me away at double the salary but after

What Knowledge And Skills Do You Need To Be A Freelance WordPress Designer?

If you want to be a freelance WordPress designer, the first thing you should do is think about exactly what that means. What knowledge and skills do you need to be a freelance WordPress designer?

To start with, you’ll need a basic understanding of how to use WordPress. That includes installing it on a server and setting up a site with different themes and plugins. You’ll also need some experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (depending on the type of sites you build). 

But if your goal is to learn enough about design so that one day someone might consider paying for your service, then I recommend learning HTML5/CSS3 from scratch. It’s easy enough that even beginners can pick it up quickly. Plus, most web hosting companies offer free templates that are good enough for someone starting out in the field.

To take your website design career further than just building WordPress websites, it’s important to learn how to set up your own business as well as how to make money online through ads or sponsorships on social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram (learn more about making money from designing websites here).

This way when potential clients ask for help designing their website(s), they know where else they can look besides hiring an agency that may charge thousands just because they’re “experts” at doing so!

As a freelance web designer, it’s important to know your worth and set fair prices for your services. Our ultimate guide to freelance web designer salaries offers insights on how to determine your rates, negotiate with clients, and stay competitive in the industry.

How Do You Get Clients As A Freelance WordPress Designer?

There’s no magical formula for landing clients as a freelance designer, just like there’s no surefire way to achieve success. It’s never a good idea to cut corners or undercut your services. Although you may see some short-term rewards for doing so, it almost always comes back to bite you in the butt later on.

Freelance designers must also remember not to overprice themselves or spread their services too wide. Keeping up with all of the latest trends and staying current with all they can do is a vital step towards standing out from the crowd, but it’s important not to flock toward every new “it” thing. 

If your portfolio is cluttered with diverse pieces that don’t fit together well, you may experience difficulty in landing clients who are looking for specific skillsets. This could leave you working for less than what your time is worth or doing work that doesn’t align with your goals and passions as a professional designer.

It can also be easy to burn yourself out by saying yes to every opportunity that presents itself. Keep in mind that if you overload yourself, you’re more likely to mismanage your time and provide unsatisfactory service both of which will damage your reputation as a reliable freelancer and make clients reluctant to hire you again in the future (or refer others).

What Are Your Favorite Tools And Resources For Freelancers In Your Field?

When it comes to great resources for freelancers, really anything that makes you more efficient at your job is gold. That could be an app or a tool, or something else entirely:

Design Blogs and Social Networks: There are dozens of sites out there that cover web design news. Almost all of them have their own social networks as well, so it’s easy to get involved in the developer community through these resources. They’re great for learning new techniques and keeping up with the latest trends.

Design Tools: This one’s pretty obvious, but I want to stress how important they are to my workflow. The tools you use should help you be as productive as possible not just make things look pretty. If a tool is getting in your way, try something else until you find the one that’s right for you!

Productivity Tools: Anything that lets me accomplish more tasks in less time is useful to me. In addition to apps and websites like Todoist and Evernote, I also use tools like Slack and Google Hangouts (and old-fashioned email) when collaborating with other coders on projects; so I can keep everything organized without wasting time looking for information over chat or video calls when there are actual problems that need solving!

Other Resources: You can learn from anyone if they have something interesting (or useful) to say about what they do whether it’s about work-life balance or coding languages.”

Hiring a freelance web designer can bring a fresh perspective and specialized expertise to your project. Our article on why hiring a freelance web designer may help you highlights the benefits of working with a freelancer, including cost savings, faster turnaround times, and personalized attention.

What’s The Most Challenging Thing About Being A Freelance WordPress Designer?

It’s probably dealing with clients. Some of them are really cool, but some can be difficult in various ways. As a freelancer, you need to be able to manage your time efficiently and also know when to say no.

Finding work is another challenge: you have to have a constant stream of it if you’re going to make a living. And then, once you find work, you have to figure out how to do it well enough that people will want to find more work for you and tell their friends about you!

Finally, keeping up-to-date with the latest trends in web design is important if you want to stay relevant and keep doing what you love but it takes quite a bit of effort just to keep up with it all.

What’s The Most Rewarding Thing About Being A Freelance WordPress Designer?

The most rewarding thing about being a freelance WordPress designer is that you’re your own boss and you set your own hours. You can work when and how much you want, as long as you get the job done on time. 

You can take jobs from all over the world with clients in different time zones and design websites for people who might never meet but are still working towards a common goal.

Do You Have Any Advice For People Who Want To Be Freelance Designers?

The best part about being a freelance WordPress designer is that you have the freedom to work with clients who are a good fit for you. You don’t have to work with people who have unreasonable demands, and you can charge whatever you think your services are worth.

The downside of working as a freelancer is that you have to find your own clients. This means marketing yourself and building a network of professional contacts who can send new business your way.

I’d advise people who want to be freelance designers to develop a portfolio of their best work and create several “canned” proposals that focus on the needs of a few select types of clients (restaurants, retail stores, etc.).

You also need to be organized and disciplined if you want to succeed as a freelancer. Get good at customer service and time management, and use your expertise to build websites for friends and family. Word of mouth is the best way to get new work as a freelancer.

Finally, make sure you have a professional-looking website it will be one of the first things clients look at when hiring you.

Starting a web design freelance business requires careful planning and consideration. Our list of top 17 things to consider when starting a web design freelance business covers everything from legal and financial aspects to branding and marketing strategies.

Tips To Motivate You To Stay Focused 

Make sure your skills are up-to-date. In order to thrive in this field, it’s crucial that you’re constantly honing your abilities while also staying abreast of the latest industry trends and developments. You must be prepared with high-quality materials at all times; otherwise, clients won’t be interested in hiring you again! And don’t forget about the importance of keeping connections within your community alive too we all need support systems or mentors!

Don’t underestimate how important taking time off is! As an entrepreneur myself, sometimes I forget about this rule until someone tells me (usually at 1 AM on a Monday night). We often get caught up in our schedules because we want everything done yesterday but remember: You Are Human Being And You Need To Rest Sometimes take care of yourself first!

Find what works best for YOU! Everyone has their own way of doing things whether it’s how they manage their calendar or how they organize their desk at home everyone has different strategies going into their day-to-day routine so figure out what works best for you. 

Getting the most out of your freelance web design work requires organization, communication, and self-care. Our guide on how to get the most out of your freelance web design work provides tips on setting boundaries, managing your time, and finding a balance between work and personal life.

Final Thought

If you’re interested in pursuing WordPress design as a freelance career, then I recommend creating a web portfolio of your own. 

The portfolio should include links to projects that you’ve finished, and it should demonstrate your ability to create a WordPress theme from scratch and utilize free design tools to produce quality designs for free. 

It’s also important to have a few designer recommendations from previous clients and don’t be afraid to link to any popular projects that you worked on either. But most importantly, start working on your portfolio today, and think of it as the first step toward landing work as a freelance WordPress designer.

Further Reading

10 Tips to Becoming a Successful Freelance WordPress Developer – This article provides practical advice for freelancers looking to succeed in the WordPress development industry.

Do You Even Know You Want to Become a Freelance WordPress Developer? – This post offers insights on the key skills and mindset needed to become a successful freelance WordPress developer.

How to Start a WordPress Freelancing Business – This guide provides step-by-step instructions on starting and growing a successful WordPress freelancing business.


What skills do I need to become a freelance WordPress developer?

To become a successful freelance WordPress developer, you should have strong skills in web development, including proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You should also have experience in WordPress development, including theme and plugin development.

How can I find clients as a freelance WordPress developer?

There are several ways to find clients as a freelance WordPress developer, including networking, using freelance job platforms, and creating a portfolio website to showcase your work.

How much can I charge as a freelance WordPress developer?

The amount you can charge as a freelance WordPress developer depends on your experience, skills, and the complexity of the project. However, it’s important to research industry rates and stay competitive in order to attract clients.

How do I manage my time as a freelance WordPress developer?

Effective time management is key to success as a freelance WordPress developer. This includes setting realistic project timelines, prioritizing tasks, and using productivity tools such as time tracking software.

How can I stay up-to-date with the latest WordPress development trends?

To stay up-to-date with the latest WordPress development trends, you can attend conferences and meetups, read industry blogs and forums, and participate in online communities such as the WordPress subreddit.

What Is It Like To Be A Freelance Web Designer?

Being a freelance web designer involves many different things. Mainly, as a freelance web designer, you will be responsible for creating and designing websites for a variety of clients. You might use platforms such as WordPress to complete these tasks. As your own boss, you will also be responsible for marketing your services and finding clients who need your help.

Why Are You A Freelancer? Why Don’t You Have A Full-Time Job Somewhere?

Because I don’t like working in an office full-time. I like to work on my own terms and on my own schedule. Sometimes I work all night, sometimes I take the day off. A lot of people wouldn’t be able to handle this kind of lifestyle, but it suits me just fine. It can be hard to find clients, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty fun!

How Much Do You Charge?

That will depend on a number of factors: how much customization is necessary, how many pages you need, and whether or not you need to add eCommerce features. 

How Do You Find Clients?

Word of mouth is the best way to get new work as a freelancer. I developed a portfolio of my best work and created several “canned” proposals that focus on the needs of a few select types of clients (restaurants, retail stores, etc.). Then, I asked friends and family if they knew anyone who needed help with their websites. That’s how I got started (and how I still get most of my new business).

What Advice Do You Have For People Who Want To Be Freelance Designers?

Be organized and disciplined. Get good at customer service and time management. Use your expertise to build websites for friends and family so you can start building your portfolio right away. Make sure you have a professional-looking website It will be one of the first things clients look at when hiring.

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