What Is The Purpose Of A Upwork Cover Letter?

Welcome to our article on the 15 purposes of an Upwork cover letter. You may be wondering why we are addressing this topic, so let’s get right into it!

Upwork is one of the most popular freelancing websites in the world. It allows businesses to hire freelancers for any kind of job they need help with, whether it’s web design or SEO. When you apply as a freelancer on Upwork, you have to submit a cover letter via email or through their website portal. 

The purpose of this document is twofold: it allows you to stand out from other applicants and it gives employers an idea about what type of work you do and how experienced you are in your field. Let’s take a look at some examples:

Cover Letter For Upwork (Must TRY!) – YouTube
Introduce yourself and highlight skills
Customize each cover letter for the job
Provide specific examples of past work
Keep the cover letter concise and focused
Show genuine interest in the job

You Need To Stand Out

Your cover letter is your first chance to make a good impression. It gives you a chance to show your personality, show off your work ethic, demonstrate that you did the research, and understand the company.

You need to stand out in this crowd of freelancers who all want the same job as you do. And sometimes standing out means being willing to risk looking silly or goofy on paper but in doing so, showing just how much passion and enthusiasm you have for what you do.

Upwork is a popular platform for freelancers, and understanding how it works is essential for success. If you’re new to Upwork, check out our comprehensive guide on How Upwork Works for Freelancers to navigate the platform like a pro.

You Have To Show Your Personality

Your cover letter is the first thing your potential client will see, so it’s important to make a great first impression. The best way to do this is by being yourself and allowing them to see who you are as a person. Don’t be afraid of showing your personality!

A conversational tone is always a good idea when writing an Upwork cover letter, but especially in this case. 

Since most applicants are applying for freelance jobs online and don’t know what the employer looks like or even what she sounds like, general curiosity will help you stand out from the crowd and give your potential employer some insight into what kind of worker you’ll be and how much fun it might be working with someone like that!

Showing Your Personality Means Showing Your Work Ethic

Showing your personality means showing your work ethic. You need to show that you are a hard worker and capable of getting things done on time. This is the most important part of your cover letter, as it highlights some of the most relevant information about you as an applicant.

For example: “I work quickly and efficiently when given a task or project with set deadlines,” or “When working in teams, I was always able to contribute my own ideas while also working well within constraints set by others.” These statements show that you’re not afraid of hard work and can handle being under pressure.

Upwork offers great opportunities for freelancers, but it also has its pros and cons. Discover the top 21 best and worst things about Upwork in our insightful article on Top 21 Best and Worst Things About Upwork to make informed decisions for your freelancing career.

You Need To Show That You Did Research About The Job

When writing your cover letter, it’s important to know what kind of company or organization you’re applying to. Take a look at their website and determine what their needs are. 

For example: if they’re a fashion company, then maybe they need someone with experience in that field who can write about trends and styles for them (e.g., “As an expert in women’s fashion, I have helped many magazines create articles about trends.”). 

If they’re more focused on IT support services, then perhaps there would be more value in focusing on your ability to troubleshoot technical problems or whatever else is pertinent information for this business!

If you’ve done some work-related research prior to applying for a position online via Upwork, then this will help boost both credibility and confidence when discussing qualifications during interviews later on down the line after being hired successfully because we want our clients happy too and nobody wants unhappy clients!

You Also Need To Show That You Understand The Company

You also need to show that you understand the company. You do this by showing that you’ve done your research, have thought about how your skills and experience can fit into their business, and know what makes them tick.

This means not only knowing the name of their CEO but also understanding what they are trying to accomplish and why. It’s not enough to say “I think I’d be a good fit because I’m really good at X”; instead, show them how X is important for their business and then back up those claims with examples of things you’ve done that would demonstrate this skill in action.

You should also find out as much as possible about their culture so that you can speak directly to it but don’t go overboard here! If someone asks about something specific about a company’s culture (e.g., “What do people wear?”) then sure: answer it honestly (and politely). 

But if someone asks a question like “Why should we hire you?” or “Where would we see value from hiring someone with limited experience?” then stick with generalities like:

Working Hard

Being respectful/professional/etc. It has to be about the client, not you.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that your cover letter is not about you. It’s about the customer and how they’ll benefit from working with you, so keep this in mind as you write and edit it.

Use “you” instead of “I.” This may seem obvious, but all too often people use sentences like this one: “My experience will allow me to be a valuable asset for [Company Name].” Instead of saying “my,” try saying something like this: “You will find my skills especially useful for your company.” It sounds much more personal when you say it that way!

Using stories is another great way to illustrate your points and also show off how skilled at storytelling you are! Stories help readers understand concepts better because they’re easier to relate to than just bland facts on a page.

Worried about potential risks on Upwork? Learn why you shouldn’t fear Upwork’s permanent ban and how to avoid it in our article on Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Upwork’s Permanent Ban to protect your freelancer reputation.

Also, Don’t Just Tell Them What They Already Know From Reading Your Resume

You can also use your cover letter to reinforce the skills you listed in your profile, such as explaining how you used them in a past job. But don’t just copy and paste your resume into the cover letter. Cover letters aren’t meant to be summaries of what’s already been on offer; they’re supposed to be fresh and original.

Also, don’t just tell them what they already know from reading your resume. Don’t say “I have ten years of experience managing teams” if all that experience comes from other jobs. 

Instead, explain how those specific experiences will benefit this particular company or project by giving concrete examples of how those skills helped you succeed at previous jobs or projects (pro tip: use action verbs whenever possible).

Show That You’ve Already Succeeded In Similar Situations

One of the biggest reasons applicants are rejected is because they don’t show that they have directly succeeded in similar projects, a situation that Upwork is familiar with. A cover letter can be a great way to do this by:

Giving specific examples of how you’ve already succeeded in similar situations (e.g., “I’ve designed an app for a software company before, and it was launched successfully.”)

Avoiding general statements about being a hard worker or showing initiative on previous projects

It’s important for Upwork applicants to keep in mind why they’re submitting these forms, which is that the applicant wants an interview. Upwork cover letters are often viewed as an opportunity to show your personality and explain why you’d be a good fit for the job. 

It’s also important to note that these are not supposed to just reiterate what’s already been on offer, they’re supposed to be fresh and original. Also, don’t just tell them what they already know from reading your resume

Show How You Can Help Them Reach Their Goals

If you want to get hired, then you have to show how your skills and experience can help them reach their goals.

Let’s say that a company is looking for a web developer. If they hire someone with no knowledge of HTML or CSS, then the project will be delayed and money will be wasted. So what if an applicant has 10 years of experience as a web designer? 

They’re much less likely than other applicants to be hired because their resume doesn’t prove their ability to complete the job in question. 

A cover letter would offer evidence that this candidate could do the work required by listing relevant projects (and explaining how each one was accomplished) and providing references from past employers who can vouch for their abilities as well as recommendations from people outside of work who know them personally (like family members).

Show That You Understand How It Will Benefit Them If They Hire You 

There are three main ways to do this:

Show that you have a particular skill set that is unique so that no one else can do what you can do. For example, maybe your project management skills are second to none and you need someone who knows how to manage large projects efficiently.

Demonstrate how hiring someone else would be more expensive for them than hiring you that is, it would take longer for them to get their work done because there’s too much competition in the market, or it would cost more because there aren’t enough qualified workers available locally (and shipping costs add up).

Convince them that working with someone else would be less efficient than working with yourself or at least equally as efficient but at half their hourly rate!

Building a strong client base on Upwork is crucial for freelancers. Discover effective strategies on how to get more clients on Upwork without lying, cheating, or stealing to maintain a positive and honest freelance career.

Don’t Try Too Hard To Write Formal English

A cover letter should sound like you, not any other person. The goal is to get the hiring manager’s attention and make your personality shine through. So don’t try too hard to write formal English; instead, use your own voice and write naturally.

That said, there are some things you should never do in a cover letter:

Don’t be afraid to be funny if that’s your style! Take risks you can always experiment with different styles on a test run before sending it out.

Don’t use slang or profanity it won’t help us understand who you are as a professional or make us feel like we want to continue reading.

Don’t use clichés (like “I am a fast learner”). They’re boring at best and annoying at worst! Instead of stating something obvious about yourself, give examples of why it’s true (e.g., “I learned how to code JavaScript in one month”) so that we know what exactly makes this statement true for YOU specifically! 

And remember: always proofread! It might seem simple but small mistakes add up quickly when there are many typos throughout an entire document.”

End With A Call To Action

Now, before you send your cover letter off into the world and into the hands of potential employers, make sure you include a call to action.

  • Ask for the job! Clearly state how much you want this position and why.
  • Request an interview! Ask that they contact you for further information or schedule an interview with them as soon as possible.
  • If possible, try to get them to contact you directly by including your contact information at the end of your letter (either in the body or on a separate page).

A cover letter is a chance for you to connect with a client and give them a reason to work with you instead of someone else.

You want to show the client that you understand their needs, that you can help them reach their goals, and that it will benefit them if they hire you instead of one of the many other people they could choose from.

The best way to do this is by showing off your knowledge about their industry or business in general and by being specific about how your skills will help them achieve their goals. 

This way, even if there are other freelancers who have more experience than you (which there probably are), at least your cover letter shows that you know what it takes for someone in your field to succeed!

So what does an excellent cover letter look like? Let’s take a look at some examples from top-rated Upwork freelancers:

If you’re a freelancer on Upwork, understanding the suspension process is essential. Our article on How to Know if Your Upwork Account is Suspended provides valuable insights and steps to address and resolve any account suspension issues.


That’s all we have for you today. As always, if you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below!

For more information about how to write your Upwork cover letter, check out our guide on how to write a winning Upwork cover letter.

If you want some help with how to make that perfect resume for your new job search or career change on Upwork, check out our guide on how to make an awesome resume infographic infographic infographic infographic infographic infographic infographic.

Further Reading

Morgan Overholt: Upwork Cover Letter: A freelancer’s guide to crafting a compelling cover letter on Upwork, with tips to stand out and win clients.

Website Builder Insider: What is the Cover Letter in Upwork?: An in-depth explanation of Upwork’s cover letter feature and its significance in the freelancing world.

Ebiz Facts: Upwork Cover Letter: Learn how to write a persuasive Upwork cover letter that showcases your skills and attracts potential clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Need A Cover Letter?

Because it’s the first thing a hiring manager sees when they look at your profile. If you’re not immediately grabbing their attention, they’ll go on to the next applicant.

How Do I Write A Cover Letter?

Your best bet is to keep it short and sweet: no more than one page. Be sure to include only relevant details about yourself and what makes you stand out from other applicants, such as past experience with the job in question or any relevant skills or credentials (for example, if you have certification in Adobe Photoshop). 

Also, make sure that whatever else you write is easy to read and clear no one likes trying to decipher rambling sentences or run-on paragraphs!

What Should I Include In My Cover Letter?

While there aren’t any hard-and-fast rules for this section of your application packet (there are plenty of resources online where job hunters can find sample resumes), there are common denominators among many successful samples we’ve seen over time that may serve as good general guidelines:

Your name/contact information should go before anything else; fill this out first so that readers know who they’re reading from before even getting started!

What Should I Write In My Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a chance to show the client that you’re the best person for the job by demonstrating your knowledge of the project, your experience in similar situations, and your understanding of what the client’s goals are. You might also want to include any certifications or licenses that would help qualify you as a good fit for this role.

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